



From 07/15/2009 to 08/13/2009


03:54 PM Bug #4084: Change access rule to be "allowFirst" as the default orderType
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:54 PM Bug #4059: Using the new Morpho Guide to repalce one
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:53 PM Bug #4032: Backup .morpho directory before installing a new version of morpho
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:53 PM Bug #4030: Support SSL in morpho
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:53 PM Bug #4007: KNBRegistry thesaurus in keyword page doesn' work
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:53 PM Bug #3987: Obscured window when adding keyword from predefined list in OS X
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:52 PM Bug #3834: After importing new Data Table, File/Save to Network fails
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:52 PM Bug #3831: change "precision" from required to optional in new package wizard
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:52 PM Bug #3808: Export to zip file doesn't work
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:52 PM Bug #3702: Change morpho uploading data file
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:51 PM Bug #3601: Transform demo eml document from eml 2.0.1 to eml 2.1.0
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:51 PM Bug #3587: Create IzPack installer for morpho
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:51 PM Bug #3459: Support EML 2.1.0 in Morpho
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:50 PM Bug #3454: Fixing docid conflicts in metacat or local file
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:50 PM Bug #3439: Allow Morpho to run with an alternate configuration directory
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:50 PM Bug #3438: Allow save-on-close action to be specified by the plugin
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:50 PM Bug #3437: Upgrade jcalendar library to use an official jar distribution
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:49 PM Bug #3436: Allow subclassing of classes in datapackage for use in FIRST
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:49 PM Bug #3358: Correcting invalid eml 201 document downloaded from metacat 1.8.0
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:49 PM Bug #3244: Incorrect EML201 schema in morpho
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:48 PM Bug #3190: profile names with spaces and special characters are a problem
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:48 PM Bug #3120: Morpho create profile section has some text that doesn't display correctly on Mac and Ubuntu
move 1.7 Jing Tao
03:48 PM Bug #2998: Morpho uses 'allowFirst' by default when building access control
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:48 PM Bug #2780: misspelled attribute name when creating customUnit:- multiplierToSI
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:47 PM Bug #2567: Can't delete local dp's on Windows XP
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:44 PM Bug #2498: Change default metacat URL
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:44 PM Bug #2462: Can't delete columns toward end of table
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:43 PM Bug #2360: Document Identifier Conflict Resolution
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:43 PM Bug #2353: screenshot missing in Morpho Help files
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:40 PM Bug #2339: Triage bugs
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:39 PM Bug #2309: File name conflict resolution when using same scope on different computers
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:39 PM Bug #2223: Title and Abstract screen insert empty abstract tag
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:39 PM Bug #2198: Morpho editor generates validation problem message when doc is valid
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:38 PM Bug #2197: Morpho fails to load number type when editing column documentation
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:38 PM Bug #1782: Seperate access rules for data and metadata portions of dps
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:35 PM Bug #1707: create profile wizard needs more documentation
move to 1.7 Jing Tao
03:33 PM Bug #3675: Change morpho code repository from CVS to SVN
move to 1.7.1 Jing Tao
03:33 PM Bug #3550: no way to enter a missingValueCode
move to 1.7.1 Jing Tao
03:33 PM Bug #3482: Morpho options hang up on Ubunto 8.04 platform
move to 1.7.1 Jing Tao
03:32 PM Bug #3473: allow user to attach, replace, or delete data table on existing entity description
move to 1.7.1 Jing Tao
03:32 PM Bug #3458: Morpho will take long time to startup if the metacat host server is down
move to 1.7.1 Jing Tao
03:32 PM Bug #3243: initial profile creation does not list all organizations from LDAP
move to 1.7.1 Jing Tao
03:31 PM Bug #3171: Morpho install in Vista does not create a viewable sterr.log file
move to 1.7.1 Jing Tao
03:25 PM Bug #2980: pubDate is not created for citation use when a Morpho Dataset is submitted
move to 1.7.1 Jing Tao
03:25 PM Bug #2799: Access List doesn't include groups at LDAP root
move to 1.7.1 Jing Tao
03:24 PM Bug #2529: Add Morpho Version/Date info to KNB website
move to 1.7.1 Jing Tao
03:24 PM Bug #2508: Incorrect example for relative attribute given in table wizard
move to 1.7.1 Jing Tao
03:24 PM Bug #2473: Morpho uses too much memory
move to 1.7.1 Jing Tao
03:23 PM Bug #2379: Table metadata lost when trying to import codes from second file
move to 1.7.1 Jing Tao
03:23 PM Bug #2308: No metadata shown if schemaLocation attribute set improperly
move to 1.7.1 Jing Tao
03:22 PM Bug #2284: Data tables not uploaded to network
move to 1.7.1 Jing Tao
03:22 PM Bug #2284: Data tables not uploaded to network
move to 1.7.1 Jing Tao
03:22 PM Bug #2213: "Show all" Morpho editor handles coverage incorrectly depending on order
move to 1.7.1 Jing Tao
03:21 PM Bug #1985: add morpho support for LSID identifiers
Move to 1.7.1 Jing Tao


02:13 PM Bug #4100: Uninstaller has issue on Vista
After introducing IzPack 4.3.1, the issue was resolved. Now the uninstaller works on windows vista. Jing Tao


11:37 AM Bug #4263 (Resolved): Saving to both location failed when a online package was imported a new data table
In Kruger park, when I tried to save a package into both local and oneline locations, it failed. The package was only... Jing Tao


07:06 AM Bug #4253 (Resolved): ids for role confict when the person was imported from another package
Nikki in Phalaborwa showed me package which couldn't be saved to metacat. It turned out that there is one id for two ... Jing Tao

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