From 05/18/2004 to 06/16/2004
- 04:14 PM Bug #1546: dynamic data and actor views using ontologies
- This set of slides is a very early version of the sparrow api, including the
dynamic view operation. Note that the ve... - 02:35 PM Bug #1557: problems with paths with 'spaces'
- I'm not sure if this is an issue anymore....probably should look into it when
the installer is built - 02:34 PM Bug #1343: need full eml2 support
- duplicate of 1189
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 1189 *** - 02:34 PM Bug #1189: add full support for EML2 comple textFormat in EML ingestor
- *** Bug 1343 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
- 02:28 PM Bug #1189: add full support for EML2 comple textFormat in EML ingestor
- I think matt has made some of these changes and jing is now in charge of the
eml/ecogrid integration in kepler - 02:33 PM Bug #1335: finish actor prototype tool
- I have looked extensively into trying to recompile and reload a class in java
and have been unable to figure out how ... - 02:31 PM Bug #1332: GARP improvements and further implemenation
- dan is now working on GARP
- 02:30 PM Bug #1338: find GIS system for inclusion in kepler
- currently have several GRASS functions implemented as web services and being
used in a prototype clipping pipeline. ... - 02:23 PM Bug #1588: create nightly build system
- installed a test version of AntHill on trestles for evaluation.
It's installed at
- 04:06 PM Bug #1333: finish back propegation actor
- reassigning to higgins since he is working on garp now.
- 01:39 PM Bug #1546: dynamic data and actor views using ontologies
- We need to clarify the "query language" that will be provided to allow a user to
dynamically view actors and datasets... - 04:56 AM Bug #1595 (Resolved): Create Advance Query Builder UI
- Create a UI to enabled a user to specifiy a query for an access actor (Query
The QB will take as input:
- 11:12 AM Bug #1592 (Resolved): describe Sparrow toolkit interface
- Need to work out an interface for the Sparrow toolkit. Sparrow should be
implement the ontological cross products n... - 11:10 AM Bug #1546: dynamic data and actor views using ontologies
- need to create screenshots and a possible prototype UI diagrams for the ontology
browser. need to identify changes t... - 11:09 AM Bug #1546: dynamic data and actor views using ontologies
- Another major issue with this is how to tag atomic actors that have no xml
description. One option is to have some s... - 10:50 AM Bug #1590 (Resolved): coding guidelines
- need to write up a guidelines (standards) document for coding with kepler.
Should be posted on the web site. - 10:48 AM Bug #1589 (Resolved): actor testing system
- we need a unit test system for actors. need to look into whether ptolemy
already has this functionality. could pos... - 10:39 AM Bug #1588 (Resolved): create nightly build system
- need to create a nightly build system along with junit tests to be run every
night . The results of the tests and t... - 09:46 AM Bug #1587 (In Progress): Define and implement EcoGrid "dataQuery" method
- This ecogrid server side data query task. Bug 1586 will implement dataQuery in
kepler side (client side, query local...
- 09:04 AM Bug #1584: Load data into relational db
- *** Bug 1585 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
- 08:31 AM Bug #1584 (Resolved): Load data into relational db
- This task is part of query data feature.
The new feature means people can get part of data object by specifying a sq... - 09:04 AM Bug #1585: Load data into relational db
- This bug is duplicated to bug 1584
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 1584 *** - 08:34 AM Bug #1585 (Resolved): Load data into relational db
- This task is part of query data feature.
The new feature means people can get part of data object by specifying a sq... - 08:40 AM Bug #1586 (Resolved): Query engine implementation for data query in kepler
- This task is for query data object locally (in Kepler). After loading data
object into db system (See bug 1584), we ...
- 03:50 PM Bug #1556: problems with one-button mouse on Macintosh
- oops. sorry steve, didn't mean to slight you :)
- 03:43 PM Bug #1556: problems with one-button mouse on Macintosh
- Actually, Steve Neuendorffer did virtually all the work fixing the bug.
Chad, Dan and I did testing. - 03:39 PM Bug #1556: problems with one-button mouse on Macintosh
- Dan figured out a fix and Christopher implemented it in the head of the ptolemy
CVS. It should be included with the ... - 03:48 PM Bug #1579: need sub-sampling actor
- Deana put together this document with several use cases and and extensive list
of required functionality for the samp...
- 01:04 PM Bug #1581 (Resolved): "New actor" instantiated from command line application and saving actors in specified libraries
- Something between the "New Actor" and the "command line" actor. The New actor
will be instantiated to perform the c...
- 09:39 AM Bug #1342: need R actor
- STart with running it locally. Start with command line invocation, but it would
be much better to directly call the ... - 09:36 AM Bug #1579 (Resolved): need sub-sampling actor
- We need an actor that can perform various sub-sampling functions such as
jackknife and bootstrapping operations. Mo... - 09:30 AM Bug #1334: need installer for kepler
- Initial installer created using InstallAnywhereNow. Still have some issues to
work out, mainly in size of distribution. - 09:29 AM Bug #1143: need SAS actor
- *** Bug 1545 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
- 09:28 AM Bug #1143: need SAS actor
- A further issue, for SAS and other scripting systems, is how to expose
semantically correct ports for SAS scripts as ... - 09:29 AM Bug #1545: need SAS actor
- Same as bug 1143.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 1143 ***
- 04:24 PM Bug #1553: Search Scope for dataset panel
- Add a new class name SearchScopeController. The code in TabbedLibraryPane class
was moved to there. Eventually, the n...
- 03:34 PM Bug #1560: Afer data searching, click actor panel and both actor panel and data panel will be disappeared
- Finally, I figured out this is java swing issue rather than the entity issue in
search result set.
In this tabbled p...
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