



From 05/18/2008 to 06/16/2008


04:38 PM Bug #3397 (Resolved): metacat needs server side sort mechanism
in the past, we've been using xslt to sort search results going to a browser or client. This works fine until you us... Chad Berkley
03:35 PM Bug #2983: Update PostgreSQL from 7.4 to 8.2 in knb.msi
Step 7. Delete /usr/lib/pgsql/data by user postgres
rm data -rf
was changed to: mv data data-for-7.4
Jing Tao
03:34 PM Bug #2983: Update PostgreSQL from 7.4 to 8.2 in knb.msi
I have some issues about compat-postgresql-libs-3-2PGDG.rhel4.i686.rpm and compat-postgresql-libs-4-1PGDG.rhel4.i686.... Jing Tao
03:04 PM Bug #2983: Update PostgreSQL from 7.4 to 8.2 in knb.msi
In step 5, i first ran:
[root@knb postgres-8.3.3]# rpm -ef `rpm -qa | grep postgresql`
error: Failed dependencies:
Jing Tao


10:36 AM Bug #3396: Enable event notification feature
This is a great idea and a frequently requested feature. I think people would be more likely to archive their data if... Chris Jones
10:34 AM Bug #3396 (In Progress): Enable event notification feature
We would like to propose some changes to Metacat's event logging
feature to extend the functionality and provide a...
Chris Jones


10:33 AM Bug #3394: can't upload xml documents via multipart
I added functionality to metacat to allow this. the new action is called "insertmultipart". I haven't made it work ... Chad Berkley


01:03 PM Bug #3395 (Closed): allow private access via indexed "shortcut" url
Currently you can read documents using the url This only works for publ... Chad Berkley
01:00 PM Bug #3394 (Resolved): can't upload xml documents via multipart
You can only upload a binary file via the action=upload functionality. This should be changed to allow xml documents... Chad Berkley


10:59 AM Bug #3021: ldapweb.cgi needs some usability improvements
parts 1 & 2 of this problem solved, part 1 in a 1.8.1 fix and part two in the 1.9 Token_Replacement branch. Shaun Walbridge


11:34 AM Bug #3390: Data Catalog Map and IE 7.0.5730.11 brings up pop up windows that can be a problem
Please note the Manage Add-ons window does not pop up in the process, but disabling the XML DOM Document 5.0 will bri... Callie Bowdish
11:29 AM Bug #3390: Data Catalog Map and IE 7.0.5730.11 brings up pop up windows that can be a problem
Screen shot information for this bug Callie Bowdish
11:26 AM Bug #3390 (New): Data Catalog Map and IE 7.0.5730.11 brings up pop up windows that can be a problem
Data Catalog Map and IE (Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.11) brings up pop up windows that can be a problem. Most of them ... Callie Bowdish
10:19 AM Bug #3389: FGDC files do not go to the most recent version when the version number is not included
committed to both the 1.8.1 branch and HEAD ben leinfelder
09:33 AM Bug #3389: FGDC files do not go to the most recent version when the version number is not included
i've updated the fgdc style sheet such that the partial docid will display the datapackage download section ben leinfelder
08:53 AM Bug #3389 (Resolved): FGDC files do not go to the most recent version when the version number is not included
FGDC files do not go to the most recent version when the version number is not included. They also do not include the... Callie Bowdish


04:46 PM Bug #3368: security issue with skins
Short solution for 1.8.1 release:
in registry_installtion.html, a paragraph was added to change the owner and access...
Jing Tao
12:02 PM Bug #3176: Verify existing token changes to skins
Verified that all skins are working Michael Daigle
11:59 AM Bug #3146: Include FGDC metadata in KNB and NCEAS skin search results
closing after conference call for 1.8.1rc2 ben leinfelder
09:31 AM Bug #3384 (Resolved): Implement and test turnkey installation on windows
Phase III of the turnkey installation project is the creation of turnkey installer for windows. Michael Daigle
09:23 AM Bug #3383 (In Progress): Create RPM/Deb installation utilities
Phase II of the turnkey installation project is the creation of an install utility for linux Michael Daigle
09:21 AM Bug #3382 (Resolved): Update documentation for all 1.9 changes
Update documentation including:
Release notes for 1.9
Online installation instructions
User/Dev help html pages
Michael Daigle
09:20 AM Bug #3381 (Resolved): Create unit test code for 1.9 additions
Areas that need test code include (but are not limited to):
Properties configuration
Database updates
New utilit...
Michael Daigle
09:16 AM Bug #3380 (Resolved): Create LSID server installation
Create the LSID server installation for 1.9. Need to decide whether that server will stay an ANT install for 1.9 or ... Michael Daigle
09:06 AM Bug #3379 (Resolved): Test ecogrid in turnkey installation
Make sure ecogrid works completely in turnkey installation. Michael Daigle
09:04 AM Bug #3378 (Resolved): Test turnkey installation against Tomcat 6
Make sure all code works against tomcat version 5 and 6. Michael Daigle
09:02 AM Bug #3377 (Resolved): Create ANT install target for developers
The ANT install targets will go away for 1.9 since the install will be handled by a utility that will drop a war file... Michael Daigle
08:59 AM Bug #3376 (Resolved): Add DB upgrade/install functionality to java code
Add the ability for db upgrade scripts to be run from within java. This will allow control of the db upgrade from wi... Michael Daigle
08:55 AM Bug #3375 (Resolved): Create a sorted properties utility
Create a class that will handle standard properties, but will maintain comments, spaces and property order. Michael Daigle
08:53 AM Bug #3374 (Resolved): Add authentication for configuration utility
The configuration utility should only be available via LDAP authentication of administrative users. The exception to... Michael Daigle
08:50 AM Bug #3373 (Resolved): Create skin specific configuration utility
Skins need to be configurable on an individual basis. The existing (new for 1.9) configuration utility needs to be m... Michael Daigle
08:47 AM Bug #3372 (Resolved): Integrate perl token replacement changes into token_replacement branch
Shaun made the perl token replacement changed for 1.9. These changes may affect the token replacement changes made i... Michael Daigle
08:45 AM Bug #3371 (Resolved): Modify confguration utility in metacat
To facilitate the turnkey installer, the internal metacat configuration utility that Matt J created must be upgraded. Michael Daigle
08:41 AM Bug #3370 (Resolved): Merge token replacement code onto HEAD
All 1.9 token replacement code has taken place on the token_replacement branch so far. Now that 1.8.1 has been relea... Michael Daigle


12:40 PM Bug #3352: User at referral ldap server couldn't login if another referral server is down
This bug took a longer time than i thought to be fixed.
First I needed to installed two ldap servers and configured ...
Jing Tao


04:26 PM Bug #3368 (Resolved): security issue with skins
The Perl code uses configuration files to get required settings. These settings are currently being served up by Tomc... Shaun Walbridge
01:46 PM Bug #3296: Replication: Many EML documents fail to replicate
We have reduced the number of EML documents that fail to replicate from the original 1016 down to 94. This was accomp... Duane Costa
01:18 PM Bug #3367 (New): Harvester stores passwords in clear text
The harvester stores the user's password in clear text in the database. Passwords need to be stored as md5s or use s... Chad Berkley


03:45 PM Bug #3322: View interactive map Link at the bottom of the nrs and obfs does not work right
This could be improved by only querying the skins data. However the drop down list helps to only query the sites that... Callie Bowdish
03:43 PM Bug #3322: View interactive map Link at the bottom of the nrs and obfs does not work right
It looks like this is not a problem because the drop down list is specific for the skins. Callie Bowdish
03:37 PM Bug #3088: Inline Data does not work correctly without the <pre> tag
This bug has been fixed and tested. Callie Bowdish
03:28 PM Bug #3360: Many LDAP users not showing up in 'getprincipals' search
Short term solution has been done. Move to 1.9 Jing Tao
11:44 AM Bug #3170: ESA path in the email that is sent out does not work correctly
Added the document revision to link, now inserts updated documents correctly. Shaun Walbridge
11:43 AM Bug #3362: ESA path in data package acceptance email is incorrect
Added server prefix token, fixed in CVS Shaun Walbridge


05:26 PM Bug #3362 (Resolved): ESA path in data package acceptance email is incorrect
ESA email from moderator when the data package is accepted does not have the correct path to the data package.
Callie Bowdish
05:23 PM Bug #3170: ESA path in the email that is sent out does not work correctly
*** Bug 3168 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Callie Bowdish
05:18 PM Bug #3170: ESA path in the email that is sent out does not work correctly
There is a problem with the ESA path in the email that is sent out on the ESA metacat. The path does not include the ... Callie Bowdish
05:03 PM Bug #3170: ESA path in the email that is sent out does not work correctly
This is an example of an email that is sent from esa. When the link is used (with the user logged in on the browser) ... Callie Bowdish
05:23 PM Bug #3168: ESA problem with requesting revision
Same as bug 3170
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 3170 ***
Callie Bowdish
04:12 PM Bug #3360: Many LDAP users not showing up in 'getprincipals' search
Yes, its ok to increase the number. Lets do this now (set it to 'unlimited') in order to fix the problem in the shor... Matt Jones
04:00 PM Bug #3360: Many LDAP users not showing up in 'getprincipals' search
First, i thought it is a configuration in client side (metacat) of ldap. I tried to increase the count limitation:
Jing Tao
03:27 PM Bug #3360: Many LDAP users not showing up in 'getprincipals' search
looks like there is an upper limit on the number of entries LDAP will return - and we are exceeding it.
ben leinfelder
12:07 PM Bug #3360 (In Progress): Many LDAP users not showing up in 'getprincipals' search
All the new FIRST advisory committee members (o=unaffiliated) are not showing up even though they have been included ... ben leinfelder
09:26 AM Bug #3241: Update older invalidated eml201 document in Metacat
There is the possibility of older documents with illegal eml trying to be saved to Metacat. If these older versions ... Callie Bowdish


04:37 PM Bug #3354: The online form has problems with editing and maintaining the email address.
Fixed in revision of register-dataset.cgi. Shaun Walbridge
02:38 PM Bug #3354 (Resolved): The online form has problems with editing and maintaining the email address.
The online form has problems with editing and maintaining the email address. When a data set is submitted and then an... Callie Bowdish
01:04 PM Bug #2176: Moderator UI and functionality for ESA
Here is the error that show up on the current production server 1.8.0 when using the email link after logging in.
Callie Bowdish
12:37 PM Bug #2176: Moderator UI and functionality for ESA
When checking ESA mail response for Metacat release I notice that the email path has problems on the revise document.... Callie Bowdish
09:34 AM Bug #3352 (Resolved): User at referral ldap server couldn't login if another referral server is down
Chris reported that the user at PISCO ldap server couldn't login when a referral server, LTER , is down. We fixed a b... Jing Tao


04:44 PM Bug #3319: Edit feature doesn't work on documents with uneditable fields
Confirmed that multiple keywords did not work. Fixed in latest revision, the only form element which is in the regis... Shaun Walbridge
03:55 PM Bug #3319: Edit feature doesn't work on documents with uneditable fields
The edit feature does not work when keywords are added to the online form. After saving a data package using the onli... Callie Bowdish


02:36 PM Bug #3331 (New): ldap redirect does not work correctly if one of the ldap servers are down
When one of the ldap servers are down the ldap redirect does not work correctly. One example is when a ldap account i... Callie Bowdish
11:15 AM Bug #2797: Character set (charset) problem when filling out form
Callie. Yeah, it is known that the morpho has problem to handle special character. This is not metacat bug. It is mor... Jing Tao
11:04 AM Bug #2797: Character set (charset) problem when filling out form
Generally this is working much better. However, today I tried pasting special characters and quotes using from Word a... Callie Bowdish
10:13 AM Bug #3322 (Resolved): View interactive map Link at the bottom of the nrs and obfs does not work right
This feature does not work on the test server. On the production server it searches all of the knb data sets. I think... Callie Bowdish


05:02 PM Bug #2644: The edit feature in the NCEAS Data Repoistory does not work
The crashing forms and keywords are fixed, the larger issues have been pushed into #3319. This is sufficiently fixed... Shaun Walbridge
05:00 PM Bug #3319 (Resolved): Edit feature doesn't work on documents with uneditable fields
Continuation of the problem mentioned in #2644: Documents uploaded through Morpho can't be edited through the web for... Shaun Walbridge
01:13 PM Bug #3218: nceas skin front page has font size differences
Fixed for 1.8.1 release, added single CSS class for td elements on index page. Shaun Walbridge
01:13 PM Bug #3218: nceas skin front page has font size differences
Fixed for 1.8.1 release, added single CSS class for td elements on index page. Shaun Walbridge
11:37 AM Bug #3014: Expose permission options for registry uploads
Fixed in 1.8.1 release, Javascript-based permissions option for public private. Ignoring the group issue for now. Shaun Walbridge


02:19 PM Bug #2564: escaped "less than" in inlinedata causes invalid eml output
Here is some thought from Duane:
Hi Jing,
Thanks for looking into this further. This seems like a complex problem.
Jing Tao
01:45 PM Bug #2564: escaped "less than" in inlinedata causes invalid eml output
I inserted an eml document into metacat and here is the content before
xerces parsing it:
<?xml version="1.0"?><eml:...
Jing Tao


12:55 PM Bug #3176: Verify existing token changes to skins
ESA site does not work correctly
The Moderator feature does not work the same as the production one. It is also very...
Callie Bowdish
10:24 AM Task #3306 (Closed): NCEAS skin account creation needs more thought
After creating an unaffiliated account on the NCEAS skin "Create a new account" link you get the message below. It do... Callie Bowdish
09:04 AM Bug #3296: Replication: Many EML documents fail to replicate
Of the 1016 EML documents that fail to replicate from LNO to KNB, we identified 611 that are directly related to lite... Duane Costa


10:45 AM Bug #3304: Replication: Timed replication failures occur twice instead of once
The bug was fixed.
The problem is in ReplicationHanlder.update() method.
Before,the code looks like:
XMLReader pars...
Jing Tao


05:32 PM Bug #3176: Verify existing token changes to skins
I think the reason is we didn't put the password into the .cfg files. Now I put them into esa.cfg and nrs.cfg.
Jing Tao
03:49 PM Bug #3176: Verify existing token changes to skins
The login and form submission parts of the ESA, NRS, and OBFS are not working correctly. After submitting a form on t... Callie Bowdish
05:09 PM Bug #3304: Replication: Timed replication failures occur twice instead of once
*** Bug 3303 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Jing Tao
02:28 PM Bug #3304 (Resolved): Replication: Timed replication failures occur twice instead of once
This bug was first described in #3296, however I am opening a separate bug report for it because #3296 is more specif... Duane Costa
05:09 PM Bug #3303: In KNB server, metacat request two times replication if first replication failed.
It is duplicated one of 3304.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 3304 ***
Jing Tao
02:27 PM Bug #3303 (Resolved): In KNB server, metacat request two times replication if first replication failed.
This is a subset of bug 3296.
Here is the description copied from there:
A secondary bug seems to be that each of t...
Jing Tao
09:34 AM Bug #3259: Add fields used in Morpho search to the default indexPaths property
these have been added to the file in the 1.8.1 branch ben leinfelder

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