From 03/25/2013 to 04/23/2013
- 02:29 PM Bug #5053: Attempt to download either yields empty file or throws an error (Bespin)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 5053
- 02:29 PM Bug #5039: Errors while saving assessments on to the server
- Original Bugzilla ID was 5039
- 02:29 PM Bug #5038: Assessment items not displayed on the website
- Original Bugzilla ID was 5038
- 02:28 PM Bug #4999: FIRST Website download and missing metadata issues
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4999
- 02:28 PM Bug #4918: New feature request (inter-related multi-part questions)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4918
- 02:28 PM Bug #4917: Parsed multi-part questions aren't saved/retrieved correctly
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4917
- 02:28 PM Bug #4901: Web interface does not display assessments!
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4901
- 02:28 PM Bug #4875: Unintended text displayed on EdMLDataviewContainerPanel
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4875
- 02:28 PM Bug #4863: Assessments saved on the server and opened on a non-local machine do not display images
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4863
- 02:28 PM Bug #4861: NBII Connectivity Issues
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4861
- 02:27 PM Bug #4726: Re-sizing parser's main and original document windows froze the morpho application
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4726
- 02:27 PM Bug #4725: Out of order question numbers can cause faulty question recognition
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4725
- 02:27 PM Bug #4643: Images missing from a re-opened assessment when the images are the choices of a multiple-choice question
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4643
- 02:27 PM Bug #4585: Parser fails to launch from within Morpho!
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4585
- 02:27 PM Bug #4536: IE6 causes socket connection error on download
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4536
- 02:26 PM Bug #4452: Meta data associated with assessement items is incorrectly retrieved in the downloaded data package
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4452
- 02:26 PM Bug #4451: Permissions granted cannot seem to be revokable
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4451
- 02:26 PM Bug #4435: The "Assign" button is de-activated if both response and score are seleceted when the student response data in PDF file is imported
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4435
- 02:26 PM Bug #4415: Retry save to metacat (once) in cases where upload errors are unclear
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4415
- 02:26 PM Bug #4414: Only 1 item-level metadata tag is downloaded with data file
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4414
- 02:26 PM Bug #4413: Set access for response PDFs to be same as data file
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4413
- 02:26 PM Bug #4412: Include download link for response PDFs
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4412
- 02:26 PM Bug #4406: Include assessmentItemId in the Metacat indexPaths property
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4406
- 02:26 PM Bug #4391: Current scheme of naming revisions of datapackages under Morpho seems faulty
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4391
- 02:26 PM Bug #4389: "Edit Metadata Fields" option does not allow clearing out already selected fields
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4389
- 02:26 PM Bug #4387: Query search, based on item-level metadata fails!
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4387
- 02:26 PM Bug #4386: Trouble loading assessment items!
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4386
- 02:26 PM Bug #4385: FIRST website usability issue: Cannot add an assessment to datacart from a page displaying assessment items
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4385
- 02:26 PM Bug #4384: "Browse All Assessments" on FIRST website generates http error prior to login
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4384
- 02:26 PM Bug #4376: "?column?" appears as the header for last foil in downloaded data
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4376
- 02:26 PM Bug #4375: item metadata not serializing correctly (Metadata items not faithfully retrieved on re-opening an assessment)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4375
- 02:26 PM Bug #4374: transposed data download returns only 1 item
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4374
- 02:26 PM Bug #4352: Metadata for each item disappears after saving and re-opening
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4352
- 02:26 PM Bug #4329: Allow offline XML validation
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4329
- 02:26 PM Bug #4315: Images repeating when editing assessment items
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4315
- 02:26 PM Bug #4309: Some of Data packages could not be uploaded to web
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4309
- 02:26 PM Bug #4284: Unable to download student response data from the EGR server via FIRST website
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4284
- 02:26 PM Bug #4262: The search option, Browse All Assessments, on the First Website does not function properly in IE version 6 - latest.
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4262
- 02:25 PM Bug #4146: Allow for multiple responses (check all that apply) for MultipleChoiceResponseItem
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4146
- 02:25 PM Bug #4145: Mouse cusor moves up to other question B when user try to add image into question A. and it won't allow scroll down the window.
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4145
- 02:25 PM Bug #4127: When image is added question, the mouse cursor moves to other question
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4127
- 02:25 PM Bug #4110: Next button not enabled correctly when going back to IdentifyStudentColumn
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4110
- 02:25 PM Bug #4058: Question 46 on Fall05-Exam3.pdf causes error in recognition
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4058
- 02:25 PM Bug #4045: Incorrect use of <item> elements in QTI
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4045
- 02:25 PM Bug #4024: Image drop target disappears after deleting last image from a response item
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4024
- 02:25 PM Bug #4011: Double digit question numbers appear as single digit!
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4011
- 02:25 PM Bug #4005: Question separator function logic fails while parsing Exam2.pdf
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4005
- 02:25 PM Bug #3989: Garbled text in questions and missing choices!
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3989
- 02:25 PM Bug #3981: In case of Word has a footer or header before converted to PDF file
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3981
- 02:25 PM Bug #3974: Saved parsed items do not show up in the Assessment Importer (in DataPackage wizard)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3974
- 02:25 PM Bug #3972: image does now appears on main item window
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3972
- 02:25 PM Bug #3971: The original PDF document does not open when you reopen parsed items under Data Package interface
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3971
- 02:25 PM Bug #3969: Choices may be deleted due to indentation! (parser issue)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3969
- 02:25 PM Bug #3966: Buggy functionality: Show Images - Hide Images in questionComponent
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3966
- 02:25 PM Bug #3965: Inappropriate error message when the document is a scanned PDF
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3965
- 02:25 PM Bug #3964: user defined image
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3964
- 02:25 PM Bug #3926: Parsing/Extraction does not complete on doc56.pdf
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3926
- 02:25 PM Bug #3924: Searching for choices in multiple choice question can cross question boundaries
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3924
- 02:25 PM Bug #3923: Exception can be thrown trying to ignore question number in question text
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3923
- 02:24 PM Bug #3914: Trying to add a category/keyword from Bloom thesarus results in error
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3914
- 02:24 PM Bug #3880: Handle exceptions when parser is running
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3880
- 02:24 PM Bug #3879: Allow user to exit without saving
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3879
- 02:24 PM Bug #3878: Need to allow selection rectangles to be drawn in directions other than top-left to bottom-right
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3878
- 02:24 PM Bug #3877: Exception occurs generating XML for FillInTheBlank blank question
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3877
- 02:24 PM Bug #3876: data download format in CSV file
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3876
- 02:24 PM Bug #3875: seraching for items does not return individual item
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3875
- 02:24 PM Bug #3871: HTML tags
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3871
- 02:24 PM Bug #3870: assesment data
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3870
- 02:24 PM Bug #3869: The HTML tags appear in the downloaded excel file
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3869
- 02:24 PM Bug #3868: image does not show
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3868
- 02:24 PM Bug #3867: adding question number
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3867
- 02:24 PM Bug #3866: Undo does not work on question type change action
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3866
- 02:24 PM Bug #3865: Add question before first question while parsing an exam
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3865
- 02:24 PM Bug #3864: mouse icon is busy
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3864
- 02:24 PM Bug #3863: Parser could not launch.
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3863
- 02:24 PM Bug #3860: installation error on VISTA
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3860
- 02:24 PM Bug #3859: adding question
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3859
- 02:24 PM Bug #3858: "open a new document" menu in parser does not work.
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3858
- 02:24 PM Bug #3857: Next button on metadata input window
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3857
- 02:24 PM Bug #3856: Inconsistent functionality: Parse common choices and associate them with each of the pertinent questions
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3856
- 02:24 PM Bug #3832: Add ability to restart parsing process in Parser
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3832
- 02:24 PM Bug #3829: Support UTF8 encoded XML in Metacat
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3829
- 02:24 PM Bug #3828: Ignored pages are not ignored
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3828
- 02:24 PM Bug #3827: User is prompted to deal with Vector graphics on ignored pages
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3827
- 02:24 PM Bug #3821: Cannot launch parser within Morpho when using Java 1.6
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3821
- 02:24 PM Bug #3820: Dropping image into common instructions prompt shows image drop targets for whole question
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3820
- 02:24 PM Bug #3810: PDF document being viewed does not maximize when the window is maximized.
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3810
- 02:24 PM Bug #3794: Add tool tip text to controls in the Main parser window
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3794
- 02:24 PM Bug #3793: Add ignored region selections to vector image selection page
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3793
- 02:24 PM Bug #3768: find engineering vocabulary for assessment classification
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3768
- 02:24 PM Bug #3749: Putting question into edit mode probably shouldn't be undoable action
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3749
- 02:24 PM Bug #3748: Undo doesn't work for image manipulation + other contexts
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3748
- 02:24 PM Bug #3747: Allow navigating by question within the parser
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3747
- 02:24 PM Bug #3746: Need ability to make text superscript and subscript
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3746
- 02:24 PM Bug #3745: Bold, italics and underline buttons are not functional
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3745
- 02:24 PM Bug #3733: Assigning response columns incorrectly checks for numeric data
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3733
- 02:24 PM Bug #3717: Confirm and cancel icons can be invisible if drawn selection extends beyond viewport border
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3717
- 02:24 PM Bug #3716: Selected rectangle can have its origin moved above the top of the document
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3716
- 02:24 PM Bug #3707: PDF parser exceptions on Linux
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3707
- 02:24 PM Bug #3704: Check Metacat against Postgres v7.4
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3704
- 02:24 PM Bug #3703: Commit original photoshop/illustrator files to CVS
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3703
- 02:24 PM Bug #3692: Create QueryPlugin specific to FIRST version of Morpho
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3692
- 02:24 PM Bug #3676: NBII Thesaurus lookup: "remember" last search results
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3676
- 02:24 PM Bug #3674: External Response file not saved in data table
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3674
- 02:24 PM Bug #3665: Need to indicate where instructions for multi-part question go
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3665
- 02:24 PM Bug #3664: Allow exception pages for header/footer selections
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3664
- 02:24 PM Bug #3663: Need better indication of how to remove images
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3663
- 02:24 PM Bug #3662: Modify PDF pane navigation controls on vector rasterization page
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3662
- 02:24 PM Bug #3661: Add ability to show bounding boxes around vector images
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3661
- 02:24 PM Bug #3660: Auto-scroll window when performing a selection
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3660
- 02:24 PM Bug #3659: Warn users if assessment has no question numbers
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3659
- 02:24 PM Bug #3658: Need to be able to save during parsing process
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3658
- 02:24 PM Bug #3657: Interface to launch parser still confuses users
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3657
- 02:24 PM Bug #3653: Editing questions after parsing: need to handle ecogrid referenced images
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3653
- 02:24 PM Bug #3651: Invalid QTI serialization for hotspot image questions
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3651
- 02:24 PM Bug #3643: Invalid QTI serialization for image material
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3643
- 02:24 PM Bug #3629: Make it clearer where images can be dropped
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3629
- 02:24 PM Bug #3628: Question number (and choice number) included in prompt
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3628
- 02:24 PM Bug #3627: May need way to select image from original document while editing questions
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3627
- 02:24 PM Bug #3626: Too hard to find edit button on multi-part questions
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3626
- 02:24 PM Bug #3625: Initial page on New Data Package Wizard has display issues
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3625
- 02:24 PM Bug #3624: Show details about active selection in SelectIndividualText
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3624
- 02:24 PM Bug #3623: Remove Selector from PDFPane in MainWindow unless selecting from text
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3623
- 02:24 PM Bug #3622: Moving to next wizard page loses status of pages being ignored
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3622
- 02:24 PM Bug #3621: Choose text from source needs attention
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3621
- 02:24 PM Bug #3620: Dataquery across Assessments in the cart returns only one assessment
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3620
- 02:24 PM Bug #3615: Should check to ensure modifications actually occurred before moving to confirm edit state
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3615
- 02:23 PM Bug #3614: Cannot delete selection after switching pages
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3614
- 02:23 PM Bug #3610: MorphoFIRST does not work with Morpho 1.6.2 jar
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3610
- 02:23 PM Bug #3604: Deploy FIRST-enabled Metacat on dev machine
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3604
- 02:23 PM Bug #3603: Clean up data on
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3603
- 02:23 PM Bug #3602: Edit wording in header graphic
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3602
- 02:23 PM Bug #3598: Set access control for question image files
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3598
- 02:23 PM Bug #3597: Set access control for response DATA file
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3597
- 02:23 PM Bug #3584: Switching wizard pages breaks previously existing selections
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3584
- 02:23 PM Bug #3583: Allow new selection to be made when rectangle is selected
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3583
- 02:23 PM Bug #3582: Cannot set question number for questions with no question number detected
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3582
- 02:23 PM Bug #3581: Vector rasterization page shows phantom move for old selection
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3581
- 02:23 PM Bug #3580: Extracted Questions content not scrollable
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3580
- 02:23 PM Bug #3579: Ignored page painter doesn't work correctly with scroll panes
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3579
- 02:23 PM Bug #3572: Prompt associated with multi-part question missing on page 2 of Exam3BS110s08dem.pdf
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3572
- 02:23 PM Bug #3571: Add hourglass when switching pages on PDF
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3571
- 02:23 PM Bug #3570: Event forwarding doesn't work well when selection is in "selected" state
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3570
- 02:23 PM Bug #3569: Trying to assign categories to a question for assessment fails when not running from within Morpho
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3569
- 02:23 PM Bug #3556: Mouse events not redispatched correctly when rectangle selected
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3556
- 02:23 PM Bug #3544: Going back after encountering glass pane blocks GUI events
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3544
- 02:23 PM Bug #3540: Initial paint of new rectangle draws very tall rectangle before dragging
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3540
- 02:23 PM Bug #3538: Move to first non-ignored page when MainWindow first opens
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3538
- 02:23 PM Bug #3537: Cannot select page number at the bottom of page when selecting headers/footers
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3537
- 02:23 PM Bug #3536: Allow PDF view to "pop out" of GUI parser
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3536
- 02:23 PM Bug #3535: Move generated image files outside to Morpho work directory
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3535
- 02:23 PM Bug #3534: Allow move by question scrolling in MainWindow
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3534
- 02:23 PM Bug #3533: Mouse clicks ignored on the "pages containing vector images" list in VectorImageRasterization
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3533
- 02:23 PM Bug #3526: Should allow rectangle associated with vectorized image to be edited when clicked on
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3526
- 02:23 PM Bug #3525: MouseExited logic not invoked when exiting scrollbar into PDFPane
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3525
- 02:23 PM Bug #3522: Allow specification of points possible for each question during data upload
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3522
- 02:23 PM Bug #3521: Set access control for assessment data and metadata from within client
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3521
- 02:23 PM Bug #3520: Provide a "generic" structured search field
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3520
- 02:23 PM Bug #3519: Proof of concept: Demographic data incorporation
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3519
- 02:23 PM Bug #3518: Allow [re]editing of question-level metadata
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3518
- 02:23 PM Bug #3517: Select metadata fields only from within "cart"
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3517
- 02:23 PM Bug #3516: Simplify "shopping cart" web interface
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3516
- 02:23 PM Bug #3515: Redesign FIRST data repository web interface
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3515
- 02:23 PM Bug #3514: Import assessments with no assessment-level score detail
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3514
- 02:23 PM Bug #3513: Save assessment files with metadata and data
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3513
- 02:23 PM Bug #3512: Expand keyword tagging beyond NBII lookup
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3512
- 02:23 PM Bug #3481: Need to be able to unselect the selected rectangle in Selector
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3481
- 02:23 PM Bug #3477: Need repaint timer for selector
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3477
- 02:23 PM Bug #3470: Ensure vector image rasterization occurs if needed when user declines all other options
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3470
- 02:23 PM Bug #3469: Need a "find" feature in the MainWindow GUI
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3469
- 02:23 PM Bug #3468: Go to top of page rather than bottom when parser interface first opened
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3468
- 02:23 PM Bug #3467: Reset selected rectangles when page changes on VectorImageRasterization
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3467
- 02:23 PM Bug #3457: Can't immediately edit new choice for multiple choice question
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3457
- 02:23 PM Bug #3456: Question prompts not displayed in LabelDataColumns
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3456
- 02:23 PM Bug #3455: Show non-active data types in LabelDataColumns in a different color than the current data type
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3455
- 02:23 PM Bug #3453: Exception extracting text from doc11.pdf
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3453
- 02:23 PM Bug #3450: Need method to determine which pages contain vector images in a given PDF file
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3450
- 02:23 PM Bug #3447: NullPointerException on previous from ReviewColumnAssignments
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3447
- 02:23 PM Bug #3446: NullPointerException on previous from ReviewColumnAssignments
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3446
- 02:23 PM Bug #3442: Add first/last page buttons to PDFPane and ExtractedQuestionsPane
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3442
- 02:23 PM Bug #3441: Next button is not disabled on last page when isNextEnabledInitially is true
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3441
- 02:23 PM Bug #3434: Row number incorrect when verifying student selection
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3434
- 02:23 PM Bug #3414: Create mechanism for updating dataTable column values
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3414
- 02:23 PM Bug #3409: Column assignment information cleared on previous from LabelDataColumns inappropriately
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3409
- 02:23 PM Bug #3406: Changing delimiters on ConfigureDataSource doesn't work
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3406
- 02:23 PM Bug #3405: Invalid error message given using previous to CheckForEquallySpaced columns
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3405
- 02:23 PM Bug #3404: Make JLists larger in AssignExternalFiles
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3404
- 02:23 PM Bug #3401: Label and disallow selection of StudentIdentifier column in CheckForEquallySpacedColumns
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3401
- 02:23 PM Bug #3400: Rearrange ConfigureDataSource screen real estate
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3400
- 02:23 PM Bug #3399: Make column headings have new line so they are more likely to fit
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3399
- 02:23 PM Bug #3398: Arrow keys change browser pages
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3398
- 02:23 PM Bug #3393: Add hashing of identifier when outputting data in ReviewColumnAssignments
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3393
- 02:23 PM Bug #3391: Delete choice buttons don't reappear
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3391
- 02:23 PM Bug #3359: Allow files to be assigned to only sensible types of data
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3359
- 02:23 PM Bug #3357: Sort files by type in ExternalFileSelection
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3357
- 02:23 PM Bug #3356: Student table not highlighted in ConfigureDataSource for excel data sources
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3356
- 02:23 PM Bug #3355: Formulas don't work with Excel Data Sources
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3355
- 02:23 PM Bug #3353: ResponseItem subclasses do not write answers to XML
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3353
- 02:23 PM Bug #3351: Ellie Poley test task
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3351
- 02:23 PM Bug #3350: Question.generateXML() does not record an image
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3350
- 02:23 PM Bug #3348: introducing a validation error in document causes save to fail silently
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3348
- 02:23 PM Bug #3347: invalid date string causes metacat upload error
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3347
- 02:23 PM Bug #3346: Provide feedback on how many students are in data table
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3346
- 02:23 PM Bug #3345: searching produces wrong and inconsistent results
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3345
- 02:23 PM Bug #3344: after completing metadata wizard, response data import link shows up prematurely
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3344
- 02:23 PM Bug #3343: clicking 'Launch Parser' does not work properly
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3343
- 02:23 PM Bug #3342: UI for launching parser in Morpho is awkward
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3342
- 02:23 PM Bug #3341: Add common options to ExternalFileAssignment
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3341
- 02:23 PM Bug #3340: Allow adding new external file from AssignExternalFiles screen
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3340
- 02:23 PM Bug #3338: Make saving/restoring state work with Excel data sources
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3338
- 02:23 PM Bug #3337: Filter filenames when selecting data source
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3337
- 02:23 PM Bug #3336: Validate choices in CheckForEquallySpacedColumns
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3336
- 02:23 PM Bug #3335: POIExcelDataSource should look at all rows when calculating number of columns
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3335
- 02:23 PM Bug #3334: Make data source preview fill window horizontally
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3334
- 02:23 PM Bug #3330: Remove external file list if No is selected on CheckForFileUpload
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3330
- 02:23 PM Bug #3329: Next is enabled incorrectly when labeling equally spaced columns
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3329
- 02:23 PM Bug #3328: Change cursor during DataSourceSelection browse
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3328
- 02:23 PM Bug #3327: Show column selection information in IdentifyStudentColumn
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3327
- 02:23 PM Bug #3326: Need option for FilenameListRenderer to control whether full path is displayed.
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3326
- 02:23 PM Bug #3325: Question prompt not displayed correctly when equally spaced columns are used
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3325
- 02:23 PM Bug #3321: Save data files that are specified in ExternalFileSelection into WizardData
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3321
- 02:23 PM Bug #3318: Implement Excel Data Source creation in DataSourceFactory
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3318
- 02:23 PM Bug #3317: Changing delimiter does nothing in SelectDataFile (soon ConfigureDataSource)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3317
- 02:23 PM Bug #3316: Make specification of data file separate from specifying delimiter, starting location, etc.
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3316
- 02:23 PM Bug #3315: Next button update problem on page where types of data to import are specified
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3315
- 02:23 PM Bug #3311: Delete old auto-save files
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3311
- 02:23 PM Bug #3310: Add title to wizard framework
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3310
- 02:23 PM Bug #3309: Controller ordering wrong when multiple data types are selected
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3309
- 02:23 PM Bug #3308: Fix instructions on LabelDataColumns
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3308
- 02:23 PM Bug #3307: Deal with student data in columns better
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3307
- 02:23 PM Bug #3302: Move student ID screen after selecting types of data columns
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3302
- 02:23 PM Bug #3299: AssessmentImport: "Cancel" button does nothing in Import Wizard
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3299
- 02:22 PM Bug #3294: Add means for RunWizard class to communicate when it is done
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3294
- 02:22 PM Bug #3293: Save data file when wizard is complete
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3293
- 02:22 PM Bug #3289: LabelDataColumns question list auto-select incorrect using saved values
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3289
- 02:22 PM Bug #3288: Auto-save wizard map values
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3288
- 02:22 PM Bug #3287: Add wizardlistener interface
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3287
- 02:22 PM Bug #3286: Alignment in LabelDataColumns page inconsistent
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3286
- 02:22 PM Bug #3285: Auto size JTable in DataSourcePreviewPanel
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3285
- 02:22 PM Bug #3284: LabelDataColumns needs to scroll column to visible when question clicked on
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3284
- 02:22 PM Bug #3281: Enable next automatically in SelectFormat
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3281
- 02:22 PM Bug #3280: Add "Not specified" option for radio button groups to fix Java 5/6 compatibility issues
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3280
- 02:22 PM Bug #3279: Auto-select first unspecified column in DataTypeSpecification
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3279
- 02:22 PM Bug #3193: Original PDF view disappears on resize
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3193
- 02:22 PM Bug #3141: Add screen for user to confirm that they don't have any identifying data in the uploaded spreadsheet
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3141
- 02:22 PM Bug #3060: Wizard Frame should enable next automatically when previous is clicked
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3060
- 02:22 PM Bug #3050: Can't go backwards on LabelDataColumns page
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3050
- 02:22 PM Bug #3049: Remember last saved format used
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3049
- 02:22 PM Bug #3048: Verify number of columns in data file meets or exceeds the number of questions in the assessment
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3048
- 02:22 PM Bug #3047: Use Assessment/Course/Term as the default filename for saving wizard settings
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3047
- 02:22 PM Bug #3046: Add extension filtering to open/save dialogs for wizard values
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3046
- 02:22 PM Bug #3045: Auto-browse in SelectDataFile
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3045
- 02:22 PM Bug #3044: Modify IDataSource write/read object methods
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3044
- 02:22 PM Bug #3043: Wrong next page returned when multiple types of data are selected to be imported
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3043
- 02:22 PM Bug #3042: Check data when assigning data types
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3042
- 02:21 PM Bug #3008: create prioritized use case list and descriptions
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3008
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