From 12/22/2003 to 01/20/2004
- 10:51 AM Bug #1262 (Resolved): Wizard Page: Methods
- A wizard page for Methods is mentioned in the suggestions given by Eric,
Christy and Sandy. Below are the notes fro...
- 09:56 AM Bug #1261: Advanced Geographic Display System
- emails from M Jones:
Oh, yeah, one more thing. People need to be able to enter a point, rather than
a box. In EML... - 09:54 AM Bug #1261 (In Progress): Advanced Geographic Display System
- Currently, there is a geographic display in the Query system and it is being
adapted for the Geographic Coverage wiz...
- 04:17 PM Bug #1260 (Resolved): Export function fails or does not include a binary data file
- The Export function either fails to include the data file or throws an error.
Need to check this (since it used to w... - 04:14 PM Bug #1259 (Resolved): Display difficulty with binary data files
- Rick Reeves reported a problem when creating a package with an Excel datafile.
Attribute information is entered manu...
- 08:57 AM Bug #1257: Saving fails after new document creation
- fixed by adding commands to assign a new accession number when a new package is
created. - 08:36 AM Bug #1257 (Resolved): Saving fails after new document creation
- Immediately after a new document has been created with the wizard (and before
any data table attached), Saving the d...
- 02:53 PM Bug #1255: Java Version dependency problem
- all the java 1.4 dependencies have been fixed
- 11:47 AM Bug #1252: DataPackageWizard TextImport Performance problem
- I am tentatively assigning this to Peru since he is the author(I think) of most
of the new code. Dan Higgins - 11:36 AM Bug #1248: Add 'Delete Datatable' functionality
- menu added along with a class to handle deletion.
- 05:28 PM Bug #88: need ability to manipulate access control lists
- In general we don't want to have the user have to type in a DN. Unfortuately,
that's hard to do generically because ... - 04:28 PM Bug #88: need ability to manipulate access control lists
Right now it does the minimum requirement of asking for public read access.
Next step could be to ask for DNs and ...- 04:37 PM Bug #1210: Changes that have to be made in the display of Data Package Wizard
- Access control feature is further described in bug# 88. The Geographic wizard
page feature is describbed in bug #1253... - 04:28 PM Bug #1255: Java Version dependency problem
- removed setFocusable - introduced by perumal as a bug fix for tab-key focus
problems - we need to find another way of... - 04:09 PM Bug #1255: Java Version dependency problem
- The function on line 223 of datapackagewizard/ is setFocusable().
This line was added recenly I think.... - 03:53 PM Bug #1255: Java Version dependency problem
- the error message under Java 1.3 is:
at edu.ucsb.nceas.morpho.plugins.datapackag... - 03:26 PM Bug #1255 (Resolved): Java Version dependency problem
- Morpho 1.5.0alpha2 will not run under Java 1.3. Needed to update to Java 1.4.2
to get it to run correctly (class not... - 02:49 PM Bug #1254: Temporal Information Wizard Page for entering Temporal data
- One note. Temporal coverage in EML was designed specifically to allow
discontinuous ranges, and we should support th... - 01:29 PM Bug #1254 (Resolved): Temporal Information Wizard Page for entering Temporal data
- This page is used for entering temporal information. Hence in terms of EML, the
following enteries
Begin Date - ... - 12:04 PM Bug #1253 (Resolved): Wizard Geographic Coverage Page
- Need to create a page for inputting Geographic Coverage information, perhaps
using a map display like that in the qu... - 12:01 PM Bug #1252 (New): DataPackageWizard TextImport Performance problem
- For some unknown reason, the part of the TextImport where a table file is parsed
and column parameters are 'guessed'... - 11:56 AM Bug #1241: Search Results Data/Nodata icons not working for EML2
- The problem here is complicated by the fact that the resultSet returned by a
metacat query does not automatically ret...
- 05:36 PM Bug #1250: Wizard Attribute Page: allow enumerations to be populated from other tables (eg species lists)
- assigned to Perumal
- 04:59 PM Bug #1250 (Resolved): Wizard Attribute Page: allow enumerations to be populated from other tables (eg species lists)
- This is a copy of part (a) of bug 1201, which is now closed
On the Wizard Attribute Page, allow enumerations to be... - 05:35 PM Bug #1251 (Resolved): Wizard: Taxonomic Coverage Page
- Create new datapackage wizard page for Taxonomic Coverage.
Should create a photoshop mockup of the page/widgets be... - 05:00 PM Bug #1201: Changes to Attribute dialog
- part (b) has been resolved. Part (a) has been moved to its own new bug, which is
now bug 1250 - 03:11 PM Bug #1249 (Resolved): Remove buttons at bottom of datatable display
- Figure out how to replace buttons at the bottom of the datatable display with
proper menus for updating/canceling ta... - 03:09 PM Bug #1248 (Resolved): Add 'Delete Datatable' functionality
- Add a menu item to delete a table and associated entity from a dataPackage.
- 01:59 PM Bug #1242: Metadisplay back button broken
- exception was due to selecting the incorrect column. now, the back button seems
to work ok. The current entityID obt... - 01:29 PM Bug #649: Save Reminder when data table has been edited
- Reminder is now given when anything in a package has been changed (using the
location parameter as a flag). - 01:26 PM Bug #362: save invalid xml docs without DOCTYPE
- No longer applicable with Morpho 1.5 since eml2 uses namespaces rather than
DOCTYPE. Also, eml2 validation is done lo... - 01:22 PM Bug #1247 (Resolved): XML Tree Editor Tuning/Enhancements
- 1) Need to fix attribute nodes to show attribute names at top level
2) add to list for jumping to sections of docume... - 11:54 AM Bug #1188: add 'formatted printed output' for datapackage metadata
- Printing feature added to Morpho.
- 11:52 AM Bug #1196: new data package wizard fails to insert party
- Bug fixed. The problem was due to a row being added to the table when it
received focus. Making the table not recv f...
- 03:04 PM Bug #1243: misc morpho issues needed for release
- 11) fixed
- 11:24 AM Bug #1199: Split data package wizard into two separate wizards
- done in 1.5alpha1 release
- 11:23 AM Bug #1201: Changes to Attribute dialog
- b) fixed by perumal. a) still current
- 11:22 AM Bug #1200: redesign INLINE/ONLINE/OFFLINE wizard page as a progressive questionnaire
- done in 1.5alpha1 release
- 11:05 AM Bug #1231: morpho skips columns during metadata entry of data file.
- There is a bug in Morpho 1.4 in the TextImportWizard routine that displays the
average value of numeric columns when ...
- 11:15 AM Bug #1243: misc morpho issues needed for release
- Item 7) has been fixed. Note that when a datapackage is changed and not yet
saved, its location string is set to "" (... - 09:35 AM Bug #1243: misc morpho issues needed for release
- Regarding 10) I think that even references should show up in the list, as the
user needs some visual indication that ... - 09:20 AM Bug #1243: misc morpho issues needed for release
- fixed 8 and 9
in 10: Entering a person manually now adds it to the list. If picked from the
list, it doesnt add to t...
- 01:50 PM Bug #1243: misc morpho issues needed for release
- 2) fixed
- 01:44 PM Bug #1243: misc morpho issues needed for release
- 5) and 6) fixed
- 01:00 PM Bug #1243: misc morpho issues needed for release
- 1), 3), and 4) bugs fixed. (Higgins)
- 11:10 AM Bug #1243 (Resolved): misc morpho issues needed for release
- These are issues I encountered while test driving the 1.5alpha1 release.
1) Remove "Conversion to EML2 Complete" d... - 01:21 PM Bug #1244: keywordType can't be edited in tree editor
- removed code which inserted unneeded spaces!
- 11:54 AM Bug #1244 (Resolved): keywordType can't be edited in tree editor
- Problem: space inserted before value of 'keywordType' attribute in XML tree
editor, which causes an invalid document... - 11:26 AM Bug #1204: data handling for eml2 packages
- implemented: urn assumed is of form
"ecogrid:\\system\localid\other" where localid is of form 'higgins.234.3" - 11:23 AM Bug #1055: Data files added after a package has been created display incorrectly.
- Due to current use of eml2 documents in Morpho 1.5, this particular bug is no
longer valid. (Need to check operation ... - 11:21 AM Bug #1016: System Identifier problems in DOCTYPE
- This problem is absent in the 1.5 version of Morpho since it only saves eml2.0.0
documents which are XMLSchema based ... - 11:12 AM Bug #931: Need more descriptive identifiers
- Fixed as part of eml2.0.0 update (since the various modules are now inside a
single document, ids are not used), - 11:10 AM Bug #665: use mime types for image and other format names
- This bug is 'corrected' in version 1.5 where EML 2.0.0 is used and one picks
formats from a list in the DataPackage w... - 10:52 AM Bug #1234: remove eml2 dependency from DataPackageFactory->getDataPackage(Node) method
- The getDataPackage(Node node) method in DataPackageFactory class has been
modified to actually check the DOM indicate...
- 11:20 AM Bug #1239: morpho fails when lastId gets out of sync
- I did delete the entire .morpho directory when this problem occurred. When does
it run setlastid? If it is only run... - 09:46 AM Bug #1239: morpho fails when lastId gets out of sync
- The setLastID method in the Morpho class is supposed to check with metacat for
the last ID. It seems to work fine for... - 11:10 AM Bug #1242 (Resolved): Metadisplay back button broken
- Metadisplay
Clicking on the Data Table column headers causes the metadisplay to show the
correct metadata, but clic... - 10:56 AM Bug #1241 (Resolved): Search Results Data/Nodata icons not working for EML2
- In the search results dialog, the icons on the left showing "has data" (red
icon) or "description only" (blue icon) ... - 09:50 AM Bug #1240: Old profiles need eml 2 returndoc types
- I set the current profile code up to be update config.xml anytime the version
string in the code changes. When Morph... - 09:25 AM Bug #1240: Old profiles need eml 2 returndoc types
- It looks like the current profile is updated when a new version is installed,
but other profiles are not. Another pos...
- 07:20 PM Bug #1240 (Resolved): Old profiles need eml 2 returndoc types
- Profiles created in morpho < 1.5aplha1 do not contain:
... - 05:26 PM Bug #1239 (Resolved): morpho fails when lastId gets out of sync
- I recently had to delete all the profile information that was contained in
.morpho. A new .morpho was created when ...
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