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# Tracker Subject Status Priority Assignee Target version
2456 Bug Error Window Sizing New Normal P. Anderson 1.8.1 Actions
2463 Bug Morpho can't delete or insert columns at right edge of tables with uneven record lengths New Normal Jing Tao 1.8.1 Actions
2851 Bug Templating support for attribute entries New Normal ben leinfelder 1.8.1 Actions
3111 Bug Morpho can not display inline data New Normal Jing Tao 1.8.1 Actions
3551 Bug same screen presented to user before and after importing a data table New Normal P. Anderson 1.8.1 Actions
3759 Bug more dialog boxes for editing and maintaining data packages New Normal Jing Tao 1.8.1 Actions
3852 Bug feature request - include the userId element in responsibleParty dialog boxes New Normal Jing Tao 1.8.1 Actions
3919 Bug the 'tab' key should behave consistently when through form fields New Normal Jing Tao 1.8.1 Actions
3937 Bug Login results in misleading error message when KNB is down New Normal Jing Tao 1.8.1 Actions
3940 Bug docid collisions, even if data packages have different scopes New Normal Jing Tao 1.8.1 Actions
3945 Bug tree-editor does not allow editing of non-referenced material following a referenced creator New Normal Jing Tao 1.8.1 Actions
3980 Bug a user trying to synchronize an invalid package needs a user-friendly error message New Normal Jing Tao 1.8.1 Actions
3983 Bug entering key-value pairs from a file is not user friendly New Normal Jing Tao 1.8.1 Actions
4099 Bug In map viewer, provide reset button for zoom and coordinates New Normal Jing Tao 1.8.1 Actions
4332 Bug new features in canceling search New Normal Jing Tao 1.8.1 Actions
5118 Bug export function error reporting New Normal ben leinfelder 1.8.1 Actions
607 Bug MetaViewer Focus Functionality New Normal Saurabh Garg 1.9 Actions
1252 Bug DataPackageWizard TextImport Performance problem New Normal Perumal Sambasivam 1.9 Actions
1281 Bug User does not see explicitly the local file folder where package is saved New Normal Saurabh Garg 1.9 Actions
1472 Bug Morpho buttons show up without borders in certain cases. New Normal ben leinfelder 1.9 Actions
1481 Bug access list should support multiple selections in tree New Normal Saurabh Garg 1.9 Actions
1547 Bug incorporate eml parser into Morpho New Normal Saurabh Garg 1.9 Actions
1549 Bug Problem with corrupt beta6 packages New Normal Saurabh Garg 1.9 Actions
1558 Bug Morpho 1.5.1 Help: 6 general problems/suggestions New Normal Saurabh Garg 1.9 Actions
1593 Bug Geographic Coverage Tool changes Types Entries New Normal Saurabh Garg 1.9 Actions
(26-50/207) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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