



From 11/08/2006 to 12/07/2006


11:56 AM Bug #2582: 2A. Show parents as ambiguous members
fixed. check before herbarium server gets updated. xianhua liu
11:00 AM Bug #2581: Children should occur in map of parent
Considering the Hymenocallis occidentalis example, to include Hymenocallis
caroliniana (nominal) records in the map o...
xianhua liu
10:28 AM Bug #2687: Confusing search options - need small changes for usability
fixed xianhua liu
08:40 AM Bug #2687 (Closed): Confusing search options - need small changes for usability
Tom Wieboldt writes:
"Well now, that is pretty spiffy! But I thought I should probably tell you that it didn't qu...
Robert Peet
09:50 AM Bug #2643: Search for name synonymized by Weakley
The Lycopodium obscurum case described in this bug still does not work Robert Peet
09:17 AM Bug #2643: Search for name synonymized by Weakley
I guess the second half aslo works. Take Negundo negundo as an example. xianhua liu


12:30 PM Bug #2686: Upgrade Liz's database and add reports
(In reply to comment #0)
DONE: Liz's database needs to be upgraded to current version (2.0.4).
DONE: A functionality ...
Michael Lee
12:29 PM Bug #2686 (Resolved): Upgrade Liz's database and add reports
Liz's database needs to be upgraded to current version (2.0.4).
A functionality to do this needs to be created.
Michael Lee
11:53 AM Bug #2589: Concepts as the basis for returning specimens and images.
We need to sort the records into two piles, the first being unambiguous records, and the second being the ambiguous o... Robert Peet
11:17 AM Bug #2656: County lists should include ambiguous records
Ambiguous county occurrences will need to be flagged as such.
Concepts not mapped to Weakley concepts should have th...
Robert Peet
11:11 AM Bug #2643: Search for name synonymized by Weakley
We have fixed the first half.
The second half is harder. If the name searched for is not recognized by Weakley, b...
Robert Peet
10:55 AM Bug #2582: 2A. Show parents as ambiguous members
Yes, please implement. Robert Peet
10:52 AM Bug #2581: Children should occur in map of parent

The problem remains that children need to nest up into their parents. For example, all Acer rubrum var rubrum sec W...
Robert Peet
10:33 AM Bug #2584: 3. "Ambiguous" CVS and NCNHP records mapped differently from other ambiguous records
This bug requires only that the descriptive text adn help files be designed to provide appropriate explanation Robert Peet


06:33 PM Bug #2589: Concepts as the basis for returning specimens and images.
Fixed. Check before classes on the herbarium server get updated.
xianhua liu
06:30 PM Bug #2656: County lists should include ambiguous records
It is realy hard to do concept-based search by county. First step is to search all names recorded in all data sources... xianhua liu
06:09 PM Bug #2643: Search for name synonymized by Weakley
Fixed. Please check the result at before querying classes on the herbarium s... xianhua liu
05:26 PM Bug #2582: 2A. Show parents as ambiguous members
The reason Acer rubrum is not included for CVS as ambiguous occurrence for Acer rubrum var. rubrum is that CVS follow... xianhua liu
04:52 PM Bug #2581: Children should occur in map of parent
I checked the Hymenocallis occidentalis and Hymenocallis occidentalis var. occidentalis records and list their relate... xianhua liu


03:36 PM Bug #2642: QA: Keystroking efficiency additions
--------------STATUS UPDATE--------------------------------
all comments and this bug in general are resolved EXCEPT ...
Michael Lee
03:34 PM Bug #2642: QA: Keystroking efficiency additions
(In reply to comment #0)
> For Stem Data, it would be nice to hold down Ctl-type a number-release ctl and
> zoom to ...
Michael Lee
01:35 PM Bug #2642: QA: Keystroking efficiency additions
(In reply to comment #0)
> The Cover Data form is a bit tedious if you want to skip the module that you
> are in and ...
Michael Lee
01:34 PM Bug #2642: QA: Keystroking efficiency additions
(In reply to comment #2)
> backspace on the cover data form should go back to the previous entry in the
> current ent...
Michael Lee
08:03 AM Bug #2574: update species in old archive database from Forbes
Forbes put the database in the right place, this is done. Michael Lee
08:02 AM Bug #2565: allow multiple values for categorical fields
This has been implemented in the data entry database. Michael Lee


01:43 PM Bug #2684 (New): Miscellaneous literature records for distribution
I think we should add a category of orange for miscellaneous literature records such as journal articles.
What th...
Robert Peet
11:04 AM Bug #2683 (In Progress): User submissions of new occurrence records
We should probably add a tool so that additions can be submitted by users. At a minimum we should provide a template ... Robert Peet


03:28 PM Bug #2676: Print button on map pages does not work
fixed Robert Peet
11:52 AM Bug #2676: Print button on map pages does not work
Please make sure that the browser does not block the pop window. The printable page will show up in a popup wi...
xianhua liu
03:11 PM Bug #2680: Reformat dates on images
fixed Robert Peet
10:00 AM Bug #2680: Reformat dates on images
fixed xianhua liu
03:08 PM Bug #2615: Failure to map WEWO and other non-NCU series in Specify
Looks good. Brassica nirgra now shows as NCSU.
I cannot fully test this feature until we have a species with differ...
Robert Peet
11:18 AM Bug #2615: Failure to map WEWO and other non-NCU series in Specify
1. querying function changed at the server side
2. sent email to Hinar to update the new classes
3. please ch...
xianhua liu


03:25 PM Bug #2659: StratumPlot not linked to HerbData
These must be the plots that Joel uploaded. I am worried that he might have done a bunch of work on the plots after ... Robert Peet
07:46 AM Bug #2652: Netscape & Firefox do not generate maps properly
fixed Robert Peet
07:46 AM Bug #2652: Netscape & Firefox do not generate maps properly
Works now. Perhaps the moving of the sources tab solved the problem. I checked Netscape 8.1.2 and FireFox 1.0.1. Robert Peet
07:36 AM Bug #2633: Remove search button from search page
Well, it is still on the search page, but this is not a big deal and I am going to close this bug. Robert Peet
07:34 AM Bug #2617: 36. The Data Source tab
fixed Robert Peet
07:33 AM Bug #2680 (Closed): Reformat dates on images
Dates are hard to read on images. 19560831 should read 08-31-1956 as in the specimens. Robert Peet
07:29 AM Bug #2600: ID number on the specimen & images pages needs revision
Fixed Robert Peet
07:21 AM Bug #2679 (New): Port static NCSU records into SPECIFY
Migrate the static NCSU collection records into SPECIFY. This may require consultation with the SPECIFY staff at KU, ... Robert Peet
07:18 AM Bug #2615: Failure to map WEWO and other non-NCU series in Specify
Much progress has been made.
One problem remains. Although NCSU collections in SPECIFY show up correctly tagged in ...
Robert Peet
07:06 AM Bug #2678 (Closed): Create tool for editing static database records of taxon occurrence
We need a tool for editing records in the static database of occurrences. For example, for a given record of occurren... Robert Peet
06:53 AM Bug #2597: Display of cultivated records should be optional
Below the check boxes for sources, draw a line and provide two boxes that allow selection of "Reported as cultivated"... Robert Peet


01:02 PM Bug #2676 (Closed): Print button on map pages does not work
Print button on map pages does not work. The dogwood sping forever. This was reported to me by a user, and I had te... Robert Peet


11:00 AM Bug #2617: 36. The Data Source tab
fixed Xianhua Liu
10:16 AM Bug #2633: Remove search button from search page
1. removed the left side menu bar to make more room for contents
2. added menus (about and Search) at the top frame
Xianhua Liu
10:13 AM Bug #2600: ID number on the specimen & images pages needs revision
fixed. see bug #2615 Xianhua Liu
09:22 AM Bug #2615: Failure to map WEWO and other non-NCU series in Specify
1. changed the querying class at the server side
2. Changed the html pages (both colletions and images) to show serie...
Xianhua Liu


02:40 PM Bug #2671: Finish Import DB: what to do with Main Menu visible tabs field?
and check for new fields that aren't on the table. If not there, it gets tricky, supply default value and write it a... Michael Lee
02:38 PM Bug #2671 (Resolved): Finish Import DB: what to do with Main Menu visible tabs field?
Allow CVS Entry database to link to another CVS Entry database and run through the data processing steps from inside ... Michael Lee


01:19 PM Bug #2668 (New): Geocoordinates
We might have a student in the GIS certificate program take on a pilot project of georeferencing herbarium specimens ... Lisa Giencke
01:15 PM Bug #2615: Failure to map WEWO and other non-NCU series in Specify
The Series field tells us which herbarium is in possession of a certain specimen. The table CatalogSeries shows what ... Lisa Giencke
01:08 PM Bug #2653: Removal of Databased Publications
This has been taken care of on our end. We have two pick lists now, Format (better name for it?) for Documents/Photog... Lisa Giencke
09:51 AM Bug #2667 (Resolved): Test Entry Tool processing of data vs. SAS
SAS can process data (the old way) and we should take some new data, export it to old style CVS text files, run them ... Michael Lee
09:48 AM Bug #2666 (New): ready for DBA: Project 76 (Elizabeth City, NC): 52 plots
this data needs to be processed and added to the (v2006) central archive
(Forbes writing:)
> For now, I would sugge...
Michael Lee
09:47 AM Bug #2665 (New): Ready for DBA process: Project 75 (Singletary Lake, NC): 52 plots
this data needs to be processed and added to the (v2006) central archive
(Forbes writing:)
> For now, I would sugge...
Michael Lee
09:46 AM Bug #2664 (Resolved): 5 errs remain: Project 74 (Cape Fear Riparian): 62 plots
this data needs to be processed and added to the (v2006) central archive Michael Lee
09:46 AM Bug #2663 (New): 2 errs left: + duplicates flagged: Project 73 (Mountain Bogs): 64 plots
this data needs to be processed and added to the (v2006) central archive Michael Lee
09:46 AM Bug #2662 (New): Unfolding: Project 64 (Brunswick Co. NC): 88 plots
this data needs to be processed and added to the (v2006) central archive Michael Lee
09:45 AM Bug #2661 (New): comments in XLS resolve: Project 63 (Francis Marion NF): 54 plots
this data needs to be processed and added to the (v2006) central archive Michael Lee
09:45 AM Bug #2660 (New): toArchiveDB: Project 62 (Windsor): 7 plots
this data needs to be processed and added to the (v2006) central archive Michael Lee


01:30 PM Bug #2600: ID number on the specimen & images pages needs revision
changed id of images to the accession number. Need more information from Lisa about which field contains herbarium n... Xianhua Liu
01:11 PM Bug #2639: Inferred relationships too broad
Rule used here is (rule 24 in the rule document):
IF all children of A < B THEN A<=B
Original relationships:
Xianhua Liu
12:48 PM Bug #2637: RAB records of nominal variety occurrences have incomplete name
I need to discuss with Bob and Alan Weakley about this one. Xianhua Liu
12:42 PM Bug #2615: Failure to map WEWO and other non-NCU series in Specify
changed in "". Now collections show up for any herbarium collections. We need... Xianhua Liu
10:41 AM Bug #2574: update species in old archive database from Forbes
Joel has gotten back to us on Xyris and they are just an unknown sp in Xyris, not Floridian Bay. This bug is now squ... Michael Lee


05:24 PM Bug #2574: update species in old archive database from Forbes
Fixed, except for getting back info from Joel as to which Xyris we should use. Michael Lee
04:15 PM Bug #2574: update species in old archive database from Forbes
Xyris on these plots has NOT been resolved, we are checking with Joel:
Michael Lee
03:16 PM Bug #2574: update species in old archive database from Forbes
Dicranella has been resolved. Michael Lee
04:29 PM Bug #2659 (Resolved): StratumPlot not linked to HerbData
The stratum plot records are not properly linked in from the data sources for recent projects. StratumPlot.StratumPl... Michael Lee
02:42 PM Bug #2640: Identify USDA species without county distribution where other spp in genus have distribution
This PART of the bug is done, but there are still other related bugs that need addressing.
Michael Lee
02:31 PM Bug #2640: Identify USDA species without county distribution where other spp in genus have distribution
Note that the other bugs related to this one can be nicely viewed here:
Michael Lee
02:27 PM Bug #2658 (Closed): Split USDA records into concept-based and nominal sets
+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #2640 +++
Look at PERSBOR s.s. with all those records for NC,...
Michael Lee
02:26 PM Bug #2657 (Closed): Highlight species with too few counties and those with too many
+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #2640 +++
Look at PERSBOR s.s. with all those records for NC,...
Michael Lee


09:18 AM Bug #2652: Netscape & Firefox do not generate maps properly
Firefox 1.5 has the same issues as Netscape Robert Peet
07:14 AM Bug #2652 (Closed): Netscape & Firefox do not generate maps properly
If you generate a map with Netscape 8.1, the map never quite finishes. You do get a map, but you also get an hourgla... Robert Peet
07:38 AM Bug #2590: "get missing taxa" search
resolved Robert Peet
07:00 AM Bug #2590: "get missing taxa" search
Bug resolved Robert Peet
07:36 AM Bug #2656 (New): County lists should include ambiguous records
Currently ambiguous occurrences are not so annotated in the county lists. Also, ambiguous taxa are not handled proper... Robert Peet
07:29 AM Bug #2655 (Closed): Download county list
You can search by county to get a list of county records, or records missing in a county, but we have no way to downl... Robert Peet
07:28 AM Bug #2654 (Closed): Selection box for sources for county records
When you search by county, it is not clear which sources of county records are being used to generate the list. We sh... Robert Peet
07:26 AM Bug #2653 (Closed): Removal of Databased Publications
There are two entries in our typology list in Specify that I think would be best to avoid in the atlas. These are Doc... Lisa Giencke
07:10 AM Bug #2651 (Closed): font issues with various browsers
If you create a map of a taxon with IE 6.0 or 7.0, everything looks fine. However, if you create a map with either N... Robert Peet


11:29 PM Bug #2624: 43. Paging through large families.
bug resolved Robert Peet
07:56 PM Bug #2624: 43. Paging through large families.
fixed Xianhua Liu
11:27 PM Bug #2605: 24. Search all counties in a state
bug resolved Robert Peet
07:25 PM Bug #2605: 24. Search all counties in a state
Xianhua Liu
07:10 PM Bug #2590: "get missing taxa" search
(N1-C1): w,y
(N2-C2): y,z
(N1-C1)+(N2-C2): w,y,z
N4-C4: w,y
Xianhua Liu

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