From 11/25/2002 to 12/24/2002
- 11:47 AM Bug #729: [475] Data loader plugins:NPS PLOTS:Fix errors in loading process
- This is fixed excluding the validation aspect see bug 928.
- 11:42 AM Bug #928 (Resolved): Impliment constraints on data fields
- There are serveral fields in Vegbank that have a rules for what constitutes
valid data. For example, picklists of va... - 11:24 AM Bug #741: [535] Data loader plugins:XML plots:Fix errors in loading process
- Fixed to my satisfaction.
My understanding of QA this cycle is:
tekka will be our test machine
Changes will b...
- 03:20 PM Bug #725: [505] Data loader plugins:VegBranch plots:Fix errors in loading process
- Mike, could you send me or attach the access mdb used in this bug report ...
- 04:19 PM Bug #741: [535] Data loader plugins:XML plots:Fix errors in loading process
- This bug is nearly squashed. I didn't address to Community issues as I see these
as separate. Code about to be checke...
- 11:57 AM Bug #791: [810] :Final picklist values -- decide and agree on them
- This is the VBA code that generates the XML doc. It must be embedded in a
VegBranch database to work, OR:
Have table... - 11:42 AM Bug #791: [810] :Final picklist values -- decide and agree on them
- This new document should be more useful in that it includes sort order, value
desctipion, table and field (explicitly...
- 04:03 PM Bug #729: [475] Data loader plugins:NPS PLOTS:Fix errors in loading process
- Code for inserting observationContributers to the database has been added to cvs.
- 02:07 PM Bug #593: Viewing VegBank tables directly
- A user called qa has been setup for the database and server (contact me for
IN... - 11:24 AM Bug #741: [535] Data loader plugins:XML plots:Fix errors in loading process
- This is the XML doc that I uploaded to VegBank as my plots submission.
- 09:59 PM Bug #920 (Resolved): add accession codes for concepts / parties
- We should think about adding codes for a quicker, more accurate way of
referencing closed list items. i.e. "Interfl... - 09:01 PM Bug #729: [475] Data loader plugins:NPS PLOTS:Fix errors in loading process
- At present I disagree with mike and john and think it makes much
more sense to place the generic contributors from TN... - 06:07 PM Bug #729: [475] Data loader plugins:NPS PLOTS:Fix errors in loading process
- John was opposed to Bob's plan to add the contents of the observation
contributor into the organization name of a new... - 05:01 PM Bug #729: [475] Data loader plugins:NPS PLOTS:Fix errors in loading process
- In dealing with closed lists:
If a value does not match any values in a closed list on loading a plot into VB,
the en... - 04:48 PM Bug #729: [475] Data loader plugins:NPS PLOTS:Fix errors in loading process
- The conversion from feet into meters is now working.
- 02:12 PM Bug #729: [475] Data loader plugins:NPS PLOTS:Fix errors in loading process
- See bug 791 for the current closed list values for each field. These will
change, however. I believe this should no... - 02:14 PM Bug #791: [810] :Final picklist values -- decide and agree on them
- this csv document is simply a translation of the xml, as per John's request.
- 02:13 PM Bug #791: [810] :Final picklist values -- decide and agree on them
- This is the xml document created from MS Access that shows the current closed
list values. The values will change in...
- 01:16 PM Bug #700: Implement redesigned plant taxonomy data model
- I am uncertain how to interpret comment #5. Is this simply a reiteration that
this bug cannot be resolved until bug... - 12:33 PM Bug #706: [340] Enter basic EcoArt:load ecoart - all levels of the framework-a
- I currently have the 7 June 2002 EcoArt (ver 2.62). Before reloading, we
should check for more recent updates. I wi...
- 09:51 PM Bug #700: Implement redesigned plant taxonomy data model
- The original comment related to this bug suggests it is a 'critical error' in
loading of names -- instead it is, in r... - 02:32 PM Bug #700: Implement redesigned plant taxonomy data model
- *** Bug 687 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
- 03:27 PM Bug #847: evaluate: User view & output stylesheets
- Currently when a user selects a plot to view from the vegbank system, the user
is sent a document that is transforme... - 03:24 PM Bug #847: evaluate: User view & output stylesheets
- *** Bug 577 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
- 03:24 PM Bug #577: Full plot stylesheet
- This bug is now handled by the task list bugs.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 847 *** - 03:22 PM Bug #702: Enter basic PLANTS:Evalute implementation of PLANTS data-c
- *** Bug 576 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
- 03:22 PM Bug #576: Review recently loaded plants 2002 data
- this is an earlier reported bug that is now covered by the task list items.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplic... - 03:18 PM Bug #705: Fix basic EcoArt:load ecoart - all levels of the framework
- Make sure DFL knows about bug 704.
- 03:18 PM Bug #704: doubleCheck final DB: QA of plants and communities
- explore the ecoArt population of the VegBank community module to make sure that
concepts are loaded as they should be... - 03:14 PM Bug #706: [340] Enter basic EcoArt:load ecoart - all levels of the framework-a
- Load communities for new EcoArt version (June 2002? -- check with Bob) in the
new db structure made in bug #708.
T... - 03:09 PM Bug #707: [333] Enter basic EcoArt:Rebuild DB with new model-b
- do what they did in bug 708 in VegBranch
- 03:08 PM Bug #708: Implement comm. taxonomy database / app changes
- This bug is a corollary to bug #685, but applies to the communties module
instead of the plants module. The changes ... - 02:59 PM Bug #709: Enter EcoArt 2.96
- At one point in time, VegBank community module was loaded with an version of
EcoArt's community concepts. It was not... - 02:50 PM Bug #685: Redesign plant taxonomy data model
- The valid name systems are (as a clarification to comment #2, part [5]):
English Common
Scient... - 02:32 PM Bug #687: [240] Enter basic PLANTS:Name systems-a
- This aspect of the plant taxon db is covered by bug 700, which talks about
reloading the USDA plants.
*** This bug h... - 02:31 PM Bug #686: [245] Enter basic PLANTS:Name systems-b
- done in VegBranch
- 02:25 PM Bug #741: [535] Data loader plugins:XML plots:Fix errors in loading process
- This XML doc is similar to the xml doc which describes the accuracy of the
VegBranch up- and download. It is the XML... - 02:21 PM Bug #696: Implement reference and party-related database changes
- The revision mentioned by the PI's will not be ready until circa Dec 9, after a
meeting in D.C. with similar organiza...
- 10:15 AM Bug #685: Redesign plant taxonomy data model
- Comment #2 combines elements of two sub-bugs.
1 = remove plantNameWithAuthor and place this info as a name system (us... - 08:55 AM Bug #685: Redesign plant taxonomy data model
- This bug refers to the modification of the plant taxonomy datbase schema, and
the associated bug (685) is the modifi... - 06:10 AM Bug #688: [205] Usability analysis:Group response and plan -- (working group?)
- This should be addressed at the January VegBank meeting at NCEAS
- 06:03 AM Bug #680: [125] Website cleanup:Spelling and editing checks-b
- General editing nad spell checking can wait until the missing blurbs are
provided, ML takes first cut at that.
- 01:40 PM Bug #786: Update the Plots datamodel to allow for individual trees
- The current solution will be for us to add one field to TaxonObservation
taxonObsType varchar(30) [nulls are OK]
... - 01:31 PM Bug #919 (New): Advanced IP system, user-specific filtering of data
- Confidential plots (that is plot with plot.ConfidentialityStatus = 6) must not
be viewable in the system. Also not ... - 01:01 PM Bug #700: Implement redesigned plant taxonomy data model
- We should probably delete plantName.plantNameWithAuthor field, as this will no
longer be needed. We could also ignor... - 12:54 PM Bug #685: Redesign plant taxonomy data model
- This must be done before bug 700
- 06:54 PM Bug #700: Implement redesigned plant taxonomy data model
- The above attachment (#45) must be downloaded and then renamed to have a .mdb
extension, then it will open in Access. - 06:52 PM Bug #700: Implement redesigned plant taxonomy data model
- as per new means of loading - pending RKP approval
Only one concept, with no correlations, 1 status, and 4 usages. - 06:01 PM Bug #725: [505] Data loader plugins:VegBranch plots:Fix errors in loading process
- the <mtl> elements are added to describe where the upload and download process
failed. - 05:57 PM Bug #729: [475] Data loader plugins:NPS PLOTS:Fix errors in loading process
- contact mike lee for the original files that were used in upload, download, and
analysis. - 04:34 PM Bug #696: Implement reference and party-related database changes
- This is the third step of a 3 part bug. First PI's need to refine the data
model for references and citations. Then...
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