



From 10/31/2011 to 11/29/2011


12:44 PM Bug #5557: Replace hardcoded path separator with File.pathSeparator
Added a few more fixes. The importance should be bumped to normal because it's no longer just a cosmetic fix. When ... dhogan dhogan
11:58 AM Bug #5557 (New): Replace hardcoded path separator with File.pathSeparator
The class uses ":" rather than File.pathSeparator. It will display incorrectly on... dhogan dhogan
09:43 AM Bug #5556 (New): Add key bind to GUI to avoid connecting edge prematurely
It would be really nice if Diva had some key bind to allow you to avoid connections. A common use case would be when... dhogan dhogan
09:25 AM Bug #5555 (New): Add reverse index in ArrayElement
Trivial enhancement to add reverse index to ArrayElement in Ptolemy. dhogan dhogan


02:58 PM Bug #5554 (In Progress): Build system doesn't recompile using dependencies by default
The build system is using the Javac task's default dependency mechanism which checks mtimes of source code vs. class ... dhogan dhogan
11:18 AM Bug #5502: use https to svn check out modules
This should be straightforward to incorporate. I'll check with Derik about whether it can go in 2.3.0, but it certai... Matt Jones
11:11 AM Bug #5502: use https to svn check out modules
This would make it easier to track development behind a corporate firewall.
Attached is a patch that uses https for ...
dhogan dhogan


02:53 PM Bug #5456: Documentation for Reporting 2.3.0
workflow-scheduler-gui-1.0.0 doc done.
Derik Barseghian
02:50 PM Bug #5552 (Resolved): Workflow Scheduler GUI needs a licenses.txt file
We need a licenses.txt for this suite before release.
See reporting's module-info/licenses.txt for example.
Derik Barseghian
12:03 PM Bug #5290: originModule not always set
Discussed w/ Jing and Dan.
Can now be retargeted to 2.4.0.
Derik Barseghian


11:41 AM Bug #5550 (Resolved): Windows installer should be a .exe, not a .jar
Downloading and running a .jar file under Windows Server 2008 is tricky.
Basically, the user needs to run a command ...
Christopher Brooks
11:17 AM Bug #5508: Link to "Additional background information on Ptolemy" brings up empty page
Verified fixed in rc4 on Windows Server 2008 w/ java7 Christopher Brooks
10:29 AM Bug #5290: originModule not always set
For workflow-scheduler-gui module, i changed to use overwrite approach adding the preference tabs. This approach woul... Jing Tao


07:29 PM Bug #5506: Windows Installer Page does not mention 2.3?
Verified not in rc4 Derik Barseghian
07:28 PM Bug #5508: Link to "Additional background information on Ptolemy" brings up empty page
Verified fixed in rc4 on XP w/ java7 Derik Barseghian
02:58 PM Bug #5508: Link to "Additional background information on Ptolemy" brings up empty page
I've switched kepler-2.3 to use this new branch of ptolemy.
On Windows XP I installed java 1.7 (runtime
Derik Barseghian
05:15 PM Bug #5549: Help=>Modules Documentation not working in ubuntu
Fixed at r28983 and r28984. Class now uses existing ptII BrowserLauncher instead of its own, which wasn't working. Wo... Derik Barseghian
03:30 PM Bug #5549 (Resolved): Help=>Modules Documentation not working in ubuntu
If you click on e.g. reporting from Modules Documentation, you get an error that isn't helpful.
It's coming from mod...
Derik Barseghian
03:13 PM Bug #5501: Got an java.lang.NullPointerException when click any menu after downloading a kar file
No objections ( ) so I've committed ... Derik Barseghian


04:52 PM Bug #5545: Configure Ports dialog Type column gui annoyances
Also, why is "xmltoken" an option in the list? For double you enter "double", not DoubleToken, etc. Derik Barseghian
04:38 PM Bug #5545 (Resolved): Configure Ports dialog Type column gui annoyances
* On OS X, when choosing or typing in a Type, there isn't enough vertical space and characters can be hard to read.
Derik Barseghian
04:50 PM Bug #5546 (Resolved): SDF director iterations parameter default of 0 is unfriendly
I know this was debated/changed at least once in the past, but I can't remember many of the one point Aa... Derik Barseghian


11:38 PM Bug #5541 (New): Kepler crashes on startup with NoClassDefFoundError
1. No response when starting Kepler from start menu.
2. Changing to Kepler installation directory and running kepl...
Simon Thomas
08:10 PM Bug #5508: Link to "Additional background information on Ptolemy" brings up empty page
Yes r61797 is right.
Thanks for doing this.
I'll try to switch kepler-2.3 to use this branch, probably early next wee...
Derik Barseghian
10:18 AM Bug #5508: Link to "Additional background information on Ptolemy" brings up empty page
Ok, I created a branch with:
svn copy -r 61797 svn+ssh:// svn+ssh://source.e...
Christopher Brooks
12:14 AM Bug #5508: Link to "Additional background information on Ptolemy" brings up empty page
Do you mean you'd create a branch (61797 + 62410) in the ptolemy repo with this change for me to refer to?
Otherwise ...
Derik Barseghian


11:14 PM Bug #5508: Link to "Additional background information on Ptolemy" brings up empty page
I would fold the change to HTMLViewer in to a branch just 2.3. I agree that there are many changes and we may not wa... Christopher Brooks
11:10 PM Bug #5508: Link to "Additional background information on Ptolemy" brings up empty page
It's probably worth it, but note this means a large jump in the utilized revision of ptolemy (61797 to 62410) and rep... Derik Barseghian
02:54 PM Bug #5508: Link to "Additional background information on Ptolemy" brings up empty page
This is a Java 1.7 problem, I'm able to replicate the problem under Java 1.7
under Mac OS X.
I checked in a fix:
Christopher Brooks
11:02 PM Bug #5540 (Resolved): Automate Layout no longer uses Kieler on trunk
Awhile ago I changed Automate Layout to use a Kieler layout option. This broke at one point and I fixed it for 2.3 (b... Derik Barseghian
10:37 AM Bug #5529: Documentation for some actors such as Run Composite Actor is empty
It is good that we are making progress on this, see also
Christopher Brooks
10:32 AM Bug #5529: Documentation for some actors such as Run Composite Actor is empty
I've updated KeplerMetadataExtractor to display a warning when userLevelDocumentation is not enclosed by a KeplerDocu... Daniel Crawl
10:11 AM Bug #5529: Documentation for some actors such as Run Composite Actor is empty
I've updated the KARCacheManager to reload KARs if their modified time is different than when they were loaded into t... Daniel Crawl


06:03 PM Bug #5508: Link to "Additional background information on Ptolemy" brings up empty page
The latest Kepler 2.3.0 rc3 continues to display a blank intro window under Windows Server 2008 when run with Java 1.... Christopher Brooks
10:02 AM Bug #5509: How do I run the demos
In a kepler-users post, Allen Hartley Hurlbert wrote:
"Yes, the demos run fine (although I'll note that finding the ...
Christopher Brooks


06:57 PM Bug #5539 (Resolved): Open Actor does not find the actor source code when Kepler is invoked from within Eclipse
Marc and I noticed that "Open Actor" fails to find the source code when Kepler is invoked from within Eclipse.
I l...
Christopher Brooks
06:56 PM Bug #5538 (New): Eclipse uses different .class files from ant run
Kepler creates a separate target directory for .class files that are built
using ant and yet another target director...
Christopher Brooks


08:24 PM Bug #5501: Got an java.lang.NullPointerException when click any menu after downloading a kar file
Strangely my stacktrace has different line numbers than Jing's, and googling my numbers yield more results. Unfortuna... Derik Barseghian
08:21 PM Bug #5501: Got an java.lang.NullPointerException when click any menu after downloading a kar file
Another bug that seems to fairly consistently happen after your first remote Component search is that after clicking ... Derik Barseghian
07:54 PM Bug #4613: EML 2 Dataset automatically updating to latest package doesn't trigger "workflow change"
I'm guessing this is fixed by the fix for bug#5504, but needs testing. Derik Barseghian
07:16 PM Bug #5290: originModule not always set
Ok, what's happening is reporting and workflow-run-manager override some properties in gui and common's configuration... Derik Barseghian
05:37 PM Bug #5504: Kepler incorrectly uses old version of a kar file in ~KeplerData/workflows/MyWorkflows
Fixed at r28927-28.
You'll want to re-instantiate your EML 2 Dataset actors instantiated from a Data search result.
Derik Barseghian


04:43 PM Bug #5504: Kepler incorrectly uses old version of a kar file in ~KeplerData/workflows/MyWorkflows
After discussion with the group the current plan is to, when dragging out an EML 2 Dataset actor from the Data pane, ... Derik Barseghian
02:40 PM Bug #5504: Kepler incorrectly uses old version of a kar file in ~KeplerData/workflows/MyWorkflows
Except I guess no "http://" in the authority.
(In reply to comment #8)
> KeplerLSID format:
> urn:lsid:<authority>:<...
Derik Barseghian
02:39 PM Bug #5504: Kepler incorrectly uses old version of a kar file in ~KeplerData/workflows/MyWorkflows
KeplerLSID format:
Derik Barseghian
02:14 PM Bug #5504: Kepler incorrectly uses old version of a kar file in ~KeplerData/workflows/MyWorkflows
So when you drag a Data search result onto the canvas, the actor has a null LSID. Changes to this LSID-less actor don... Derik Barseghian
11:46 AM Bug #5504: Kepler incorrectly uses old version of a kar file in ~KeplerData/workflows/MyWorkflows
The problem is that changes to an EML200DataSource instantiated from the *Data panel* does not increment the workflow... Derik Barseghian
08:19 AM Bug #5504: Kepler incorrectly uses old version of a kar file in ~KeplerData/workflows/MyWorkflows
Hi, Derik:
Did you try the two version of kar files which are in the attachment? May they will be helpful.
Jing Tao
02:52 PM Bug #5290: originModule not always set
Retarget to 2.3, this is now manifesting when changing from reporting to kepler after Jing's change to include a work... Derik Barseghian


07:53 PM Bug #5504: Kepler incorrectly uses old version of a kar file in ~KeplerData/workflows/MyWorkflows
I think the question is: How is it that these kars contain different workflows that have the same LSID? I think the i... Derik Barseghian
06:54 PM Bug #5508: Link to "Additional background information on Ptolemy" brings up empty page
I haven't been able to reproduce this on XP. I don't have Windows Server 2008, so will probably need you to test agai... Derik Barseghian
06:46 PM Bug #5507: Windows Installer: The R choice is not unselectable
Should be fixed at r28913-14:
fix -- no longer show unchangea...
Derik Barseghian
06:38 PM Bug #5505: Kepler-2.3 installer should create directory named "Kepler-2.3", not "Kepler"
I didn't see a quick solution using IzPack, and since time is short, I've reverted to including the version number in... Derik Barseghian
06:14 PM Bug #5501: Got an java.lang.NullPointerException when click any menu after downloading a kar file
This is related to our using JGoodies Looks (LnF_looks-1.3.2.jar) for our linux LnF. On Ubuntu 10.04 if you use the n... Derik Barseghian


01:15 PM Bug #5529: Documentation for some actors such as Run Composite Actor is empty
Thanks, I now get the Run Composite Actor documentation. There should be a bug report for the problem where userLeve... Christopher Brooks


06:30 PM Bug #5529: Documentation for some actors such as Run Composite Actor is empty
The userLevelDocumentation property must be enclosed by the KeplerDocumentation property. I fixed this in RunComposit... Daniel Crawl
06:03 PM Bug #5529: Documentation for some actors such as Run Composite Actor is empty
Daniel suggested removing ~/.kepler to regenerate the docs. The docs are still empty for me after removing ~/.kepler. Christopher Brooks
11:34 AM Bug #4978: Create additional 'module' property for any menu entries that are inserted by non-core modules
I suspect this is the same problem described in bug 5290. What are the steps to reproduce it? Daniel Crawl


07:21 PM Bug #4872: listen to director throws error
duplicates 5450 Daniel Crawl
07:20 PM Bug #5450: Menu: Help -> Kepler Documentation causes IllegalArgumentException
Fixed in r28869. RunWithFeedbackChkBoxAction was expecting the Ptolemy actions Debug->Animate Execution and Debug->St... Daniel Crawl
11:07 AM Bug #5529: Documentation for some actors such as Run Composite Actor is empty
For the first bug: in my experience, changes to the actor metadata file do not appear in Kepler unless .kepler is rem... Daniel Crawl


11:52 AM Bug #5529 (Resolved): Documentation for some actors such as Run Composite Actor is empty
In the devel trunk and in Kepler-2.2, the documentation for Run Composite Actor
is empty.
To replicate:
1) Start...
Christopher Brooks

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