



From 05/15/2004 to 06/13/2004


04:06 PM Bug #1333: finish back propegation actor
reassigning to higgins since he is working on garp now. Chad Berkley


01:39 PM Bug #1546: dynamic data and actor views using ontologies
We need to clarify the "query language" that will be provided to allow a user to
dynamically view actors and datasets...
Shawn Bowers
04:56 AM Bug #1595 (Resolved): Create Advance Query Builder UI
Create a UI to enabled a user to specifiy a query for an access actor (Query
The QB will take as input:
Rod Spears


11:12 AM Bug #1592 (Resolved): describe Sparrow toolkit interface
Need to work out an interface for the Sparrow toolkit. Sparrow should be
implement the ontological cross products n...
Chad Berkley
11:10 AM Bug #1546: dynamic data and actor views using ontologies
need to create screenshots and a possible prototype UI diagrams for the ontology
browser. need to identify changes t...
Chad Berkley
11:09 AM Bug #1546: dynamic data and actor views using ontologies
Another major issue with this is how to tag atomic actors that have no xml
description. One option is to have some s...
Chad Berkley
10:50 AM Bug #1590 (Resolved): coding guidelines
need to write up a guidelines (standards) document for coding with kepler.
Should be posted on the web site.
Chad Berkley
10:48 AM Bug #1589 (Resolved): actor testing system
we need a unit test system for actors. need to look into whether ptolemy
already has this functionality. could pos...
Chad Berkley
10:39 AM Bug #1588 (Resolved): create nightly build system
need to create a nightly build system along with junit tests to be run every
night . The results of the tests and t...
Chad Berkley
09:46 AM Bug #1587 (In Progress): Define and implement EcoGrid "dataQuery" method
This ecogrid server side data query task. Bug 1586 will implement dataQuery in
kepler side (client side, query local...
Jing Tao


09:04 AM Bug #1584: Load data into relational db
*** Bug 1585 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Jing Tao
08:31 AM Bug #1584 (Resolved): Load data into relational db
This task is part of query data feature.
The new feature means people can get part of data object by specifying a sq...
Jing Tao
09:04 AM Bug #1585: Load data into relational db
This bug is duplicated to bug 1584
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 1584 ***
Jing Tao
08:34 AM Bug #1585 (Resolved): Load data into relational db
This task is part of query data feature.
The new feature means people can get part of data object by specifying a sq...
Jing Tao
08:40 AM Bug #1586 (Resolved): Query engine implementation for data query in kepler
This task is for query data object locally (in Kepler). After loading data
object into db system (See bug 1584), we ...
Jing Tao


03:50 PM Bug #1556: problems with one-button mouse on Macintosh
oops. sorry steve, didn't mean to slight you :) Chad Berkley
03:43 PM Bug #1556: problems with one-button mouse on Macintosh
Actually, Steve Neuendorffer did virtually all the work fixing the bug.
Chad, Dan and I did testing.
Christopher Brooks
03:39 PM Bug #1556: problems with one-button mouse on Macintosh
Dan figured out a fix and Christopher implemented it in the head of the ptolemy
CVS. It should be included with the ...
Chad Berkley
03:48 PM Bug #1579: need sub-sampling actor
Deana put together this document with several use cases and and extensive list
of required functionality for the samp...
Chad Berkley


01:04 PM Bug #1581 (Resolved): "New actor" instantiated from command line application and saving actors in specified libraries
Something between the "New Actor" and the "command line" actor. The New actor
will be instantiated to perform the c...
Efrat Jaeger


09:39 AM Bug #1342: need R actor
STart with running it locally. Start with command line invocation, but it would
be much better to directly call the ...
Matt Jones
09:36 AM Bug #1579 (Resolved): need sub-sampling actor
We need an actor that can perform various sub-sampling functions such as
jackknife and bootstrapping operations. Mo...
Matt Jones
09:30 AM Bug #1334: need installer for kepler
Initial installer created using InstallAnywhereNow. Still have some issues to
work out, mainly in size of distribution.
Matt Jones
09:29 AM Bug #1143: need SAS actor
*** Bug 1545 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Matt Jones
09:28 AM Bug #1143: need SAS actor
A further issue, for SAS and other scripting systems, is how to expose
semantically correct ports for SAS scripts as ...
Matt Jones
09:29 AM Bug #1545: need SAS actor
Same as bug 1143.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 1143 ***
Matt Jones


04:24 PM Bug #1553: Search Scope for dataset panel
Add a new class name SearchScopeController. The code in TabbedLibraryPane class
was moved to there. Eventually, the n...
Jing Tao


03:34 PM Bug #1560: Afer data searching, click actor panel and both actor panel and data panel will be disappeared
Finally, I figured out this is java swing issue rather than the entity issue in
search result set.
In this tabbled p...
Jing Tao


03:19 PM Bug #1560: Afer data searching, click actor panel and both actor panel and data panel will be disappeared
I found the error parttern:
If search result only has the dataset which can be dragged to canvals
successfully(e.g. B...
Jing Tao

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