From 11/21/2004 to 12/20/2004
- 03:51 PM Bug #1773: Importing code table results in display of ID numbers, not code values
- Being set to P3 due to level of difficulty involved.
- 03:48 PM Bug #1807: Stop/pause search feature request
- Alternately, you could make it so that double-clicking on the item you want
opens the doc, while the search continue... - 03:45 PM Bug #1772: User guide needs to be updated
- Make a second pass through the user guide, add more detail where necessary, add
more FAQs, make sure screen shots ar... - 03:35 PM Bug #1567: Taxonomic Coverage - importing data table during DPW
- Also see related bug 1512
- 03:34 PM Bug #1512: Taxon Import
- Also see bug 1567 which is closely related to this one.
- 03:22 PM Bug #1559: Morpho 1.5.1 Help: 5 problems with search feature
- Item 1 here will be worked on by Veronique under Sid's tutelage.
- 01:17 PM Bug #1754: expose title/abstract/creator in Documentation menu
- In priority order, we should add screens to Documentation menu for:
1) Abstact/Title
2) Keywords
3) Creators
4) Cont... - 01:06 PM Bug #1714: tab delimited text import doesn't display correctly
- This bug was produced in South Africa and I can probably get hold of the data
file that produced it. - 01:03 PM Bug #1719: integrate Finch's MS Access plugin in next release
- This plugin is complete -- someone just needs to talk to finch about
incorporating the source into morpho and shippin...
- 01:08 PM Bug #1779: Changing “Look and Feel” in Morpho preferences doesn’t change appearance of menus
- most of the java UI's i've seen that allow you to change the look & feel also
require a restart to make the changes. ... - 09:00 AM Bug #607: MetaViewer Focus Functionality
- Adding some more context to this cryptic description... ;-)
Basically, the morpho main screen has 3 areas or frames ...
- 04:56 PM Bug #1774: How to delete saved searches and old profiles should be explicit
- Possibly should be explained in the FAQ section of the user guide.
- 04:45 PM Bug #1805: Force quit of one Morpho window closes other windows
- The freeze problem is not reproducible as of yet.
- 04:42 PM Bug #1822: Saving edited network DP to network
- The new doc has a new docid, and therefore this isn't a bug
- 03:53 PM Bug #1499: some morpho windows not displayed in my taskbar
- Not important.
- 03:35 PM Bug #1508: New Data Table Wizard: Last Step does not add Table every time
- *** Bug 1504 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
- 03:35 PM Bug #1504: Intermittant problem: DPW Finish Wizard / Enter New Table
- duplicate of 1508
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 1508 *** - 03:26 PM Bug #1282: Suggest closing earlier data package windows when a new data package window is opened
- As long as it doesn't freeze up Morpho, it could be useful to have more than
one data package open at the same time. - 03:23 PM Bug #1271: Inconsistency in selecting ‘Startup profile’
- This bug is currently unreproducible, and the problem never happened again.
- 03:20 PM Bug #942: wrong icon appears for data in package from metacat
- *** Bug 1241 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
- 03:10 PM Bug #942: wrong icon appears for data in package from metacat
- I was unable to reproduce this bug with version 1.5.1.
- 03:20 PM Bug #1241: Search Results Data/Nodata icons not working for EML2
- duplicate of bug 942
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 942 *** - 01:40 PM Bug #1833 (Resolved): morpho should support eml-2.0.1
- Morpho 1.5.1 produces eml-2.0.0 documents. It also only searches for eml-2.0.0
documents and prior. We need to mak... - 11:57 AM Bug #1830: add KU to the org list in morpho
- Actually, this needs to be changed so that it is dynamically determined from the
current organizations in LDAP. Morp... - 10:19 AM Bug #1830 (Resolved): add KU to the org list in morpho
- KU needs to be added as an organization in the new user wizard in morpho.
- 10:22 AM Bug #1832 (In Progress): need "save as" functionality in morpho
- users have requested a "save as" function in morpho so they can just change
small numbers of metadata fields for ent... - 10:20 AM Bug #1831 (Resolved): "other" organization field does not work
- if you put an organization name in the "other" field in the new user wizard,
morpho does not actually use the name y...
- 02:30 PM Bug #1796: Typographical errors in Morpho windows
Fixed.- 02:19 PM Bug #1276: Comments on Data Package from Andrea Chadden
Fixed part 4.- 02:06 PM Bug #1792: Can't print Intro to Metadata document
- Moved Intro to Metadata to Morpho help system. Also added an entry for EML
Specfications to the Help menu. So now the...
- 01:30 PM Bug #1825: Typos/redundancies in Named Regions list of Geo. Coverage
Fixed the typos and and removed "'s" from Whittaker’s Forest as it was
resulting in an error during XML parsing.
...- 12:09 PM Bug #1825: Typos/redundancies in Named Regions list of Geo. Coverage
- - Coal Oil Point Reserve: add "UCNRS" after to stay consistent with other UCNRS
- Ecology Research Center vs. E...
- 03:02 PM Bug #1772: User guide needs to be updated
- "Editing a Data Package" section:
"The Documentation Menu" heading should be left-aligned and bold.
"Technical Note... - 02:49 PM Bug #1823: Morpho Editor and saving network data packages
- "If you click Yes, the dp’s docid is changed and the dp is saved both locally and
on the network. Saving to the netw... - 02:01 PM Bug #1823 (New): Morpho Editor and saving network data packages
- When a network data package is opened, and you open the Morpho Editor, and then
click OK (without even making any mo... - 02:42 PM Bug #1825 (New): Typos/redundancies in Named Regions list of Geo. Coverage
- NDPW/Geographic Coverage/Add/Named Regions drop-down list:
- Carpentria Salt Marsh Reserve: chang...
- 03:50 PM Bug #1583: Typos/grammatical errors in "Intro to Metadata" documentation
- This is something Andrea and I could work on.
- 03:50 PM Bug #1796: Typographical errors in Morpho windows
- Oops! Wrong bug. Sorry...
- 03:49 PM Bug #1796: Typographical errors in Morpho windows
- This is something Andrea and I could work on.
- 03:30 PM Bug #1714: tab delimited text import doesn't display correctly
- Andrea and I were not able to reproduce this bug.
- 03:00 PM Bug #1822: Saving edited network DP to network
- Can you clarify if the new document is using the same docid? My guess is that
it is not, and so what has happened is... - 02:53 PM Bug #1822 (Resolved): Saving edited network DP to network
- After getting a dp from the network, editing it and saving it locally, you can
successfully save it back to the netw... - 02:51 PM Bug #1582: No Error Msg displayed when network update of datapackage failed due to access control
- The second part of this bug will become a new bug.
- 02:46 PM Bug #1777: Selecting columns is very slow
- Andrea and I both noticed that selecting columns is no longer as slow. This bug
seems to come and go - we should at l... - 02:39 PM Bug #1565: morpho wouldnt go look for an external table with descriptions of codes in a list
- I tested this bug and the browse window appeared.
- 11:08 AM Bug #1712: Radio buttons for choice are "all" set as default in Tree Editor
- *** Bug 1701 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
- 11:08 AM Bug #1701: All choices selected by default in tree editor
- Duplicate bug
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 1712 ***
- 04:48 PM Bug #1574: Morpho freezes, DPW child screens disappear
- If we assume that users know about alt+tab (windows) and cmd+tab (mac), then
this is not a problem. However, I would... - 04:37 PM Bug #1278: Adding extra keywords in Morpho Editor
- This is no longer a problem in 1.5.1
- 02:32 PM Bug #1672: Unable to edit online distribution url for multiple data objects
- After the newest version of metacat (1.4.0) was released, the problem of having
to manually correct the URLs for the... - 02:26 PM Bug #1772: User guide needs to be updated
- The EML Handbook should be available via a link at the bottom of the
Introduction page in the Morpho User Guide. It ... - 02:22 PM Bug #1276: Comments on Data Package from Andrea Chadden
- Parts 1, 2, and 3 of this bug have been fixed in 1.5.1, however, the Morpho
User Guide is still called "Morpho Help"... - 01:51 PM Bug #1778: Network icons missing after synchronizing
- I wasn't able to reproduce this bug.
- 12:52 PM Bug #1820 (Resolved): Smart quotes displayed improperly
- When the " symbol is pasted in from an application like Word (which
could occur when pasting in an abstract for exam...
- 03:40 PM Bug #1707: create profile wizard needs more documentation
- There is a need for some sort of explanation when you are creating a profile in
Morpho of the relationship between t... - 03:39 PM Bug #1707: create profile wizard needs more documentation
- *** Bug 1785 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
- 03:39 PM Bug #1785: Clarification needed about usernames, passwords, and profiles
- duplicate of 1707
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 1707 *** - 03:39 PM Bug #1785: Clarification needed about usernames, passwords, and profiles
- duplicate of 1707 - the text of this bug has been added to 1707
- 03:09 PM Bug #1781: Can�t delete a Data Table that has column headers, but no data
- However, if you right-click on such a data table, the "Delete Current Datatable"
option is available. - 11:47 AM Bug #1817 (New): Citation screen in DPW feature request
- Almost every time I create a new data package, I have the need to add one or
more citations where more info on the ... - 11:43 AM Bug #1583: Typos/grammatical errors in "Intro to Metadata" documentation
- First paragraph, 3rd line, "descriptive information describing data content...":
drop "descriptive".
2nd paragraph, ...
- 04:08 PM Bug #1283: Synchronizing the Local and Network metadata bases
- The ability to choose more than one dp in a list for additional purposes, like
deleting, would be useful as well. - 03:51 PM Bug #1099: REOT feedback: ability to rename exported files
- Feedback from a user, related to this bug:
If we do end up exporting data packages, they show up as numbers and not t...
- 01:01 PM Bug #1805: Force quit of one Morpho window closes other windows
- That sounds like a significant problem. Is there a bug detailing the freeze
problem? We need details to find and fix... - 12:40 PM Bug #1805: Force quit of one Morpho window closes other windows
- Force quit is necessary when a data package window freezes (which occurs
occassionally), and the close box doesn't r... - 11:07 AM Bug #1805: Force quit of one Morpho window closes other windows
- Force-quitting is not a legitimate user-action under normal circumstances -- it
is only intended to allow someone to ... - 10:58 AM Bug #1805 (Resolved): Force quit of one Morpho window closes other windows
- When force quitting (Ctrl-Alt-Del) the Morpho help, or a data package, other
Morpho windows also close, including a... - 12:59 PM Bug #1807 (New): Stop/pause search feature request
- Users must wait for a search to be fully completed before being able to open a
data package. This can take a long t... - 10:54 AM Bug #1772: User guide needs to be updated
- Broken links - 2 found: Uploading and downloading data packages. First and
last "click here" links take you to the t... - 10:16 AM Bug #1708: data import wizard crashes when you click finish
- This also happened to me the first time I created a data package. I had just
downloaded Morpho onto my computer and ... - 08:53 AM Bug #1800: Can't see data of data tables created by importing Excel file
- This is a duplicate of BUG 1786.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 1786 *** - 08:53 AM Bug #1786: Need ability to download data files through morpho
- *** Bug 1800 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
- 04:39 PM Bug #1569: Local save doesnt work sometimes.
- I had a problem saving a data package locally that I had opened from the network.
When I opened a data package fro... - 04:01 PM Bug #1800 (Resolved): Can't see data of data tables created by importing Excel file
- In Morpho, it is not possible to display the data contained in a data table that
was created by importing an Excel f... - 03:44 PM Bug #1799 (Resolved): Losing data tables when using “Export”
- I exported a data package (dp) and when I checked the “data” subdirectory
generated from the export, not all the fil... - 10:16 AM Bug #1796 (Resolved): Typographical errors in Morpho windows
- Here are some typographical errors in different Morpho windows:
New Data Package Wizard/Step 1/"Note:" (at bottom ... - 09:59 AM Bug #1772: User guide needs to be updated
- Here are additional corrections to the User Guide:
Creating a New Data Package/Owner Details paragraph (just above "...
- 04:47 PM Bug #1793 (Resolved): Can't open metadata file generated from "Export"
- Exporting a data package results in the creation of a directory which contains 3
subdirectories (data, export, metad... - 11:56 AM Bug #1792 (New): Can't print Intro to Metadata document
- When you open the Intro to Metadata document under the Help menu, the Print
option under the File menu is not availa... - 10:11 AM Bug #1582: No Error Msg displayed when network update of datapackage failed due to access control
- After getting a dp from the network, editing it and saving it locally, you can
successfully save it back to the netwo...
- 04:56 PM Bug #1791 (In Progress): need ability to add data types other than dataTable (spatial)
- Currently, only dataTable data types can be properly added to a data package,
using the Data Table Wizard (other da...
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