



From 02/29/2004 to 03/29/2004


05:40 PM Bug #1374: Get adding plant and adding community forms working with new model
projected to finish by end of day on Wed, March 24. Michael Lee
05:39 PM Bug #1374 (New): Get adding plant and adding community forms working with new model
info can be found here:
Michael Lee


09:11 AM Bug #1371 (Resolved): need to provide a 1.0.2 xml example that is useful
the current xml is outdated and need to come up with new version for 1.0.2 as a
sample, which is often much more hel...
Michael Lee


04:45 PM Bug #1182: change closed list schema- use only one table
done in v 1.2 Michael Lee


02:36 PM Bug #1219: VegBank 1.0.2 model - implemented
We did it. It works. So there. P. Anderson


06:15 PM Bug #1319: better organize vegbranch documentation & overview
Further organization is not a 102 release task. Moving down in milestone. Michael Lee
11:28 AM Bug #1319: better organize vegbranch documentation & overview
This can use some more organizing, but is up and on the site. Michael Lee
06:14 PM Bug #1320: 102 Update: update sitemap
sitemap missing links fixed, some features' links removed b/c they are not
possible to link to (export plots, for exa...
Michael Lee
03:51 PM Bug #1245: Create workshop pages for 2004 ESA workshop on
This page is up at:
(you are actually redirectly from that page to the "Current" works...
Michael Lee
11:27 AM Bug #1169: Upgrade VegBranch to new 1.0.2 Vegbank data model
done! on Michael Lee
11:27 AM Bug #739: QA for New XML (1.0.2) loading (Lee), then Fix errors in loading process (Farrell/Anderson)
Short run through of example data XML sets have worked perfectly. Should do a
detailed "every field" test, as well.
Michael Lee
11:26 AM Bug #699: Copy Plants (and anything else) directly from VegBank to VegBranch for release 1.0.0
done. 3 different levels of data available in vegbank modules, posted on
Michael Lee


03:22 PM Bug #1356: Add any late users in Framework to VegBank parties
Tom added in. No other users signed up after he did. He will not be in the
vegtest db, but neither will new users w...
Michael Lee
11:41 AM Bug #1118: strutify the certification form and possibly change the way log-in/cookie are done
Think this is closed but let mark decide Gabriel Farrell
11:39 AM Bug #914: Buy new hardware for post 1.0.0 release
Well memory add to vb recently i pass on this bug like a chain letter. Gabriel Farrell
11:37 AM Bug #1313: 102 Update: Summary Plot View Page
Works with 1.0.2 Gabriel Farrell
11:37 AM Bug #1312: 102 Update: Comprehensive Plot View Page
Works with 1.0.2 Gabriel Farrell
11:36 AM Bug #1218: Get really new XML importing (version 1.0.2), allow zipped
This is working with 1.0.2 and allows uploading of zip files.
Retification will build on the existing code base here...
Gabriel Farrell


10:28 PM Bug #1245: Create workshop pages for 2004 ESA workshop on
this page, designed by RKP placed here:
Michael Lee
09:59 PM Bug #1245: Create workshop pages for 2004 ESA workshop on
These emailed to michel. Specific web address needed.
NEW: http://vegbank....
Michael Lee
10:02 PM Bug #1357 (Resolved): remove initial plots which are duplicates/incomplete
the first few plots in vegbank are incomplete: have no observations. there are
also some duplications. Remove the...
Michael Lee
09:57 PM Bug #1356 (Resolved): Add any late users in Framework to VegBank parties
TG is at least one user signing up for an acct after framework dump. Add him
and any others.
Michael Lee
09:55 PM Bug #1355 (Resolved): several small encoding bugs
Several lines of data in the db have encoding irregularities, probably b/c of
mishandling of encoding in PLOTS db or...
Michael Lee
09:52 PM Bug #1354 (Resolved): Data Ready: 2 plants were not added in USDA 2002- add them
Details in QA of plants:
newSNA SN Syn Common UScode parentPlant level conceptStatus
Michael Lee
09:50 PM Bug #704: doubleCheck final DB: QA of plants and communities
Bug complete for version 1.0.2
The final dataset for 102 release is identical to the datasets used in the QA
Michael Lee


06:09 PM Bug #824: Make website deal with user tables in vegbank, not framework
New user system works great now! P. Anderson
06:08 PM Bug #1190: Change User Profile seems to be broken
The whole user system (aka usr system to reflect name of DB table) has been reworked
and actually functions properly...
P. Anderson

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