From 08/27/2007 to 09/25/2007
- 04:57 PM Bug #2970 (New): LA Atlas
- The LA atlas data have been delivered for possible inclusion. However, it is not obvious how to handle these data. ...
- 02:57 PM Bug #2954: Color change
- how about 255-240-117
- 10:51 AM Bug #2954: Color change
- The color for ambiguosu high quality literature records has been changed to RGB(255,254,164). Please check it on the ...
- 01:37 PM Bug #2948: Links up and down between speices and infraspecific taxa
- fixed
- 11:39 AM Bug #2948: Links up and down between speices and infraspecific taxa
- In the taxon description section on the top of the map page, parent and children concepts will be shown under the cur...
- 01:28 PM Bug #2952: Calculation of species cover values in communities
- fixed
- 10:32 AM Bug #2952: Calculation of species cover values in communities
- fixed
- 12:48 PM Bug #2950: Move dowload options
- fixed
- 08:35 AM Bug #2950: Move dowload options
- fixed
- 10:53 AM Bug #2955: Date stamps for revisions of the concept relationships
- I implemented the function and changed the database to support time-stamp of concept relationships. My solution is:
... - 08:00 AM Bug #2944: Allow multiple concept sources in CVS data
- To change CVS records from name-based to concept-based, we need to:
1. add concept reference in current CVS database
- 09:37 AM Bug #2717: cvsData user can see stuff when ftping with the wrong url
- Hinar has rearranged the files on our server and now EEP_Projects is housed in \\bioweb\EEP_Projects. This is blocke...
- 12:34 PM Bug #2956 (Resolved): commClass.expertSystem needs to be descriptive (memo field)
- commClass.expertSystem is currently boolean which is an old error that should be fixed. I believe it is fixed in the...
- 11:29 AM Bug #2955 (New): Date stamps for revisions of the concept relationships
- We need to be able to associate start and stop dates with the concept relationships during the editing process so as ...
- 10:36 AM Bug #2954 (New): Color change
- The color for ambiguosu high quality literature records is currently to saturated. We need to make it more of a pale...
- 10:21 AM Bug #2629: Relationships between Weakley to USDA v 4.0 concepts
- Jeff is working on this and has made considerable progress. Need to evaluate where we are.
- 02:54 PM Bug #2657: Highlight species with too few counties and those with too many
- dup
- 02:53 PM Bug #2657: Highlight species with too few counties and those with too many
- duplicate
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 2640 *** - 02:53 PM Bug #2640: Identify USDA species without county distribution where other spp in genus have distribution
- *** Bug 2657 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
- 01:53 PM Bug #2640: Identify USDA species without county distribution where other spp in genus have distribution
- *** Bug 2658 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
- 01:25 PM Bug #2640: Identify USDA species without county distribution where other spp in genus have distribution
- *** Bug 2641 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
- 01:24 PM Bug #2640: Identify USDA species without county distribution where other spp in genus have distribution
- *** Bug 2645 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
- 02:51 PM Bug #2953 (New): Update community classification
- We have identified many more plots to communities. The community assignments shoudl be updated in the backend databa...
- 02:49 PM Bug #2952 (Closed): Calculation of species cover values in communities
- It appears that mean cover reported for a community is the average of all the cover class values.
Changes, id need... - 02:41 PM Bug #2951 (New): Map toolbar info
- It would be helpful if information about the toolbars at the bottom of the map would appear when the user places the ...
- 02:38 PM Bug #2950 (Closed): Move dowload options
- Eliminate the download page and place the three download buttons at the top of the records reported on the Specimens,...
- 02:33 PM Bug #2949 (New): Virginia
- Extract the Virginia plot data from their database and prepare for the atlas backend with concept assignments to Weak...
- 02:29 PM Bug #2948 (Closed): Links up and down between speices and infraspecific taxa
- users will often want to move from the map of the species to that of a subspecies or visa versa. At present there is...
- 02:26 PM Bug #2947 (New): Add UNCC data
- We need to add the UNCC collection records to the database. We will do this first with static records, but might mig...
- 02:22 PM Bug #2946 (New): Check for relationship errors deriving from geographic scope
- Weakley originally inedicated that some of his concepts were < those of other workers because they included stuff tha...
- 02:17 PM Bug #2945 (New): missing RAB-Weakley relationships
- Some relationships between RAB and Weakley are absnet from the database. These need to be identified and inserted.
... - 02:13 PM Bug #2944 (New): Allow multiple concept sources in CVS data
- We currently assign all CVS data to Weakley concepts. We will shortly revise the CVS list and replace the records in...
- 02:01 PM Bug #2943 (New): Implement new color scheme to help color-blind users
- The color scheme we use for maps is not very user-friendly for color-blind users. We need to study options for alter...
- 01:53 PM Bug #2658: Split USDA records into concept-based and nominal sets
- closed
- 01:53 PM Bug #2658: Split USDA records into concept-based and nominal sets
- duplicate of 2640
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 2640 *** - 01:51 PM Bug #2585: Allow ambiguous records only in states where taxon occurs
- Delay until we have a set of states of occurrence
- 01:50 PM Bug #2583: Compile complex and undefined concept relationships
- fixed
- 01:50 PM Bug #2583: Compile complex and undefined concept relationships
- fixed. Spreadsheet for changes now exists
- 01:26 PM Bug #2641: Split USDA into concept-based and nominal parts
- duplicate 2640
- 01:25 PM Bug #2641: Split USDA into concept-based and nominal parts
- duplicate of 2640
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 2640 *** - 01:25 PM Bug #2645: split USDA in the legend into into two labels
- duplicate
- 01:24 PM Bug #2645: split USDA in the legend into into two labels
- duplicate of 2640
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 2640 *** - 01:18 PM Bug #2842: Incorrect mapping of nominal concepts
- We need to implement this change soon.
There is a related issue, Very few if any museum collections follow Small fo... - 12:56 PM Bug #2842: Incorrect mapping of nominal concepts
- *** Bug 2942 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
- 01:09 PM Bug #2656: County lists should include ambiguous records
- Rethink we funding available
- 01:07 PM Bug #2626: 45. Negative occurrences
- Let's add a check box on the right down by cultivated where we can check the box to show published records known to b...
- 01:03 PM Bug #2683: User submissions of new occurrence records
- error in bugzilla entry
- 01:02 PM Bug #2683: User submissions of new occurrence records
- When we get funds
- 01:00 PM Bug #2678: Create tool for editing static database records of taxon occurrence
- done
- 01:00 PM Bug #2678: Create tool for editing static database records of taxon occurrence
- resolved
- 12:59 PM Bug #2587: Inability to search on taxa not treated by Weakley
- enh
- 12:58 PM Bug #2587: Inability to search on taxa not treated by Weakley
- Postpone until funding
- 12:56 PM Bug #2942: Nominal concepts -- the case of Quercus falcata & implications
- dup
- 12:56 PM Bug #2942: Nominal concepts -- the case of Quercus falcata & implications
- duplicate of 2842
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 2842 *** - 12:53 PM Bug #2942 (Closed): Nominal concepts -- the case of Quercus falcata & implications
- Quercus falcata and Q rubra are distinct taxa and do not overlap in anyone's treatments. Nonetheless, the map of Q fa...
- 12:39 PM Bug #2684: Miscellaneous literature records for distribution
- My impression is that this bug is now complete on the test server and needs only mingration to the production server....
- 12:36 PM Bug #2788: Kentucky atlas data
- West Virginia is now complete.
- 12:35 PM Bug #2874: Taxon Search drop down list - keyboard navigation problematic
- fixed
- 12:34 PM Bug #2843: Only final collector listed for specimens
- fixed
- 12:28 PM Bug #2602: Document concept references in Weakley flora
- fixed
- 12:25 PM Bug #2602: Document concept references in Weakley flora
- fixed
- 12:28 PM Bug #2752: commit atlas to cvs
- I opt for /seek/projects/taxon/seflora
- 12:26 PM Bug #2611: Help function text
- change priority
- 12:24 PM Bug #2611: Help function text
- Need to implement the attached helpfiles and new About page.
- 12:20 PM Bug #2611: Help function text
- The attached file has the help files for the Atlas and an update of teh about page.
- 12:15 PM Bug #2637: RAB records of nominal variety occurrences have incomplete name
- This is correct! Please implement this change.
- 12:08 PM Bug #2810: Print function for maps does not work
- fixed
- 12:06 PM Bug #2639: Inferred relationships too broad
- fixed
- 12:04 PM Bug #2618: Server errors; incompatability with Windows 2000 OS
- will not do any more
- 12:04 PM Bug #2618: Server errors; incompatability with Windows 2000 OS
- Fixed sufficiently
- 12:03 PM Bug #2913: Ipomoea pes-caprae
- fixed
- 12:02 PM Bug #2913: Ipomoea pes-caprae
- This is a case where we need to post the correction of the relatioinship for Alan to approve and others to implement....
- 11:59 AM Bug #2837: Deep links to maps
- Getting very close.
We still have the probelm that if there are multiple subspecific taxa, then the link goes to the... - 11:54 AM Bug #2827: Pellaea wrightiana maps incorrectly; deeper problem revealed?
- fixed
- 11:53 AM Bug #2812: Query crashes mapping program when concept relationships are logically inconsistent
- fixed
- 11:52 AM Bug #2808: Revise rule 26 to remove most if not all >= relationships
- fixed
- 11:51 AM Bug #2594: Home page explanation of atlas, including ambiguous records
- fixed
- 11:48 AM Bug #2594: Home page explanation of atlas, including ambiguous records
- Resolved in the new help pages
- 03:09 PM Bug #2722: Create datasets in viewer
- Viewing aspects that would be nice are:
1) view all aspects about a plot
2) build datasets (perhaps query by various ... - 11:33 AM Bug #2722: Create datasets in viewer
- All functionality should go in the migration db or viewer db, not in the archive itself, so I change the component to...
- 11:27 AM Bug #2717: cvsData user can see stuff when ftping with the wrong url
- Hinar has been emailed. This is somewhat important as I post user's data for them to download a new copy of the entr...
- 11:13 AM Bug #2848: (migration) Ensure unique plot names b/t EEP and CVS plots
- The other solution to this is to map projects onto project and then plots onto plots within the same project. Still,...
- 09:27 AM Bug #2936: Figure out "REACHES"
- a reach field added to datasheets, version 41 (not yet published on our site).
Reach added to entry tool, v2.2.1p1
- 03:44 PM Bug #2936 (Resolved): Figure out "REACHES"
- Steve sent some emails on Aug 22 describing a new aspect that we may have to keep track of. Bob thinks perhaps EEP c...
- 12:11 PM Bug #2924 (New): Add "use defaults on this plot" for parties and place name
- There is an option to use default for parties and place names, but a message appears saying you can't do that yet.
- 09:55 AM Bug #2776: Need some queries to help us summarize issues for contractors
- milestone v206 is in the past, so moving these to v2.3
- 09:55 AM Bug #2760: add Quick fix for common errors
- milestone v206 is in the past, so moving these to v2.3
- 09:55 AM Bug #2667: Test Entry Tool processing of data vs. SAS
- milestone v206 is in the past, so moving these to v2.3
- 09:54 AM Bug #2923 (Resolved): clean up: Importing from 2.0.4 and before can cause odd message about users/parties
- Importing reveals a query that isn't at all helpful to someone not a DBA. Clean up into some quick interface or igno...
- 09:17 AM Bug #2922 (Resolved): Use non-modal messages when adding new parties
- Currently, you can add parties in plotContrib subform, but it asks you "do you have more info about [person] and you ...
- 04:07 PM Bug #2919: def_populateDefaultValues NEEDS TO IGNORE NULLS
- fixed:
v211_p66_mid1 - 03:13 PM Bug #2919 (Resolved): def_populateDefaultValues NEEDS TO IGNORE NULLS
- This function considers nulls, which causes problems, esp here:
If startsWith(!defaultValue, "#") And endsWith(!de... - 03:06 PM Bug #2918 (Resolved): Headers of entry forms are annoying
- The header information disappears as you start a new row. Then, if you are on a new row and edit header info, you ha...
- 03:03 PM Bug #2915: Need to have rules for "odd" levels for data: planted stems >= level 3 and cover data <= level 2
- We used to restrict what happens by business rules. Now, the database is a bit more open for those who have (inadver...
- 03:01 PM Bug #2916: Planted Stem Data: Removing default on new line results in adding new record
- fixed.
v211_p65_post - 12:33 PM Bug #2917 (Resolved): Entry DB is getting larger and larger - allow downloads of data to decrease size
- We could post data online for people and distribute a smaller set of data.
Community data could certainly be remov...
- 05:02 PM Bug #2916: Planted Stem Data: Removing default on new line results in adding new record
- pass blnRemoveDefault over to def_loadDefaultsIntoForm(frmCurr As Form, Optional blnRemoveDefault As Boolean)
- 04:59 PM Bug #2916: Planted Stem Data: Removing default on new line results in adding new record
- recordset.EOF doesn't mean it's a new line, so this tack won't work.
- 03:03 PM Bug #2916 (Resolved): Planted Stem Data: Removing default on new line results in adding new record
- Removing the default is sensitive to the difference between a value and text of control. Somehow if on recordset.EOF...
- 02:43 PM Bug #2915: Need to have rules for "odd" levels for data: planted stems >= level 3 and cover data <= level 2
- This has to do with plots being sampled for planted stems above level 2.
- 02:40 PM Bug #2915 (New): Need to have rules for "odd" levels for data: planted stems >= level 3 and cover data <= level 2
- Vigor is required. Its absence should be flagged by error checker as error.
- 11:33 AM Bug #2911: fix auto-population of "unknown sp."
- fixed.
was a null issue vs. empty string - 10:28 AM Bug #2913 (Closed): Ipomoea pes-caprae
- Because Alan had the relationship as "?", we do not know whether or not
(in the range of Alan's flora) I.p. var e...
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