


Dan Higgins's activity

From 09/26/2004 to 10/25/2004


02:59 PM SEEK Bug #1745 (Resolved): Develop methods for creating/controlling parallel Kepler workflow calculations
The ENM/GARP BEAM group started considering ways to carry out parallel
calculations for different species. A more ge...
Dan Higgins
02:49 PM SEEK Bug #1744 (Resolved): ENM IIL - Convex Hull Actor
There is a desire to be able to clip GARP environment layers based on a Convex
Hull region surrounding an existing s...
Dan Higgins
12:23 PM SEEK Bug #1730: ENM IID - Regridding (Resampling) of layer grid information
Note on terminology:
In grass, there is a raster operation called 'r.resampling'. When the resolution
of a raster cha...
Dan Higgins
10:00 AM SEEK Bug #1730 (Resolved): ENM IID - Regridding (Resampling) of layer grid information
It is assumed that all the input layer data have been converted to a standard
ascii grid format; i.e. equally spaced...
Dan Higgins
11:58 AM SEEK Bug #1743 (Resolved): ENM IIIF - ROC Threshold Generator
Description and Useage uncertain
Dan Higgins
11:55 AM SEEK Bug #1742 (Resolved): ENM IIIE - Best model filter
Use Omission/Comission probablities and repeated GARP calculation of RuleSets to
determine the 'Best' rulesets. "Bes...
Dan Higgins
11:50 AM SEEK Bug #1741 (Resolved): ENM IIID - GARP Error Matrix Generator
Omission/Comission probablities can be calculated by comparing GARP occurence
predictions to known occurence locatio...
Dan Higgins
11:25 AM SEEK Bug #1740 (Resolved): ENM IIIC - Example of ENM workflow iteration over several species
Eventually, we want to be able to iterate the climate change GARP calculation
over many species (e.g. all mammals in...
Dan Higgins
11:19 AM SEEK Bug #1739 (Resolved): ENM IIIB - Revise GARP workflow to show Climate Variation iterations
For each species, we want to calculate the GARP species occurence prediction for
the current climate and then apply ...
Dan Higgins
11:14 AM SEEK Bug #1738 (Resolved): ENM IIIA - Update GARP Workflow
It was decided to make much of the GARP post-processing analysis optional at
this point in time (e.g. the statistica...
Dan Higgins
11:04 AM SEEK Bug #1737 (Resolved): ENM III - ENM/GARP Calculations
This bug/task represents the section of the workflow after the ocurrence data
and environment layers have been prepa...
Dan Higgins
10:52 AM SEEK Bug #1736 (Resolved): ENM IIG - Projection Tool
GARP input uses lat/long data and rasters rather than any particular map
projection. Some input layer data may be pr...
Dan Higgins
10:42 AM SEEK Bug #1735 (In Progress): ENM IIK - Assemble entire GARP layer input workflow
The propcessing operation for all the various layers used for GARP input need to
be assembled into a workflow that c...
Dan Higgins
10:38 AM SEEK Bug #1734 (Resolved): ENM IIJ - Assemble Layer List into GARP *.dxl summary
Layers used for GARP calculation need to be listed/summarized in a *.dxl XML
file. This file needs to be created and...
Dan Higgins
10:34 AM SEEK Bug #1733 (Resolved): ENM IIH - Create Mask Layer for GARP
Determine how to 'Mask' GARP input layers. Create a *.raw layer which is the
mask raster used by the GARP calculatio...
Dan Higgins
10:30 AM SEEK Bug #1732 (Resolved): ENM IIF - Clipping Actor
Need to be able to have a 'Clipping' actor that clips a raster grid to some
region defined by a polygon(?) vector. T...
Dan Higgins
10:20 AM SEEK Bug #1731 (Resolved): ENM IIE - Rescaling of layer grid information
For use in current GARP actors, all input layer grid values need to be scaled to
unsigned byte values (0-255) with s...
Dan Higgins
09:19 AM SEEK Bug #1729 (In Progress): ENM IIC3 - Initial Preparation of Hydro1K data
FOrmat of Hydro1K data needs to be examined to determine just what prepartion
needs to be done.
Responsible Part ...
Dan Higgins
09:16 AM SEEK Bug #1728 (In Progress): ENM IIC2 - Initial Preparation of IPCC Climate Change Data
There are 7 different IPCC climate change data sets. There are all at different
resolutions and stored as changes fr...
Dan Higgins
09:13 AM SEEK Bug #1727 (Resolved): ENM IIC1 - Initial Preparation of IPCC Current Climate Data
IPCC current climate data is in a format with the data averaged by month and all
12 months arranged sequentially in ...
Dan Higgins
09:00 AM SEEK Bug #1726 (Resolved): ENM IIB - Modify EML Datasource actor to return SRB data
EML references to SRB data sources should be retrievable and displayed as part
of the EMLDataSource actor.
Dan Higgins
08:57 AM SEEK Bug #1725 (New): ENM IIA - Prepare metadata for all input layers
Prepare metadata (eml) describing IPCC climate change datasets and add meadata
to metatcat ecogrid and datafiles to ...
Dan Higgins
08:51 AM SEEK Bug #1724 (In Progress): ENM II - Prepare Spatial Layers for GARP layer input
GARP calculation requires a set spatial layers in a custom format. {Each layer
is a custom format binary raster scal...
Dan Higgins


03:25 PM SEEK Bug #1722 (Resolved): ENM IB - Convert DIiGR data source table to GARP input format
Given the DiGIR data source from a species ecogrid search (ENM Task IA), pull
out the longitude, latitude for each o...
Dan Higgins
03:18 PM SEEK Bug #1721 (Resolved): ENM IA - DiGIR data source modifacation - Table by Species
Task A in category I) - Creation of Species occurence data tables
Modify DiGIR datasource code to return a table w...
Dan Higgins
03:12 PM SEEK Bug #1720 (Resolved): Create an example Kepler workflow for ENM/GARP calculations
The SEEK BEAM group needs to create a Environmental Niche Model (ENM) workflow
for predicting species occurence dist...
Dan Higgins


09:02 AM Kepler Bug #1717: EML200 data source throws error on 'Look Inside'
Commenting out the line was a test to see what really determined what happens
when the Look Inside button was clicked...
Dan Higgins


02:26 PM Morpho Bug #1706: missingValueCode (any optionalFields?) element apparently missing from the eml template
problem does not occur with the FIRST attribute subtree, but does occur on all
attribute subtrees after the first. Re...
Dan Higgins
12:00 PM Morpho Bug #1706: missingValueCode (any optionalFields?) element apparently missing from the eml template
Thise is apparently a problem with the merge function. When MeasurementType is
in the current document, the optional ...
Dan Higgins
11:42 AM Morpho Bug #1706 (Resolved): missingValueCode (any optionalFields?) element apparently missing from the eml template
A new, empty missing value code (actually any optional fields after
Measurement...) does not appear in the expanded ...
Dan Higgins
11:38 AM Morpho Bug #1705 (New): Message after "Export" should show dir nam
There is some confusion on what is saved by an Export command. A Dir is created
in the directory chosen with the pa...
Dan Higgins


02:35 PM Morpho Bug #1701 (Resolved): All choices selected by default in tree editor
If one expands the tree editor to show all elements, initially ALL choices show
up being 'selected' (at least on the...
Dan Higgins

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