From 07/22/2010 to 08/20/2010
- 04:24 PM Bug #5157: Devise approach for when patching should occur when changes occur via the module-manager.
- I have a solution that is good enough for 2.1. The default is that suites are patched. This default can be changed wi...
- 11:28 AM Bug #5157 (Resolved): Devise approach for when patching should occur when changes occur via the module-manager.
- Right now, if you change to a suite through the module manager, it is listed as not being patchable. This might be de...
- 02:09 PM Bug #5158 (Resolved): remaining provenance issues for 2.1 release
- There are some remaining tasks to be done for provenance before we can ship 2.1:
- Dan has some schema changes to pu... - 12:23 AM Bug #5143: not getting prompted to upgrade to available patched version in test area
- After fixing bug 5147, I have verified that this functionality now works.
- 12:08 AM Bug #5147: Resolve issue with modules.txt
- I found a way to solve this problem without affecting backwards compatibility. There is new file, called current-suit...
- 05:15 PM Bug #4694: workflow run manager - differentiate imported runs
- This is done in the 2.1 branch, imported run-rows now a blueish color. Waiting to merge this and other changes into t...
- 01:57 AM Bug #5156 (Resolved): ant run for kepler 1.0 fails after clean svn checkout
- gamma:build-area michalo$ pwd
gamma:build-area michalo$ sw_vers
- 06:53 PM Bug #5154: Curiously, no progress indicator shows progress during patching.
- Done.
- 04:30 PM Bug #4324: ptII/module-info/revision.txt not being updated
- Trunks now using ptolemy r58807, and I added the jogl exclude for eclipse.
idea's PtolemyModuleStart already excludes... - 03:42 PM Bug #4324: ptII/module-info/revision.txt not being updated
- If excluding those from building system, please make sure it's also updated for eclipse building. To update it, just ...
- 03:37 PM Bug #4324: ptII/module-info/revision.txt not being updated
- I think the @override warnings are from using Java 1.5.
Adding jogl to the excludes seems reasonable.
data/ontologies... - 02:49 PM Bug #4324: ptII/module-info/revision.txt not being updated
- I just tried to manually move kepler trunk up to ptolemy head, but I can't compile:
[compile] /Users/derik/dev2/kep... - 03:53 PM Bug #5155 (New): To exclude a file or directory requires updating at least four places, only one should be necessary
- jianwu <> writes:
>If excluding those from building system, please make sure it's also updated for
... - 01:12 PM Bug #5153: Save As... closes all windows associated with a workflow
- This happens because ExportArchiveAction's refreshFrameAfterSave is set to true by default. The commit log for this f...
- 01:07 PM Bug #5145: kepler library skin is mostly broken
- Jing's done this, we just need to wait for the kepler library metacat to be upgraded to change this to an ER and reta...
- 12:09 PM Bug #5099: Import Dependent Modules for KAR doesn't work
- This is implemented now, it just needs further testing once bugs #5147 and #5143 are fixed.
As part of this I've rem...
- 11:13 PM Bug #5154 (Resolved): Curiously, no progress indicator shows progress during patching.
- Although I seem to recall a progress indicator being existent for large patches previously, it seems to have disappea...
- 11:10 PM Bug #5143: not getting prompted to upgrade to available patched version in test area
- I have finally figured out the source of this problem. This bug is intimately related to 5147. Basically, the reason ...
- 11:04 AM Bug #5153 (New): Save As... closes all windows associated with a workflow
- If you're working on a complex workflow, it's not uncommon to have multiple windows open for the one workflow -- wind...
- 04:45 PM Bug #5152: Errors when saving more than one actors in a kar.
- One difference between this situation and CoreActors.kar is that there may be dependencies among actors here, whereas...
- 04:22 PM Bug #5152: Errors when saving more than one actors in a kar.
- Disabling the option when multiple actors are selected would be an improvement since it's not working, but being able...
- 04:13 PM Bug #5152 (New): Errors when saving more than one actors in a kar.
- To re-produce,
1) drag and drop two actors into canvas, such as 'Display' and 'Constant'
2) choose these two act... - 04:29 PM Bug #5151: kar files are not openable if they are generated from actors.
- Note that you can also right-click on the canvas and Save Archive (KAR)... and this is the same as File => Save Archi...
- 04:00 PM Bug #5151 (New): kar files are not openable if they are generated from actors.
- By right clicking an actor and choosing 'Save Archive (KAR)...', I can save an actor as a kar. The kar will be access...
- 03:31 PM Bug #5150 (New): errors to save an actor as kar if its name has forward slash ('/').
- To produce it:
1, drag and drop 'Display' actor into canvas.
2, rename it's name to be '/Display'.
3, right click ... - 03:10 PM Bug #5149 (New): kar file saving problems.
- I think there are more than one problems for kar file saving, this bug is to track concrete kar file saving problems....
- 11:55 AM Bug #5142: comma improperly inserted in kar filename rather than a period (.)
- Ben, thanks for your info which is very valuable. I'll switch from finding where it becomes ',kar' to how to display ...
- 11:39 AM Bug #5142: comma improperly inserted in kar filename rather than a period (.)
- I believe the comma is used intentionally since you cannot use a period/dot in the name of a NamedObj. i don't think ...
- 10:46 AM Bug #5142: comma improperly inserted in kar filename rather than a period (.)
- After digging a while, I found it is because those kar files are saved with ',kar'. When the Kepler is started, you c...
- 09:09 AM Bug #5148 (New): Remove println from XSLTActor
- From Chris:
When you send a string to the XSLTActor it prints the xml document to the terminal.
Could y...
- 08:28 PM Bug #5095: test kepler and wrp for memory leaks
- Ben, cool. Thanks.
- 08:25 PM Bug #5095: test kepler and wrp for memory leaks
- The data referenced on DEV is there - I was mistaken earlier about it being missing. - 06:48 PM Bug #5095: test kepler and wrp for memory leaks
- We will get your 'jianwu' account (o=SDSC) set up so that you can read the data used in those workflows. Please don't...
- 06:44 PM Bug #5095: test kepler and wrp for memory leaks
- ben, I think it is for provenance since my current tests are just normal workflows, not those TPC workflows.
Thanks... - 06:18 PM Bug #5095: test kepler and wrp for memory leaks
- Jianwu,
WHen you say hsqldb - is that for provenance, data, or both? I think one of the things the TPC workflows exer... - 05:11 PM Bug #5095: test kepler and wrp for memory leaks
- After digging a while using JConsole and Eclipse MAT plugin, I didn't found obvious memory leaks. As expected, hsqldb...
- 04:10 PM Bug #5145: kepler library skin is mostly broken
- The interface and the search query back end needs to allow more sophisticated queries than just search, e.g., ability...
- 04:04 PM Bug #5145: kepler library skin is mostly broken
- Those pictures looks great. Thank matt for the information. However, our goal is very simpler - it can display the in...
- 03:18 PM Bug #5145: kepler library skin is mostly broken
- If you are in the process of revamping this stylesheet and presentation, its probably worthwhile to also consider imp...
- 02:46 PM Bug #5145: kepler library skin is mostly broken
- Here are result discuss with ben:
The detail display of kar file will be:
Kar file name (download)
Workflow name 1 ... - 11:35 AM Bug #5145: kepler library skin is mostly broken
- For the display details page I'd imagine just looping through each karEntry and displaying it's information:
-... - 11:13 AM Bug #5145: kepler library skin is mostly broken
- Here is the summary during our discussion (derik, ben and I):
1: Remove the broken image link
2. Add a section to di... - 03:55 PM Bug #5119: Make switching to a specific set of modules turn off automatic update feature
- Thanks David, I'm now using this feature in 2.1 -- when a user with KARCompliance set to Strict restarts for a KAR re...
- 01:40 PM Bug #5147 (Resolved): Resolve issue with modules.txt
- Automatic suite resolution has some issues with regard to patching. For example, if reporting-2.1.0 contains a self-r...
- 12:11 PM Bug #5137: database exception when using 'ant run' at windows 7.
- I can not reproduce the error after a fresh checkout. It's weird that the exception was still there even I did 'ant u...
- 12:11 PM Bug #5140: Ecogrid Authentication Error at Kepler trunk on windows 7.
- I can not reproduce the error after a fresh checkout. It's weird that the exception was still there even I did 'ant u...
- 06:14 PM Bug #5145: kepler library skin is mostly broken
- You can see the Browse the other examples I've uploaded here:
Sorry one of the "ka... - 05:30 PM Bug #5145 (Resolved): kepler library skin is mostly broken
- The kepler library skin should be reworked now that we're uploading KARs. - 06:10 PM Bug #5121: Provide a button to manually check for updates
- The button is now present and working.
- 05:59 PM Bug #5140: Ecogrid Authentication Error at Kepler trunk on windows 7.
- I tested with 'kepler' account, the exception is exact the same.
If a user uses a fake account, the error pop up di... - 05:24 PM Bug #5140: Ecogrid Authentication Error at Kepler trunk on windows 7.
- Can you authenticate with valid credentials?
Otherwise, I'm confused why this is a bug - you entered a fake username/... - 02:12 PM Bug #5140 (Resolved): Ecogrid Authentication Error at Kepler trunk on windows 7.
- From 'Tools->Ecogrid Authentication' menu item, I chose 'DEV' domain and tried a fake username and password. The conn...
- 05:53 PM Bug #5146 (Resolved): modifying and saving the composite sinewave actor fails
- Trying to make changes to the Sinewave actor that ships with Kepler and then trying to save that actor as a KAR file ...
- 05:43 PM Bug #5126: Determine whether we need to make installers for all minor releases
- Thanks, I'm closing this one.
We run the risk of users not having the most recent version and
of confusing the user ... - 05:05 PM Bug #5126: Determine whether we need to make installers for all minor releases
- Does anyone object to me closing this?
- 05:27 PM Bug #5144 (Resolved): renaming an actor does not persist in saved kar files
- When one renames an actor on the canvas, and then selects that actor and chooses 'Save KAR...' in the context menu, a...
- 05:17 PM Bug #5119: Make switching to a specific set of modules turn off automatic update feature
- The functionality for this is ready to go. Derik just needs to make an appropriate call at the appropriate time.
The... - 05:15 PM Bug #5143 (Resolved): not getting prompted to upgrade to available patched version in test area
- I current have published to the test area reporting-2.0.0, reporting-2.1.0, and reporting-2.1.1. If you're run report...
- 04:56 PM Bug #5142 (Resolved): comma improperly inserted in kar filename rather than a period (.)
- When KAR files are saved, with a name such as "foo.kar", then show up incorrectly in the kepler component pane with a...
- 12:59 PM Bug #5070: Changing the "Available Modules" tab in the Module Manager to "Available Suites and Modules"
- Done.
- 12:05 PM Bug #5137 (Resolved): database exception when using 'ant run' at windows 7.
- The following exceptions keep showing when I tried to start Kepler using 'ant run'. I had to use 'Ctrl C' to stop it....
- 04:48 PM Bug #5136 (Resolved): semantic type checker always returns error
- Chris Weed reported:
When I apply a semantic type to an input and output port that are
connected, the semantic ty... - 03:29 PM Bug #4191: Eclipse build is slow the first time "Copying resources to the output folder"
- I exclude test directories in ptolemy .classpath file so that the build will be faster. Now building ptolemy takes ab...
- 11:55 AM Bug #4191: Eclipse build is slow the first time "Copying resources to the output folder"
- The status I found is that only ptolemy module doesn't filter .svn correctly. I updated the build-area\resources\ecli...
- 02:01 PM Bug #5126: Determine whether we need to make installers for all minor releases
- I think we're all in agreement about wanting installers most of the time. However, in the case of 2.1, the changes a...
- 01:33 PM Bug #5126: Determine whether we need to make installers for all minor releases
- If we don't automatically offer updates, then by default, users will
be using 2.0.
This seems wrong. Why bother wit... - 01:28 PM Bug #5126: Determine whether we need to make installers for all minor releases
- If you have 2.0, you will be able to get 2.1 using the module manager. It will not be automatic. In general, if a min...
- 08:09 AM Bug #5126: Determine whether we need to make installers for all minor releases
- So, once Kepler-2.1 is released, if I download the 2.0 installer, will
I automatically be updated to 2.1? How will I... - 11:24 AM Bug #5133 (Resolved): Authentication and authorization of GPP server
- Just open this bug. We need those mechanism in GPP server. Dan can give more details.
- 09:21 AM Bug #5065: In shared or administrative installations, the ability to store modules.txt and extra modules locally. This way, the module manager will work smoothly on Windows without having to run as an administrator.
- To update, this Thursday we had a meeting where, among other things, we discussed how to proceed with this problem. W...
- 04:09 PM Bug #5132 (Resolved): Connecting Workflow Run Manager to remote KAR store should prompt for credentials
- We need an authentication and authorization mechanism for client kepler to access remote Provenance DB.
We can bor... - 03:30 PM Bug #5131 (Resolved): Authentication and authorization of Scheduler server
- When a user tries to schedule a workflow through a kepler client, the scheduler server should check weather the user ...
- 03:11 PM Bug #5130 (Resolved): Need a login and logout interface for authenticating a user
- When kepler client tries to schedule running a workflow or read data/report from remote Provenance DB, it should have...
- 02:21 PM Bug #5129 (In Progress): adding and removing configuration properties could be made easier
- Now that we've shipped 2.0, if a developer wants to add a new configuration property to a config file, they must firs...
- 04:32 PM Bug #5122: Develop an approval process for patches
- Moving this to 2.2 target in case we want to discuss it further then.
- 04:21 PM Bug #5122: Develop an approval process for patches
- To clarify, releasing a patch is a module-level event.
Each minor release will have its own branch in svn, and if two... - 04:28 PM Bug #5121: Provide a button to manually check for updates
- Also, a button for toggling the automatic checking for updates on startup.
- 04:27 PM Bug #5082: Eclipse build fails because of invalid archive
- I believe the bug is because of an extra space in one line of Now (at version 25232)
- 04:26 PM Bug #5119: Make switching to a specific set of modules turn off automatic update feature
- Since I'm working on the Import Dependent Modules feature, if you can simply provide an methods that I can call to ge...
- 04:23 PM Bug #5126: Determine whether we need to make installers for all minor releases
- Today we decided not all minor releases require an installer be released. 2.1 will not have an installer, users will ...
- 04:14 PM Bug #5099: Import Dependent Modules for KAR doesn't work
- These changes will be put into a new 2.1 branch, and removed from the 2.0 branch.
Yesterday I made more progress on ... - 03:52 PM Bug #5097: accepts a limited number of arguments
- It is now fixed by changing bash and bat to:
java -classpath build-area/lib/ant.jar:kepler.jar org.kepler...
- 02:34 PM Bug #5124: Add/fix the ability to patch a suite
- Fixed.
- 12:23 PM Bug #5124 (Resolved): Add/fix the ability to patch a suite
- Currently, when you attempt to patch a suite using the instructions on the wiki, you get an error.
nce... - 12:34 PM Bug #5127 (Resolved): Make a good way to publish a suite without changing a bunch of modules.txt files
- As shown in the publishing instructions page on the wiki (
- 12:29 PM Bug #5126 (Resolved): Determine whether we need to make installers for all minor releases
- It seemed like a foregone conclusion that installers would be made for all minor and major releases. On the other han...
- 12:27 PM Bug #5125 (Resolved): Add feature to do a one-step revert of a botched update from outside of Kepler
- If a patch does not work correctly, it is possible that Kepler will fail to restart after the patch's installation. T...
- 12:19 PM Bug #5123 (New): Create an ant task to display commits since last patch of a given module
- Patches of modules are distributed as a zip containing the entire module. This means that someone can release a patch...
- 12:16 PM Bug #5122 (New): Develop an approval process for patches
- At present, releasing a patch releases all changes made to the applicable release branch. If not very many people are...
- 12:11 PM Bug #5121 (Resolved): Provide a button to manually check for updates
- At present, updates are detected at Kepler startup. Add a button or menu entry that allows the user to manually check...
- 12:08 PM Bug #5120 (New): Provide a toggle for automatic updates
- Add a menu option that allows the user to toggle between automatic checking for updates at startup and not.
- 12:07 PM Bug #5119 (Resolved): Make switching to a specific set of modules turn off automatic update feature
- Otherwise, as soon as someone restarts Kepler in a specific module configuration (that is not the most recent patched...
- 05:11 PM Bug #5116: add lat/lon to sensor metadata and use during import
- Ilkay's work on metadata also indicated this information might be present in the SensorML metadata or EML metadata --...
- 04:19 PM Bug #5116 (In Progress): add lat/lon to sensor metadata and use during import
- The site layout in engineering workflows can reflect the physical layout of sensors at a deployment site. If lat/lon ...
- 12:51 PM Bug #5115: enable system properties setting by updating or kepler.bat
- It is fixed at version 25216. Now users can set properties by updating or kepler.bat by adding '-DProperty1...
- 12:35 PM Bug #5115 (Resolved): enable system properties setting by updating or kepler.bat
- Originally reported by Chris Weed by asking how to launch kepler 2.0 with proxy settings(http://mercury.nceas.ucsb.ed...
- 08:13 PM Bug #5065: In shared or administrative installations, the ability to store modules.txt and extra modules locally. This way, the module manager will work smoothly on Windows without having to run as an administrator.
- There are some serious complications to the solution of storing modules in multiple locations. This is not a "simple"...
- 05:41 PM Bug #5065: In shared or administrative installations, the ability to store modules.txt and extra modules locally. This way, the module manager will work smoothly on Windows without having to run as an administrator.
- Running as administrator or other root-level accounts is likely to be a security issue, as it allows escalation of p...
- 04:26 PM Bug #5065: In shared or administrative installations, the ability to store modules.txt and extra modules locally. This way, the module manager will work smoothly on Windows without having to run as an administrator.
- I think another approach would work better for the problem of permissions on Windows. Moving modules to exist on mult...
- 01:40 PM Bug #5026: Error dialog pop up in RC3 when closing the ImageJ window after workflow execution.
- Hey Sean, could we submit your patch to the IJ folks? If we upgrade to a new version of IJ it sounds like we might ha...
- 01:31 PM Bug #5026: Error dialog pop up in RC3 when closing the ImageJ window after workflow execution.
- Fixed in r25200-1 in trunk. Now ImageJ configuration is stored in the persistent configuration for the common module....
- 06:51 PM Bug #5099: Import Dependent Modules for KAR doesn't work
- Checked in a first pass at this into 2.0 in r25165. Not yet in trunk.
- 03:45 PM Bug #5077: add real inputs and outputs to sensor actor
- This is works now: the output port for sensor sample data, and two input ports for turning sensor on/off, and setting...
- 09:43 AM Bug #4342: apple-extensions module on windows make Eclipse build difficult
- I'm confirming that this is fixed in the kepler trunk under Windows with Eclipse.
However, as expected, the problem p...
- 08:59 PM Bug #5089: Replace operating system specific files with operating system specific modules.
- I have implemented this as a fix for another bug. Closing.
- 08:58 PM Bug #4342: apple-extensions module on windows make Eclipse build difficult
- This should be fixed. The apple-extensions module should no longer download on Windows and should be ignored by the "...
- 06:34 PM Bug #5100: Report Layout designed in a composite actor window is lost
- fixed in 2.0 at r25138
- 11:16 AM Bug #5096: Reporting on a RecordToken fails
- I checked this fix into trunk at r25112
- 11:13 AM Bug #5096: Reporting on a RecordToken fails
- Yeah, it was assumed that each value of a RecordToken's subtokens were ArrayTokens -- casted without checking.
- 10:58 AM Bug #5096: Reporting on a RecordToken fails
- was this because I was assuming there was more than one value per label (ie an ArrayToken)?
- 11:16 AM Bug #5094: reports do not display matrix or xml token data
- I checked this fix into trunk at r25112
- 10:52 AM Bug #5069: The ability to create user manuals from a wiki that is continuously updated.
- 1 vote for LaTex:
Jim Regetz and I converted the Morpho user guide from Word to LaTex - seems much more manageable th...
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