



From 03/09/2013 to 04/07/2013


02:30 PM Bug #5376: Create JUnit tests for semantic query capabilities
Original Bugzilla ID was 5376 Redmine Admin
02:30 PM Bug #5374: Use 'semquery' within Morpho
Original Bugzilla ID was 5374 Redmine Admin
02:30 PM Bug #5373: OntologyManager: registration and archiving
Original Bugzilla ID was 5373 Redmine Admin
02:30 PM Bug #5372: Update annotation entries when updated in Metacat
Original Bugzilla ID was 5372 Redmine Admin
02:30 PM Bug #5371: AnnotationManager: query performance
Original Bugzilla ID was 5371 Redmine Admin
02:30 PM Bug #5370: AnnotationManager: persistence layer [re]initialization
Original Bugzilla ID was 5370 Redmine Admin
02:30 PM Bug #5369: AnnotationManager: persistence layer Oracle support
Original Bugzilla ID was 5369 Redmine Admin
02:30 PM Bug #5368: Compound query conditions
Original Bugzilla ID was 5368 Redmine Admin
02:30 PM Bug #5367: Verify "same observation as" query criteria
Original Bugzilla ID was 5367 Redmine Admin
02:30 PM Bug #5366: Integrate semantic query with keyword and spatial query
Original Bugzilla ID was 5366 Redmine Admin
02:30 PM Bug #5365: Context-based semantic query
Original Bugzilla ID was 5365 Redmine Admin
02:29 PM Bug #5135: Loading ontology from local file does not seem functional
Original Bugzilla ID was 5135 Redmine Admin
02:29 PM Bug #5134: Editing multiple data packages changes annotation for both windows
Original Bugzilla ID was 5134 Redmine Admin
02:29 PM Bug #5102: Save Measurement template class
Original Bugzilla ID was 5102 Redmine Admin
02:29 PM Bug #5078: Measurement templates
Original Bugzilla ID was 5078 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #5035: Lost Annotations; discarded Annotation changes
Original Bugzilla ID was 5035 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #5004: oboe: create an oboe-examples ontology for documenting "best practices"
Original Bugzilla ID was 5004 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #5003: oboe: develop a high-level "getting started" guide / documentation
Original Bugzilla ID was 5003 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #5002: oboe-unit: create new oboe-unit for oboe-core
Original Bugzilla ID was 5002 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #5001: oboe-core: ensure new characteristic structure still supports unit conversion
Original Bugzilla ID was 5001 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #5000: oboe-core: comment all classes and properties
Original Bugzilla ID was 5000 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4951: Add "?" help buttons/info on the annotation tabs
Original Bugzilla ID was 4951 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4950: Toggle "edit mode" on Annotation tabs
Original Bugzilla ID was 4950 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4949: Add class label under madlib fields
Original Bugzilla ID was 4949 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4948: Clarify importance of Measurement "template" field
Original Bugzilla ID was 4948 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4947: Search ontology tree only using class name
Original Bugzilla ID was 4947 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4946: Look-ahead search freezes
Original Bugzilla ID was 4946 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4945: Add scrollbars to search UI
Original Bugzilla ID was 4945 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4935: Lazily load semtools plugin
Original Bugzilla ID was 4935 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4922: DB-driven Annotation Manager
Original Bugzilla ID was 4922 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4906: Annotation query implementation (SPARQL)
Original Bugzilla ID was 4906 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4905: iTunes-inspired search UI
Original Bugzilla ID was 4905 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4902: Annotations duplicated during editing
Original Bugzilla ID was 4902 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4891: Rank annotation search results
Original Bugzilla ID was 4891 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4890: findMatchingAnnotations(...) needs Context
Original Bugzilla ID was 4890 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4889: Compound Search UI
Original Bugzilla ID was 4889 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4882: Use OBOE Measurement class to auto-fill other fields
Original Bugzilla ID was 4882 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4878: Ontology Browser - popup closes when clicked anywhere (Win XP)
Original Bugzilla ID was 4878 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4856: Ontology Browser as a non-modal palette
Original Bugzilla ID was 4856 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4855: Reorder the Full Annotation rows to match madlib order
Original Bugzilla ID was 4855 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4854: Integrate Context Annotation tab with Column Annotation tab
Original Bugzilla ID was 4854 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4853: Save as Duplicate... should copy the Annotation too
Original Bugzilla ID was 4853 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4844: Dynamically resize Ontology selection fields
Original Bugzilla ID was 4844 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4836: Column Annotation page overwrites changes made in Full Annotation
Original Bugzilla ID was 4836 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4833: Direct Annotation (table) is adding incomplete mappings
Original Bugzilla ID was 4833 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4825: Add Context is not saving the Relationship
Original Bugzilla ID was 4825 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4824: Ontology Browser - double click does not always select and close the popup
Original Bugzilla ID was 4824 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4823: Save Annotations... menu option improvements
Original Bugzilla ID was 4823 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4822: Include "Annotation Context" tab for editing the contexts
Original Bugzilla ID was 4822 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4821: Changes in madlib view do not immediately show in table view
Original Bugzilla ID was 4821 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4819: "Column Annotation" view duplicates mappings
Original Bugzilla ID was 4819 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4814: Highlight search result matches in ontology browser
Original Bugzilla ID was 4814 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4813: Include class label/description when searching
Original Bugzilla ID was 4813 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4794: "Mad lib" as a "Column View" tab
Original Bugzilla ID was 4794 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4788: Popup lightweight ontology browser
Original Bugzilla ID was 4788 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4780: "Mad lib" annotation screen
Original Bugzilla ID was 4780 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4779: Ontology Browser - use hybrid tree/table UI
Original Bugzilla ID was 4779 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4778: Ontology Browser - include more metadata about selected class
Original Bugzilla ID was 4778 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4777: Ontology Browser - show only search matches in the tree
Original Bugzilla ID was 4777 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4776: Do not display ontology URI in any UI components
Original Bugzilla ID was 4776 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4775: Ontology Browser - omit the ontology URI from top-level
Original Bugzilla ID was 4775 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4774: Make spyglass icon more button-like
Original Bugzilla ID was 4774 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4772: Annotation cell selection also selects data table cell
Original Bugzilla ID was 4772 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4771: Decide permission policy for Annotations and Ontologies in Metacat
Original Bugzilla ID was 4771 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4770: Load Annotations from Metacat in Annotation plugin
Original Bugzilla ID was 4770 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4769: Save annotations to network
Original Bugzilla ID was 4769 Redmine Admin
02:28 PM Bug #4768: UI for managing annotation ontologies
Original Bugzilla ID was 4768 Redmine Admin
02:27 PM Bug #4739: Re-Reorder after editing Annotation
Original Bugzilla ID was 4739 Redmine Admin
02:27 PM Bug #4738: Discard Annotation changes when datapackage window is closed
Original Bugzilla ID was 4738 Redmine Admin
02:27 PM Bug #4737: Provide menu option for removing Observations and Measurements
Original Bugzilla ID was 4737 Redmine Admin
02:27 PM Bug #4732: Directly select/edit the Annotation classes from the table
Original Bugzilla ID was 4732 Redmine Admin
02:27 PM Bug #4724: Mark data package as changed when Annotation is edited
Original Bugzilla ID was 4724 Redmine Admin
02:27 PM Bug #4720: Automatically generate Measurement and Observation labels
Original Bugzilla ID was 4720 Redmine Admin
02:27 PM Bug #4719: Filter the Ontology Browser by superclass
Original Bugzilla ID was 4719 Redmine Admin
02:27 PM Bug #4718: Include help text on the Annotation wizard page
Original Bugzilla ID was 4718 Redmine Admin
02:27 PM Bug #4717: Grey-out Annotation menu options when not-applicable
Original Bugzilla ID was 4717 Redmine Admin
02:27 PM Bug #4675: EML:DataTable:Annotation cardinality
Original Bugzilla ID was 4675 Redmine Admin

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