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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
3478 Metacat Bug Resolved Immediate Cannot insert XML documents Michael Daigle 09/17/2008 03:45 PM Actions
3506 Metacat Bug Resolved Immediate Data upload fails on dev Michael Daigle 10/03/2008 05:08 PM Actions
3512 FIRST Bug Resolved Immediate Expand keyword tagging beyond NBII lookup ben leinfelder 11/20/2008 03:48 PM Actions
3603 FIRST Bug Resolved Immediate Clean up data on ben leinfelder 11/11/2008 02:33 PM Actions
3610 FIRST Bug Resolved Immediate MorphoFIRST does not work with Morpho 1.6.2 jar ben leinfelder 11/11/2008 02:35 PM Actions
3618 Metacat Bug Resolved Immediate Metacat "binary distribution" does not include EcoGrid Michael Daigle 11/10/2008 11:05 AM Actions
3690 Metacat Bug Resolved Immediate Errors in {qformat}.properties.metadata.xml prevent successful startup Michael Daigle 12/08/2008 03:54 PM Actions
4045 FIRST Bug Resolved Immediate Incorrect use of <item> elements in QTI Ryan McFall 05/11/2009 08:09 AM Actions
4278 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate Changes to a reopened KAR are not saved to the new KAR Aaron Aaron 09/03/2009 04:17 PM Actions
4304 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate Progress monitor is blank when authenticating for KAR upload Sean Riddle 01/27/2010 11:28 AM Actions
6040 Metacat Task New High Metacat-index does not handle <references> Jing Tao 10/21/2013 02:23 PM Actions
6611 MetacatUI Bug Resolved High Make sure #signup view works with Windows 7+Mozilla. Lauren Walker 04/07/2015 12:02 PM Actions
5810 Metacat Feature Closed High Implement SOLR-based search Jing Tao 08/01/2013 02:00 PM Actions
6071 MetacatUI Bug Closed High Scroll to anchorId hidden by the fixed KNB header Lauren Walker 09/18/2013 09:20 AM Actions
2962 Kepler Bug New Normal Add metadata to data tokens so that it can be used downstream ben leinfelder 02/10/2012 12:15 AM Actions
2963 Kepler Bug New Normal Add data structure for tabular data and associated metadata ben leinfelder 08/17/2009 02:30 PM Actions
2964 Kepler Bug New Normal Change RExpression plotting actors to allow custom axis and title labels ben leinfelder 07/01/2008 11:33 AM Actions
2968 Kepler Bug New Normal Ability to join tables within same EML data package ben leinfelder 09/11/2007 06:10 PM Actions
2969 Kepler Bug New Normal Ability to join tables _across_ EML data packages ben leinfelder 09/11/2007 06:10 PM Actions
3112 SEEK Bug New Normal Deploy ecogrid-1.0.0 services for DiGIR and enforce namespaces Dave Vieglais 01/30/2008 10:52 AM Actions
3145 SEEK Bug New Normal Fix [or remove] web interface for ecogrid query Matt Jones 02/11/2008 02:05 PM Actions
3152 Kepler Bug New Normal Use EcoGridServicesController with EcoGridWriter actor ben leinfelder 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
3220 Kepler Bug New Normal "Save" from TextEditor interferes with workflow save-before-closing prompt ben leinfelder 09/03/2009 04:20 PM Actions
3272 Metacat Bug New Normal Add Keywords for SANParks and SAEON when uploading spatial data ben leinfelder 05/02/2008 04:00 PM Actions
3278 Kepler Bug New Normal Search result count is inflated when using both KNB sources ([un]authenticated) ben leinfelder 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
3463 Metacat Bug New Normal Registry upload: include organization/skin Keywords dropdown ben leinfelder 07/28/2009 11:28 AM Actions
3668 Kepler Bug New Normal Define contents of "Publication Ready Archive" Derik Barseghian 06/03/2009 12:18 PM Actions
3821 FIRST Bug New Normal Cannot launch parser within Morpho when using Java 1.6 ben leinfelder 05/01/2009 12:25 PM Actions
3829 FIRST Bug New Normal Support UTF8 encoded XML in Metacat ben leinfelder 09/19/2009 08:47 AM Actions
3897 Morpho Bug New Normal Controlled vocabulary for Taxonomic Coverage ben leinfelder 01/22/2010 11:07 AM Actions
3944 Kepler Bug New Normal External script editors Chad Berkley 04/06/2009 10:08 AM Actions
4002 Kepler Bug New Normal RExpression2 - handle arbitrary R data structures ben leinfelder 08/18/2009 03:18 PM Actions
4010 Kepler Bug New Normal RExpression2 - tracking for backwards compatibility ben leinfelder 02/23/2010 12:58 PM Actions
4219 Kepler Bug New Normal "Kepler Repositories" should be retrieved from the registry ben leinfelder 08/26/2009 02:28 PM Actions
4393 EML Bug New Normal Use datamanager for EML QA/QC ben leinfelder 09/17/2009 01:24 PM Actions
4406 FIRST Bug New Normal Include assessmentItemId in the Metacat indexPaths property ben leinfelder 09/21/2009 12:37 PM Actions
4675 Semtools Bug New Normal EML:DataTable:Annotation cardinality ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 09:00 AM Actions
4724 Semtools Bug New Normal Mark data package as changed when Annotation is edited ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 08:51 AM Actions
4769 Semtools Bug New Normal Save annotations to network ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 08:50 AM Actions
4770 Semtools Bug New Normal Load Annotations from Metacat in Annotation plugin ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 08:50 AM Actions
4771 Semtools Bug New Normal Decide permission policy for Annotations and Ontologies in Metacat ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 08:51 AM Actions
4772 Semtools Bug New Normal Annotation cell selection also selects data table cell ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 08:51 AM Actions
4854 Semtools Bug New Normal Integrate Context Annotation tab with Column Annotation tab ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 08:52 AM Actions
4855 Semtools Bug New Normal Reorder the Full Annotation rows to match madlib order ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 08:52 AM Actions
4856 Semtools Bug New Normal Ontology Browser as a non-modal palette ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 08:53 AM Actions
4876 Kepler Bug New Normal RExpression - recursively handle arrays ben leinfelder 03/11/2010 03:25 PM Actions
4935 Semtools Bug New Normal Lazily load semtools plugin ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 08:56 AM Actions
4946 Semtools Bug New Normal Look-ahead search freezes ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 08:53 AM Actions
5078 Semtools Bug New Normal Measurement templates ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 09:00 AM Actions
5103 Morpho Bug New Normal Wizard screen to edit data entity name ben leinfelder 07/27/2010 02:50 PM Actions
(1-50/598) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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