From 09/20/2004 to 10/19/2004
- 12:59 PM Bug #1718 (Resolved): spatial search does not work
- Spatial search is not working in metacat. This is probably because of casting
problems, where the nodedata column i...
- 03:41 PM Bug #1711 (Resolved): apostrophe in text element causes xslt error
- a text element that contains an apostrophe causes metacat to throw an xslt
error. It says that the character 0x19 i...
- 04:49 PM Bug #1703 (Resolved): spatial search does not work
- the spatial bounding box search dialog in morpho does not return any results
even when it should.
Also: The lab...
- 12:27 PM Bug #1698 (Resolved): Secure replication method
- Curently, unsecured metacat replication action is easy to break the replication
setup. But it couldn't create a new ...
- 04:25 PM Bug #1658: tracking bug for 1.4.0 release
- All items complete. Version 1.4.0 of metacat is now complete, tested, and
released. It is tagged in CVS as METACAT_...
- 08:18 PM Bug #162: need harvest/batch load for metacat
- Yahoo!
- 03:46 PM Bug #162: need harvest/batch load for metacat
Closing as testing with postgres has been completed and harvester works with
both postgres and oracle.- 04:11 PM Bug #1542: SQL Server support broken
Moving the target to version 1.5
- 03:49 PM Bug #1658: tracking bug for 1.4.0 release
- (1) is done for now -- its been reviewed and is reasonable accurate, but not
perfect. Needs another pass.
(2) is don... - 03:42 AM Bug #1658: tracking bug for 1.4.0 release
- (3) is now complete -- indexing can be accomplished using the 'buildindex'
action by people in the 'adminsitrators' l... - 03:45 PM Bug #305: create an ofa compliant oracle instance
- Moving to 1.5 because I don't want to make such a significant change immediately
before the KNB workshop demos. - 09:39 AM Bug #1297: Registry: Changes in the Basic Information
So, should we add middle name to the registry form?- 03:55 AM Bug #1297: Registry: Changes in the Basic Information
- Given name should b repeated to accomodate multiple given names (a middle name
is simply a second given name). - 09:38 AM Bug #1390: add UCNRS to the ldapweb.cgi management lists
This bug is fixed and done.- 03:51 AM Bug #1390: add UCNRS to the ldapweb.cgi management lists
- I think this is now complete, and will be released with 1.4.0. Sid, can you
verify this and close the bug if true? ... - 09:33 AM Bug #273: site deployment for metacat
- Metacat has been deployed at the LTER Network Office (LNO). To the best of my
knowledge, it has not been deployed at... - 04:01 AM Bug #273: site deployment for metacat
- Duane -- this is overlapping with the previous bug -- can you close with a
resolution or update the status on this, o... - 09:14 AM Bug #325: create site filters to convert site metadata to eml packages
- A number of metadata conversion applications were implemented by David
Blankman, with the help of two graduate stude... - 03:53 AM Bug #325: create site filters to convert site metadata to eml packages
- Duane -- could you deal with this by either closing it if it is eing tracked
elsewhere or updating it with a plan. Th... - 04:10 AM Bug #468: TLS between ldap server and metacat
- We need to implement TLS as soon as possible, as its a real problem we're
passing so many passwords around in clearte... - 04:08 AM Bug #433: browse interface to metacat
- I began this work, and now have some XSLT stylesheets that allow you to browse
via keyword, organizaiton, and creator... - 04:05 AM Bug #151: need doctype equivalence specification
- This is being addressed within the context of SEEK SMS and will not be addressed
directly in Metacat. Marking WONTFIX. - 04:04 AM Bug #1310: Old ACLs are overwritten by registry
- Need to fix this for the next release (1.5).
- 03:59 AM Bug #1372: Registry: Reconfigure entryForm.tmpl
- Andrea is working on a new layout for this whole page, and removing all of the
hardcoded styles so that it fits into ... - 03:58 AM Bug #1344: Cancel button on delete screen leads to a blank screen
- The cancel button on delete still leads to blank, but also after successful
delete the screen is blank. Retargeting ... - 03:49 AM Bug #101: generate data set usage metadata/ provide access log
- The query/report functionality (1) is now complete. Use the 'getlog' servlet
action to get an XML report of the even...
- 10:44 AM Bug #1047: Create triggers on LTER tables for ldap insert
- David completed these triggers in January, 2004.
This issue is local to the LTER Network Office. It involves updatin... - 10:37 AM Bug #1046: LTER LDAP database coordination perl script changes
- Closing bug for reasons explained above. Previous attempt to close didn't work.
- 10:33 AM Bug #1046: LTER LDAP database coordination perl script changes
- Closing this bug. The Perl script was completed in January,
2004. It runs as a cron job, once every fi...
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