



From 08/27/2002 to 09/25/2002


11:47 AM Bug #593 (Resolved): Viewing VegBank tables directly
Bob, Mike Jennings, and Michael Lee need to be instructed (and given
permissions) to access the SQL prompt on VegBa...
Michael Lee


08:34 AM Bug #591 (Closed): The html freaks out for Netscape
It may deal with the <div> html tag. I'm finding errors surrounding this. See
Dave Roberts for more info on his si...
Michael Lee
08:11 AM Bug #590: test
This was just a test, it need not clutter up our lives any further! Michael Lee
08:05 AM Bug #590 (Resolved): test
test -- Michael Lee


08:39 AM Bug #559: manage domain at NCEAS
Ok, the vegbank system is now hosted completeley through NCEAS. I'm closing
this bug.
John Harris


11:40 AM Bug #580: change picklist for classfit in commInterpretation
added the attributes below to the comm classfit table. John Harris


08:32 PM Bug #564: Querying by taxon (acer) results in duplicate plot results
Added a distinct function to the query -- it is fixed. John Harris
06:09 PM Bug #580: change picklist for classfit in commInterpretation
This is going to have to wait till november, as there will be no database
changes made before november first. Also,...
John Harris
05:44 PM Bug #580: change picklist for classfit in commInterpretation
vegBranch version beta 3.0.1 now has the closed list corrected. This will
obviously cause problems if users attempt...
Michael Lee
02:16 PM Bug #580 (Resolved): change picklist for classfit in commInterpretation
before release we need both VegBranch and VegBank modified to contain the new
picklist. Would be much more difficu...
Robert Peet
06:06 PM Bug #578: document the vegbank admin. tools
Added the shell scripts and the README file to cvs today.
John Harris
11:40 AM Bug #447: function to allow user to see the plots insert results via browser
This is fixed
John Harris
11:38 AM Bug #447: function to allow user to see the plots insert results via browser
opening b/c the resolved setting is wrong John Harris
11:18 AM Bug #559: manage domain at NCEAS
UCSB now supports the domain as well. John can make the switch at
Verisign any time that he is ready. T...
Matt Jones
10:13 AM Bug #565: Balance HTML and enforce 800 width table webpage format
The larger horizontal screen size was decided against. Leaving this as is.
Changing structure of pages so as to em...
Michael Lee
09:28 AM Bug #575: data loading not currently dependent on a user's privilege level
Now when a user with privilege level <= 1 attempts to contatct the
DataSubmitServlet they are shown a 'Invalid Permi...
John Harris


09:38 PM Bug #578 (Resolved): document the vegbank admin. tools
Currently there is little documentation on how to use the vegbank admin tools --
like changing a user's privileges ...
John Harris
08:53 PM Bug #577 (Closed): Full plot stylesheet
Currently when a user selects a plot to view from the vegbank system, the user
is sent a document that is transform...
John Harris
08:45 PM Bug #576 (Closed): Review recently loaded plants 2002 data
On August 26, the 2002 ( version 3.5 ) usda plants list was loaded ( ~200K
plants) to the VegBank System and mapped...
John Harris
08:24 PM Bug #575 (Resolved): data loading not currently dependent on a user's privilege level
Currently, any vegbank user may load data (including plots, plants and
communities ) to the VegBank system. The a...
John Harris
08:16 PM Bug #447: function to allow user to see the plots insert results via browser
Now after submitting plots(s) to the database the user receives a receipt.
There are two options for receipts: a mi...
John Harris

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