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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
4372 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal demos in doc-index.htm don't exist (Hello World, Simple Addition etc.) Ilkay Altintas 09/10/2009 11:46 AM Actions
3904 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal devel tree should have a top level build.xml file and README.txt Chad Berkley 04/21/2009 11:13 AM Actions
3255 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Diva ConcurrentModificationException Christopher Brooks 04/30/2008 11:54 PM Actions
3242 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal dlls should not go in c:/Windows/System32 Chad Berkley 05/01/2009 03:30 PM Actions
5529 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Documentation for some actors such as Run Composite Actor is empty Daniel Crawl 08/22/2012 05:34 PM Actions
4061 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Documentation links are not active Ilkay Altintas 06/11/2009 09:50 AM Actions
5694 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate Dragging from a port results in a NPE Daniel Crawl 09/07/2012 11:16 AM Actions
4244 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Dragging ImageAttribute into Kepler results in not finding the gif Chad Berkley 03/25/2010 11:09 AM Actions
2344 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Duplicate Actors that read directories Dan Higgins 03/22/2006 04:37 PM Actions
4282 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate Duplicate of ptolemy.gui.Top Chad Berkley 09/11/2009 10:42 AM Actions
5082 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Eclipse build fails because of invalid archive jianwu jianwu 08/05/2010 04:27 PM Actions
4191 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Eclipse build is slow the first time "Copying resources to the output folder" jianwu jianwu 08/09/2010 03:29 PM Actions
3108 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal ENM GARP Baseline 3-Actor GARP - Browser Display demo fails with NameDuplication: convertTo? Ilkay Altintas 04/23/2008 11:02 AM Actions
4926 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Examine Kepler for duplicated Ptolemy code Christopher Brooks 08/06/2012 05:00 PM Actions
5660 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal ExtensionFileFilter is a duplicate of a Ptolemy class Daniel Crawl 08/17/2012 06:49 PM Actions
5648 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal FileCopier code duplication Sean Riddle 09/17/2012 11:46 AM Actions
5653 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Geon ArrayContains is a duplicate of a Ptolemy actor Derik Barseghian 09/17/2012 08:36 PM Actions
5654 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Geon ArrayRemoveElement is a duplicate of a Ptolemy actor Derik Barseghian 09/17/2012 08:21 PM Actions
3105 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Getting Started link on Welcome Page should lead to demos Chad Berkley 01/29/2008 10:19 AM Actions
5895 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal HelloWorld link is broken under Kepler-2.4rc3 Daniel Crawl 03/20/2013 03:38 PM Actions
5509 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal How do I run the demos Daniel Crawl 07/31/2012 12:45 PM Actions
3107 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal http links don't work: Unsupported file type or connection not supported Chad Berkley 03/19/2008 01:58 PM Actions
3225 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal If R is not present, then error message just says "null" Chad Berkley 04/17/2008 10:57 AM Actions
4992 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal In a shared installation, how does the user get the demo? Chad Berkley 05/20/2010 04:37 AM Actions
3905 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal In devel tree, build-area should be renamed to build Chad Berkley 04/22/2009 03:22 PM Actions
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