



From 10/15/2010 to 11/13/2010


02:26 PM Bug #5238: Use UTF-8 for file reading and writing
I'll put in a vote for including an explicit encoding declaration in the EML docs that Morpho creates:
<?xml version...
Jim Regetz
01:30 PM Bug #5238: Use UTF-8 for file reading and writing
created a tag of the 1.8.1 code before committing the update to use UTF-8 across the board.
ben leinfelder
01:28 PM Bug #5238 (Resolved): Use UTF-8 for file reading and writing
Rather than rely on the "default" character encoding used on individual platforms, Morpho should explicitly read and ... ben leinfelder
12:58 PM Bug #2428: Morpho incorrectly tries to update instead of insert when saving a dp to a second metacat
The robust docid conflict resolution seems to be preventing this error now. I had a document on rev 6 locally that wa... ben leinfelder
12:46 PM Bug #606: MetaViewer Path Display/Navigation Needs to be Finished
This section of Morpho has been simplified. You can view column metadata by clicking a particular data column, go bac... ben leinfelder
12:30 PM Bug #1791: need ability to add data types other than dataTable (spatial)
TFRI has expressed interest in developing spatialRaster and spatialVector wizard screens. ben leinfelder
12:26 PM Bug #3978: when adding people from another dataset, check to see that ids are unique
Finally fixed this, though it was motivated not by reading the bug report, but by Jim's work with the jellyfish group! ben leinfelder
12:22 PM Bug #334: complete/basic option for package wizard
Red fields are required ("basic") and black fields are optional ("complete"). ben leinfelder
12:18 PM Bug #201: add https support to client framework
we have been using https for KNB communication since Morpho 1.7.0 ben leinfelder
12:14 PM Bug #1532: Add support for "cloning" packages to support content re-use
In it's current incarnation, Morpho supports many features referenced in the note below. Here are the highlights:
ben leinfelder
12:02 PM Bug #1386: Error when local and network save done for a docid that already exsisting
There have been substantial enhancements to docid conflict resolution since this bug was entered. The methods for get... ben leinfelder
11:53 AM Bug #3549: measurementType dateTime is not displayed for a time column
i've increased the height of the attribute wizard screen ben leinfelder
11:49 AM Bug #1518: Data Table Import Wizard
"Dimensionless" is a good catch-all for units like this. ben leinfelder
11:47 AM Bug #3596: morpho couldn't display some ldap user names correctly.
this does not appear to be a bug anymore (both in 1.8.0 and in 1.8.1 RC). certainly with our plans to use UTF-8 acros... ben leinfelder
11:27 AM Bug #3323: Morpho has problem to handle special characters.
we are moving to UTF-8 encoding for the files. While this will help us render special characters, it won't solve the ... ben leinfelder


03:42 PM Bug #1716: Feature requests for access screen in DPW
Jim's previous comments were fixed, except:
-you will get a text field if you search for a user when editing an exist...
ben leinfelder
03:38 PM Bug #1716: Feature requests for access screen in DPW
from Jim Regetz:
Two things (or three, depending on how you count):
1a. The search isn't cleared after you close...
ben leinfelder
01:48 PM Bug #1716: Feature requests for access screen in DPW
closing this wit hone note: empty groups and/or organizations will not be shown in the tree now. ben leinfelder
12:09 PM Bug #1716: Feature requests for access screen in DPW
now invoking the search when you hit <enter> in the search field. ben leinfelder
11:54 AM Bug #1716: Feature requests for access screen in DPW
added pruning of empty branches and also expanding the search results when complete ben leinfelder


04:40 PM Bug #1716: Feature requests for access screen in DPW
Search box added. Here's the current approach:
-looks at the value in the name field as given by the tree node's toSt...
ben leinfelder
11:40 AM Bug #1716: Feature requests for access screen in DPW
actually just using the lastModified timestamp on the access file would be better ben leinfelder
11:35 AM Bug #1716: Feature requests for access screen in DPW
1. could probably write this information into the config.xml file when we successfully refresh the access list
2. si...
ben leinfelder
01:33 PM Bug #2502: Should be able to enter missingValueCode elements to dp
putting in rough time spent ben leinfelder
11:23 AM Bug #2502: Should be able to enter missingValueCode elements to dp
now using a list to add/edit multiple missing value codes for an attribute. ben leinfelder
10:06 AM Bug #1832: need "save as" functionality in morpho
This can be achieved using the "Save Duplicate" menu option. There is an odd warning that pops up when you do this - ... ben leinfelder


12:08 PM Bug #2502: Should be able to enter missingValueCode elements to dp
Made a single missing value code/explanation field visible and editable. This should be expanded to allow multiple co... ben leinfelder
10:28 AM Bug #5209: Editing dateTime column with bounds launches Tree Editor
We were not removing the min/max values from the map when setting the values for the wizard editing screen so it woul... ben leinfelder


11:00 AM Bug #3473: allow user to attach, replace, or delete data table on existing entity description
Added a checkbox to specify that a new ID should be generated for the replaced data.
If left unchecked, the data id o...
ben leinfelder


06:13 PM Bug #5209 (Resolved): Editing dateTime column with bounds launches Tree Editor
For columns defined as dateTime, the Tree Editor is launched when there are min/max bounds specified in the metadata.... ben leinfelder
05:17 PM Bug #3473: allow user to attach, replace, or delete data table on existing entity description
At TFRI they brought up a very good point:
Say I duplicate a DP as a means of creating a metadata template - then I r...
ben leinfelder

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