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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
593 VegBank Bug Resolved Immediate Viewing VegBank tables directly Gabriel Farrell 09/11/2006 11:38 AM Actions
799 VegBank Bug Resolved Immediate Implement new Citation datamodel - VegBank (Farrell) and VegBranch (Lee) Gabriel Farrell 09/11/2006 11:38 AM Actions
709 VegBank Bug Resolved Immediate Enter EcoArt 2.96 Gabriel Farrell 09/11/2006 11:38 AM Actions
696 VegBank Bug Resolved Immediate Implement reference and party-related database changes Gabriel Farrell 09/11/2006 11:38 AM Actions
708 VegBank Bug Resolved Immediate Implement comm. taxonomy database / app changes Gabriel Farrell 01/31/2005 02:54 PM Actions
685 VegBank Bug Resolved Immediate Redesign plant taxonomy data model Gabriel Farrell 01/31/2005 02:53 PM Actions
1218 VegBank Bug Resolved Immediate Get really new XML importing (version 1.0.2), allow zipped Gabriel Farrell 01/31/2005 02:53 PM Actions
741 VegBank Bug Resolved Immediate [535] Data loader plugins:XML plots:Fix errors in loading process Gabriel Farrell 01/31/2005 02:53 PM Actions
956 VegBank Bug Resolved Immediate provide testing Access DB and expected XML output Gabriel Farrell 01/31/2005 02:53 PM Actions
870 VegBank Bug Resolved Immediate New XML export and import into the VegBank system Gabriel Farrell 01/31/2005 02:53 PM Actions
725 VegBank Bug Resolved Immediate [505] Data loader plugins:VegBranch plots:Fix errors in loading process Gabriel Farrell 01/31/2005 02:53 PM Actions
797 VegBank Bug Resolved Immediate [903] Methods :Cover method:review Gabriel Farrell 01/31/2005 02:52 PM Actions
1116 VegBank Bug Resolved Immediate Fetch Password is 404 Error Gabriel Farrell 07/23/2003 11:11 AM Actions
1115 VegBank Bug Resolved Immediate certification submittal bugs Gabriel Farrell 07/23/2003 11:10 AM Actions
818 VegBank Bug Resolved Normal [966] Revision:connect and implement form Gabriel Farrell 09/11/2006 11:46 AM Actions
1050 VegBank Bug Resolved Normal validation & recitification without loading plots procedure Gabriel Farrell 09/11/2006 11:45 AM Actions
917 VegBank Bug Resolved Normal Performance: Test Oracle vs. PostgreSQL scalability Gabriel Farrell 09/11/2006 11:45 AM Actions
788 VegBank Bug Resolved Normal Load tree-related data Gabriel Farrell 09/11/2006 11:45 AM Actions
717 VegBank Bug Resolved Normal [375] Mechanism to add new plants:manage plants you own-b Gabriel Farrell 09/11/2006 11:45 AM Actions
1120 VegBank Bug Resolved Normal log out doesn't appear to work Gabriel Farrell 09/11/2006 11:45 AM Actions
700 VegBank Bug Resolved Normal Implement redesigned plant taxonomy data model Gabriel Farrell 09/11/2006 11:38 AM Actions
858 VegBank Bug Resolved Normal [1276] Nested and advanced query:implement Gabriel Farrell 01/31/2005 02:54 PM Actions
781 VegBank Bug Resolved Normal Revise VegBank accessionnumber Gabriel Farrell 01/31/2005 02:54 PM Actions
852 VegBank Bug Resolved Normal When register, link to party & then update Gabriel Farrell 01/31/2005 02:54 PM Actions
703 VegBank Bug Resolved Normal Enter 1996 & 2002 USDA Plants List Gabriel Farrell 01/31/2005 02:54 PM Actions
(1-25/54) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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