



From 09/19/2004 to 10/18/2004


02:42 PM Revision 2328 (metacat): Fixed a bug.


12:59 PM Bug #1718 (Resolved): spatial search does not work
Spatial search is not working in metacat. This is probably because of casting
problems, where the nodedata column i...
Matt Jones


03:41 PM Bug #1711 (Resolved): apostrophe in text element causes xslt error
a text element that contains an apostrophe causes metacat to throw an xslt
error. It says that the character 0x19 i...
Chad Berkley


04:49 PM Bug #1703 (Resolved): spatial search does not work
the spatial bounding box search dialog in morpho does not return any results
even when it should.
Also: The lab...
Chad Berkley


01:13 PM Revision 2327 (metacat): Thanks Jing, Fixed those code comments.
12:02 PM Revision 2326 (metacat): Adde a function to the metacat client to set access on an xml document in a
metacat repository. harris


12:27 PM Bug #1698 (Resolved): Secure replication method
Curently, unsecured metacat replication action is easy to break the replication
setup. But it couldn't create a new ...
Jing Tao


04:25 PM Bug #1658: tracking bug for 1.4.0 release
All items complete. Version 1.4.0 of metacat is now complete, tested, and
released. It is tagged in CVS as METACAT_...
Matt Jones
01:50 PM Revision 2324 (metacat): One last clarification to the install instructions regarding the sql scripts.
Matt Jones
01:35 PM Revision 2323 (metacat): Modified build dist and distsrc targets to be sure the ant tokens are
filtered correctly in the documentation, otherwise the CSS styles do not
show up properly.
Matt Jones
01:02 PM Revision 2322 (metacat): Modified the build to be smarter about making sure that the EML schemas
and styles are in place (so manually running 'geteml' should no longer
be needed), and renamed the 'loaddtdschemas' t...
Matt Jones


11:39 PM Revision 2321 (metacat): Fixed some typos in the README, and rearranged a little.
Matt Jones
11:26 PM Revision 2320 (metacat): Moved deletion of stylsheets from clean to fullclean target so that the
styles will be guaranteed to be in place in the released version even after
a clean build.
Matt Jones
11:13 PM Revision 2319 (metacat): Added classpath to javadoc call so that we avoid javadoc errors that
complain about not being able to find the servlet classes. Matt Jones
11:06 PM Revision 2318 (metacat): Added dependency check for eml so that the schemas and dtds are not
checked out of CVS if they already exist in the lib directory. This is
based on checking for the key schema or dtd f...
Matt Jones
10:49 PM Revision 2317 (metacat): Added dependency check to see if the httpclient.jar and utilities.jar are
already present in lib. If they are, building utilities is skipped. This
allows us to ship a distribution with just...
Matt Jones
08:18 PM Bug #162: need harvest/batch load for metacat
Yahoo! James Brunt
03:46 PM Bug #162: need harvest/batch load for metacat

Closing as testing with postgres has been completed and harvester works with
both postgres and oracle.
Saurabh Garg
04:11 PM Bug #1542: SQL Server support broken

Moving the target to version 1.5
Saurabh Garg
03:49 PM Bug #1658: tracking bug for 1.4.0 release
(1) is done for now -- its been reviewed and is reasonable accurate, but not
perfect. Needs another pass.
(2) is don...
Matt Jones
03:42 AM Bug #1658: tracking bug for 1.4.0 release
(3) is now complete -- indexing can be accomplished using the 'buildindex'
action by people in the 'adminsitrators' l...
Matt Jones
03:45 PM Bug #305: create an ofa compliant oracle instance
Moving to 1.5 because I don't want to make such a significant change immediately
before the KNB workshop demos.
Matt Jones
03:38 PM Revision 2316 (metacat): Added sample eml 2.0.1 document for use in the tests.
Matt Jones
03:36 PM Revision 2315 (metacat): Modified buildIndex() to now include an '@' sign in the path for ATTRIBUTE
nodes. Removed a bunch of debugging information. Fixed the BuildIndexTest
so that it would work on any machine (rem...
Matt Jones
01:17 PM Revision 2314 (metacat): Added code that changes the node column size
09:39 AM Bug #1297: Registry: Changes in the Basic Information

So, should we add middle name to the registry form?
Saurabh Garg
03:55 AM Bug #1297: Registry: Changes in the Basic Information
Given name should b repeated to accomodate multiple given names (a middle name
is simply a second given name).
Matt Jones
09:38 AM Bug #1390: add UCNRS to the ldapweb.cgi management lists

This bug is fixed and done.
Saurabh Garg
03:51 AM Bug #1390: add UCNRS to the ldapweb.cgi management lists
I think this is now complete, and will be released with 1.4.0. Sid, can you
verify this and close the bug if true? ...
Matt Jones
09:33 AM Bug #273: site deployment for metacat
Metacat has been deployed at the LTER Network Office (LNO). To the best of my
knowledge, it has not been deployed at...
Duane Costa
04:01 AM Bug #273: site deployment for metacat
Duane -- this is overlapping with the previous bug -- can you close with a
resolution or update the status on this, o...
Matt Jones
09:14 AM Bug #325: create site filters to convert site metadata to eml packages
A number of metadata conversion applications were implemented by David
Blankman, with the help of two graduate stude...
Duane Costa
03:53 AM Bug #325: create site filters to convert site metadata to eml packages
Duane -- could you deal with this by either closing it if it is eing tracked
elsewhere or updating it with a plan. Th...
Matt Jones
04:10 AM Bug #468: TLS between ldap server and metacat
We need to implement TLS as soon as possible, as its a real problem we're
passing so many passwords around in clearte...
Matt Jones
04:08 AM Bug #433: browse interface to metacat
I began this work, and now have some XSLT stylesheets that allow you to browse
via keyword, organizaiton, and creator...
Matt Jones
04:05 AM Bug #151: need doctype equivalence specification
This is being addressed within the context of SEEK SMS and will not be addressed
directly in Metacat. Marking WONTFIX.
Matt Jones
04:04 AM Bug #1310: Old ACLs are overwritten by registry
Need to fix this for the next release (1.5). Matt Jones
03:59 AM Bug #1372: Registry: Reconfigure entryForm.tmpl
Andrea is working on a new layout for this whole page, and removing all of the
hardcoded styles so that it fits into ...
Matt Jones
03:58 AM Bug #1344: Cancel button on delete screen leads to a blank screen
The cancel button on delete still leads to blank, but also after successful
delete the screen is blank. Retargeting ...
Matt Jones
03:49 AM Bug #101: generate data set usage metadata/ provide access log
The query/report functionality (1) is now complete. Use the 'getlog' servlet
action to get an XML report of the even...
Matt Jones
03:38 AM Revision 2313 (metacat): New README in preparation for the 1.4.0 release, and updated the properties
file with the new version number. Matt Jones
03:13 AM Revision 2312 (metacat): Added in servlet action 'buildindex' for building the XML_index table entries
for either a set of documents (if one or more docid params are provided) or
for the whole set of documents in the xml...
Matt Jones
03:01 AM Revision 2311 (metacat): Created a list of all of the servlet actions in the documentation and listed
all reuired and optional parameters for each action. These need to be
documented but at least the list is all in one...
Matt Jones
02:01 AM Revision 2310 (metacat): Added new sections to the Metacat documentation describing the Metacat
client API and the Metacat 'getlog' servlet action for event reporting. Matt Jones
12:31 AM Revision 2309 (metacat): Updated metacat documentation with additional properties and fixed the
description of several properties. We really need to clean out unused
properties and generally clean up the configur...
Matt Jones


10:46 PM Revision 2308 (metacat): Added a property listing servlet administrators.
Matt Jones
04:25 PM Revision 2307 (metacat): Changed to now use the new DocumentImpl.buildIndex() method
for populating the xml_index table. The new method uses a jdbc ResultSet
for populating the index rather than doing ...
Matt Jones
03:10 PM Revision 2306 (metacat): Updated the build index test.
Matt Jones
02:30 PM Revision 2305 (metacat): Compose the Metacat URL from the httpserver and the servletpath properties, replacing hard-coded references to servlet.
Duane Costa
02:28 PM Revision 2304 (metacat): Send redirect to HarvesterRegistration, instead of using the full class name which works on Tomcat-only installations but not with Apache.
Duane Costa
10:44 AM Bug #1047: Create triggers on LTER tables for ldap insert
David completed these triggers in January, 2004.
This issue is local to the LTER Network Office. It involves updatin...
Duane Costa
10:37 AM Bug #1046: LTER LDAP database coordination perl script changes
Closing bug for reasons explained above. Previous attempt to close didn't work. Duane Costa
10:33 AM Bug #1046: LTER LDAP database coordination perl script changes
Closing this bug. The Perl script was completed in January,
2004. It runs as a cron job, once every fi...
Duane Costa
09:49 AM Revision 2303 (metacat): Change the date format to one that is standard on both Oracle and Postgres.
Duane Costa

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