


Robert Peet's activity

From 08/19/2007 to 09/17/2007


02:57 PM InfoVeg Bug #2954: Color change
how about 255-240-117 Robert Peet
01:37 PM InfoVeg Bug #2948: Links up and down between speices and infraspecific taxa
fixed Robert Peet
01:28 PM InfoVeg Bug #2952: Calculation of species cover values in communities
fixed Robert Peet
12:48 PM InfoVeg Bug #2950: Move dowload options
fixed Robert Peet


11:29 AM InfoVeg Bug #2955 (New): Date stamps for revisions of the concept relationships
We need to be able to associate start and stop dates with the concept relationships during the editing process so as ... Robert Peet
10:36 AM InfoVeg Bug #2954 (New): Color change
The color for ambiguosu high quality literature records is currently to saturated. We need to make it more of a pale... Robert Peet
10:21 AM InfoVeg Bug #2629: Relationships between Weakley to USDA v 4.0 concepts
Jeff is working on this and has made considerable progress. Need to evaluate where we are. Robert Peet


02:54 PM InfoVeg Bug #2657: Highlight species with too few counties and those with too many
dup Robert Peet
02:53 PM InfoVeg Bug #2657: Highlight species with too few counties and those with too many
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 2640 ***
Robert Peet
02:53 PM InfoVeg Bug #2640: Identify USDA species without county distribution where other spp in genus have distribution
*** Bug 2657 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Robert Peet
01:53 PM InfoVeg Bug #2640: Identify USDA species without county distribution where other spp in genus have distribution
*** Bug 2658 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Robert Peet
01:25 PM InfoVeg Bug #2640: Identify USDA species without county distribution where other spp in genus have distribution
*** Bug 2641 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Robert Peet
01:24 PM InfoVeg Bug #2640: Identify USDA species without county distribution where other spp in genus have distribution
*** Bug 2645 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Robert Peet
02:51 PM InfoVeg Bug #2953 (New): Update community classification
We have identified many more plots to communities. The community assignments shoudl be updated in the backend databa... Robert Peet
02:49 PM InfoVeg Bug #2952 (Closed): Calculation of species cover values in communities
It appears that mean cover reported for a community is the average of all the cover class values.
Changes, id need...
Robert Peet
02:41 PM InfoVeg Bug #2951 (New): Map toolbar info
It would be helpful if information about the toolbars at the bottom of the map would appear when the user places the ... Robert Peet
02:38 PM InfoVeg Bug #2950 (Closed): Move dowload options
Eliminate the download page and place the three download buttons at the top of the records reported on the Specimens,... Robert Peet
02:33 PM InfoVeg Bug #2949 (New): Virginia
Extract the Virginia plot data from their database and prepare for the atlas backend with concept assignments to Weak... Robert Peet
02:29 PM InfoVeg Bug #2948 (Closed): Links up and down between speices and infraspecific taxa
users will often want to move from the map of the species to that of a subspecies or visa versa. At present there is... Robert Peet
02:26 PM InfoVeg Bug #2947 (New): Add UNCC data
We need to add the UNCC collection records to the database. We will do this first with static records, but might mig... Robert Peet
02:22 PM InfoVeg Bug #2946 (New): Check for relationship errors deriving from geographic scope
Weakley originally inedicated that some of his concepts were < those of other workers because they included stuff tha... Robert Peet
02:17 PM InfoVeg Bug #2945 (New): missing RAB-Weakley relationships
Some relationships between RAB and Weakley are absnet from the database. These need to be identified and inserted.
Robert Peet
02:13 PM InfoVeg Bug #2944 (New): Allow multiple concept sources in CVS data
We currently assign all CVS data to Weakley concepts. We will shortly revise the CVS list and replace the records in... Robert Peet
02:01 PM InfoVeg Bug #2943 (New): Implement new color scheme to help color-blind users
The color scheme we use for maps is not very user-friendly for color-blind users. We need to study options for alter... Robert Peet
01:53 PM InfoVeg Bug #2658: Split USDA records into concept-based and nominal sets
closed Robert Peet
01:53 PM InfoVeg Bug #2658: Split USDA records into concept-based and nominal sets
duplicate of 2640
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 2640 ***
Robert Peet
01:51 PM InfoVeg Bug #2585: Allow ambiguous records only in states where taxon occurs
Delay until we have a set of states of occurrence Robert Peet
01:50 PM InfoVeg Bug #2583: Compile complex and undefined concept relationships
fixed Robert Peet
01:50 PM InfoVeg Bug #2583: Compile complex and undefined concept relationships
fixed. Spreadsheet for changes now exists Robert Peet
01:26 PM InfoVeg Bug #2641: Split USDA into concept-based and nominal parts
duplicate 2640 Robert Peet
01:25 PM InfoVeg Bug #2641: Split USDA into concept-based and nominal parts
duplicate of 2640
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 2640 ***
Robert Peet
01:25 PM InfoVeg Bug #2645: split USDA in the legend into into two labels
duplicate Robert Peet
01:24 PM InfoVeg Bug #2645: split USDA in the legend into into two labels
duplicate of 2640
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 2640 ***
Robert Peet
01:18 PM InfoVeg Bug #2842: Incorrect mapping of nominal concepts
We need to implement this change soon.
There is a related issue, Very few if any museum collections follow Small fo...
Robert Peet
12:56 PM InfoVeg Bug #2842: Incorrect mapping of nominal concepts
*** Bug 2942 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Robert Peet
01:09 PM InfoVeg Bug #2656: County lists should include ambiguous records
Rethink we funding available Robert Peet
01:07 PM InfoVeg Bug #2626: 45. Negative occurrences
Let's add a check box on the right down by cultivated where we can check the box to show published records known to b... Robert Peet
01:03 PM InfoVeg Bug #2683: User submissions of new occurrence records
error in bugzilla entry Robert Peet
01:02 PM InfoVeg Bug #2683: User submissions of new occurrence records
When we get funds Robert Peet
01:00 PM InfoVeg Bug #2678: Create tool for editing static database records of taxon occurrence
done Robert Peet
01:00 PM InfoVeg Bug #2678: Create tool for editing static database records of taxon occurrence
resolved Robert Peet
12:59 PM InfoVeg Bug #2587: Inability to search on taxa not treated by Weakley
enh Robert Peet
12:58 PM InfoVeg Bug #2587: Inability to search on taxa not treated by Weakley
Postpone until funding Robert Peet
12:56 PM InfoVeg Bug #2942: Nominal concepts -- the case of Quercus falcata & implications
dup Robert Peet
12:56 PM InfoVeg Bug #2942: Nominal concepts -- the case of Quercus falcata & implications
duplicate of 2842
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 2842 ***
Robert Peet
12:53 PM InfoVeg Bug #2942 (Closed): Nominal concepts -- the case of Quercus falcata & implications
Quercus falcata and Q rubra are distinct taxa and do not overlap in anyone's treatments. Nonetheless, the map of Q fa... Robert Peet
12:39 PM InfoVeg Bug #2684: Miscellaneous literature records for distribution
My impression is that this bug is now complete on the test server and needs only mingration to the production server.... Robert Peet
12:36 PM InfoVeg Bug #2788: Kentucky atlas data
West Virginia is now complete.
Robert Peet
12:35 PM InfoVeg Bug #2874: Taxon Search drop down list - keyboard navigation problematic
fixed Robert Peet
12:34 PM InfoVeg Bug #2843: Only final collector listed for specimens
fixed Robert Peet
12:28 PM InfoVeg Bug #2602: Document concept references in Weakley flora
fixed Robert Peet
12:25 PM InfoVeg Bug #2602: Document concept references in Weakley flora
fixed Robert Peet
12:28 PM InfoVeg Bug #2752: commit atlas to cvs
I opt for /seek/projects/taxon/seflora Robert Peet
12:26 PM InfoVeg Bug #2611: Help function text
change priority Robert Peet
12:24 PM InfoVeg Bug #2611: Help function text
Need to implement the attached helpfiles and new About page. Robert Peet
12:20 PM InfoVeg Bug #2611: Help function text
The attached file has the help files for the Atlas and an update of teh about page. Robert Peet
12:15 PM InfoVeg Bug #2637: RAB records of nominal variety occurrences have incomplete name
This is correct! Please implement this change. Robert Peet
12:08 PM InfoVeg Bug #2810: Print function for maps does not work
fixed Robert Peet
12:06 PM InfoVeg Bug #2639: Inferred relationships too broad
fixed Robert Peet
12:04 PM InfoVeg Bug #2618: Server errors; incompatability with Windows 2000 OS
will not do any more Robert Peet
12:04 PM InfoVeg Bug #2618: Server errors; incompatability with Windows 2000 OS
Fixed sufficiently Robert Peet
12:03 PM InfoVeg Bug #2913: Ipomoea pes-caprae
fixed Robert Peet
12:02 PM InfoVeg Bug #2913: Ipomoea pes-caprae
This is a case where we need to post the correction of the relatioinship for Alan to approve and others to implement.... Robert Peet
11:59 AM InfoVeg Bug #2837: Deep links to maps
Getting very close.
We still have the probelm that if there are multiple subspecific taxa, then the link goes to the...
Robert Peet
11:54 AM InfoVeg Bug #2827: Pellaea wrightiana maps incorrectly; deeper problem revealed?
fixed Robert Peet
11:53 AM InfoVeg Bug #2812: Query crashes mapping program when concept relationships are logically inconsistent
fixed Robert Peet
11:52 AM InfoVeg Bug #2808: Revise rule 26 to remove most if not all >= relationships
fixed Robert Peet
11:51 AM InfoVeg Bug #2594: Home page explanation of atlas, including ambiguous records
fixed Robert Peet
11:48 AM InfoVeg Bug #2594: Home page explanation of atlas, including ambiguous records
Resolved in the new help pages Robert Peet

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