From 03/17/2013 to 04/15/2013
- 02:29 PM Bug #5246: HTTP response code: 500 when trying to upload large KAR through kepler
- Original Bugzilla ID was 5246
- 02:26 PM Bug #4432: AuthenticatedQueryService corrupts binary files (Zip) on download
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4432
- 02:23 PM Bug #3387: ontology validation
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3387
- 02:23 PM Bug #3386: ontology management with metacat
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3386
- 02:23 PM Bug #3385: create ontology upload interface
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3385
- 02:22 PM Bug #3145: Fix [or remove] web interface for ecogrid query
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3145
- 02:22 PM Bug #3112: Deploy ecogrid-1.0.0 services for DiGIR and enforce namespaces
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3112
- 02:22 PM Bug #3087: Add objectName parameter for PutService
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3087
- 02:22 PM Bug #3081: Deploy ecogrid-1.0.0 services for KNB (including registry)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3081
- 02:22 PM Bug #3080: Create AuthenticatedQueryService for Ecogrid-1.0.0
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3080
- 02:22 PM Bug #3079: Update namespace and service names for 1.0.0 version of Ecogrid
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3079
- 02:21 PM Bug #2731: Make TCS document the direct data source
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2731
- 02:21 PM Bug #2730: Publication problem
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2730
- 02:21 PM Bug #2729: Support third party parent-child relationship
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2729
- 02:21 PM Bug #2728: XML Output problem
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2728
- 02:21 PM Bug #2727: lost data during import
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2727
- 02:21 PM Bug #2694: Change get operation in EcoGridQueryInterfaceLevelOne from soap binding to http binding
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2694
- 02:21 PM Bug #2693: Ecogrid doesn't support relative URI in namespace element of query.xsd
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2693
- 02:20 PM Bug #2682: Add start and stop dates to concepts and relationships
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2682
- 02:20 PM Bug #2681: test
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2681
- 02:20 PM Bug #2650: ecogrid returnfields need to support more xpath
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2650
- 02:20 PM Bug #2649: Ecogrid returnfields don't return enough information
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2649
- 02:20 PM Bug #2491: Get ecogrid endpoints from Ecogrid registry
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2491
- 02:20 PM Bug #2422: Changing Logging Options Prevent Metadata Downloads
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2422
- 02:20 PM Bug #2385: Querying with OR Conditions to DiGIR node for darwincore data
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2385
- 02:19 PM Bug #2364: Records Crossing the International Dateline
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2364
- 02:19 PM Bug #2301: deploy ecogrid-1.0.0beta2 services for metacat, srb, digir, geon
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2301
- 02:19 PM Bug #2299: migrate Ecogrid client to plain web services
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2299
- 02:19 PM Bug #2298: migrate Ecogrid Registry implementation to plain web services
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2298
- 02:19 PM Bug #2297: migrate GEON/ADN ecogrid implementation to plain web services
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2297
- 02:19 PM Bug #2296: migrate DiGIR implementation to plain web services
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2296
- 02:19 PM Bug #2295: migrate Metacat implementation to plain web services
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2295
- 02:19 PM Bug #2294: migrate SRB implementation to plain web services
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2294
- 02:19 PM Bug #2293: DiGIR ecogrid support for multiple Darwin Core versions
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2293
- 02:19 PM Bug #2292: out of memory problems on DiGIR EcoGrid implementation
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2292
- 02:19 PM Bug #2291: define faults for all EcoGrid services
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2291
- 02:19 PM Bug #2279: Remove globus from ecogrid query services.
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2279
- 02:19 PM Bug #2276: Investigate security facilities for Web Services
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2276
- 02:19 PM Bug #2274: Ecogrid ResultSets are not properly serialized to disk
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2274
- 02:19 PM Bug #2244: Performance bottle neck in Digir ProviderServlet
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2244
- 02:19 PM Bug #2194: Revise resultset.xsd in ecogrid
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2194
- 02:19 PM Bug #2174: Problems with multiple eml2datasource actors in a Kepler workflow
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2174
- 02:18 PM Bug #2006: workflow development for biodiversity/productivity use case
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2006
- 02:18 PM Bug #1852: ENM IIIH - Actors for grid logical and math operations
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1852
- 02:18 PM Bug #1790: Add ITIS data to TOS db v1.1.0
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1790
- 02:18 PM Bug #1789: Create database for TOS version 1.1.0
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1789
- 02:18 PM Bug #1765: Investigate Hibernate for database and parser abstraction
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1765
- 02:18 PM Bug #1764: Strengthen SOAP server
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1764
- 02:18 PM Bug #1763: Strengthen SOAP server
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1763
- 02:18 PM Bug #1762: Develop task list with dependencies and schedule
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1762
- 02:18 PM Bug #1761: Update object model (v1.1.0) to more closely mirror TCS
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1761
- 02:18 PM Bug #1760: Decide on TCS version to work from
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1760
- 02:18 PM Bug #1753: Better caching for large Digir DataSets
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1753
- 02:18 PM Bug #1746: ENM IIIG - Saving GARP Rulesets for Climate Variation Calcs
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1746
- 02:18 PM Bug #1745: Develop methods for creating/controlling parallel Kepler workflow calculations
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1745
- 02:18 PM Bug #1744: ENM IIL - Convex Hull Actor
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1744
- 02:18 PM Bug #1743: ENM IIIF - ROC Threshold Generator
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1743
- 02:18 PM Bug #1742: ENM IIIE - Best model filter
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1742
- 02:18 PM Bug #1741: ENM IIID - GARP Error Matrix Generator
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1741
- 02:18 PM Bug #1740: ENM IIIC - Example of ENM workflow iteration over several species
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1740
- 02:18 PM Bug #1739: ENM IIIB - Revise GARP workflow to show Climate Variation iterations
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1739
- 02:18 PM Bug #1738: ENM IIIA - Update GARP Workflow
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1738
- 02:18 PM Bug #1737: ENM III - ENM/GARP Calculations
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1737
- 02:18 PM Bug #1736: ENM IIG - Projection Tool
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1736
- 02:18 PM Bug #1735: ENM IIK - Assemble entire GARP layer input workflow
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1735
- 02:18 PM Bug #1734: ENM IIJ - Assemble Layer List into GARP *.dxl summary
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1734
- 02:18 PM Bug #1733: ENM IIH - Create Mask Layer for GARP
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1733
- 02:18 PM Bug #1732: ENM IIF - Clipping Actor
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1732
- 02:18 PM Bug #1731: ENM IIE - Rescaling of layer grid information
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1731
- 02:18 PM Bug #1730: ENM IID - Regridding (Resampling) of layer grid information
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1730
- 02:18 PM Bug #1729: ENM IIC3 - Initial Preparation of Hydro1K data
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1729
- 02:18 PM Bug #1728: ENM IIC2 - Initial Preparation of IPCC Climate Change Data
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1728
- 02:18 PM Bug #1727: ENM IIC1 - Initial Preparation of IPCC Current Climate Data
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1727
- 02:18 PM Bug #1726: ENM IIB - Modify EML Datasource actor to return SRB data
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1726
- 02:18 PM Bug #1725: ENM IIA - Prepare metadata for all input layers
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1725
- 02:18 PM Bug #1724: ENM II - Prepare Spatial Layers for GARP layer input
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1724
- 02:18 PM Bug #1722: ENM IB - Convert DIiGR data source table to GARP input format
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1722
- 02:18 PM Bug #1721: ENM IA - DiGIR data source modifacation - Table by Species
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1721
- 02:18 PM Bug #1720: Create an example Kepler workflow for ENM/GARP calculations
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1720
- 02:17 PM Bug #1694: Passing auth certificates to EcoGrid services
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1694
- 02:17 PM Bug #1678: Modify concept package objects to handle relationships
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1678
- 02:17 PM Bug #1677: Modify concept package objects to handle relationships for TOS v1.1.0
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1677
- 02:17 PM Bug #1676: create Ecogrid authentication service
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1676
- 02:17 PM Bug #1675: create Ecogrid authentication service
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1675
- 02:17 PM Bug #1673: Work with XSLT parser to convert ITIS data for input to Taxon DB
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1673
- 02:17 PM Bug #1663: Create web prototype
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1663
- 02:17 PM Bug #1659: DiGIR Service needs to use the registry
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1659
- 02:17 PM Bug #1650: move taxon materials to SEEK web site
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1650
- 02:17 PM Bug #1649: Write gwsdl description for Ecogrid's 'put' service
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1649
- 02:17 PM Bug #1648: Create taxon developer web site which calculates metrics of code
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1648
- 02:17 PM Bug #1647: Modify data model to accomodate different views of data
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1647
- 02:17 PM Bug #1646: Restructure code packages to allow reuse of common objects between server and client
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1646
- 02:17 PM Bug #1645: Propose modifications to schema to better fit SEEK needs
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1645
- 02:17 PM Bug #1643: Need pathexpr when search entire document
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1643
- 02:17 PM Bug #1638: EcoGrid Web - Implementation
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1638
- 02:17 PM Bug #1637: EcoGrid Web - Design
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1637
- 02:17 PM Bug #1620: Create voucher parser/handler for TES
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1620
- 02:17 PM Bug #1619: Create publication parser/handler for TES
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1619
- 02:17 PM Bug #1618: Fix rank representation in db
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1618
- 02:17 PM Bug #1617: Implement parser for the TES
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1617
- 02:17 PM Bug #1616: RSS feed shows incorrect URL
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1616
- 02:17 PM Bug #1615: Look at KNB LDAP interface for user-friendly concept authoring authentication
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1615
- 02:17 PM Bug #1614: Add concept authoring code to enterProviderData
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1614
- 02:17 PM Bug #1613: organizations missing from web auth dropdown
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1613
- 02:17 PM Bug #1604: Convert ITIS database dump to TES
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1604
- 02:17 PM Bug #1603: Implement addConcept
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1603
- 02:17 PM Bug #1602: Move and restart latest working Taxonomic Object Service in neutral location on taxon development machine
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1602
- 02:17 PM Bug #1599: integration of LSID system and taxon server
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1599
- 02:17 PM Bug #1598: integration of user management tools with taxonomic information
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1598
- 02:17 PM Bug #1597: initial user management system for taxon server
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1597
- 02:17 PM Bug #1596: data integration of Niche Modeling in Ecogrid
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1596
- 02:17 PM Bug #1594: Impl revised Resultset XSD
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1594
- 02:17 PM Bug #1591: generate browsing ontologies
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1591
- 02:17 PM Bug #1580: design pipeline for converting IPCC .raw data
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1580
- 02:17 PM Bug #1578: Modify Ant build so Tomcat is functional on both Linux and Windows
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1578
- 02:17 PM Bug #1577: Implement AddRelationship
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1577
- 02:17 PM Bug #1576: Implement EnterProviderData for TOS v1.1.0 with input TCS
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1576
- 02:17 PM Bug #1575: Modify or add objects to match new Taxonomic Exchange Schema
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1575
- 02:17 PM Bug #1527: Complete the documentation for WSDL and email SEEK-sms-kr & Shawn
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1527
- 02:17 PM Bug #1450: Implement two different relate algorithms
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1450
- 02:17 PM Bug #1449: Implement at least two similarity algorithms
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1449
- 02:17 PM Bug #1448: Refactor ProxyFactory to create TOSProxyDispatcher or LocalCacheTOSProxy
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1448
- 02:17 PM Bug #1447: Refactor LocalDBTOSProxy to abstract DB access
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1447
- 02:17 PM Bug #1446: Implement simple LocalDBTOSProxy to access local cache directly
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1446
- 02:17 PM Bug #1444: Implement simple ProxyFactory to create LocalDBTOSProxy only
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1444
- 02:17 PM Bug #1403: Add test database creation to build process
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1403
- 02:17 PM Bug #1402: Create small test database with hickory and mosses
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1402
- 02:17 PM Bug #1401: Populate new database with ITIS data
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1401
- 02:17 PM Bug #1400: Finalize architecture diagram
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1400
- 02:17 PM Bug #1399: Create draft WSDLs for public interfaces
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1399
- 02:17 PM Bug #1398: Send status report on implementation plan for e-Science meeting
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1398
- 02:17 PM Bug #1397: Implement highest priority interfaces (first 7 of following list of 9)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1397
- 02:17 PM Bug #1380: Create WSDL documents for all public interfaces
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1380
- 02:17 PM Bug #1379: solidify return format from public interfaces for Taxonomic Exchange Schema and OWL
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1379
- 02:17 PM Bug #1378: solidify return format from public interfaces for Taxonomic Exchange Schema and OWL
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1378
- 02:17 PM Bug #1377: Create UML diagram from stubs
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1377
- 02:17 PM Bug #1376: design new architecture for java version of taxonomic object service
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1376
- 02:17 PM Bug #1375: Add deployment target to ant build file
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1375
- 02:16 PM Bug #1336: create ecology specific pipelines
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1336
- 02:16 PM Bug #1258: store, query, and access ontologies in ecogrid
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1258
- 02:16 PM Bug #1208: Final impl of webservice of DiGIR
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1208
- 02:16 PM Bug #1207: Initial impl of the webservices wrapper of DiGIR
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1207
- 02:16 PM Bug #1206: GT3 skeleton wrapper for DiGIR
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1206
- 02:16 PM Bug #1205: Get DiGIR working on Windows
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1205
- 02:16 PM Bug #1180: look into creating installanywhere package with ant
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1180
- 02:16 PM Bug #1179: look into output data types for eml2 ingestion actor
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1179
- 02:16 PM Bug #1178: stub actors should be editable
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1178
- 02:16 PM Bug #1177: create implementation interface for stub actors
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1177
- 02:16 PM Bug #1176: allow user selected icon in dynamic actor tool
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1176
- 02:16 PM Bug #1175: move specification of eml package to input
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1175
- 02:16 PM Bug #1174: enable missing value token handling
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1174
- 02:16 PM Bug #1167: write serviceData schema for ecogrid query services
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1167
- 02:16 PM Bug #1166: create a schema for registry metadata
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1166
- 02:16 PM Bug #1165: define wsdl interface for registry
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1165
- 02:16 PM Bug #1164: need ecogrid client library and command line client
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1164
- 02:16 PM Bug #1163: install and configure certificate authority system for ecogrid
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1163
- 02:16 PM Bug #1162: implement level III ecogrid methods for Xylopia
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1162
- 02:16 PM Bug #1161: create wsdl for ecogrid level III interfaces
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1161
- 02:16 PM Bug #1160: build php ogsa stubs for ecogrid
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1160
- 02:16 PM Bug #1159: build java ogsa stubs for ecogrid
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1159
- 02:16 PM Bug #1158: create wsdl for ecogrid query level III interfaces
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1158
- 02:16 PM Bug #1147: create agent to get data from ecogrid
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1147
- 02:16 PM Bug #1146: implement GridService discovery in Ptolemy
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1146
- 02:16 PM Bug #1145: allow execution of GridServices in AMS
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1145
- 02:16 PM Bug #1144: write an agent for running R jobs in the AMS
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1144
- 02:16 PM Bug #1070: propose a flexible system for transformation steps
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1070
- 02:16 PM Bug #1069: contact Ptolemy project about collaboration
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1069
- 02:16 PM Bug #1068: create and analyze example pipelines with workflow editor
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1068
- 02:16 PM Bug #1067: follow up with GeoVista Studio
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1067
- 02:16 PM Bug #1066: follow up with DiscoveryNet
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1066
- 02:16 PM Bug #1065: create proposal for data and semantic types for workflows
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1065
- 02:16 PM Bug #1064: create initial workflow editor from Vergil
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1064
- 02:16 PM Bug #1063: review and summarize workflow languages
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1063
- 02:16 PM Bug #1062: install and evaluate OSGA DAI
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1062
- 02:16 PM Bug #1061: create EcoGrid registry service
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1061
- 02:16 PM Bug #1060: expose whywhere image data on ecogrid
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1060
- 02:16 PM Bug #1059: create testing harness for ecogrid
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1059
- 02:16 PM Bug #1058: review and revise candidate WSDL
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1058
- 02:16 PM Bug #1057: Adapt and adopt general purpose XQuery tokenizer
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1057
- 02:16 PM Bug #1056: XQuery research: processors, SQL translators, XQuery examples
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1056
- 02:16 PM Bug #1045: implement ecogrid wrapper for Xanthoria
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1045
- 02:16 PM Bug #1044: implement ecogrid wrapper for SRB
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1044
- 02:16 PM Bug #1043: Implement Ecogrid wrapper for DiGIR (Tracking Bug)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1043
- 02:16 PM Bug #1042: implement ecogrid wrapper for metacat
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1042
- 02:16 PM Bug #1041: revise WSDL for ecogrid query level I and II interfaces
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1041
- 02:16 PM Bug #1040: set up registry service for ecogrid
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1040
- 02:16 PM Bug #1039: create and revise schema docs for ecogrid messages
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1039
- 02:16 PM Bug #1038: create initial design diagrams
- Original Bugzilla ID was 1038
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