



From 02/26/2005 to 03/27/2005


05:04 PM Bug #1990: DataType of EML for KEPLER
Add new classes - NumericDomain, TextDomain, DatTimeDomain and EnumericDomain
which extends from Domain Interface. In...
Jing Tao


05:36 PM Bug #1189: add full support for EML2 comple textFormat in EML ingestor
Create two classes - TextWidthFixedDataFormat and TextDelimitedDataFormat to
store the data format information. And i...
Jing Tao
02:01 PM Bug #2051: Could Not Get EML Metadata in existed workflow
The problem is the old workflow moml, it doesn't has a namepsace parameter. We
add a default value for it. And it wor...
Jing Tao
12:24 PM Bug #2051 (Resolved): Could Not Get EML Metadata in existed workflow
In EML Simple Plot workflow, you click get metadata and will get an error. But
in search result panel and draging se...
Jing Tao


04:01 PM Bug #2050 (Resolved): EMLDataSource output as Ptolemy records
Currently, when an eml2 datasource is dragged to the graph display, a port
appears for each column in the datatable....
Dan Higgins


03:24 PM Bug #2012: Incorporate combo boxes with pick lists in as many places as possible to minimize user typing and provide knowledge of acceptable choices
I've modified so that
is uses editable combo boxes for the port types and unit...
Christopher Brooks
08:41 AM Bug #2012: Incorporate combo boxes with pick lists in as many places as possible to minimize user typing and provide knowledge of acceptable choices
I'm working on a partial solution to this one by adding editable comboboxes
for the type and units to the port dialog...
Christopher Brooks
09:18 AM Bug #2015: Provide more meaningful error messages
If you provide me with some screenshots or user traces of overly complex
error messages, I'll see what I can do. Per...
Christopher Brooks
09:12 AM Bug #2015: Provide more meaningful error messages
Users (except very technical ones) don't usually care about the intricate
technical details that they aren't going t...
Laura Downey
08:57 AM Bug #2011: MENUS: Context Menus - Add Cut/Copy/Paste to all right click popup menus
While I agree that limiting items on right click menus is desirable, the
general rule for keeping the number of item...
Laura Downey
08:38 AM Bug #2035: use checkboxes and radio buttons correctly
Hi Laura,
My changes are in the Ptolemy CVS tree. I'm not totally sure
how these changes get propagated to the Keple...
Christopher Brooks
08:22 AM Bug #2035: use checkboxes and radio buttons correctly
I just downloaded the latest build of Kepler and it is still showing a radio
button for "Synchronize to realtime". ...
Laura Downey
08:37 AM Bug #2023: remove redundant labeling in tree
I can understand the concern of the lableing issue of the director when it is
on the canvas -- however, if the direc...
Laura Downey


01:44 PM Bug #2046 (Resolved): libexpat.dll needs to be copied by installer
The libexpat.dll file is used by the GARP code in workflow that contain GARP. A
copy of this dll is in the $KEPLER/l...
Dan Higgins


03:37 PM Bug #2032: application should open to main window not web page
I see the value in having "$PTII/bin/vergil" start up the graph editor
instead of bringing up what we call the welcom...
Christopher Brooks
03:08 PM Bug #2015: Provide more meaningful error messages
It would be nice if we provided a way to more effectively hide
the stack traces. Usually, when there is an error, a ...
Christopher Brooks
02:58 PM Bug #2011: MENUS: Context Menus - Add Cut/Copy/Paste to all right click popup menus
Edward and I talked about adding Cut/Copy/Paste right menu choices
and he strongly feels that we already have too man...
Christopher Brooks
02:49 PM Bug #2035: use checkboxes and radio buttons correctly
I think I fixed this by modifying ptolemy/gui/ so
that it uses JCheckBox where it should.
I verified that ...
Christopher Brooks
02:14 PM Bug #2023: remove redundant labeling in tree
I'm assuming that we are talking about the tree browser on the left
hand side here.
What Ptolemy has now
Christopher Brooks


03:37 PM Bug #2044 (Resolved): R actor for means and error by group
This bug is to create an actor that wraps an R script (using the generic R actor
described in bug #1342) for calcula...
Matt Jones
03:19 PM Bug #1342: need R actor
OK, to summarize the phone call from last week. We all agree an effiective R
actor needs to provide the following ca...
Matt Jones
03:18 PM Bug #2043 (Resolved): create suite of common statistical actors using R
We need to create a suite of commonly useful analytical actors using the R actor
that is described in bug #1342. The...
Matt Jones
02:36 PM Bug #2035: use checkboxes and radio buttons correctly
it also happens in the port configuration dialog and the actor and director
configuration dialogs.
Matt Jones
01:08 PM Bug #2035 (Resolved): use checkboxes and radio buttons correctly
in some places in the UI, radio buttons are used where checkboxes should be
used, e.g., in the "set plot format" di...
Laura Downey
02:34 PM Bug #2033: provide indication of actor compatibility
This feature of being able to indicate actor compatibility is already
envisioned. The implementation is going to be ...
Matt Jones
01:02 PM Bug #2033 (New): provide indication of actor compatibility
provide some indication to user of actor compatability, e.g, if they have some
actor selected, somehow indicate to ...
Laura Downey
01:14 PM Bug #2038 (Resolved): review and correct information design (e.g., graphical layouts)
by this I mean some of the layout issues such as labels being to far away from
the fields they describe and things ...
Laura Downey
01:11 PM Bug #2036 (In Progress): provide different levels of turning displaying annotations
allow user to turn on and off (display or not display) text annotations at an
individual port level, all ports for ...
Laura Downey
01:03 PM Bug #2034 (Resolved): provide visual indication of default button/choice on windows/dialogs
provide visual indication of default button/choice on windows/dialog boxes Laura Downey
01:00 PM Bug #2032 (Resolved): application should open to main window not web page
application should open to main window (graph editor window) and not web page -
- often the users are confused when ...
Laura Downey
12:56 PM Bug #2031 (Resolved): browse/filter for data and data nodes on the ecogrid and local
provide browsing and filtering mechanims for data and data nodes on the ecogrid Laura Downey
12:54 PM Bug #2030 (Resolved): deal with terminology issues in Kepler
replace programmer centric labels like commit with save, simplify names where
possible, be consistent in use of ter...
Laura Downey
12:50 PM Bug #2029 (In Progress): consider guided analysis wizard
consider developing a guided analysis wizard -- this would be akin to teaching
someone how to build a simple workfl...
Laura Downey
12:48 PM Bug #2028 (In Progress): provide ability to easily visualize data at various places in workflow
provide the user with the capability of visualizing data and results at
various places in the workflow (related to ...
Laura Downey
12:46 PM Bug #2027 (In Progress): provide ability to assign checkpoints in the workflow
provide ability for user to assign checkpoints at various points in the
workflow so that user can check progress an...
Laura Downey
12:45 PM Bug #2025 (Resolved): provide workflow and results in some publishable format
provide a workflow "package" of the workflow and its results in a publishable
format -- this would be more extensiv...
Laura Downey
12:42 PM Bug #2024 (In Progress): provide natural language summary of workflow
it would be extremely useful to users to provide a natural language summary of
a workflow (English language descrip...
Laura Downey
12:40 PM Bug #2023 (Resolved): remove redundant labeling in tree
if directory is titled "Directors" no need to list the items as "SDF
Director," "CT Director" etc.
(note, even i...
Laura Downey
12:36 PM Bug #2005: associate an visual text annotation with a specific actor
this should also be done visually, meaning that if someone annotates an actor
with some text to be displayed that th...
Laura Downey
11:03 AM Bug #2016 (Resolved): MENUS: pop-up context menu revision
Suggested by Laura Downey
This includes both top level and popup menus. Menu labels may need to be changed
to more ...
Dan Higgins
10:57 AM Bug #2015 (New): Provide more meaningful error messages
Suggested by Laura Downey
User oriented error messages needed (rather than stack traces?)
Dan Higgins
10:54 AM Bug #2014 (Resolved): Disallow editing of the schema for data
suggested by Laura Downey
I think this refers to the Digir and EML data source actors and the window that
appear wh...
Dan Higgins
10:52 AM Bug #2013 (Resolved): Allow case insensitive user input
(suggested by Laura Downey)
especially for port information (e.g. port types)
Dan Higgins
10:49 AM Bug #2012 (In Progress): Incorporate combo boxes with pick lists in as many places as possible to minimize user typing and provide knowledge of acceptable choices
(Suggested by Laura Downey)
Setting ports and actor parameters requires user typing in a number of places
where pic...
Dan Higgins
10:46 AM Bug #2011 (In Progress): MENUS: Context Menus - Add Cut/Copy/Paste to all right click popup menus
suggested by Laura Downey (standard practice) Dan Higgins
10:44 AM Bug #2010 (Resolved): Provide Clear/Reset for Search
Suggested by Laura Downey
Already in Actor Search, but not implemented in Data search
Dan Higgins
10:43 AM Bug #2009 (Resolved): Provide Cancel for Search Function
Suggested by Laura Downey Dan Higgins
10:41 AM Bug #2008 (Resolved): Provide real-time feedback for workflow progress as a default
suggested by Laura Downey. This can currently be done in SDF workflows by using
the 'Animate Execution' command unde...
Dan Higgins


05:09 PM Bug #2005 (In Progress): associate an visual text annotation with a specific actor
Annotation actors can be added to an overall workflow but cannot be associated
with specific actors. Only the actor ...
Dan Higgins
11:04 AM Bug #1844: tool tip problems
A bit more information on the tooltip problems. Tooltips work intermittently
for me. It seems that when I drag a ne...
Matt Jones


11:41 AM Bug #1342: need R actor
In his recent comments added to the R-bug in kepler/Bugzilla (#1342), Matt
suggests that we need to create some s...
Dan Higgins
10:57 AM Bug #1999: Very long delays on first startup of new install
In the very short term, could one at a corresponding warning to the download page!? Bertram Ludaescher


03:01 PM Bug #1748: "Get metadata" menu item only works for EML 2.0.0 documents
In ResultRecord class(parent class of EML200DataSource), a field - namespace was
added. After searching, the namespac...
Jing Tao
12:25 PM Bug #1999: Very long delays on first startup of new install
In Ptolemy II, the Jython actor only expands the jar files when
Actors -> More Libraries -> Python is opened in the a...
Christopher Brooks
11:39 AM Bug #1999 (Resolved): Very long delays on first startup of new install
There is a very long delay when a new version of Kepler is first executed. This
is particularly noticable on the Mac...
Dan Higgins
10:54 AM Bug #1998: Enter in actor search text box causes reset
Also, on the mac, the reset button scrunches the text box to 2 characters width.
The reset button needs to be put so...
Chad Berkley
10:49 AM Bug #1998 (Resolved): Enter in actor search text box causes reset
A reset button has been added to the actor search pane, but now hitting the
enter key after typing a search phrase c...
Dan Higgins
10:52 AM Bug #1557: problems with paths with 'spaces'
In general, this problem has been fixed (although we should keep in mind that
specific actor may still have a problem...
Dan Higgins
10:49 AM Bug #1997 (New): Support Getting Metadata for Darwin Core search result item
In data search result panel, we add a new right click button for getting
metadata for the item. But currently we onl...
Jing Tao
10:44 AM Bug #1896: Get metadata of data package in data search result panel( tree structure)
If user right click in search result item, the Get Metadata button will be
shown. If user click the button, the html ...
Jing Tao
10:41 AM Bug #1889: EML2 data source actor need handle mutiple data entity
Add Vector _enityList in EMLDataSource to store the mutiple entity in eml. And
add a selectedEnity for chosed entity....
Jing Tao
10:37 AM Bug #1834: search progress bar does not work on OSX
Dan and I couldn't duplicate the bug. It seemed someone fixed it before we took
a look.
Jing Tao

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