



From 12/23/2003 to 01/21/2004


09:32 PM Bug #1267: data file original name not saved
*** Bug 1266 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Matt Jones
09:32 PM Bug #1267: data file original name not saved
*** Bug 1265 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Matt Jones
09:31 PM Bug #1267: data file original name not saved
*** Bug 1264 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Matt Jones
09:31 PM Bug #1267: data file original name not saved
*** Bug 1263 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Matt Jones
08:06 PM Bug #1267 (Resolved): data file original name not saved
When the packwizard is used to import a binary data file (e.g. an Excel *.xls)
file and the user enters the metadata...
Dan Higgins
09:32 PM Bug #1266: data file original name not saved
Duplicate, accidentally entered.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 1267 ***
Matt Jones
08:06 PM Bug #1266 (Resolved): data file original name not saved
When the packwizard is used to import a binary data file (e.g. an Excel *.xls)
file and the user enters the metadata...
Dan Higgins
09:32 PM Bug #1265: data file original name not saved
Duplicate, accidentally entered.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 1267 ***
Matt Jones
08:05 PM Bug #1265 (Resolved): data file original name not saved
When the packwizard is used to import a binary data file (e.g. an Excel *.xls)
file and the user enters the metadata...
Dan Higgins
09:31 PM Bug #1264: data file original name not saved
Duplicate, accidentally entered.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 1267 ***
Matt Jones
08:05 PM Bug #1264 (Resolved): data file original name not saved
When the packwizard is used to import a binary data file (e.g. an Excel *.xls)
file and the user enters the metadata...
Dan Higgins
09:31 PM Bug #1263: data file original name not saved
Duplicate, accidentally entered.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 1267 ***
Matt Jones
08:05 PM Bug #1263 (Resolved): data file original name not saved
When the packwizard is used to import a binary data file (e.g. an Excel *.xls)
file and the user enters the metadata...
Dan Higgins
02:24 PM Bug #1253: Wizard Geographic Coverage Page
The basic version of a Geographic Coverage page using a simple map display has
been completed. Further possible enhan...
Dan Higgins
02:20 PM Bug #1259: Display difficulty with binary data files
Revised code to create an 'empty', non-editable table even when the format of
the data cannot be read and displayed. ...
Dan Higgins
02:18 PM Bug #340: need degree/minute/second converter for bounding box entry
The new geographicCoverage wizard screen incorporates edit boxes that allow
either fractional degrees or deg/min/sec ...
Dan Higgins


10:51 AM Bug #1262 (Resolved): Wizard Page: Methods
A wizard page for Methods is mentioned in the suggestions given by Eric,
Christy and Sandy. Below are the notes fro...
Saurabh Garg


09:56 AM Bug #1261: Advanced Geographic Display System
emails from M Jones:
Oh, yeah, one more thing. People need to be able to enter a point, rather than
a box. In EML...
Dan Higgins
09:54 AM Bug #1261 (In Progress): Advanced Geographic Display System
Currently, there is a geographic display in the Query system and it is being
adapted for the Geographic Coverage wiz...
Dan Higgins


04:17 PM Bug #1260 (Resolved): Export function fails or does not include a binary data file
The Export function either fails to include the data file or throws an error.
Need to check this (since it used to w...
Dan Higgins
04:14 PM Bug #1259 (Resolved): Display difficulty with binary data files
Rick Reeves reported a problem when creating a package with an Excel datafile.
Attribute information is entered manu...
Dan Higgins


08:57 AM Bug #1257: Saving fails after new document creation
fixed by adding commands to assign a new accession number when a new package is
Dan Higgins
08:36 AM Bug #1257 (Resolved): Saving fails after new document creation
Immediately after a new document has been created with the wizard (and before
any data table attached), Saving the d...
Dan Higgins


02:53 PM Bug #1255: Java Version dependency problem
all the java 1.4 dependencies have been fixed Perumal Sambasivam
11:47 AM Bug #1252: DataPackageWizard TextImport Performance problem
I am tentatively assigning this to Peru since he is the author(I think) of most
of the new code. Dan Higgins
Dan Higgins
11:36 AM Bug #1248: Add 'Delete Datatable' functionality
menu added along with a class to handle deletion. Dan Higgins


05:28 PM Bug #88: need ability to manipulate access control lists
In general we don't want to have the user have to type in a DN. Unfortuately,
that's hard to do generically because ...
Matt Jones
04:28 PM Bug #88: need ability to manipulate access control lists

Right now it does the minimum requirement of asking for public read access.
Next step could be to ask for DNs and ...
Saurabh Garg
04:37 PM Bug #1210: Changes that have to be made in the display of Data Package Wizard
Access control feature is further described in bug# 88. The Geographic wizard
page feature is describbed in bug #1253...
Saurabh Garg
04:28 PM Bug #1255: Java Version dependency problem
removed setFocusable - introduced by perumal as a bug fix for tab-key focus
problems - we need to find another way of...
Matthew Brooke
04:09 PM Bug #1255: Java Version dependency problem
The function on line 223 of datapackagewizard/ is setFocusable().
This line was added recenly I think....
Saurabh Garg
03:53 PM Bug #1255: Java Version dependency problem
the error message under Java 1.3 is:
at edu.ucsb.nceas.morpho.plugins.datapackag...
Dan Higgins
03:26 PM Bug #1255 (Resolved): Java Version dependency problem
Morpho 1.5.0alpha2 will not run under Java 1.3. Needed to update to Java 1.4.2
to get it to run correctly (class not...
Dan Higgins
02:49 PM Bug #1254: Temporal Information Wizard Page for entering Temporal data
One note. Temporal coverage in EML was designed specifically to allow
discontinuous ranges, and we should support th...
Matt Jones
01:29 PM Bug #1254 (Resolved): Temporal Information Wizard Page for entering Temporal data
This page is used for entering temporal information. Hence in terms of EML, the
following enteries
Begin Date - ...
Saurabh Garg
12:04 PM Bug #1253 (Resolved): Wizard Geographic Coverage Page
Need to create a page for inputting Geographic Coverage information, perhaps
using a map display like that in the qu...
Dan Higgins
12:01 PM Bug #1252 (New): DataPackageWizard TextImport Performance problem
For some unknown reason, the part of the TextImport where a table file is parsed
and column parameters are 'guessed'...
Dan Higgins
11:56 AM Bug #1241: Search Results Data/Nodata icons not working for EML2
The problem here is complicated by the fact that the resultSet returned by a
metacat query does not automatically ret...
Dan Higgins


05:36 PM Bug #1250: Wizard Attribute Page: allow enumerations to be populated from other tables (eg species lists)
assigned to Perumal Matthew Brooke
04:59 PM Bug #1250 (Resolved): Wizard Attribute Page: allow enumerations to be populated from other tables (eg species lists)
This is a copy of part (a) of bug 1201, which is now closed
On the Wizard Attribute Page, allow enumerations to be...
Matthew Brooke
05:35 PM Bug #1251 (Resolved): Wizard: Taxonomic Coverage Page
Create new datapackage wizard page for Taxonomic Coverage.
Should create a photoshop mockup of the page/widgets be...
Matthew Brooke
05:00 PM Bug #1201: Changes to Attribute dialog
part (b) has been resolved. Part (a) has been moved to its own new bug, which is
now bug 1250
Matthew Brooke
03:11 PM Bug #1249 (Resolved): Remove buttons at bottom of datatable display
Figure out how to replace buttons at the bottom of the datatable display with
proper menus for updating/canceling ta...
Dan Higgins
03:09 PM Bug #1248 (Resolved): Add 'Delete Datatable' functionality
Add a menu item to delete a table and associated entity from a dataPackage. Dan Higgins
01:59 PM Bug #1242: Metadisplay back button broken
exception was due to selecting the incorrect column. now, the back button seems
to work ok. The current entityID obt...
Perumal Sambasivam
01:29 PM Bug #649: Save Reminder when data table has been edited
Reminder is now given when anything in a package has been changed (using the
location parameter as a flag).
Dan Higgins
01:26 PM Bug #362: save invalid xml docs without DOCTYPE
No longer applicable with Morpho 1.5 since eml2 uses namespaces rather than
DOCTYPE. Also, eml2 validation is done lo...
Dan Higgins
01:22 PM Bug #1247 (Resolved): XML Tree Editor Tuning/Enhancements
1) Need to fix attribute nodes to show attribute names at top level
2) add to list for jumping to sections of docume...
Dan Higgins
11:54 AM Bug #1188: add 'formatted printed output' for datapackage metadata
Printing feature added to Morpho. Perumal Sambasivam
11:52 AM Bug #1196: new data package wizard fails to insert party
Bug fixed. The problem was due to a row being added to the table when it
received focus. Making the table not recv f...
Perumal Sambasivam


03:04 PM Bug #1243: misc morpho issues needed for release
11) fixed Matthew Brooke
11:24 AM Bug #1199: Split data package wizard into two separate wizards
done in 1.5alpha1 release Matthew Brooke
11:23 AM Bug #1201: Changes to Attribute dialog
b) fixed by perumal. a) still current Matthew Brooke
11:22 AM Bug #1200: redesign INLINE/ONLINE/OFFLINE wizard page as a progressive questionnaire
done in 1.5alpha1 release Matthew Brooke
11:05 AM Bug #1231: morpho skips columns during metadata entry of data file.
There is a bug in Morpho 1.4 in the TextImportWizard routine that displays the
average value of numeric columns when ...
Dan Higgins


11:15 AM Bug #1243: misc morpho issues needed for release
Item 7) has been fixed. Note that when a datapackage is changed and not yet
saved, its location string is set to "" (...
Dan Higgins
09:35 AM Bug #1243: misc morpho issues needed for release
Regarding 10) I think that even references should show up in the list, as the
user needs some visual indication that ...
Matt Jones
09:20 AM Bug #1243: misc morpho issues needed for release
fixed 8 and 9
in 10: Entering a person manually now adds it to the list. If picked from the
list, it doesnt add to t...
Saurabh Garg


01:50 PM Bug #1243: misc morpho issues needed for release
2) fixed Dan Higgins
01:44 PM Bug #1243: misc morpho issues needed for release
5) and 6) fixed Dan Higgins
01:00 PM Bug #1243: misc morpho issues needed for release
1), 3), and 4) bugs fixed. (Higgins) Dan Higgins
11:10 AM Bug #1243 (Resolved): misc morpho issues needed for release
These are issues I encountered while test driving the 1.5alpha1 release.
1) Remove "Conversion to EML2 Complete" d...
Matt Jones
01:21 PM Bug #1244: keywordType can't be edited in tree editor
removed code which inserted unneeded spaces! Dan Higgins
11:54 AM Bug #1244 (Resolved): keywordType can't be edited in tree editor
Problem: space inserted before value of 'keywordType' attribute in XML tree
editor, which causes an invalid document...
Matt Jones
11:26 AM Bug #1204: data handling for eml2 packages
implemented: urn assumed is of form
"ecogrid:\\system\localid\other" where localid is of form 'higgins.234.3"
Dan Higgins
11:23 AM Bug #1055: Data files added after a package has been created display incorrectly.
Due to current use of eml2 documents in Morpho 1.5, this particular bug is no
longer valid. (Need to check operation ...
Dan Higgins
11:21 AM Bug #1016: System Identifier problems in DOCTYPE
This problem is absent in the 1.5 version of Morpho since it only saves eml2.0.0
documents which are XMLSchema based ...
Dan Higgins
11:12 AM Bug #931: Need more descriptive identifiers
Fixed as part of eml2.0.0 update (since the various modules are now inside a
single document, ids are not used),
Dan Higgins
11:10 AM Bug #665: use mime types for image and other format names
This bug is 'corrected' in version 1.5 where EML 2.0.0 is used and one picks
formats from a list in the DataPackage w...
Dan Higgins
10:52 AM Bug #1234: remove eml2 dependency from DataPackageFactory->getDataPackage(Node) method
The getDataPackage(Node node) method in DataPackageFactory class has been
modified to actually check the DOM indicate...
Dan Higgins


11:20 AM Bug #1239: morpho fails when lastId gets out of sync
I did delete the entire .morpho directory when this problem occurred. When does
it run setlastid? If it is only run...
David Kaplan
09:46 AM Bug #1239: morpho fails when lastId gets out of sync
The setLastID method in the Morpho class is supposed to check with metacat for
the last ID. It seems to work fine for...
Dan Higgins
11:10 AM Bug #1242 (Resolved): Metadisplay back button broken
Clicking on the Data Table column headers causes the metadisplay to show the
correct metadata, but clic...
Matthew Brooke
10:56 AM Bug #1241 (Resolved): Search Results Data/Nodata icons not working for EML2
In the search results dialog, the icons on the left showing "has data" (red
icon) or "description only" (blue icon) ...
Matthew Brooke
09:50 AM Bug #1240: Old profiles need eml 2 returndoc types
I set the current profile code up to be update config.xml anytime the version
string in the code changes. When Morph...
Matt Jones
09:25 AM Bug #1240: Old profiles need eml 2 returndoc types
It looks like the current profile is updated when a new version is installed,
but other profiles are not. Another pos...
Dan Higgins


07:20 PM Bug #1240 (Resolved): Old profiles need eml 2 returndoc types
Profiles created in morpho < 1.5aplha1 do not contain:
Matthew Brooke
05:26 PM Bug #1239 (Resolved): morpho fails when lastId gets out of sync
I recently had to delete all the profile information that was contained in
.morpho. A new .morpho was created when ...
David Kaplan

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