



From 01/18/2006 to 02/16/2006


12:51 PM Bug #1843: unexpected workflow components tree behavior
closing - since it looks liek this is now working OK. reopen if you have issues Matthew Brooke
12:11 PM Bug #2343: add welcome screen for release 1.0
Another way to do this might be to re-use the ptII welcome screen, but have it
display your new html page instead of ...
Matthew Brooke
11:57 AM Bug #2343: add welcome screen for release 1.0
Intro.html hidden for now.
(commented out code to start welcome window in /exp/ptolemy/vergilVergilApplication)
Nandita Mangal
11:27 AM Bug #2343: add welcome screen for release 1.0
Sequence changed to have :
First Splash Screen
Then Kepler Main Window (Blank Workflow)
And Kepler Welcome Screen (On...
Nandita Mangal
08:51 AM Bug #2343: add welcome screen for release 1.0
In the latest nightly build 2/16, the following happens upon startup:
-splash screen appears
-splash screen disappear...
Laura Downey
11:09 AM Bug #2246: TOOLBAR: status on opening workflows and blank frames
added bug 2359 to address enabling/disabling of menu/toolbar items as
Laura Downey
11:07 AM Bug #2359 (In Progress): enable/disable menu items and toolbar items as appropriate
It is standard design practice to enable/disable menu and toolbar items as
appropriate. Matthew mentioned this in ...
Laura Downey
09:27 AM Bug #2358: need to add "..." to appropriate menu items
Laura -
You can fix these yourself if you want - it's very easy - all you have to do is
edit the text file:
Matthew Brooke
09:04 AM Bug #2358 (Resolved): need to add "..." to appropriate menu items
I have just noticed that I didn't add the standard "..." to menu items that
bring up a dialog box or require some u...
Laura Downey


03:32 PM Bug #2357 (Resolved): EML2DataSource connection problem (asColumnBasedRecord)
When an EML2DataSource is configured as to retrun the data as a
'ColumnBasedRecord' it can be connected to an RExpre...
Dan Higgins
03:26 PM Bug #2355: TOOLBAR: icon states don't display correctly for first four toolbar buttons
The fix is in ptII/ptolemy/vergil/basic/
It needs to be copied to the Kepler copy of this file in...
Christopher Brooks
08:59 AM Bug #2355 (Resolved): TOOLBAR: icon states don't display correctly for first four toolbar buttons
Reported by Laura:
toolbar icons don't display correctly for the first four icons in the
toolbar -- no rollovers...
Matthew Brooke
11:28 AM Bug #2356: EML2 DataSource doesn't handle column vectors
Same error message when you ask for a ColumnBasedRecord Dan Higgins
11:12 AM Bug #2356 (Resolved): EML2 DataSource doesn't handle column vectors
If you take the 'Datos...' datasource example and configure it to deliver 'As
Column Vector', you get a 'Actor is no...
Dan Higgins
09:05 AM Bug #2246: TOOLBAR: status on opening workflows and blank frames
This proposal would probably solve the issue with empty workflows: I think
"inappropriate" actions should be grayed o...
Matthew Brooke
08:59 AM Bug #2246: TOOLBAR: status on opening workflows and blank frames
To help with tracking for the release, I am opening a separate bug (see Bug
#2355) for the "icons don't display corre...
Matthew Brooke


05:08 PM Bug #2246: TOOLBAR: status on opening workflows and blank frames
The rollovers for the zoom buttons work in Vergil, but not in Kepler
because vergil/basic/BasicGraphFrame is duplicat...
Christopher Brooks
02:44 PM Bug #2354 (Resolved): Need to Rebuild older workflows so that kars can be created
Older workflows (one built before the kar system was added) should be rebuilt so
that additonal moml data is include...
Dan Higgins
02:35 PM Bug #1924: Refactor actor and data display and search code
The tree is now refreshing correctly. Shawn and I worked on this for a few
hours in Davis. We didn't think it was w...
Chad Berkley


07:20 PM Bug #2343: add welcome screen for release 1.0
I have checked in the GUI part of the welcome screen in src/org/kepler/gui with
the kepler logo under lib/images. I l...
Nandita Mangal
03:27 PM Bug #2330: Saving a workflow doesn't add .xml or .moml extenders
Yep, I think I fixed this, but I neglected to close the bug pending
testing by someone else.
I think it can stay closed.
Christopher Brooks
02:24 PM Bug #2330: Saving a workflow doesn't add .xml or .moml extenders
Christopher fixed this in the ptii code (right christopher?) Chad Berkley
02:47 PM Bug #2056: Port labels appear 'twice' when DataSource actor added
Found this in passing - posting here for later -
in the javadoc for -
Matthew Brooke
02:23 PM Bug #2133: Need ability to update data searches
Searches in the quick search window are configured to expire at end of session.
To recieve new results, one just nee...
Kevin Ruland
02:19 PM Bug #2277: Simplify Kar loading
I think this has now been completed. Chad Berkley
01:42 PM Bug #2246: TOOLBAR: status on opening workflows and blank frames
Re-opening this bug for a couple of reasons.
1) toolbar icons don't display correctly for the first four icons in th...
Laura Downey


12:39 PM Bug #2343: add welcome screen for release 1.0
for the record -- meant this to go the list but somehow I replied
I expected step 4 (of the origina...
Laura Downey
11:58 AM Bug #2343: add welcome screen for release 1.0
Probably File Open should be smart enough to realize that the current window
is mostly blank and a candidate for repl...
Christopher Brooks
11:42 AM Bug #2343: add welcome screen for release 1.0
Now this has been added, here is a very common use case, which seems incorrect
(reported by Kevin):
1) User starts k...
Matthew Brooke
11:11 AM Bug #2034: provide visual indication of default button/choice on windows/dialogs
Laura said:
I would think that in most of the regular dialogs the "ok" button or equivalent
would be the "default." ...
Matthew Brooke
10:06 AM Bug #2034: provide visual indication of default button/choice on windows/dialogs
done for main screen (ie search buttons). Will do on new dialogs as they are
Matthew Brooke


12:18 PM Bug #2343: add welcome screen for release 1.0
I created "Preferences System needs to be resolved":
and "Wel...
Christopher Brooks
09:35 AM Bug #2343: add welcome screen for release 1.0
I added and WelcomeWindowTableau and modified
Christopher Brooks
10:31 AM Bug #2240: add support for null values to data passing among ports
[I'm going to try to keep most of the email in the null value bug so
that I don't lose track while I'm on vacation 2...
Christopher Brooks
09:51 AM Bug #2352 (Resolved): Preferences System needs to be resolved
I'm creating a bug for this because
"add welcome screen for...
Christopher Brooks
09:47 AM Bug #2351 (Resolved): Welcome Window Programmer/Scientist docs
The Welcome Window introProgrammer.htm and introScientist.htm documentation in
Christopher Brooks
09:44 AM Bug #2032: application should open to main window not web page
I've fixed this by hacking up VergilApplication so we now open the Graph Editor.
I did not embed the webpage in the r...
Christopher Brooks


11:41 PM Bug #2248: Need to merge corresponding mutable and immutable subclasses of DomainObject
The classes Tree and TreeBuffer have been merged, as have TreeNode and
Timothy McPhillips
03:35 PM Bug #2321: merge exp files into ptolemy CVS
I merged data.expr.Constants by hacking in an initialization class at
I removed data.EDoubleToken because...
Christopher Brooks


02:23 PM Bug #2240: add support for null values to data passing among ports
Jing will modify the EML source.
Dan will modify the R actor.
I'll will look at the XYPlot actor and possibly other a...
Christopher Brooks
11:13 AM Bug #2240: add support for null values to data passing among ports
Dan wrote:
I would like to add some thoughts to this issue of null/nil tokens in
Consider first som...
Christopher Brooks
02:03 PM Bug #2350 (Resolved): Add null token to eml datasource
Ptolemy now has null token. we need assign it when eml actor meets missing value. Jing Tao
10:33 AM Bug #1911: Provide real-time feedback/animation for workflow progress as a default
This relates to animation, that was discussed on kepler-dev about a week ago.
A couple of notes, which are my persona...
Christopher Brooks
10:19 AM Bug #2349 (New): Actors should have preconditions to test for long runs
It would be nice if there was an easy way to for a model to test for
trivial problems before getting far down a long...
Christopher Brooks


12:26 PM Bug #1909: generalize cache manager to provide support for very large data files
The two types of cache objects which provide access to the raw file:
RawDataCacheObject and DataCacheFileObject, both...
Kevin Ruland
12:22 PM Bug #2141: resultset cache expiration problem
In CVS, CacheExpiration can now be set on each CacheObject. There are three
different expiration "policies", by date...
Kevin Ruland


01:19 PM Bug #2345: Actor Library classname/icon mapping problems
In order to illustrate what the icons *should* look like, I have assigned the
icon by LSID (instead of by classname) ...
Matthew Brooke
01:07 PM Bug #2347: Need to be able to terminate workflow 'animation/feedback'
replaced with a JCheckBoxMenuItem to match new design. now toggles on and off.
Dan's namign comments are being discus...
Matthew Brooke
01:00 PM Bug #2246: TOOLBAR: status on opening workflows and blank frames
closed - fixed by Christopher Matthew Brooke
12:58 PM Bug #2336: MENUS: Top-Level Menu - implement class.forName in getActionFor()
done. also moved all code out of BasicGraphFrame and into its own self-contained
class, to make it easier to address ...
Matthew Brooke


11:19 AM Bug #2348 (In Progress): Rewrite disk based GIS code for speed increase
Currently, the java GIS routines for handling ascii grid files uses a
PersistentVector class that was originally cre...
Dan Higgins


10:45 AM Bug #2275: Replace the DataCacheManager
This has been accomplished. The DataCacheManager still exists but uses the
CacheManager as its backend object persis...
Kevin Ruland


03:10 PM Bug #2347 (Resolved): Need to be able to terminate workflow 'animation/feedback'
In using the new Kepler menu system, I can across a problem. In the old
menus (aka Ptolemy menu) there is a menu ite...
Dan Higgins


04:05 PM Bug #2346: Memory utilization on startup.
Just some info, there was some traffic about this on 12/21/2005 in kepler-dev.
Basically, the problem is that Kepler...
Christopher Brooks
11:25 AM Bug #2346 (Resolved): Memory utilization on startup.
Current CVS head of kepler (1-27-06): At welcome window, after forced gc,
memory usage is 57M. After one empty gra...
Kevin Ruland
03:36 PM Bug #2089: Problem with docs source code with Java 1.5
I'm not sure what's up, but it looks like kepler fails to compile
under Java 1.4.1_01 for me under linux:
Christopher Brooks
11:07 AM Bug #2328: Memory use problems with multiple EML Datasources
Committed change to ecogrid seek repository adding EcogridGetToStreamClient
class which greatly reduces memory requir...
Kevin Ruland


04:07 PM Bug #2341: MENUS: Top-Level Menu - Some mapped menu items not working
Christopher added the code changes to, which fixed
Matthew Brooke
04:04 PM Bug #2345 (Resolved): Actor Library classname/icon mapping problems
**This pertains to running Kepler with the new icons enabled**
(to do so, edit the file configs/ptolemy/configs/kepl...
Matthew Brooke
12:06 PM Bug #2344 (Resolved): Duplicate Actors that read directories
Dan wrote:
> Does anyone out there know if there is a difference in the basic
> functionality of the DirectoryListi...
Christopher Brooks
09:42 AM Bug #2330: Saving a workflow doesn't add .xml or .moml extenders
Hi Chad,
My concern is that adding the filter to TableauFrame is the wrong place,
since TableauFrame is the base clas...
Christopher Brooks


04:27 PM Bug #2225: EML parser does not handle attribute list reference
I double cheked code. It only shows attribute reference can be handle correctly.
but attributeList and entity couldn'...
Jing Tao
02:26 PM Bug #2325: Actor Library Folders Should Not Be Draggable
Fixed this in the PTII/ptolemy/vergil/tree/ Users can no longer drag
Chad Berkley


02:28 PM Bug #2330: Saving a workflow doesn't add .xml or .moml extenders
I modified PTII ptolemy/actor/gui/TableauFrame code to put a .xml extension on
the files when it save them. it only ...
Chad Berkley
11:17 AM Bug #2315: Unable to run multiple Kepler instances simultaneously
The only way we could fix this is to have multiple .kepler directories on one
machine. This would require a profiling...
Chad Berkley
11:14 AM Bug #2254: Order of actors in list changes with every new launch of Kepler
I just tested this and it appears to now be fixed. Shawn added a sort order
attribute into the ontology for sorting ...
Chad Berkley
11:11 AM Bug #1872: kepler possibly not picking up changes as entered
I think I may have fixed this when I disabled the dragging from the canvas to
the actor library. There was a problem...
Chad Berkley
11:09 AM Bug #2340: Adding new actor to actor tree does not work
I have disabled this menu item. I don't think it is desired functionality and
it probably will not be reenabled.
Chad Berkley
10:36 AM Bug #2234: creating KAR file loses port semantic annotations
Semantic Annotations are no longer lost when creating kar files. This issue is
Chad Berkley
10:35 AM Bug #1924: Refactor actor and data display and search code
This is mostly working now. The only remaining issue is that Shawn and I can't
get the tree to refresh after adding ...
Chad Berkley
10:24 AM Bug #1340: define and implement kepler archive file format (kar)
This is now mostly working, but there are still issues with adding annotations
to the actor. Shawn and I are going t...
Chad Berkley


09:00 PM Bug #2341: MENUS: Top-Level Menu - Some mapped menu items not working
This was happening because we were setting the Action.NAME, and the ptii code
uses the menu name to create a Factory ...
Matthew Brooke
08:50 PM Bug #2342: MENUS: Top-Level Menu - some toolbar buttons showing text
This was happening because we were setting the Action.NAME, which, in turn,
prompted the ptii code to show the name o...
Matthew Brooke
03:52 PM Bug #2343: add welcome screen for release 1.0
My bad typo, the other bug is
About the difference between th...
Christopher Brooks
02:51 PM Bug #2343: add welcome screen for release 1.0
I can take this bug, but I'm not sure how it is different from
Christopher Brooks
10:56 AM Bug #2343 (Resolved): add welcome screen for release 1.0
One of the prioritization decisions for Release 1.0 was to get rid of the html
page and open a blank workflow canva...
Laura Downey
02:47 PM Bug #2234: creating KAR file loses port semantic annotations
Another reason this doesn't work is that the KAR creation code seems to find all
semanticType attributes and change t...
Chad Berkley
02:44 PM Bug #2234: creating KAR file loses port semantic annotations
I disagree. The responsibility should be on the kar ingestion system (kis) to
take a broader view and detach itself ...
Shawn Bowers
02:15 PM Bug #2234: creating KAR file loses port semantic annotations
One reason this is messed up is that the Semantic Type Editor (STE) creates
properties with the naming scheme "semTyp...
Chad Berkley
12:37 PM Bug #2329: Summary Statistics Actor not working
The problem was traced to the ActorMetadata class. It runed out that this class
did not reset values of StringAttribu...
Dan Higgins


02:57 PM Bug #2342 (In Progress): MENUS: Top-Level Menu - some toolbar buttons showing text
This issue is related to the top-level menu items - when kepler menus are
enabled, the last 7 toolbar buttons (port/...
Matthew Brooke
02:26 PM Bug #2334: MENUS: Top-Level Menu - add support for menu separators
done - see file for instructions and examples Matthew Brooke
02:24 PM Bug #2341 (Resolved): MENUS: Top-Level Menu - Some mapped menu items not working
Five of the menu items mapped from ptii menus don't work under the new kepler
menu hierarchy:
File->Save As (in p...
Matthew Brooke
12:10 PM Bug #2340 (Resolved): Adding new actor to actor tree does not work
Right clicking on a directory in the actor tree brings up a menu to add an actor
to the folder. Selecting the add ac...
Dan Higgins


02:48 PM Bug #2016: MENUS: pop-up context menu revision
Split into multiple bugs, tracked by Bug #2337 (main menus) and Bug #2338 (popup
context menus)
Matthew Brooke
02:46 PM Bug #2338 (In Progress): TRACKING - MENUS: pop-up context menu revision
Tracking bug for pop-up context menu revisions - see dependency tree.
Replaces part of Bug #2016
See menu redesigns...
Matthew Brooke
02:15 PM Bug #2337 (In Progress): TRACKING - MENUS: Top-Level Menu Revision
Have now got most of menus loading from a properties file. However, several
things yet to do, and several bugs to fi...
Matthew Brooke
02:13 PM Bug #2336 (Resolved): MENUS: Top-Level Menu - implement class.forName in getActionFor()
Need to implement class.forName in BasicGraphFrame -> getActionFor(), to
instantiate non-PTII menu items
Matthew Brooke
02:12 PM Bug #2335 (Resolved): MENUS: Top-Level Menu - dynamic addition of menu items
Need to look at dynamic addition of menu items to Window menu and MRU File menu.
Need to keep a pointer to these for...
Matthew Brooke
02:11 PM Bug #2334 (Resolved): MENUS: Top-Level Menu - add support for menu separators
Need to add support for menu separators in th eproperties file etc Matthew Brooke
02:09 PM Bug #2333 (Resolved): MENUS: Top-Level Menu - relocate code further up class hierarchy
Currently implemented in BasicGraphFrame.pack() because that's in src/exp;
however, the whole thing needs to be furt...
Matthew Brooke
02:08 PM Bug #2332 (Resolved): MENUS: Top-Level Menu - link ptii enabled/disabled listeners
need to link enabled/disabled listeners to old menu items, so state of new ones
mirrors state of old ones in real ti...
Matthew Brooke

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