



From 01/14/2010 to 02/12/2010


05:14 PM Bug #4788: Popup lightweight ontology browser
-CLICK on the field and the popup is shown
-TAB will save current selection from the popup
-ESC exits without sa...
ben leinfelder
03:46 PM Bug #4788: Popup lightweight ontology browser
This is working with some more room for refinement:
-TAB and/or ENTER key should trigger the selection and close the ...
ben leinfelder
03:54 PM Bug #4794 (Resolved): "Mad lib" as a "Column View" tab
Include another tab where the Annotation Table resides. The "Column View" tab would show the madlib phrase for the cu... ben leinfelder
03:51 PM Bug #4774: Make spyglass icon more button-like
no more spyglass icon - replaced with a text field (for initiating searches) ben leinfelder
03:50 PM Bug #4780: "Mad lib" annotation screen
Reuse this madib UI in a tab where the Annotation Table is located.
When this "Column View" tab is selected:
ben leinfelder


01:06 PM Bug #4779: Ontology Browser - use hybrid tree/table UI
this now works - updated the JTreeTable code from the java tutorial
ben leinfelder
10:39 AM Bug #4788 (Resolved): Popup lightweight ontology browser
Instead of the modal dialog, the browser should just be a super-duper-combobox ben leinfelder


06:07 PM Bug #4777: Ontology Browser - show only search matches in the tree
doing this in the "realtime ajaxy" style might be very resource intensive - especially as the number and size of the ... ben leinfelder
05:53 PM Bug #4777: Ontology Browser - show only search matches in the tree
I have the tree filtering for the searches now.
When no search term is entered, the tree resets itself (might want a ...
ben leinfelder
09:57 AM Bug #4780: "Mad lib" annotation screen
added mad lib phrasing to the "Add Context..." menu:
"The Observation was made where the <Entity> was <Relationship>...
ben leinfelder


04:18 PM Bug #4780: "Mad lib" annotation screen
There's now a version of the mad lib form when you use the "Annotate current column..." option. ben leinfelder
02:40 PM Bug #4780: "Mad lib" annotation screen
bowers: Here is the whole madlib (i think):
The <characteristic> of the <entity*> was recorded using the <standard>...
ben leinfelder
01:55 PM Bug #4768: UI for managing annotation ontologies
done for this round of plugin development - will revisit when loading remote (metacat) ontologies as well ben leinfelder
01:54 PM Bug #4770: Load Annotations from Metacat in Annotation plugin
adding dependency on the UI bug so I can close that but still have a link.
My hunch is that we'll want to manage loca...
ben leinfelder
01:52 PM Bug #4776: Do not display ontology URI in any UI components
removed from the comment field and from the ontology browser ben leinfelder
01:51 PM Bug #4775: Ontology Browser - omit the ontology URI from top-level
ontology is not the top level - only the appropriate superclass[es] for the widget are shown.
the Ontology name appea...
ben leinfelder
01:27 PM Bug #4778: Ontology Browser - include more metadata about selected class
now showing two columns:
-class name
-ontology name (not the URI)
when you select a class, the description shows in ...
ben leinfelder
10:52 AM Bug #4779: Ontology Browser - use hybrid tree/table UI
base classes were already in Morpho for the Access control page.
Made some modifications for use with Onology browsin...
ben leinfelder


04:46 PM Bug #4780 (Resolved): "Mad lib" annotation screen
Discussed extensively on IRC, as well as a bit in email that kicked it off (bowers):
I think a "fill in the bla...
ben leinfelder
04:44 PM Bug #4779 (Resolved): Ontology Browser - use hybrid tree/table UI
Could augment the existing tree to include additional columns that will display additional information about the clas... ben leinfelder
04:40 PM Bug #4778 (Resolved): Ontology Browser - include more metadata about selected class
Descriptions and labels and other documentation (?) that can be pulled form the ontology should be accessible when th... ben leinfelder
04:35 PM Bug #4777 (Resolved): Ontology Browser - show only search matches in the tree
Searching for a match highlights and expands the tree to show the matches, but should also filter out non-matches.
ben leinfelder
04:32 PM Bug #4776 (Resolved): Do not display ontology URI in any UI components
We should be using a "friendlier" string to distinguish different ontologies instead of the formal URI.
ben leinfelder
04:28 PM Bug #4775 (Resolved): Ontology Browser - omit the ontology URI from top-level
The ontology browsing tree is confusing because the ontology URI for every active (and implicitly active) ontology is... ben leinfelder
04:25 PM Bug #4774 (Resolved): Make spyglass icon more button-like
The icon for launching the ontology browser should encourage clicks ben leinfelder
04:15 PM Bug #4768: UI for managing annotation ontologies
now loading new ontologies and unloading ontologies that are removed from the configuration ben leinfelder
03:10 PM Bug #4768: UI for managing annotation ontologies
created a very basic editor for the physical/logical mapping that is stored in Morpho's configuration.
It's just text...
ben leinfelder
09:43 AM Bug #4768: UI for managing annotation ontologies
You might see if the ontology manager/editor that Sean Riddle developed for Kepler could be reused in whole or part h... Matt Jones
10:15 AM Bug #4772 (New): Annotation cell selection also selects data table cell
It seems that part of column model sharing between the annotation table and the data table results in the cell select... ben leinfelder


10:58 PM Bug #4738: Discard Annotation changes when datapackage window is closed
this is done now. just need to figure out when and how to warn when discarding the changes ben leinfelder
10:55 PM Bug #4771 (New): Decide permission policy for Annotations and Ontologies in Metacat
My proposal:
-public read on all Ontologies
-same permissions as EML for Annotations that annotate that EML
ben leinfelder
10:48 PM Bug #4770 (New): Load Annotations from Metacat in Annotation plugin
Currently only locally stored annotations are loaded (at startup when the Annotation Plugin is initialized).
For a l...
ben leinfelder
10:41 PM Bug #4769 (New): Save annotations to network
Currently only supporting saving Annotations to local store
This has implications for loading Annotations as well si...
ben leinfelder
10:30 PM Bug #4768: UI for managing annotation ontologies
Soe more background (from an email I sent a while ago):
I went to use the ontology browser in Morpho and realiz...
ben leinfelder
10:29 PM Bug #4768 (Resolved): UI for managing annotation ontologies
There is a section of the config.xml that contains ontology URI (and URL) mappings for ontologies we want to load whe... ben leinfelder


03:41 PM Bug #4737: Provide menu option for removing Observations and Measurements
If a user wants to remove an observation that is context for other observations, I think the system could prompt the ... Shawn Bowers
02:34 PM Bug #4737: Provide menu option for removing Observations and Measurements
Grouped the options, hopefully it's clear what they do and what the implications are.
Decided to require the Context...
ben leinfelder
11:59 AM Bug #4737: Provide menu option for removing Observations and Measurements
When we remove an Observation...
-do we want to remove the Context it might be providing for another Observation?
ben leinfelder
02:42 PM Bug #4724: Mark data package as changed when Annotation is edited
adding a dependency for the annotations being discarded when the window closes. I'm not sure what should rely on what... ben leinfelder
02:37 PM Bug #4738: Discard Annotation changes when datapackage window is closed
Now listening for the window to close.
If the window closes, then we throw away any unsaved changes and use whatever ...
ben leinfelder
10:35 AM Bug #4739: Re-Reorder after editing Annotation
now if you reorder the table once, it will remain "reordered" until you close the window. ben leinfelder
09:14 AM Bug #4718: Include help text on the Annotation wizard page
reopen if there are additional comments to make on the help text. ben leinfelder
09:13 AM Bug #4732: Directly select/edit the Annotation classes from the table
hey, look at that, this is done. ben leinfelder


04:48 PM Bug #4739 (Resolved): Re-Reorder after editing Annotation
Whenever the annotation is edited, the annotation table gets updated and returned to it's original column order.
If ...
ben leinfelder
04:40 PM Bug #4738 (Resolved): Discard Annotation changes when datapackage window is closed
Because the SMS library keeps it's annotations in memory, you can actually close the data package after editing the a... ben leinfelder
04:37 PM Bug #4737 (Resolved): Provide menu option for removing Observations and Measurements
If you add an observation annotation there is no way to remove it - you can only edit it and remove all of the classe... ben leinfelder
03:41 PM Bug #4732: Directly select/edit the Annotation classes from the table
Now if you don't select a class in the ontology browser (actually it's not that easy to do since you have to cntrl+cl... ben leinfelder
03:02 PM Bug #4732: Directly select/edit the Annotation classes from the table
Double click on the cell you want to edit:
-if there's an existing value, the ontology browser opens to that selected...
ben leinfelder
08:21 AM Bug #4732 (Resolved): Directly select/edit the Annotation classes from the table
Instead of going through the motion of selecting a column, bringing up the annotation page, then bringing up the onto... ben leinfelder


05:20 PM Bug #4718: Include help text on the Annotation wizard page
i've added a snippet of Shawn's explanation to the main UI page for annotations, and then put more text on a Help pop... ben leinfelder
09:43 AM Bug #4718: Include help text on the Annotation wizard page
The measurement "iskey" attribute in the annotation syntax is a constraint, much like (primary) key constraints in re... Shawn Bowers
08:21 AM Bug #4718: Include help text on the Annotation wizard page
Added help for the class selection items (Entity, Char, Standard, Protocol).
I'd like some guidance on the Observati...
ben leinfelder
11:56 AM Bug #4717: Grey-out Annotation menu options when not-applicable
Here are the current scenarios:
1. When you first open Morpho (no data package is open)
-Only Search Annotations... i...
ben leinfelder


03:51 PM Bug #4724: Mark data package as changed when Annotation is edited
I've been thinking that the annotation will eventually supplement or supplant the current EML attribute description p... Matt Jones
03:42 PM Bug #4724: Mark data package as changed when Annotation is edited
This is part of a bigger issue - how to balance the user's need to have all the underlying structure hidden with the ... Margaret O'Brien
01:32 PM Bug #4724 (New): Mark data package as changed when Annotation is edited
Currently you can make as many changes as you want to an Annotation without ever changing the EML data package that i... ben leinfelder
12:33 PM Bug #4720: Automatically generate Measurement and Observation labels
disabling the text field for the labels - now observations and measurements will be auto labeled ben leinfelder
11:27 AM Bug #4719: Filter the Ontology Browser by superclass
Now only the subclasses of the Annotation class being collected are shown in the tree.
Note: this involves regenerati...
ben leinfelder


01:52 PM Bug #4720 (Resolved): Automatically generate Measurement and Observation labels
It's more of a burden than a feature to have to type in a custom label for your observation or measurement at this po... ben leinfelder
01:49 PM Bug #4719 (Resolved): Filter the Ontology Browser by superclass
The Ontology Browser is reused for many fields (Entity, Characteristic, Standard, Protocol, Relationship). Rather tha... ben leinfelder
01:46 PM Bug #4718 (Resolved): Include help text on the Annotation wizard page
Each field/checkbox/class selection widget should have a brief explanation about what is expected input (similar to t... ben leinfelder
01:44 PM Bug #4717 (Resolved): Grey-out Annotation menu options when not-applicable
If a column is currently selected that is not part of an Observation, it makes no sense to add or remove a Context fr... ben leinfelder


09:58 AM Bug #4675 (New): EML:DataTable:Annotation cardinality
Currently we have the following relationships:
(1) EML Datapackage
(1...n) DataTables in the Datapackage
(1) Annot...
ben leinfelder

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