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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
700 Bug Resolved Normal Implement redesigned plant taxonomy data model Gabriel Farrell 09/11/2006 11:38 AM Actions
699 Bug Resolved Normal Copy Plants (and anything else) directly from VegBank to VegBranch for release 1.0.0 Michael Lee 01/31/2005 02:33 PM Actions
698 Bug Resolved Immediate [290] Revision and review of data model for References-a Robert Peet 01/31/2005 02:54 PM Actions
697 Bug Resolved Immediate [293] Revision and review of data model for References-b Michael Lee 01/31/2005 02:54 PM Actions
696 Bug Resolved Immediate Implement reference and party-related database changes Gabriel Farrell 09/11/2006 11:38 AM Actions
695 Bug Resolved Normal [300] Revision and review of data model for References:Picklists-a Michael Lee 01/31/2005 02:54 PM Actions
694 Bug Resolved Normal Evalute implementation of PLANTS data Michael Lee 09/11/2006 11:38 AM Actions
693 Bug Resolved Low Major QA and hammering on website Michael Lee 09/11/2006 04:39 PM Actions
691 Bug Resolved Normal [186] Test all features of website for functionality-c Robert Peet 04/23/2003 01:04 PM Actions
690 Bug Resolved Low [190] Test all features of website:Evaluate ease of use Michael Lee 04/23/2003 01:13 PM Actions
688 Bug Resolved Low [205] Usability analysis:Group response and plan -- (working group?) Robert Peet 11/28/2002 06:10 AM Actions
686 Bug Resolved Normal [245] Enter basic PLANTS:Name systems-b Michael Lee 11/30/2002 02:31 PM Actions
685 Bug Resolved Immediate Redesign plant taxonomy data model Gabriel Farrell 01/31/2005 02:53 PM Actions
684 Bug Resolved Normal [255] Enter basic PLANTS:Revise data model w/ loaders and sql changes-b Michael Lee 01/31/2005 02:53 PM Actions
683 Bug Resolved Normal Website cleanup:Lots of missing text blurbs-a Michael Lee 04/23/2003 03:36 PM Actions
682 Bug Resolved Normal [115] Website cleanup:Lots of missing text blurbs-b Robert Peet 04/23/2003 01:02 PM Actions
680 Bug Resolved Normal [125] Website cleanup:Spelling and editing checks-b Michael Lee 09/11/2006 11:38 AM Actions
679 Bug Resolved Normal Split help into separate pages; not single file with anchors Michael Lee 11/05/2003 01:10 PM Actions
677 Bug Resolved Normal Web:Removed broken links and links to non-existent functionality Michael Lee 11/21/2003 11:54 PM Actions
676 Bug Resolved Normal Check with multiple browsers Michael Lee 09/11/2006 01:48 PM Actions
674 Bug Resolved Low [100] Website cleanup:rework buttonbar & template Michael Lee 09/11/2006 11:38 AM Actions
673 Bug Resolved Normal testing long summary name 12345670 123456780 123456780 123456780 123456780 123456780 123456780 Michael Lee 01/31/2005 02:53 PM Actions
619 Bug Resolved Low Delete plots works, but sends fail messages John Harris 01/31/2005 02:53 PM Actions
618 Bug Resolved Normal permission denied to build veg_plot/xml/ John Harris 01/31/2005 02:53 PM Actions
593 Bug Resolved Immediate Viewing VegBank tables directly Gabriel Farrell 09/11/2006 11:38 AM Actions
(526-550/604) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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