



From 03/04/2007 to 04/02/2007


10:10 AM Bug #2808 (Closed): Revise rule 26 to remove most if not all >= relationships
There are currently over 1000 >= relationiships generated by rule 26.
This occurs when Species A sec Weakley > Spe...
Robert Peet
10:03 AM Bug #2636: Better labels for ambiguous occurrences
fixed Robert Peet
10:01 AM Bug #2793: Reorder search on homepage
fixed Robert Peet
10:01 AM Bug #2784: Community tab should be based on Weakley taxa and not nominals
fixed Robert Peet
09:59 AM Bug #2754: X-IL record does not appear on map; Need category for misc records
fixed Robert Peet
09:58 AM Bug #2651: font issues with various browsers
fixed Robert Peet
09:56 AM Bug #2623: 42. TaxonProgress updates
fixed Robert Peet
09:53 AM Bug #2715: Clean up relationship mapping to remove ?s
<= relationships now gone.
I will generate a new bug for Xianhua for the >= relationships.
I will pass the 555 ? re...
Robert Peet
09:50 AM Bug #2602: Document concept references in Weakley flora
I have now created two files that contain (1) simple and full reference couplets, and (2) TaxonName,codeRef and simpl... Robert Peet


02:02 PM Bug #2802 (Resolved): Height error not specified in unfolding
height error doesn't seem to be correctly populated in the unfolding process. Michael Lee
12:25 PM Bug #2801: reports get confused with level 2 data
need to include "missing" vigor values (a new value) Michael Lee
12:24 PM Bug #2801 (Resolved): reports get confused with level 2 data
Need to filter out natural stems from reports as they throw the species numbers, plus the default report is not desig... Michael Lee
11:37 AM Bug #2800 (Resolved): DBA screens do not check for header notes to be OK'd
The notes for each species are checked, but the ones for the full plot aren't, but sometimes these notes impact thing... Michael Lee


07:59 PM Bug #2684: Miscellaneous literature records for distribution
Yes, this is big operation. Many aspects need to be changed since current system has been designed under an situation... xianhua liu


07:41 PM Bug #2637: RAB records of nominal variety occurrences have incomplete name
Thanks. I am clear now about the issue. Here enclosed please find the excel file that contains all the Vars in RAB co... xianhua liu
07:12 PM Bug #2626: 45. Negative occurrences
I added a column in the distribution table to store the validity status of distribution record. The admin interface h... xianhua liu
06:00 PM Bug #2626: 45. Negative occurrences
Since these records are wrong, would not it be better to just remove them from the map? Anyway, they contr...
xianhua liu
07:08 PM Bug #2678: Create tool for editing static database records of taxon occurrence
The tool is available at for editing records in the static database of occurre... xianhua liu
06:23 PM Bug #2784: Community tab should be based on Weakley taxa and not nominals
fixed xianhua liu
06:08 PM Bug #2636: Better labels for ambiguous occurrences
I guess this issue has been resolved by listing individual sources for ambiguous records instead of lumping them in o... xianhua liu
05:42 PM Bug #2585: Allow ambiguous records only in states where taxon occurs
First, let me explain why Adiantum pedatum from NCU is ambiguous.
We have relationships:
1. Adiantum pedatum (Weakle...
xianhua liu


07:35 PM Bug #2623: 42. TaxonProgress updates
fied xianhua liu
05:15 PM Bug #2651: font issues with various browsers
fixed xianhua liu
04:55 PM Bug #2793: Reorder search on homepage
fixed xianhua liu
12:17 PM Bug #2794: Test WinZip integration with various versions
Note added:
in v205p5
Michael Lee
11:49 AM Bug #2794: Test WinZip integration with various versions
Also works with WinZip 11 eval version. Pro is not required for command-line functionality that we use with batch fi... Michael Lee
11:33 AM Bug #2794: Test WinZip integration with various versions
works fine with WinZip 9.0 (eval version) Michael Lee
11:19 AM Bug #2794 (Resolved): Test WinZip integration with various versions
I have WinZip 8.0
UNC has a WinZip 9.0 to download (eval)
and WinZip has 11.0 to download (requiring Pro for comman...
Michael Lee


07:53 PM Bug #2793 (Closed): Reorder search on homepage
Most visitors will be searching for a taxon rather than trying to generate a list of taxa. Let's reorder the first p... Robert Peet
07:50 PM Bug #2656: County lists should include ambiguous records
My main concern is that this is such a complex query that performance will be terrible. I am willing to drop this bu... Robert Peet
07:45 PM Bug #2606: 25. Complex searches
closed Robert Peet
07:45 PM Bug #2606: 25. Complex searches
I am now convinced this bug is very poorly circumscribed and should be closed until such time as someone thinks throu... Robert Peet
07:00 PM Bug #2606: 25. Complex searches
This could be related to the bug 2656 ( since geographic area... xianhua liu
07:31 PM Bug #2790: Incorrect stacking of map records
fixed Robert Peet
07:16 PM Bug #2790: Incorrect stacking of map records
fixed xianhua liu
06:20 PM Bug #2790: Incorrect stacking of map records
Great! The stacking order is now correct.
However, let's also change the explanation. Reorder the colored key be...
Robert Peet
05:58 PM Bug #2790: Incorrect stacking of map records
Fixed now.
xianhua liu
05:46 PM Bug #2790: Incorrect stacking of map records
Well, no, not yet fixed. Perhaps Jeff failed to explain the problem clearly.
Consider Quercus alba. Robeson County ...
Robert Peet
05:07 PM Bug #2790: Incorrect stacking of map records
fixed xianhua liu
12:01 PM Bug #2790: Incorrect stacking of map records
The ordering of records should be revised so that documented occurrences always appear on top of ambiguous records. ... Jeff Ott
06:11 PM Bug #2789: Optional reporting of ambiguous records
fixed Robert Peet
06:10 PM Bug #2757: Concept relationships in county clickover need reordering
fixed Robert Peet
06:05 PM Bug #2589: Concepts as the basis for returning specimens and images.
fixed Robert Peet
05:51 PM Bug #2589: Concepts as the basis for returning specimens and images.
The ambiguous specimens and images are shown in gray background.
xianhua liu
05:57 PM Bug #2651: font issues with various browsers
Problem is still there.
When I create a map with IE8 I see the species name in the upper left in bold font that is t...
Robert Peet
05:52 PM Bug #2615: Failure to map WEWO and other non-NCU series in Specify
Fixed Robert Peet


07:09 PM Bug #2623: 42. TaxonProgress updates
I wonder if there is a management console tool that I can use to access the Specify database remotely from my ...
xianhua liu
06:49 PM Bug #2651: font issues with various browsers
fixed xianhua liu
05:29 PM Bug #2784: Community tab should be based on Weakley taxa and not nominals
Should the parent concept and children concepts be included in the query result? For example, if querying by Cleistes... xianhua liu
05:19 PM Bug #2790: Incorrect stacking of map records
Fixed. The current order of records is:
2. Within one ...
xianhua liu


02:29 PM Bug #2791 (Resolved): Out of Stack space (access 2000)
Hello. I have encountered another error with the new version of the vegetation database. [v 2.0.4]
When I begin t...
Michael Lee


02:05 PM Bug #2790: Incorrect stacking of map records
Again, for Cleistes bifaria:
look at Brunswick Co, NC, the southeastern most county in the state.
Also Harnett, Onslo...
Robert Peet
01:38 PM Bug #2790: Incorrect stacking of map records
It seems fine to me. Could you please specify the name of one county where this problem happens, so I can quickly tes... xianhua liu
12:40 PM Bug #2790 (Closed): Incorrect stacking of map records
I mapped Cleistes bifaria. I then turned off the ambiguous records and saw several previously hidden unambiguous her... Robert Peet
01:30 PM Bug #2615: Failure to map WEWO and other non-NCU series in Specify
fixed xianhua liu
06:23 AM Bug #2615: Failure to map WEWO and other non-NCU series in Specify
County records from the WEWO series are not being mapped, but do show up in the specimens, and when one clicks on a c... Robert Peet
01:26 PM Bug #2754: X-IL record does not appear on map; Need category for misc records
The reason why X-IL records do not show up is that the herbarium specify database uses "X-ILL" (sometimes "X...
xianhua liu
06:44 AM Bug #2754: X-IL record does not appear on map; Need category for misc records
The X-IL record appears in specimens but not on the map
Unlike the related problem with WEWO (bug 2615), we here do ...
Robert Peet
01:21 PM Bug #2767: Adjust colors on maps
fixed Robert Peet
12:34 PM Bug #2767: Adjust colors on maps
fixed xianhua liu
06:01 AM Bug #2767: Adjust colors on maps
One more try
Current color New colors
Red Dark: 255-0-0 255-0-60
Red Light: ...
Robert Peet
05:09 AM Bug #2767: Adjust colors on maps
One more try at getting the colors right
Current color New colors
Red Dark: 255-0-0 ...
Robert Peet
12:39 PM Bug #2757: Concept relationships in county clickover need reordering
fixed xianhua liu
04:34 AM Bug #2757: Concept relationships in county clickover need reordering
Close, but need to reorder components
Current order = Source | Rel. | Name | Cult.
New order = Rel. | Name | So...
Robert Peet
12:23 PM Bug #2789: Optional reporting of ambiguous records
Fixed xianhua liu
08:30 AM Bug #2789 (Closed): Optional reporting of ambiguous records
On the map page, immediately above the cultivated check boxes, as a check box for show ambiguous records that default... Robert Peet
08:25 AM Bug #2788 (New): Kentucky atlas data
Add West Virginia and Kentucky atlas data. Provide place for these in legend. Initially treat as nominals unless we... Robert Peet
08:21 AM Bug #2699: Tool for users to submit county records
Postpone until next funding cycle Robert Peet
08:21 AM Bug #2698: Add traits tab
Bob needs to compile trait data for implementation. Robert Peet
08:18 AM Bug #2585: Allow ambiguous records only in states where taxon occurs
This is relatively important.
We can provide a list of states of occurrence for each of the Weakley concepts as a ...
Robert Peet
08:10 AM Bug #2589: Concepts as the basis for returning specimens and images.
This should be quick and easy Robert Peet
08:09 AM Bug #2657: Highlight species with too few counties and those with too many
depends on bug 2640 -- on hold for now Robert Peet
07:06 AM Bug #2657: Highlight species with too few counties and those with too many
duplicate bug Robert Peet
08:07 AM Bug #2725: Create log of changes generated by the Administration Page
postpone untilnext funding cycle Robert Peet
08:04 AM Bug #2725: Create log of changes generated by the Administration Page
Postpone until the next funding cycle Robert Peet
08:03 AM Bug #2630: Verification that CVS records map correctly to Weakley
Forbes will compile the list of taxon occurrences in the CVS database and pass on problems for RKP and AW to resolve.... Robert Peet
08:00 AM Bug #2602: Document concept references in Weakley flora
For 10779 concepts in the Weakley flora, specific references have not been ported into the seflora database. Jess lo... Robert Peet
07:13 AM Bug #2638: Ambiguous records should have details of ambiguity clickable
Postpone to next funding cycle Robert Peet
07:05 AM Bug #2584: 3. "Ambiguous" CVS and NCNHP records mapped differently from other ambiguous records
done Robert Peet
07:05 AM Bug #2584: 3. "Ambiguous" CVS and NCNHP records mapped differently from other ambiguous records
text will be part of homepage revision Robert Peet
07:03 AM Bug #2583: Compile complex and undefined concept relationships
Similar to bug 2583
Need to compile all the complex and ambiguous relationships and provide these to Alan as a set f...
Robert Peet
07:00 AM Bug #2594: Home page explanation of atlas, including ambiguous records
Need to rewrite the homepage to explain the site, including ambiguous records. Robert Peet
06:58 AM Bug #2631: Annotate demonstration set of databased speciemens to concept
Hold for next funding cycle
Need a demonstration dataset of annotated specimens. Perhaps Andropogon of Juglandaceae.
Robert Peet
06:56 AM Bug #2683: User submissions of new occurrence records
Hold for next funding cycle Robert Peet
06:55 AM Bug #2628: Dynamic versioning
This will be held for the next funding cycle Robert Peet
06:51 AM Bug #2599: 18. The "?" help buttons display pages with no content.
dup 2611 Robert Peet
06:51 AM Bug #2599: 18. The "?" help buttons display pages with no content.
Duplicate of 2611
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 2611 ***
Robert Peet
06:51 AM Bug #2611: Help function text
*** Bug 2599 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Robert Peet
06:49 AM Bug #2611: Help function text
Need to provide specific help messages to be referenced by the help symbol on the webpage. Robert Peet
06:47 AM Bug #2653: Removal of Databased Publications
fixed Robert Peet
06:47 AM Bug #2653: Removal of Databased Publications
fixed by Lisa Robert Peet
06:26 AM Bug #2604: 23. County and state pulldowns
fixed Robert Peet
06:26 AM Bug #2604: 23. County and state pulldowns
seems to be fixed Robert Peet
06:08 AM Bug #2783: Tomcat crashes -- ability to support multiple users needs verfication
fixed Robert Peet
06:08 AM Bug #2783: Tomcat crashes -- ability to support multiple users needs verfication
problem had to do with the dynamic pick-lists
No fixed
Robert Peet
06:06 AM Bug #2586: 5. Document the source of data for USDA PLANTS
ok Robert Peet
06:05 AM Bug #2586: 5. Document the source of data for USDA PLANTS
no changes needed at this time Robert Peet
05:12 AM Bug #2781: Provide download of concept relationships for a taxon
fixed Robert Peet

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