From 10/14/2001 to 11/12/2001
- 10:52 AM Bug #326 (In Progress): Ability to repeat more than one field
- The repeat button to add more fields is good, but it would be useful to be able
to have the ability to add more than...
- 03:33 PM Bug #320: all eml literature objects displayed as data packages
- This bug is already fixed in the latest CVS version (although not in the Beta1.3
release) - 11:48 AM Bug #320 (Resolved): all eml literature objects displayed as data packages
- On the primary morpho screen that displays data packages - when I created eml
literature citations to associate wit...
- 05:40 PM Bug #318 (Resolved): identifier not passed to new metadatat objects
- When trying to create new metadata objects I noticed that the identifier was
not passed to the new objects - I don'... - 05:38 PM Bug #317 (Resolved): difference in display between table editor and attributes
- Under the table editor - the attributes 'case-sensitive' and 'orientation' show
up in print in the left hand column... - 05:29 PM Bug #205: cut/copy/paste
- Matt/Dan -
I think this should be moved up in priority - the ability to document data is
greatly hindered by not h...
- 04:13 PM Bug #316 (Resolved): PREVIOUS button in Package Wizard generates inappropriate warnings
- PREVIOUS button in Package Wizard generates inappropriate warnings (i.e.
messages about saving results and fields no... - 02:48 PM Bug #315 (Resolved): Need to add eml-physical creation to package wizard and text input wizard
- Need to add eml-physical creation to package wizard and text input wizard to
capture info about seperators, record l... - 02:46 PM Bug #222: Test Morpho and the Morpho Installer on MacOS and MacOS X.
- A version of Morpho Beta1.3 has been created which works under Java 1.1.7 JVM -
separate branch in CVS.
Mainly involv... - 02:41 PM Bug #314: Adding a new software eml doc to a package causes error in My Data list
- Problem was with local document search which added any document which contained
a 'triple' tag to result set. Correct...
- 03:25 PM Bug #313: Problem with local or metacat packages not showing up in 'My Documents'
- added code to change 'searchMetacat' to true when user logs-in
- 02:55 PM Bug #313 (Resolved): Problem with local or metacat packages not showing up in 'My Documents'
- After inserting a new package into Metacat, it sometimes does not show up in the
'My Documents' list. This is appare... - 02:59 PM Bug #314 (Resolved): Adding a new software eml doc to a package causes error in My Data list
- adding a eml-software doc to an existing package results in a new entry in the
MyData results list (at least when op... - 10:59 AM Bug #308: Problem integrating existing profile data
- I cannot reproduce this error (although I originally reported it!). It seems to
be working OK now. ???
- 10:38 AM Bug #312 (Resolved): layout of package wizard needs work
- The layout of the package wizard needs to be improved now that the text import wizard is integrated into the flow of ...
- 10:35 AM Bug #116: metadata extraction for text files
- The heart of this bug is fixed, but the layout and look and feel still need work. I will open a new bug with a diffe...
- 03:49 PM Bug #310: adding a description file throws and addDataFile exception
- Problem was only in the code for inserting to Metacat.
Proper calls inserted.
- 11:38 PM Bug #301: use UID as scope, chek for conflicts
- Reassigned to berkley. Note my previosu comments on what needs to be done with
respect to gracefully recovering from...
- 10:39 AM Bug #310 (Resolved): adding a description file throws and addDataFile exception
- When trying to add an existing description through the add new wizard, morpho throws an exception saying that it cann...
- 09:21 AM Bug #308 (Resolved): Problem integrating existing profile data
- With the new routines for creating a profile (ie those tha use the full ldap
name), if one checks out a new version ...
- 11:42 AM Bug #259: Change meaning of permissions to be inclusive
- metacat now uses a 4 tier permission system. The tiers are:
read - user has read access
write - user has write acces... - 10:58 AM Bug #307 (In Progress): package event handler to improve resultset refresh performance
- Performance on Morpho is pretty poor, partly because it spends so much time
querying Metacat and the local files in ... - 01:36 AM Bug #223: Build installers for Windows, Mac, Linux
- Need to verify that the installer properly installs beside old versions of
Morpho. This should probably be an upgrad... - 01:31 AM Bug #301: use UID as scope, chek for conflicts
- The scope is now set as part of the profile generation process. It defaults to
the username but can be overridden wh... - 12:24 AM Bug #244: need refresh mechanism for query screen
- FIXED. Before, when some editing and metadata addition operations were
performed, the query results window dod not p...
- 11:19 PM Bug #306 (In Progress): [RFE] folder views to organize data packages
- Feature request from Christy Bowles for a way to organize data packages in
Morpho into folders.
Additional though... - 05:41 PM Bug #300: need to change Morpho DN behavior to send full DN on login
- FIXED. Morpho now constructs a full DN when creating a user profile, and uses
that DN when loggin into Metacat. The... - 04:24 PM Bug #304: ampersand handling errors
- XML editor already had a 'normalize' method that converted special text
characters such as '&' to entity notation (i.... - 12:13 PM Bug #304: ampersand handling errors
- "&" is a special character in XML and it looks like we're not escaping them
properly. Not sure what parts of Morpho... - 12:12 PM Bug #304 (Resolved): ampersand handling errors
- Reported by Christy Bowles:
"Error in adding new packages (after complete package wizard and close package
editor):... - 11:24 AM Bug #116: metadata extraction for text files
- Note also that the wizard screen that allows you to set the attribute name and
type doesn't format well when running ... - 11:09 AM Bug #116: metadata extraction for text files
- It follows from my last comments that, because the wizard knows which file is
being extracted, there is no need for t... - 10:02 AM Bug #212: jar file handling for data packages
- This essentially works by producing a zip file now.
Still TODO:
2) Add an HTML version of the met... - 09:57 AM Bug #297: Problem with data Export from Metacat
- Problem fixed with changes in Metacat
- 05:28 PM Bug #260: acl handling for packages needs to be updated
- changed the functionality in morpho so that the whole package is always governed
by one access file. the access file...
- 05:46 PM Bug #254: Look up id sequence on morpho startup
- Discrepency fixed by changing order of sending docs to Metacat
- 08:28 PM Bug #302 (In Progress): create metacat account from morpho profile dialog
- create metacat account from morpho profile dialog
- 08:26 PM Bug #116: metadata extraction for text files
- Need to improve the UI for the Text Import wizard so that it is more obvious to
users how to add a data file. possibl... - 08:19 PM Bug #301 (Resolved): use UID as scope, chek for conflicts
- check that morpho generates scope + accession #'s correctly and that it recovers
gracefully when an accession # is a... - 08:16 PM Bug #300 (Resolved): need to change Morpho DN behavior to send full DN on login
- Morpho currently only sends to metacat a truncated username for login. Need to
change this to be the full DN. Also... - 08:00 PM Bug #222: Test Morpho and the Morpho Installer on MacOS and MacOS X.
- Need closure on this by Nov. 1 so reassigned to higgins.
- 07:55 PM Bug #202: new config management/profile feature for morpho framework
- New bugs created for several items. Onky feature here that remains TODO is:
5) Decide what info we need for the pro... - 04:31 PM Bug #259: Change meaning of permissions to be inclusive
- rename 'all' to 'changepermissions' and delay the implementation of an all feature.
- 12:31 PM Bug #297: Problem with data Export from Metacat
- The document returned contains (rather than original data):
<h1>Error: 500</h1>
<h2>Location: /knb/servlet/metacat</h... - 11:28 AM Bug #297 (Resolved): Problem with data Export from Metacat
- If a dataset which includes a data document is inserted into production Metacat
context and then 'Exported' the expo... - 11:59 AM Bug #166: Update options handling
- XML based system for configuration/options is now in place (ConfigXML class)
- 11:53 AM Bug #268: Morpho help system
- The capability to launch help from Morpho help menu has been added
- 11:31 AM Bug #299: Problem with TextImport wizard generating invalid docs
- Missing and invalid tags fixed
- 11:31 AM Bug #299 (Resolved): Problem with TextImport wizard generating invalid docs
- Text Import wizard eml instances does not contain all required tags
- 04:54 PM Bug #255: Migrate to EML 2 beta DTDs for all Morpho uses
- Morpho now uses eml2.0 beta dtds. User can add new eml-modules to a data set
from the dataPackage editor or add exisi... - 04:48 PM Bug #296 (Resolved): HTML help files need to be upgraded
- HTML help that was created for earlier Morpho release needs to be reviewed and
upgraded to reflect recent changes an... - 04:46 PM Bug #206: need help system for morpho
- Morpho now has a "Help" item in the Help menu that open a local browser which
displays the HTML help. - 04:44 PM Bug #116: metadata extraction for text files
- Text-based data set parser has been integrated into Morpho
- 04:37 PM Bug #254: Look up id sequence on morpho startup
- Morpho now uses the Metacat capability to return the maxID for a user
(action=getlastid with username) and set the us...
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