



From 02/04/2014 to 03/05/2014


11:34 AM Metacat Feature #6445 (New): Alter so that the script will iterate over pages of objects instead of updating the count in the code manually
Lauren Walker
10:14 AM Kepler Bug #6413: error when switching to DDF inside Case refinement
The current workaround is re-starting Kepler. The problem went away when I did it. jianwu jianwu


12:24 PM MetacatUI Task #6444 (Resolved): Change colors of charts for SNAP theme
Lauren Walker
12:23 PM MetacatUI Task #6443 (Resolved): Change colors of charts for default theme
Since the default theme is very generic, I would probably leave most styling the same as the KNB but I'll probably sw... Lauren Walker
12:21 PM MetacatUI Task #6442 (Resolved): Change colors of charts for GOA theme
Lauren Walker
12:20 PM MetacatUI Task #6441 (Resolved): Pull general info about the user and display at top of page
If the query sent to the ProfileView is for rightsHolder=..., then we will grab the general info about that person (n... Lauren Walker
12:09 PM Metacat Story #6440 (Closed): Keep DOI registrations current and resolvable
We have used a few different DOI registration approaches on the KNB:
* bulk load of all historical content (metadata...
ben leinfelder
08:34 AM Kepler Bug #6439 (Closed): Double rounding fails in some cases while evaluating Expressions
It is almost never a good idea to compare doubles without using an epsilon factor. Because of rounding, doubles are ... Christopher Brooks
04:24 AM Kepler Bug #6439 (Closed): Double rounding fails in some cases while evaluating Expressions
It seems that addition of doubles can produce values slightly different than they should to be.
Please take a look...
Owsiak Michal


04:46 PM Semtools Story #6254 (In Progress): Design/implement semantic query service and syntax
Currently we are using multi-valued dynamicFields in SOLR to store the measurement characteristics and such (really a... ben leinfelder
04:42 PM Semtools Story #6253: Design/implement semantic indexing system
Switched over to use Open Annotation ontology for modeling the datapackage annotation. So now the SPARQL reflects tha... ben leinfelder
04:18 PM MetacatUI Task #6438 (Resolved): Add upload chart title with total upload counts for each formatType
Lauren Walker
10:45 AM MetacatUI Task #6430: Create a view for each graph type so they are reusable throughout MetacatUI
I just added a LineChartView to draw line time series charts by passing it an array of data. Styling can be customize... Lauren Walker
07:18 AM MetacatUI Feature #5976 (In Progress): Implement 'Node statistics' page to descibe the node contents and usage
ben leinfelder
07:03 AM Metacat Story #6437: Upgrade to SOLR 4 or 5
Assigning to Peter for now -- seems he will be involved with SOLR for stats service and has already experimented with... ben leinfelder
06:52 AM Metacat Story #6437 (New): Upgrade to SOLR 4 or 5
We'd like to make use of new key features in SOLR 4:
* spatial indexing/filters
* geohash (for heatmaps/displaying ...
ben leinfelder
06:50 AM MetacatUI Story #6319: Filter spatial data by centroid totally encompassed in the map viewport rather than bounding box encompassed in the map viewport
This will require upgrading metacat-index to use SOLR v4 spatial features. There's a bit of experimentation to be don... ben leinfelder


04:30 PM Metacat Bug #6424 (Closed): Obsoleted objects not marked in index
Now re-indexing the obsoleted revision[s] of any new objects that are added with update commands. Note that we do not... ben leinfelder
04:08 PM Metacat Bug #6435 (Closed): Solr queries with certain URL-encoded characters are decoded twice
Added special case for "+" so that when we use the SOLRJ parser it does not encode the intended "+" into a space. ben leinfelder
02:45 PM Metacat Bug #6435 (Closed): Solr queries with certain URL-encoded characters are decoded twice
The one character I know is a problem is + (%2B). When %2B is sent in a Solr query, Metacat seems to decode it twice ... Lauren Walker
03:12 PM MetacatUI Bug #6436 (New): + characters are not URL-encoded when part of a text search and are therefore being decoded in metacat as a space character
I will want to replace +'s with %2B's on the front end before passing them to Metacat - but this will only be effecti... Lauren Walker
01:31 PM MetacatUI Task #6432 (Resolved): Create a Solr query to retrieve upload data
We will retrieve all metadata and data objects, even obsoleted ones, and break up facet counts into chunks of one yea... Lauren Walker
01:11 PM Kepler Feature #6434 (New): add workflow execution time and other metadata to report designer
It would be nice if the report designer had drag and drop items for metadata stored in provenance such as the executi... Daniel Crawl
10:54 AM Metacat Task #6433 (Closed): Test Metacat on tomcat7
Aaron from UW installed a Metacat instance on tomcat7 (Ubuntu 12). But a user can't log in when a Morpho connected it... Jing Tao


04:00 PM MetacatUI Task #6432 (Resolved): Create a Solr query to retrieve upload data
I will need to get number of objects uploaded by a specific user (rightsHolder) grouped into ranges of one month Lauren Walker
03:55 PM MetacatUI Task #6430: Create a view for each graph type so they are reusable throughout MetacatUI
I've moved the donut chart rendering code to its own view Lauren Walker
02:19 PM MetacatUI Task #6430 (Resolved): Create a view for each graph type so they are reusable throughout MetacatUI
I'll need to move the donut chart code that I've completed to a new view and keep the code extremely generalized so t... Lauren Walker
03:54 PM Morpho Bug #6431 (Closed): Morpho is frozen when it connects a Metacat running on Ubuntu 12.04
In that method, the msg.sendPostData is called three times. If the first time fails, the second time will be tried. ... Jing Tao
11:36 AM MetacatUI Task #6429 (Resolved): Create data year coverage chart in user profile
Lauren Walker
11:35 AM MetacatUI Task #6428 (Resolved): Create upload chart for user profile
Lauren Walker


10:45 PM Metacat Bug #6424 (In Progress): Obsoleted objects not marked in index
When we decided to keep obsoleted objects in the index, we neglected to update their entries in the index when they w... ben leinfelder
10:39 PM MetacatUI Bug #6418: EML documentation has some CSS layout issues (knb theme)
I deployed this on KNB just now and the headers are where I would expect them to be. Using EMLPARSER_2_1_1_UPDATE_3 t... ben leinfelder
11:02 AM MetacatUI Bug #6418 (Resolved): EML documentation has some CSS layout issues (knb theme)
Lauren Walker
10:14 PM Metacat Bug #6427 (Resolved): Log-in form on SanPark skin doesn't work
I dug around and found the log-in worked on Firefox but didn't work on Chrome. The issue is the Ajax.Updater didn't s... Jing Tao
11:08 AM Metacat Bug #6427: Log-in form on SanPark skin doesn't work
But the SAEON skin works. Jing Tao
11:06 AM Metacat Bug #6427 (Resolved): Log-in form on SanPark skin doesn't work
If you click the login button on the Sanpark skin even though input a valid user/password, the login doesn't go throu... Jing Tao
11:01 AM Metacat Bug #6426 (Resolved): Pisco accounts can't log in
I dug around and found the issue. The problem was not the log-in itself, it was the getUserInfo method used for gethe... Jing Tao
11:01 AM Metacat Bug #6426 (Resolved): Pisco accounts can't log in
Mike reported that he couldn't log in Metacat 2.4.0.
Jing Tao
10:59 AM MetacatUI Bug #6425 (Resolved): Registry modal help screen has badly-offset headers (similar to EML documentation)
The CSS that makes these headers look weird has been changed so that only elements on certain pages are selected - Ab... Lauren Walker


04:35 PM MetacatUI Bug #6425 (Resolved): Registry modal help screen has badly-offset headers (similar to EML documentation)
In the registry page, there are "?" links that show a modal window -- that content could use some css attention on th... ben leinfelder
04:34 PM MetacatUI Feature #6385 (Closed): Add 'Edit' button to metadata view for editing metadata through metacatUI rather than Morpho
Added a button to the #view page and made sure the help links work as expected even when doing cross-domain entry (e.... ben leinfelder
11:16 AM MetacatUI Feature #6385 (In Progress): Add 'Edit' button to metadata view for editing metadata through metacatUI rather than Morpho
This was relatively easy to implement. Now requests to:... ben leinfelder
03:59 PM Metacat Bug #6424 (Closed): Obsoleted objects not marked in index
Looks like between 2.3.1 and 2.4.0 a lot of indexing code was commented out or removed and I believe some of it was t... ben leinfelder


03:36 PM Metacat Story #6296 (Closed): authMN SM.accessPolicy out of synch with CN and replicaMN
ben leinfelder
03:35 PM Metacat Task #6407 (Closed): Add syncing test to metacat test suite
Added tests for synchronizing MN and CN access policies for single objects and eml-described data objects. ben leinfelder


04:06 PM MetacatUI Story #6423 (Resolved): Allow users to link their ORCID to their data
Lauren Walker
04:03 PM MetacatUI Feature #6422 (Resolved): Use the LDAP DN when the user in logged in for the user profile name - otherwise use the user id
Lauren Walker
04:02 PM MetacatUI Feature #6421 (Resolved): Create graphs in user profile with the information we have in the Solr index now
Lauren Walker


05:43 PM MetacatUI Feature #6408 (Resolved): Add a help e-mail address mailto: link to all UI error messages
Lauren Walker
04:36 PM MetacatUI Bug #6418: EML documentation has some CSS layout issues (knb theme)
I edited the emlparser documentation a while ago to fix this issue. We may want to update the emlparser webapp on the... Lauren Walker
04:00 PM MetacatUI Bug #6420 (Resolved): Date range query widget should trigger search when up/down buttons are used or values are typed in the two input fields.
Lauren Walker
02:25 PM Metacat Feature #6285 (Resolved): Handle EML singleDateTime field in SOLR index
I'm happy with this as an interim solution until we implement something that can effectively query multiple ranges or... ben leinfelder


07:16 AM Metacat Feature #6419 (Closed): Add Dryad and DataONE schemas to Metacat catalog
Added these schemas into lib/schema via ant tasks, and added them to the xml_catalog table during installation/upgrade. Chris Jones


11:59 AM Metacat Feature #6285: Handle EML singleDateTime field in SOLR index
Removed the extra bean definitions and combined the single and range of dates into the existing beginDate and endDate... ben leinfelder
10:46 AM Metacat Feature #6285 (In Progress): Handle EML singleDateTime field in SOLR index
ben leinfelder
11:54 AM MetacatUI Bug #6420 (Resolved): Date range query widget should trigger search when up/down buttons are used or values are typed in the two input fields.
ben leinfelder
11:23 AM Metacat Feature #6419 (Closed): Add Dryad and DataONE schemas to Metacat catalog
Rather than rely on xsi:schemaLocation being accessible and valid, we should incorporate released schemas from DataON... ben leinfelder
11:15 AM Metacat Bug #6306 (Works For Me): During the upgrading metacat to 2.3.0, a user can see a message saying the index schema was changed even though he didn't
Not really sure what was happening, but not really able to replicate reliably. ben leinfelder
11:10 AM MetacatUI Bug #6418 (Resolved): EML documentation has some CSS layout issues (knb theme)
Looking at the EML docs via the Metacat UI, there are still headers that are placed oddly. I think this stems from pa... ben leinfelder


02:25 PM Metacat Feature #6417: Call MN.archive() when SM.archive=true in MN.systemMetadataChanged()
In general this sounds good, but won't calling MN.archive() result in other side effects (like other changes to syste... Matt Jones
02:11 PM Metacat Feature #6417: Call MN.archive() when SM.archive=true in MN.systemMetadataChanged()
I added a comment in the code for where this could be done, but the actual method call is commented out. ben leinfelder
02:01 PM Metacat Feature #6417 (Closed): Call MN.archive() when SM.archive=true in MN.systemMetadataChanged()
We decided the CN should not call MN.archive() when it harvests SM from nodes and tries to inform other replicas abou... ben leinfelder
12:04 PM Metacat Bug #6306 (In Progress): During the upgrading metacat to 2.3.0, a user can see a message saying the index schema was changed even though he didn't
I included the md5 for the latest version of the schema we are shipping (customized in metacat-common).
Sounds lik...
ben leinfelder


02:41 PM Metacat Feature #6415 (Closed): Make all objects publicly readable on MN.publish()
Now making all objects in the published package publicly readable. ben leinfelder
09:12 AM Metacat Feature #6414 (Closed): Reject an insert or update/upload if the docid has white spaces in metacat api
We added the code in the handleUpload, handleInsertOrUpdate and handleMultiPartInsertAction methods to enforce there ... Jing Tao


01:44 PM Metacat Feature #6415 (In Progress): Make all objects publicly readable on MN.publish()
Changed in the repo -- needs testing. ben leinfelder
10:25 AM Metacat Feature #6415 (Closed): Make all objects publicly readable on MN.publish()
Feb 11th, 2014
matt: I think it should be made public, including data, but as Jing indicated, we should give them fa...
ben leinfelder
10:34 AM Metacat Feature #6416 (In Progress): Do not allow restrictive access control change to content with a DOI
ben leinfelder


05:02 PM Metacat Feature #6414 (Closed): Reject an insert or update/upload if the docid has white spaces in metacat api
I have a task to handle white spaces in the pids in the dataone production environment:
Jing Tao


04:17 PM Metacat Bug #6320 (Closed): Create a file-base authentication mechanism as the default method
Made AuthFile the default in ben leinfelder
03:52 PM Metacat Bug #6403 (Closed): Command-line user management does not handle hashed passwords
Tested this on my localhost and it works with single quotes. ben leinfelder
02:41 PM Metacat Bug #6401 (Closed): Add the documentation about the file-based the authentication
Looks good now. ben leinfelder
02:40 PM Metacat Feature #6402 (Closed): Rebrand identity service
Now has logos and such.... ben leinfelder
01:14 PM Kepler Bug #6413 (New): error when switching to DDF inside Case refinement
I get an exception when switching from SDF to DDF inside a Case Refinement. It seems to be caused by having an unconn... Daniel Crawl
12:44 PM Metacat Task #6298 (Resolved): Call CN.setAccessPolicy() whenever access control rules are updated in Metacat
EML200SaxHandler updated to sync access policies of data pids if access rules updated in <additionalMetadata> Peter Slaughter


04:44 PM MetacatUI Feature #6286 (Rejected): Include rendered EML as PDF in download package
This would be done in Metacat.. but I created a new ticket #6412 for creating a print-friendly version of the Metadat... Lauren Walker
04:41 PM MetacatUI Bug #6411 (Resolved): Handle 'undefined' amount of views for outdated metacat instances that may be deployed with a newer version of the UI
Lauren Walker
03:35 PM MetacatUI Bug #6411 (Resolved): Handle 'undefined' amount of views for outdated metacat instances that may be deployed with a newer version of the UI
Lauren Walker
04:16 PM MetacatUI Feature #6387 (Resolved): Add "details" link in download contents row to link to an innerpage anchor placed at that data file's metadata.
The MetadataView now inserts anchor tags into the DOM after fuzzily matching ids to the ecogrid links Lauren Walker
04:14 PM MetacatUI Story #6294 (Resolved): Replace Metacat API ecogrid links with D1 MN object service links
The MetadataView now fuzzily matches these links to the ID's found in the resource map and replace them with the Data... Lauren Walker
04:06 PM MetacatUI Feature #6412 (Resolved): Create print-friendly version for PDFs of rendered metadata
Lauren Walker
10:36 AM Morpho Bug #6410 (New): The box selection of Geographic Coverage screen doesn't work
Hi Ben,
OK, got it!
One other issue that you may or may not be aware of: in the Geographic
Coverage section yo...
Jing Tao


06:03 PM Metacat Task #6298 (In Progress): Call CN.setAccessPolicy() whenever access control rules are updated in Metacat
I like the approach in EML210SAXHandler for synching the data pids after the transaction has been committed. I think ... ben leinfelder
01:26 PM MetacatUI Bug #6409 (Resolved): No system metadata found for wolkovich.28.1
Lauren Walker
01:16 PM MetacatUI Bug #6409 (Resolved): No system metadata found for wolkovich.28.1
Lauren Walker


04:29 PM MetacatUI Feature #6408 (Resolved): Add a help e-mail address mailto: link to all UI error messages
Lauren Walker
02:55 PM Metacat Task #6407 (Closed): Add syncing test to metacat test suite
Peter Slaughter
02:35 PM Metacat Task #6299 (Resolved): Incorporate synch script as Metacat utility or upgrade routine
All pids for an auth MN can have their access policies checked and sync'd by clicking the 'Sync Access Policies' but... Peter Slaughter
02:29 PM Metacat Task #6297 (Resolved): Create MN->CN sync script
Peter Slaughter
02:28 PM Metacat Task #6298 (Resolved): Call CN.setAccessPolicy() whenever access control rules are updated in Metacat
Peter Slaughter
01:09 PM MetacatUI Story #6406 (Resolved): Double check that all features and styling is satisfactory in the default theme
Lauren Walker

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