



From 05/04/2003 to 06/02/2003


12:49 PM Bug #702: Enter basic PLANTS:Evalute implementation of PLANTS data-c
The USDA plant list files have MS-Latin-I characters embedded in them, which
leads to misinterpretation of some forei...
Michael Lee
10:05 AM Bug #702: Enter basic PLANTS:Evalute implementation of PLANTS data-c
All Bob's comments are OK with me in the above comment, I'll just comment on a
few myself.
RKP4. no problem with us...
Michael Lee
11:03 AM Bug #1076: Adapt John's Add Plant forms to fit new model and polish them
comment #2 has been addressed. Gabriel Farrell
09:42 AM Bug #1076: Adapt John's Add Plant forms to fit new model and polish them
Sorry, Gabe, but I realized the other day that there is still a bug in the
loading process here, but one that should ...
Michael Lee


05:30 PM Bug #1079: Revise DB model to better deal with idiosyncratic taxa
commenting on Bob's comments above:
step 1: the 2 fields are fit and confidence? This needs to wait a bit, as
it is ...
Michael Lee
05:28 PM Bug #1079 (Resolved): Revise DB model to better deal with idiosyncratic taxa
We need to allow users to enter "weird" taxa without cluttering up the plant
taxonomy module. We can do that by mak...
Michael Lee
11:44 AM Bug #1076: Adapt John's Add Plant forms to fit new model and polish them
These issues have been addressed. Gabriel Farrell
04:46 AM Bug #702: Enter basic PLANTS:Evalute implementation of PLANTS data-c
“There are some problems with us reconstructing this. First, we don't know
the USDA code, so I guess we just don't ...
Robert Peet


05:42 PM Bug #712: Update the forms for querying plants then communities
I have a partial implementioin of this form on beta.
Gabriel Farrell
02:43 PM Bug #1077: document in CVS: Preload the database with standard methods, references, journals
1. Regards References
Raunkiaer, C. 1934. The life forms of plants and statistical plant
geography. Clarendon, Oxf...
Robert Peet
11:03 AM Bug #1077: document in CVS: Preload the database with standard methods, references, journals
We're making good progress with this bug!
CONSERV BIOLDODO has gone the way of the dodo (sorry, that's not in good t...
Michael Lee
10:40 AM Bug #1077: document in CVS: Preload the database with standard methods, references, journals
1. We should add the major covervalue systems supported by TurboVeg (see
attachment). We should probably insert all ...
Robert Peet
09:11 AM Bug #1077: document in CVS: Preload the database with standard methods, references, journals
In the above comments, I've now at least scratched the surface on many
preloading tables. The only ones that we migh...
Michael Lee
09:08 AM Bug #1077: document in CVS: Preload the database with standard methods, references, journals
From same .doc as above, I get the following stratum Types for NCVS. Need
stratumTypes for NPS plots, too. Others? B...
Michael Lee
09:05 AM Bug #1077: document in CVS: Preload the database with standard methods, references, journals
From the same .doc as above, cover method and cover index are as follows. Do we
need others?
Michael Lee
09:04 AM Bug #1077: document in CVS: Preload the database with standard methods, references, journals
From an ancient .doc from Bob to John Harris regards project 41 of the NCVS
loading, I glean the following regarding ...
Michael Lee
08:52 AM Bug #1077: document in CVS: Preload the database with standard methods, references, journals
Journals are done. Annals of Botany added with abbrev: "ANN BOT-LONDON" and
another reference to Conservation Biolog...
Michael Lee


07:53 PM Bug #1077: document in CVS: Preload the database with standard methods, references, journals
Journal names were from ISI
ANN BOT-LONDON =?? ANNALS OF BOTANY is in Oxford, not London
Annals of Botany -- rec...
Robert Peet
04:30 PM Bug #1077: document in CVS: Preload the database with standard methods, references, journals
Journals have been captured! The only remaining questions follow here:
-------QUESTIONS---(These journals not yet in...
Michael Lee
01:08 PM Bug #1077: document in CVS: Preload the database with standard methods, references, journals
email from Bob was actually on this date:
Sun, 27 Apr 2003 07:13:28 -0400 (EDT) not the date mentioned in the earlie...
Michael Lee


04:27 PM Bug #801: Reference entry:review
Eventually, we might want to assist users in how to enter a system for alternate
identifiers. I don't know what woul...
Michael Lee
04:23 PM Bug #801: Reference entry:review
(_prebuilt.html is before tokens converted).
has rearran...
Michael Lee
04:25 PM Bug #803: Party entry and edit -- design / evaluate /connect and implement form
Party form seems ready to go. Other comments are about the reference form. Michael Lee
04:06 PM Bug #797: [903] Methods :Cover method:review
Bob's above comments are added to form :
Gabe, you may...
Michael Lee
04:01 PM Bug #794: Evaluate viewing forms and input forms for VegBank Metadata
Answering Bob's 3 points:
1) Once we start accumulating a lot of references, and there will be
thousands very quickl...
Michael Lee
03:27 PM Bug #1077 (Resolved): document in CVS: Preload the database with standard methods, references, journals
We need to load the database with standard methods (cover and stratum) as well
as some standard references, and jour...
Michael Lee
03:19 PM Bug #852: When register, link to party & then update
OK, this works now. The email of the user matches For this to
always work, we will need to add all ext...
Michael Lee
03:14 PM Bug #723: Mechanism to add new plants (one plant at a time) - web
We will postpone this to 1.1 and adapt john's current plant loader for verion
1.0 (bug 1076)
Michael Lee
03:12 PM Bug #1076 (Resolved): Adapt John's Add Plant forms to fit new model and polish them
John's "Add Plant" forms on the web need to be updated to fit our new model and
fix a few things that don't quite wo...
Michael Lee
01:54 PM Bug #863: Evaluate: Simple Query (rewrite views for query)
Gabe is currently working on this form. I'll update Bob's comments after he has
finished, only adding a few extra li...
Michael Lee
01:53 PM Bug #847: evaluate: User view & output stylesheets
Not sure why the query page isn't working now, but in the meantime, Bob can
evaluation what the pages look like (font...
Michael Lee
01:38 PM Bug #705: Fix basic EcoArt:load ecoart - all levels of the framework
We should be good to go on this then. Beta doesn't have many commNames on it
now, so I assume that these are not com...
Michael Lee
12:58 PM Bug #702: Enter basic PLANTS:Evalute implementation of PLANTS data-c
(blocks bug 699, doesn't depend on it.)
Nominal varieties can be recreated by SAS program I adapted from earlier
Michael Lee


11:14 AM Bug #1074 (Resolved): consolodate all party tables onto one
PlantParty and commParty should be deleted and the only party table that will
exist will be Party. This will make i...
Michael Lee
11:11 AM Bug #1073 (New): Allow Users to edit Entities that they own
Allow users to edit party records that they are the owner of, i.e. they (the
user) are the same as the party (link v...
Michael Lee


02:38 PM Bug #852: When register, link to party & then update
This is fixed for version one as I understand it.
Comment#6 point 1 is done but revisions, comment #4 and most of co...
Gabriel Farrell


04:47 PM Bug #852: When register, link to party & then update
There is quite a lot of work here if I am to address all of your comments...
Right now I have this working without r...
Gabriel Farrell


12:15 PM Bug #702: Enter basic PLANTS:Evalute implementation of PLANTS data-c
I addressed the correlation table issue of comment #3. This is on beta now.
Regarding comment #7 , the addition of ...
Gabriel Farrell


11:26 AM Bug #800: [876] Citation entry:connect and implement form
This is complete, there is one side effect of the new reference model that needs
to be cleared up and that is the for...
Gabriel Farrell
11:22 AM Bug #813: [916] Methods :Stratum method:connect and implement form
This is completed. Gabriel Farrell
11:21 AM Bug #796: [906] Methods :Cover method:connect and implement form
Complete Gabriel Farrell


12:41 PM Bug #723: Mechanism to add new plants (one plant at a time) - web
( [-a.html through
Forms have been designed, at ...
Michael Lee


05:47 AM Bug #803: Party entry and edit -- design / evaluate /connect and implement form
Not sure what notes 8 & 9 refer to. ALternative identifier comments probably
pertain to the reference form rather t...
Robert Peet
05:35 AM Bug #797: [903] Methods :Cover method:review
Edit “Note that you do not need to add the full amount of Cover Indexes. Only
add the number of indexes that are ap...
Robert Peet


04:04 PM Bug #689: Usability analysis by expert usability person
move these bugs down in priority as time is running out Michael Lee
04:04 PM Bug #743: [520] Data loader plugins:XML plots:Values for required fields missing
move these bugs down in priority as time is running out Michael Lee
04:04 PM Bug #676: Check with multiple browsers
move these bugs down in priority as time is running out Michael Lee
04:04 PM Bug #740: New XML -- DESIGN
move these bugs down in priority as time is running out Michael Lee
04:04 PM Bug #560: purchase and set up tape backup for vegbank
move these bugs down in priority as time is running out Michael Lee


09:50 PM Bug #863: Evaluate: Simple Query (rewrite views for query)
1. Remove the soil depth criteria from the query
2. Move the NULL and NOT NULL up to the tops of the picklists immedi...
Robert Peet
09:38 PM Bug #847: evaluate: User view & output stylesheets
Links to the stylesheets are not now working. Need to be fixed before I can
Robert Peet
09:35 PM Bug #801: Reference entry:review
1) These comments pertain to
2) This form, like several...
Robert Peet
09:24 PM Bug #794: Evaluate viewing forms and input forms for VegBank Metadata
I am ready to sign off on this bug as soon as Michale attends to the
following. No need to pass it back to me.
1) ...
Robert Peet


12:11 PM Bug #712: Update the forms for querying plants then communities
New plant query form has been designed! One can find this form here:
Michael Lee


05:30 PM Bug #705: Fix basic EcoArt:load ecoart - all levels of the framework
I addressed the commname, commusage issue as I understand it
Enter all names into commname and point the usage ...
Gabriel Farrell
10:39 AM Bug #702: Enter basic PLANTS:Evalute implementation of PLANTS data-c
As I understand things, the following error is of medium-high severity and
priority. It must be fixed before release...
Michael Lee

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