



From 03/23/2009 to 04/21/2009


06:19 PM Bug #4010: RExpression2 - tracking for backwards compatibility
I've gone through the existing R demos (now in modules/r/demos/R) and tested them with the RExpression2 actor in plac... ben leinfelder
04:59 PM Bug #4010: RExpression2 - tracking for backwards compatibility
1. Numbers are converted to ArrayTokens of numbers when going from JRI -> Ptolemy. This is a JRI quirk/feature in tha... ben leinfelder
04:47 PM Bug #4010 (New): RExpression2 - tracking for backwards compatibility
This bug is meant to help identify and track differences between the script-based (original) RExpression actor and th... ben leinfelder
05:55 PM Bug #3586: COMAD traces should be reproducible when there is limited concurrency
I am going to add to the base class of all actors that render COMAD collections (including ComadTest) the ability to ... Timothy McPhillips
04:43 PM Bug #4008: EML 2 Dataset throws errors when accessing public data from mixed public/private datasets
Since workflows created under kepler-trunk don't always load smoothly under kepler-1.0, here is an equivalent workflo... Oliver Soong
04:42 PM Bug #4008: EML 2 Dataset throws errors when accessing public data from mixed public/private datasets
Both 1.0.0 and trunk will throw errors, but trunk seems to have more difficulty than 1.0.0. Under trunk, one of the ... Oliver Soong
04:37 PM Bug #4008: EML 2 Dataset throws errors when accessing public data from mixed public/private datasets
2001-2003 are public, 2004-2006 are private.
Oliver Soong
02:24 PM Bug #4008: EML 2 Dataset throws errors when accessing public data from mixed public/private datasets
What datapackage (id) are you downloading? ben leinfelder
02:22 PM Bug #4008: EML 2 Dataset throws errors when accessing public data from mixed public/private datasets
This workflow will throw four errors on load and the EML 2 Dataset actor will be red with an ERROR label, but it will... Oliver Soong
02:21 PM Bug #4008 (Resolved): EML 2 Dataset throws errors when accessing public data from mixed public/private datasets
When a dataset on KNB has some tables that are public and some tables that are private, EML 2 Dataset attempts to loa... Oliver Soong
04:04 PM Bug #3934: Report Designer - editable Report Title field
Added split pane and inner report layout panel to the report designer. This allowed us to add a simple header and ti... debi staggs
04:00 PM Bug #3809: jni actors do not work
now that the R actors (and the JRI implementations) have been moved to another module, I'm using a colon-separated li... ben leinfelder
03:06 PM Bug #3931: Get the R actor working with JNI
We've moved RExpression actors (both the script-based and the JRI-based implementations) to a new and separate module... ben leinfelder
02:48 PM Bug #4006: Move R actor to separate module
-moved code and demos and dlls and jars to the "r" module
-added "r" module to "kepler-trunk" modules.txt (might need...
ben leinfelder
11:30 AM Bug #4006 (Resolved): Move R actor to separate module
We want better facilitate modularization (and allow different release schedules for this very important actor).
ben leinfelder
02:36 PM Bug #4009 (Resolved): kepler 2.0 must provide everything needed for modules
This is a tracking bug meant to ensure that the standard kepler 2.0 system provides everything needed by modules.
Derik Barseghian
12:52 PM Bug #3782: Kepler-trunk fails to properly read in kar files the first time after they are built.
This bug has somehow been resolved. I tested it today and could not reproduce the error any longer. David Welker
12:25 PM Bug #3977: Devlop test for ptII overrides in the system
There are no overrides amongst the core modules of Kepler. (However, there are overrides of parts of Ptolemy.)
David Welker
11:20 AM Bug #4004: error inferring widths in instance of class actor
The problem was a result of restructuring the code to allow using width inference in model transformation and pTera. ... Bert Rodiers
09:22 AM Bug #4004 (Resolved): error inferring widths in instance of class actor
I get an exception when creating an instance of a class actor that contains a relation:
1. place composite actor o...
Daniel Crawl
11:13 AM Bug #3803: Cannot open a workflow through the command prompt, open with, or send to menus
not critical for 2.0 release. it's a nice feature to have, but not blocking the release. ben leinfelder
11:13 AM Bug #3904: devel tree should have a top level build.xml file and README.txt
The name "build" is a common directory name for a place where classes are built. The fear of using the term "build" f... David Welker
10:39 AM Bug #2363: Move Actions out of BasicGraphController
I'll take this bug as part of bug # 2321. Christopher Brooks
10:32 AM Bug #3947: Create a module manager
I just tried Tools -> Module Manager, and it is pretty slick!
Is there anyway to avoid downloading modules?
Ideally, ...
Christopher Brooks
09:50 AM Bug #3605: problem with ProvenanceRecorder
I fixed this in r16612: unregister listeners when changing recording types. Daniel Crawl
09:12 AM Bug #4003 (New): Support for non-GUI Kepler installer.
Many users need to install Kepler on a cluster or other distributed environments where they do not have a GUI. So it ... jianwu jianwu


05:19 PM Bug #3948: Create new configuration system supporting modules
Last week, I spoke with Edward about runtime configuration and he
believes that it would be fairly easy to create an...
Christopher Brooks
05:07 PM Bug #4002: RExpression2 - handle arbitrary R data structures
Here is an example script that creates different data objects:
x <- 1:10
y <- x + rnorm(10)
f <- y ~ x
l <- lm(f)
s <...
ben leinfelder
05:06 PM Bug #4002 (New): RExpression2 - handle arbitrary R data structures
Not everything in R fits into the Ptolemy types (nor the JRI types, for that matter).
The lm() method, for instance,...
ben leinfelder
04:56 PM Bug #4001 (Resolved): WRP - Save/Open KARs containing MOMLs and ROMLs
In order to support report layouts with momls, we want to shift over to opening and saving not just the moml xml, but... ben leinfelder
04:53 PM Bug #4000 (Resolved): WRP - upload PRAs to repository
Similar to the KAR upload feature for sharing actors, Publication Ready Archives should be uploadable so that people ... ben leinfelder
04:46 PM Bug #3949: Get the installer working with the new build system
Can't you do something like:
specURL = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
Christopher Brooks
03:37 PM Bug #3949: Get the installer working with the new build system
Have run into all kinds of problems trying to make a Windows EXE file with our new module setup. Launch4J assumes th... Chad Berkley
04:43 PM Bug #3999 (Resolved): WRP - create event-driven states for Kepler
This is probably more general than the "reporting" module, but I am putting it here because this has the most immedia... ben leinfelder
04:37 PM Bug #3998 (Resolved): Report Viewer - render Report Instance on???Event
We need to create an event/state feature that allows us to trigger events in different views. One such action would b... ben leinfelder
03:17 PM Bug #3708: Case actor issues
For issue 1:
Case uses CaseGraphFrame to display tabs for each refinement. CaseGraphFrame is a subclass of ActorGrap...
Daniel Crawl
02:51 PM Bug #3997: Supporting display actor conversion for command line execution.
What's in the Hydrant is just a new MoML filter and a set of new classes which extend display related actors, like Di... jianwu jianwu
02:30 PM Bug #3997: Supporting display actor conversion for command line execution.
Am I to understand that Hydrant has this code already?
It seems a little heavyweight to require Hydrant here,...
Christopher Brooks
02:20 PM Bug #3997 (Resolved): Supporting display actor conversion for command line execution.
When executing workflow for batch mode, users may want the display actors in the workflow can be converted automatica... jianwu jianwu
02:25 PM Bug #3251: Installer Splash Screen should be an HTML Widget
I'm the reporter on this, it was assigned to Dan Higgins, I'm reassiging
it to Chad for his configuration. The issue...
Christopher Brooks
02:19 PM Bug #3242: dlls should not go in c:/Windows/System32
I'm the reporter on this bug, I noticed it was assigned to Dan Higgins
so I'm reassigning it to Chad as he is working...
Christopher Brooks
02:15 PM Bug #2321: merge exp files into ptolemy CVS
See bug # 3977, Devlop test for ptII overrides in the system
Below are files that...
Christopher Brooks
01:58 PM Bug #3996 (Resolved): Report Model - [de]serialize Items of Interest
After selecting items of interest from a workflow model, you will loose those selections if you close Kepler. We need... ben leinfelder
01:53 PM Bug #3995 (Resolved): Report Model - [de]serialize Report Item properties
Need to make sure we are saving the properties when they are edited, and also setting them when report layouts are op... ben leinfelder
01:49 PM Bug #3994 (Resolved): Report Designer - use "workflow outline" rather than Items of Interest
Instead of requiring that users manually add ports and parameters to the list of "Items of Interest" - we could use a... ben leinfelder
01:44 PM Bug #3993 (Resolved): Report Designer - add parameters to the Items of Interest
Actor ports are currently the only "reportable item" - we need to include diretor/actor/workflow parameters as "Items... ben leinfelder
01:42 PM Bug #3992 (Resolved): Report Designer - finalize Report item properties
We've got the window for editing them - but it's still unclear exactly what properties we'll want/need to support. Ri... ben leinfelder
12:18 PM Bug #3991: large workflow errors
both.xml: The large workflow with 2 composite actors
rain.xml: One composite actor alone
buffalo.xml: The other compo...
Oliver Soong
12:08 PM Bug #3991 (Resolved): large workflow errors
I have a large workflow (both.xml) that seems to be generating these errors:
Unable to parse the MetaData: null
Oliver Soong
12:13 PM Bug #3691: JButton labels truncated on macOSX
I think Matt wants the buttons to follow native l+f (i.e. don't use the square buttons i posted). Derik Barseghian
12:01 PM Bug #3606: ProvenanceRecorder config actor menus
I believe Daniel has fixed this, I no longer see these issues. Derik Barseghian
11:54 AM Bug #3990 (Resolved): Include "workflow-run-manager" module in "wrp" suite
Rather than running as it's own suite, the WRM module should be included in the WRP suite. WRP includes provenance an... ben leinfelder
11:44 AM Bug #3593: exporting an actor to kar does not save portparameters that have been defined
This is still a bug. I haven't looked into it yet. Derik Barseghian
10:54 AM Bug #2369: Scrollbars Disappear After Using Fullscreen Mode--Now crashes
bug #3900 addresses the leaving full screen crash. Derik Barseghian
10:51 AM Bug #2369: Scrollbars Disappear After Using Fullscreen Mode--Now crashes
This problem appears now to be worse (running kepler-trunk). Going to fullscreen mode and then hitting escape now ca... Timothy McPhillips


06:45 PM Bug #3984: RequireVersion parameter cannot be deleted from a saved workflow
This bug is replicatable in a non-Kepler Ptolemy installation.
File -> New -> Graph Editor
Drag in a RequireVersion a...
Christopher Brooks
06:28 PM Bug #3988: Rectangle shifts position on resize
This bug: "create a rectangle (components->workflow->workflow documentation) and
resize it," is also present in Ptole...
Christopher Brooks


12:11 PM Bug #3988 (Resolved): Rectangle shifts position on resize
If I create a rectangle (components->workflow->workflow documentation) and resize it, the entire rectangle shifts sli... Oliver Soong


11:37 AM Bug #3949: Get the installer working with the new build system
I have added two new tasks to the build system and two new targets. The first is the installer task which creates th... Chad Berkley


06:22 PM Bug #3986 (Resolved): RExpression confounding R working directory and .kepler folder
If I have two RExpression actors, I might expect them to operate in different working directories, yet still be able ... Oliver Soong
05:56 PM Bug #3985: Types resolved to unacceptable types
This bug is slightly more fun. Change the SDF Director to allow disconnected graphs, delete the relation, then run i... Oliver Soong
05:46 PM Bug #3985 (Resolved): Types resolved to unacceptable types
URL provides a sample workflow that has been demonstrating the error on my system. Because this problem has been con... Oliver Soong
11:17 AM Bug #3809: jni actors do not work
i'd assume that the installer/launcher version of Kepler will be able to set the java.library.path property on start ... ben leinfelder
11:16 AM Bug #3984 (Resolved): RequireVersion parameter cannot be deleted from a saved workflow
In an unsaved workflow (no associated file), RequireVersion can be added and deleted as expected. If I save an entir... Oliver Soong
10:00 AM Bug #3910: RExpression multiport input drops record columns
Closing. It was a bug in Kepler 1.0.0 with RExpression1 that works in Kepler 1.x dev with RExpression1. I had it wr... Oliver Soong
09:07 AM Bug #3963: RExpression2 - support mixed lists output from R
the R expression:
list(1, TRUE, 3)
preserves the numeric/boolean typing in the list:
{{1.0}, {true}, {3.0}}
This is c...
ben leinfelder


05:09 PM Bug #3910: RExpression multiport input drops record columns
I tried this with the RExpression actor (AKA the original "RExpression1") off of kepler-trunk and it seems to work. E... ben leinfelder
04:29 PM Bug #3960: RExpression2 - support arrayType(arrayType(....)) tokens
out of my control! ben leinfelder
04:25 PM Bug #3960: RExpression2 - support arrayType(arrayType(....)) tokens
Why make assumptions about dropping single element list structures? Maybe I want a list of single element lists. Oliver Soong
04:01 PM Bug #3960: RExpression2 - support arrayType(arrayType(....)) tokens
can now handle arrayType(arrayType(...) so that the given expression ends up looking like:
{"1", "b", "3"}
Notice tha...
ben leinfelder
03:13 PM Bug #3962: RExpression2 - support RecordTokens with length=1
RExpression2 actor now accepts the length=1 RecordToken, but slightly mutates the structure during the conversion.
ben leinfelder
10:44 AM Bug #3962: RExpression2 - support RecordTokens with length=1
I can see in the RExpression2 code that I'm assuming RecordTokens contain ArrayTokens. But when there's only one Toke... ben leinfelder
10:53 AM Bug #3963: RExpression2 - support mixed lists output from R
for mixed-type lists that contain strings, all items will end up as strings in Ptolemy. arrayType(scalar, ...) token... ben leinfelder
10:35 AM Bug #3961: RExpression2 - support arrayType(scalar, ....) tokens
My only guess with handling heterogenous array items is to use the low-level rniPut(...) methods in JRI and manually ... ben leinfelder
10:32 AM Bug #3977: Devlop test for ptII overrides in the system
I am confused by the rationale here for not having overrides in the release. How could it cause problems loading addi... David Welker
10:21 AM Bug #3977 (Resolved): Devlop test for ptII overrides in the system
Standard releases of Kepler can contain no overrides because it may cause problems with loading additional modules in... Chad Berkley
10:26 AM Bug #1750: Allow KAR files to include jar/class files
A possible addition to this system would be to have the JVM automatically find jars in a kar file and add them to the... Chad Berkley
10:14 AM Bug #3976 (Resolved): Update Documentation for 2.0 release
Need to update the Getting Started Guide, the user guide and the actor reference with new 2.0 features. Chad Berkley


05:40 PM Bug #3655: create a Workflow Run Manager with ability to export Publication Ready Archives
After some further thinking and discussing of the search interface, I've decided to continue to pursue the integrated... Derik Barseghian
04:12 PM Bug #3973 (New): Additional information for 64-bit users installing 1.0.0
Kepler 1.0.0 on 64-bit Windows systems seems to require a 32-bit java install, which is not the default provided by j... Oliver Soong
01:17 PM Bug #3970: XSLT unnecessarily writes to a file
(In reply to comment #1)
> Some XML documents are large enough that String representations can memory
> limited. By ...
Chris Weed
09:17 AM Bug #3970: XSLT unnecessarily writes to a file
Some XML documents are large enough that String representations can memory limited. By using temporary files properl... Matt Jones
08:31 AM Bug #3970 (Resolved): XSLT unnecessarily writes to a file
Instead of creating a temporary file that may fail, write the XSLT output to a string buffer.
Chris Weed
08:31 AM Bug #3968: XSLTActor temporary file bug
Disregard comment #1 and see Bug 3970. Chris Weed
05:32 AM Bug #3968: XSLTActor temporary file bug
The file has the same problem for the output html file "fileOut". Chris Weed


04:02 PM Bug #3947: Create a module manager
Here is the current status of the module manager.
It is currently under the tools menu. It allows scientists or deve...
David Welker
03:20 PM Bug #3947: Create a module manager
Need to deal with caching issues with switching modules. Some objects should only be used with one module or suite a... Chad Berkley
01:41 PM Bug #3968 (Resolved): XSLTActor temporary file bug
The XSLTActor creates a temporary file in the current directory for storing the input XML file to be processed. This ... Chris Weed


01:23 PM Bug #3967 (Resolved): Unable to run java -jar kepler-trunk.jar with -nogui -nocache -runwf fullworkflowpath options
I am unable to run
java -jar kepler-trunk.jar -nogui -nocache -runwf fullworkflowpath
arguments are completel...
Madhusudan Gujral
12:45 PM Bug #3954: Report Designer - items of interest scrolling
The items of interest panel now scrolls, and the nifty borders have been removed. debi staggs
11:39 AM Bug #3943: error importing more than one actor created in one suite using kepler-1.0
On a similar note, Vista user (trying to use two actors he created in one suite ala the hello-world tutorial using Ke... Derik Barseghian
11:13 AM Bug #3961: RExpression2 - support arrayType(scalar, ....) tokens
This bug should now read: "Scalar Arrays should not be treated as String Arrays"
might end up closing it if I can't g...
ben leinfelder
09:39 AM Bug #3961: RExpression2 - support arrayType(scalar, ....) tokens
1. Added support for treating these arrays as containing all string elements.
2. Looking into how we might preserve e...
ben leinfelder


02:59 PM Bug #3963 (Resolved): RExpression2 - support mixed lists output from R
The RExpression2 actor does not preserve the type of the elements in the following R snippet:
list(1, "b", 3)
The t...
ben leinfelder
02:52 PM Bug #3962: RExpression2 - support RecordTokens with length=1
Hmm, this looks familiar. I think I fixed this, or something similar in the original RExpression actor. Not sure if t... Derik Barseghian
02:38 PM Bug #3962 (Resolved): RExpression2 - support RecordTokens with length=1
Ptolemy expression:
{a = 1, b = "b", c = 3}
results in a conversion error when going from Token->Java/R
ben leinfelder
02:31 PM Bug #3961 (Resolved): RExpression2 - support arrayType(scalar, ....) tokens
a "mixed" array token can be generated, as in the Ptolemy expression:
{1, 2.3, true}
the type then looks like this:...
ben leinfelder
02:27 PM Bug #3960 (Resolved): RExpression2 - support arrayType(arrayType(....)) tokens
the Ptolemy expression:
{{1}, "b", {3}}
will result in a Token with type:
We n...
ben leinfelder
11:28 AM Bug #3959 (Resolved): Report Designer - Highlight and select a report item panel
Add the ability to highlight and select a specific report item panel. debi staggs
11:23 AM Bug #3958 (Resolved): REPORT DESIGNER - Delete report items from the report designer
When report items are dragged from the items of interest list onto the report designer canvas there is currently no w... debi staggs
11:22 AM Bug #3809: jni actors do not work
in Eclipse I've been launching Kepler (org.kepler.core.loader.Loader) with the following VM argument:
ben leinfelder
10:48 AM Bug #3957 (Resolved): Report Designer - remove items of interest from the list
You can mark items as "reportable" from the workflow canvas - they then show up in the list "items of interest" but y... ben leinfelder
10:44 AM Bug #3942: Report Designer - add/edit item labels
some more comments from my dupe:
An Item Label should be dragged to an existing ReportItem.
1. The label provide...
ben leinfelder
10:43 AM Bug #3942: Report Designer - add/edit item labels
*** Bug 3956 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** ben leinfelder
10:43 AM Bug #3956: Report Designer - item label editing
oops - duplicate bug!
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 3942 ***
ben leinfelder
10:34 AM Bug #3956 (Resolved): Report Designer - item label editing
An Item Label should be dragged to an existing ReportItem.
1. The label provides a text area for editing the label....
ben leinfelder
10:28 AM Bug #3955 (Resolved): Report Designer - static report item: TEXT
We can drag a "Label" static report item on to the report design canvas, but cannot edit the text.
This can be imple...
ben leinfelder
10:21 AM Bug #3954 (Resolved): Report Designer - items of interest scrolling
The Items of Interest panel shows a single-level tree of the "reportable items" but they run over the border in a not... ben leinfelder
09:01 AM Bug #3953: Report Viewer - scroll bars
Using BorderLayout for the ReportViewer tab - now the scroll pane is behaving as expected and allows scrolling that a... ben leinfelder


05:04 PM Bug #3953 (Resolved): Report Viewer - scroll bars
The current rendering (done by FOP with GUI components) displays the report in the panel with no scroll bars. We need... ben leinfelder
04:59 PM Bug #3952: Report Viewer - use Provenance Recorder to get Querable
now using this mechanism forgetting the Queryable ben leinfelder
04:58 PM Bug #3952 (Resolved): Report Viewer - use Provenance Recorder to get Querable
The "centralized" provenance recorder configured for a workflow should be the preferred method for using provenance f... ben leinfelder
04:56 PM Bug #3951 (Resolved): Report Viewer - improve TOC panel
A table of contents showing the Items currently rendered in the Report Instance is now included in a separate panel i... ben leinfelder
03:59 PM Bug #3655: create a Workflow Run Manager with ability to export Publication Ready Archives
Some updates to the above todo list:
2) Provenance store configuration -- should there be a menu? Where is default
Derik Barseghian
12:27 PM Bug #3948: Create new configuration system supporting modules
See notes on wiki about existing and proposed systems.
Matt Jones
12:01 PM Bug #3948 (Resolved): Create new configuration system supporting modules
Kepler currently has at least 4 different configuration systems each using their own configuration file. This makes ... Chad Berkley
12:10 PM Bug #3949 (Resolved): Get the installer working with the new build system
The build system needs to be able to create an IzPack installer for the standard modules to install the core of keple... Chad Berkley
12:07 PM Bug #3902: Running Kepler from Eclipse...No actors on right pane
This is not a bug, but a configuration problem. I've asked David to help the user with this problem. Chad Berkley
11:46 AM Bug #3947 (Resolved): Create a module manager
Future releases of Kepler will consist of only "standard" modules which include only the basic functionality of keple... Chad Berkley
10:08 AM Bug #3944: External script editors
See also the Ptolemy bug "Editing Python Scripts is difficult"
Christopher Brooks
09:46 AM Bug #3944: External script editors
*** Bug 3184 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** ben leinfelder
09:45 AM Bug #3944 (New): External script editors
Allow script editing (R, python, etc...) to be done outside of the basic Kepler/ptII editor in favor of <my favorite ... ben leinfelder
09:46 AM Bug #3184: right-click context menu in RExpression actor
closing this in favor of the more general bug (3944)
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 3944 ***
ben leinfelder


06:13 PM Bug #3943 (New): error importing more than one actor created in one suite using kepler-1.0
Procedure: Follow the new kepler-1.0 hello-world tutorial to create an actor in a hello-world suite. Create a second ... Derik Barseghian
04:54 PM Bug #3900: leaving fullscreen mode gives an NPE and closes window
This bug is pretty atrocious, I'm retargeting it to 2.0.0. Derik Barseghian
04:49 PM Bug #3851: Problem when building a package with the new system
This bug has been fixed for some time. I just tested the functionality of the package command with kepler-trunk, and ... David Welker
04:47 PM Bug #3683: add tokenType to token_flow table in provenance sql schema
The type has been added to the v8 schema. Daniel Crawl
04:44 PM Bug #3942: Report Designer - add/edit item labels
to clarify: we're already handling this in from the RIO side of things...just need to put it in the UI for the user t... ben leinfelder
03:27 PM Bug #3942 (Resolved): Report Designer - add/edit item labels
Now that we have Items dragging around on the report, we should be able to add labels to them:
-Drag a label item fr...
ben leinfelder
03:22 PM Bug #3941: Report Viewer - handle Text items
added to my "test" report and it works great. ben leinfelder
03:14 PM Bug #3941: Report Viewer - handle Text items
Go figure - this is working already. Let's hear it for generic Item handling! ben leinfelder
03:02 PM Bug #3941 (Resolved): Report Viewer - handle Text items
This is similar to handling an HR, but with user-entered static text. It is different than an Item's label in that th... ben leinfelder
03:13 PM Bug #3669: Tabbed pane interface for holding workflow canvas and additional GUI elements
The documentation for the ViewPane and TabPane extension points has moved to
Aaron Aaron
03:06 PM Bug #3542: Tree View menu is too wide when opened
The Tree View menu item has been replaced with the Workflow Outline TabPane. To get to the Tree View you now select ... Aaron Aaron
02:37 PM Bug #3939 (Resolved): Kepler Unique LSID Namespace generation
The Kepler installer should generate a public/private key pair upon installation. The private key is then used to dig... Aaron Aaron
02:32 PM Bug #3242: dlls should not go in c:/Windows/System32
Possibly look into this with the new installer. Chad Berkley
02:31 PM Bug #3240: Fix permissions on kepler CVS files.
We no longer use CVS. Closing this bug. Chad Berkley
02:30 PM Bug #3074: Code library installation issues
Not sure if this is something we want to get done for 2.0, but I'm targeting it there for further discussion. Chad Berkley
02:28 PM Bug #3027: jar handling issues
This should be handled through modularization of kepler. The jars that go with an actor should reside with it in its... Chad Berkley
02:26 PM Bug #2319: Ptolemy build problems
I believe the new build system renders this bug obsolete. Chad Berkley
02:24 PM Bug #3696: Core Build System Tasks
No longer using this build system. Chad Berkley
02:23 PM Bug #3236: remove strict requirements for PTII and KEPLER env variables
This has been eliminated. Chad Berkley
02:23 PM Bug #3149: cannot add arbitrary jars when exporting archive
It would be nice to get this into 2.0, but it may need to get pushed, depending on how much work we end up doing on t... Chad Berkley
02:22 PM Bug #3128: Kepler devel tree can't be compiled in java 1.6.0: DBConnection problem
Kepler 2.0 should be Java 1.6 compatible, IMHO. The main problem is that we need to work around this since older mac... Chad Berkley
02:19 PM Bug #3097: incorrect classpath in generated and
Need to make sure this functionality still works with the new modular system and new build system. Chad Berkley
02:16 PM Bug #3935: Report Viewer - handle HR items
included in the FOP sax events and xslt processing - we get it in XML/PDF/HTML ben leinfelder
10:06 AM Bug #3935 (Resolved): Report Viewer - handle HR items
There's a new StaticReportItem for horizontal rules - this should be handled in the FOP rendering and xml serialization. ben leinfelder
02:03 PM Bug #2493: actor repository tracking bug
The repository should be re-worked for the 2.0 release if we are going to include modules in it. Chad Berkley
02:01 PM Bug #2448: Splash screen sometimes appears as simple white box
I have not seen this bug in some time. Re-open it if it anyone sees it recur. Chad Berkley
01:58 PM Bug #2321: merge exp files into ptolemy CVS
Kepler's classpath override of ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame has been removed from Kepler's util module. Thes... Aaron Aaron
01:53 PM Bug #2335: MENUS: Top-Level Menu - dynamic addition of menu items
This issue can be looked at when the MenuMapper functionality is examined during exp file removal. Chad Berkley
01:52 PM Bug #2142: new schema for data sources
No longer pursuing this. Chad Berkley
01:51 PM Bug #2145: need ontology storage system
I don't think this functionality is currently needed in kepler. Chad Berkley
01:44 PM Bug #3931: Get the R actor working with JNI
Try to get this in for 2.0 but this might go into a non-standard module. If that's the case, this can get pushed to ... Chad Berkley
01:43 PM Bug #3809: jni actors do not work
Need to check the IDEs to make sure JNI works. Chad Berkley
01:42 PM Bug #3734: Some demos no longer work after new build/repos
Make sure all demos work with the 2.0 release. Some demos that have dependencies on non-standard modules may need to... Chad Berkley
01:41 PM Bug #3483: case sensitive Leopard install fails
Check this for the 2.0 installer. Chad Berkley
01:40 PM Bug #3369: Kepler will not start (OS X 10.52) as JavaApplicationStub is not executable
Make sure this isn't happening for the release 2.0 installer. Chad Berkley
01:11 PM Bug #2374: SVG - Improve inital rendering times
The SVG icons render immediately for me on my MacBook Pro. I think this may have been fixed when the change was made... Chad Berkley
01:01 PM Bug #2324: SVG - old-style icon still displayed for certain actors
As of 4/3/09, this is the status of this bug:
a) Still need to change all these to a royal blue dot:
Chad Berkley
10:43 AM Bug #3936: Report Viewer - handle Image items
now handling file paths (strings) that are returned from provenance.
this is less than perfect since it relies on the...
ben leinfelder
10:08 AM Bug #3936 (Resolved): Report Viewer - handle Image items
When images (currently file paths) are passed between actors, I believe provenance captures the file contents and sto... ben leinfelder
10:04 AM Bug #3934 (Resolved): Report Designer - editable Report Title field
Need to be able to edit the title of the report. I'd recommend a simple text area to do this, then set it in the Repo... ben leinfelder


01:28 PM Bug #3898: update .kepler instead of removing it between versions
I have a proposed solution to this problem. I think that the cache should be module aware. If you are running kepler-... David Welker
11:37 AM Bug #3932 (Resolved): Configure Actor actor context menu item missing
The Configure Actor actor context menu item is missing (again, I think?). The analogous item for configuring ports is... Derik Barseghian
11:02 AM Bug #3809: jni actors do not work
I've fixed this for the command-line build.
This bug can be closed when it's fixed for the IDEs.
Daniel Crawl
10:32 AM Bug #3909: RExpression fails with certain port names
I think I'm more confused now. I can't seem to find an RExpression2 actor in the components list. I had assumed it ... Oliver Soong
09:58 AM Bug #3931 (New): Get the R actor working with JNI
We need to get the R actor working with JNI instead of having it make calls to the native executable. This will simp... Chad Berkley


05:51 PM Bug #3930 (New): error importing hello-world tutorial actor into kepler-1.0 suite
I'm getting an error when trying to import the actor created with the revamped (for suites) hello-world tutorial into... Derik Barseghian
05:43 PM Bug #3909: RExpression fails with certain port names
I tried this sample workflow, but using RExpression2 actors instead. Here are my findings:
-the "+" and "-" port name...
ben leinfelder
11:14 AM Bug #3909: RExpression fails with certain port names
I was saying it works with the RExpression2 actor. The sample workflow you have uses the original RExpression actor. ben leinfelder
11:33 AM Bug #3898: update .kepler instead of removing it between versions
A similar problem occurs when switching between suites.
If in suite A you've developed an actor, and you instantiate ...
Derik Barseghian


03:25 PM Bug #3909: RExpression fails with certain port names
Ben, I don't seem to be getting the same results as you. Here's a
workflow under Kepler 1.x dev build 17250 that sho...
Oliver Soong
03:09 PM Bug #3909: RExpression fails with certain port names
i'm going to mark this as fixed since it works with the "next generation" RExpression actor.
we can't really go back ...
ben leinfelder
02:31 PM Bug #3909: RExpression fails with certain port names
RExpression2 actor handles "1 weird name" port names. The caveat being that you have to escape (`) them when referenc... ben leinfelder
10:16 AM Bug #3909: RExpression fails with certain port names
Here are three examples that should cover most bases. The first one shows off backticks for quoting otherwise invali... Oliver Soong
01:27 PM Bug #3899: web service actor does not work through proxy
I guess in windows you have to edit kepler-console.bat to do this also. Chris Weed
01:18 PM Bug #3925 (Resolved): ant run does not always work from paths with spaces
XP Pro x64 SP2, Java 1.6.0_11, Kepler 1.x dev build 17250
I checked out kepler to C:\Documents and Settings\soong\...
Oliver Soong
09:25 AM Bug #3921 (New): Exported KAR files do not correctly export private classes
When exporting a KAR file, if the actor contains private classes, the private classes are not exported and an excepti... Chad Berkley


09:23 AM Bug #3912: RExpression actor has a single line text entry field
Restored the TestStyle object for the "expression" box. It had been commented out because it looked like it was not b... ben leinfelder
08:44 AM Bug #3909: RExpression fails with certain port names
can you give a snippet of R that demonstrates assign and back quote and the kinds of variable names that are causing ... ben leinfelder
08:42 AM Bug #3910: RExpression multiport input drops record columns
what good news (RExpression2 actor)! ben leinfelder


08:53 PM Bug #3915: The error dialogue won't go away.
Attached is a Ptolemy model that illustrates the bug.
I believe the problem only occurs when the inner most Variable
Christopher Brooks


11:50 AM Bug #3917 (Resolved): refactor schema creation code out of recording classes
It would be nice if the code for schema creation was independent of the Recording classes. Derik Barseghian


05:11 PM Bug #3915 (New): The error dialogue won't go away.
Workflow: There are two composite actors, one called CompositeActor1 on the top level, another called CompositeActor2... jianwu jianwu

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