From 03/10/2013 to 04/08/2013
- 02:30 PM Bug #5389: Finalize CF data for Community Description Analysis (Peet and Wentworth)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 5389
- 02:30 PM Bug #5388: Migrate CF projects to Archive DB
- Original Bugzilla ID was 5388
- 02:30 PM Bug #5387: Update CF classification based on numerical (distance) analysis
- Original Bugzilla ID was 5387
- 02:30 PM Bug #5386: Identify maritime fringe unknown specimens
- Original Bugzilla ID was 5386
- 02:30 PM Bug #5385: Project 58 (Syngenta)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 5385
- 02:30 PM Bug #5384: Collections spreadsheets verification
- Original Bugzilla ID was 5384
- 02:30 PM Bug #5383: Updating GUIDs for taxon observations
- Original Bugzilla ID was 5383
- 02:30 PM Bug #5382: Incorporate Wiser's Classification into the Archive DB
- Original Bugzilla ID was 5382
- 02:29 PM Bug #5159: auto filter for sensitive species
- Original Bugzilla ID was 5159
- 02:29 PM Bug #5113: Autoblock records based on certain land locations
- Original Bugzilla ID was 5113
- 02:29 PM Bug #5112: Autoblock taxa for rare/showy stuff
- Original Bugzilla ID was 5112
- 02:29 PM Bug #5111: "Site" record should be "Sight" record on color key
- Original Bugzilla ID was 5111
- 02:29 PM Bug #5110: add UNCC and WNC to participating herbaria list
- Original Bugzilla ID was 5110
- 02:29 PM Bug #5109: display more pages; no more than 10pg displayed currently
- Original Bugzilla ID was 5109
- 02:29 PM Bug #5108: have NOTES field show (on atlas, presumably)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 5108
- 02:29 PM Bug #5107: have annotation NOTES show up on specimen record
- Original Bugzilla ID was 5107
- 02:29 PM Bug #5106: update NCU databasing progress and make it updatable by mere mortals
- Original Bugzilla ID was 5106
- 02:29 PM Bug #5105: have x- specimens map
- Original Bugzilla ID was 5105
- 02:27 PM Bug #4729: Solidago faucibus crashes system
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4729
- 02:27 PM Bug #4576: Gonolobus carolinensis poiknts to Matelea c. which shows no records
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4576
- 02:26 PM Bug #4428: Constancy wrong for classified plots that have no species
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4428
- 02:26 PM Bug #4427: Need taxonomic standardization rules when importing new data
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4427
- 02:26 PM Bug #4423: Check Taxon occurrences where otherwise not know from state
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4423
- 02:26 PM Bug #4383: project 59, team 6 cover by strata method error
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4383
- 02:26 PM Bug #4378: Classification Automation Tools
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4378
- 02:26 PM Bug #4377: Improvements to Community Webpages
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4377
- 02:25 PM Bug #4158: Start Date: make consistent in label on datasheets
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4158
- 02:25 PM Bug #4157: Decide on impermeable surface for soildrainage
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4157
- 02:25 PM Bug #4156: clairification of mean-water depth
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4156
- 02:25 PM Bug #4155: Add all fields to reference webpage/site
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4155
- 02:25 PM Bug #4154: post-workshop 2009 CONTAINER BUG
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4154
- 02:25 PM Bug #4042: project 99 soils are listed in archive as 099-07 but should be 099-01
- Original Bugzilla ID was 4042
- 02:25 PM Bug #3975: Show summary of many plots
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3975
- 02:25 PM Bug #3933: If plot X and Y are switched, need a check box to indicate that
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3933
- 02:25 PM Bug #3927: delete duplicate EEP observations
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3927
- 02:24 PM Bug #3916: Evaluate georeferencing standards of CVS (and VegBank)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3916
- 02:24 PM Bug #3888: Typo in genus: Pseudgnaphalium
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3888
- 02:24 PM Bug #3862: 22-8-377 RHODMAX subsampling errors
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3862
- 02:24 PM Bug #3854: Fit may be reversed for some projects
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3854
- 02:24 PM Bug #3850: store drainage basin/HUC codes with plots
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3850
- 02:24 PM Bug #3847: enable export for analysis databases
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3847
- 02:24 PM Bug #3846: viewer-classification view
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3846
- 02:24 PM Bug #3845: viewer-classification view and update
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3845
- 02:24 PM Bug #3844: none-of-the-above community placeholder: EntryTool
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3844
- 02:24 PM Bug #3843: Add new field for community classification framework
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3843
- 02:24 PM Bug #3842: Standardization/filling out best classifications in new archive database
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3842
- 02:24 PM Bug #3841: add fields to Excel v9 classification file
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3841
- 02:24 PM Bug #3840: Classification view/import/edit - CONTAINER BUG
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3840
- 02:24 PM Bug #3805: find a way to hide numeric keys when viewing data
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3805
- 02:24 PM Bug #3804: Need to configure which species name gets exported
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3804
- 02:24 PM Bug #3800: 1/28/2009 CONTAINER bug
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3800
- 02:24 PM Bug #3799: Create taxon collection list inside the Entry Tool
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3799
- 02:24 PM Bug #3798: Allow plot annotation from ANY database
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3798
- 02:24 PM Bug #3797: Entry DB should have an initialize function for DBA
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3797
- 02:24 PM Bug #3796: Entry-only plots need to be flagged
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3796
- 02:24 PM Bug #3795: Add row numbers in the collection box for cover data (herb data)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3795
- 02:24 PM Bug #3792: auto-embed errors for hand-error checking
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3792
- 02:24 PM Bug #3791: Track project completeness
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3791
- 02:24 PM Bug #3790: Public/Private versions of Analyis database
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3790
- 02:24 PM Bug #3789: create "export to VegBank" function
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3789
- 02:24 PM Bug #3788: Check county,state using geocoordinates with taxacom script
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3788
- 02:24 PM Bug #3787: Decide on better project management software/approach
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3787
- 02:24 PM Bug #3786: Hand Error checking improvements
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3786
- 02:24 PM Bug #3740: Add databased collection records from GBIF, US, NY, MO, etc
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3740
- 02:24 PM Bug #3700: Import from other herbaria
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3700
- 02:24 PM Bug #3699: Tab for MaxEnt prediction of range
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3699
- 02:24 PM Bug #3698: Rangemap predictions & boundingbox species selection
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3698
- 02:24 PM Bug #3681: Add 'Original Label Taxon' field to the specimen record
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3681
- 02:24 PM Bug #3617: Add directions for citation to homepage
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3617
- 02:23 PM Bug #3613: run revision project 32: 4 stems in old archive "bigstem" table are too small
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3613
- 02:23 PM Bug #3612: Citation instructions
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3612
- 02:23 PM Bug #3611: Newell R module = supersample?
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3611
- 02:23 PM Bug #3609: subsampling typo? 11-C-309
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3609
- 02:23 PM Bug #3589: Go through and map species by stratum: are floating and acquatic species assigned to those strata?
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3589
- 02:23 PM Bug #3532: Revise elevation based on NASA data
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3532
- 02:23 PM Bug #3485: Project 22, stem sub tree truncated for whole project!
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3485
- 02:23 PM Bug #3484: Project 50 stems a mess!
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3484
- 02:23 PM Bug #3452: evaluate beta PDA version of the reference lists
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3452
- 02:23 PM Bug #3433: Allow deletion of some but not all plots
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3433
- 02:23 PM Bug #3432: Upgrade patching system
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3432
- 02:23 PM Bug #3431: Document whence our picklist values come (workshop '08)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3431
- 02:23 PM Bug #3430: Create 1-pager instructions for each level (workshop '08)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3430
- 02:23 PM Bug #3429: level 3 intensive modules (workshop '08)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3429
- 02:23 PM Bug #3428: Level 3 "Water" (workshop '08)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3428
- 02:23 PM Bug #3427: Pull VMD data from web (workshop '08)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3427
- 02:23 PM Bug #3426: Vigor of 2 now "weak" not "fair" (workshop '08)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3426
- 02:23 PM Bug #3425: More info about reach in protocol, datasheets, entry tool? (workshop '08)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3425
- 02:23 PM Bug #3424: Confidentiality Level 3 (workshop '08)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3424
- 02:23 PM Bug #3423: Make Height Precision and Height inversely proportional (workshop '08)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3423
- 02:23 PM Bug #3422: Indicate units + precision on datasheets (workshop '08)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3422
- 02:23 PM Bug #3421: Plot Placement revision (workshop '08)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3421
- 02:23 PM Bug #3420: Preprint "plot datasheet" when upgrading to level 3 (workshop '08)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3420
- 02:23 PM Bug #3419: Print notes on VMD forms (workshop '08)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3419
- 02:23 PM Bug #3418: Open ended picklists (workshop '08)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3418
- 02:23 PM Bug #3417: WORKSHOP 2008 fixes CONTAINER BUG
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3417
- 02:23 PM Bug #3411: Site records and plot records (BLUE RECORDS)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3411
- 02:23 PM Bug #3410: Literature record option does not work
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3410
- 02:23 PM Bug #3320: Data Monitoring Report Issues
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3320
- 02:23 PM Bug #3305: handle specimens from small or fragmentary collections
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3305
- 02:23 PM Bug #3301: Annotate incorrectly identified records
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3301
- 02:23 PM Bug #3298: Entry fields overlapping on level 1 plots, if level 3 plots are added first
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3298
- 02:22 PM Bug #3180: Reduce File size by importing to new database
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3180
- 02:22 PM Bug #3064: DBA: check that plot names match project code
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3064
- 02:22 PM Bug #3041: inferring relationships of higher order nodes based on geographic range
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3041
- 02:22 PM Bug #3040: No Lonicera flava from usada
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3040
- 02:22 PM Bug #3025: improve reporting mechanism in entry tool
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3025
- 02:22 PM Bug #3013: Include azimuth and dsgPoly/plot size to draw plot bounds on Google-Map?
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3013
- 02:21 PM Bug #3012: For level 1 data, redundant error check: plot size missing
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3012
- 02:21 PM Bug #3011: Logical check: reasonable sizes between ddh, Ht, DBH
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3011
- 02:21 PM Bug #3010: Should encode strings in URL requesting mapping of plots
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3010
- 02:21 PM Bug #3009: Check that plots are named according to their project label
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3009
- 02:21 PM Bug #3006: Add LSID+GUID to data rows
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3006
- 02:21 PM Bug #3004: TEST: Allow resampling of ANY plot
- Original Bugzilla ID was 3004
- 02:21 PM Bug #2991: When no plots are selected, export throws an error
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2991
- 02:21 PM Bug #2982: tab for atomized weakley description
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2982
- 02:21 PM Bug #2977: change "add party" dialog to do so more cleanly
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2977
- 02:21 PM Bug #2975: new state records
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2975
- 02:21 PM Bug #2974: Upgrade USDA records
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2974
- 02:21 PM Bug #2973: Details of records in sources
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2973
- 02:21 PM Bug #2970: LA Atlas
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2970
- 02:21 PM Bug #2956: commClass.expertSystem needs to be descriptive (memo field)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2956
- 02:21 PM Bug #2955: Date stamps for revisions of the concept relationships
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2955
- 02:21 PM Bug #2954: Color change
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2954
- 02:21 PM Bug #2953: Update community classification
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2953
- 02:21 PM Bug #2952: Calculation of species cover values in communities
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2952
- 02:21 PM Bug #2951: Map toolbar info
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2951
- 02:21 PM Bug #2950: Move dowload options
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2950
- 02:21 PM Bug #2949: Virginia
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2949
- 02:21 PM Bug #2948: Links up and down between speices and infraspecific taxa
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2948
- 02:21 PM Bug #2947: Add UNCC data
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2947
- 02:21 PM Bug #2946: Check for relationship errors deriving from geographic scope
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2946
- 02:21 PM Bug #2945: missing RAB-Weakley relationships
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2945
- 02:21 PM Bug #2944: Allow multiple concept sources in CVS data
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2944
- 02:21 PM Bug #2943: Implement new color scheme to help color-blind users
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2943
- 02:21 PM Bug #2942: Nominal concepts -- the case of Quercus falcata & implications
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2942
- 02:21 PM Bug #2936: Figure out "REACHES"
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2936
- 02:21 PM Bug #2924: Add "use defaults on this plot" for parties and place name
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2924
- 02:21 PM Bug #2923: clean up: Importing from 2.0.4 and before can cause odd message about users/parties
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2923
- 02:21 PM Bug #2922: Use non-modal messages when adding new parties
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2922
- 02:21 PM Bug #2919: def_populateDefaultValues NEEDS TO IGNORE NULLS
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2919
- 02:21 PM Bug #2918: Headers of entry forms are annoying
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2918
- 02:21 PM Bug #2917: Entry DB is getting larger and larger - allow downloads of data to decrease size
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2917
- 02:21 PM Bug #2916: Planted Stem Data: Removing default on new line results in adding new record
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2916
- 02:21 PM Bug #2915: Need to have rules for "odd" levels for data: planted stems >= level 3 and cover data <= level 2
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2915
- 02:21 PM Bug #2913: Ipomoea pes-caprae
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2913
- 02:21 PM Bug #2911: fix auto-population of "unknown sp."
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2911
- 02:21 PM Bug #2910: arrow keys access non-tab-stopped fields?
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2910
- 02:21 PM Bug #2909: Help users create new plots.
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2909
- 02:21 PM Bug #2908: FirstTimeUser form improvements
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2908
- 02:21 PM Bug #2907: First time user button should move to left on main menu
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2907
- 02:21 PM Bug #2906: DBA: reports could be improved
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2906
- 02:21 PM Bug #2904: Allow editing of default stratum method and cover method
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2904
- 02:21 PM Bug #2903: Deafult Values Manager: allow searching field names and values (and allow show all) and table labels, too.
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2903
- 02:21 PM Bug #2902: Right-click shortcut menus don't work in subforms in Access 2007
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2902
- 02:21 PM Bug #2901: Can't set new sampling level when resampling plots
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2901
- 02:21 PM Bug #2898: Type only team, plot or just plot in SelectPlot field and it finds it
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2898
- 02:21 PM Bug #2897: Allow users to change the year of their base plots
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2897
- 02:21 PM Bug #2894: Entry Forms should change record souce, not use filters
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2894
- 02:21 PM Bug #2893: VMD ordering should be flexible in forms: a few options and fall-back
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2893
- 02:21 PM Bug #2892: Weird monitoring issues: species erroneously duplicated
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2892
- 02:21 PM Bug #2891: Strata should always be shown, but tab stops can be off if no header
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2891
- 02:21 PM Bug #2890: VMD improvements
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2890
- 02:21 PM Bug #2887: "Empty Mod" pseudo-species causes catch-22 errors
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2887
- 02:21 PM Bug #2886: Error checking flags null ddh for live-stakes
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2886
- 02:21 PM Bug #2885: Business rules needed to guide field-samplers in subsampling & changing height cut-off
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2885
- 02:21 PM Bug #2883: Monitoring data: how to determine ordering of rows?
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2883
- 02:21 PM Bug #2882: Entry tool doesn't allow entry of source for "new" stems during monitoring
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2882
- 02:21 PM Bug #2881: Error checking flagged "[muliple]" as bad value.
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2881
- 02:21 PM Bug #2879: Need a zoom in on community classification from plot data form
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2879
- 02:21 PM Bug #2878: Check and standardize fit across all projects
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2878
- 02:21 PM Bug #2877: Access 2007 issues
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2877
- 02:21 PM Bug #2876: Error checker thinks that non-vascular genera shouldn't have "sp."
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2876
- 02:21 PM Bug #2875: Windows cannot find "fileName" for entryDB
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2875
- 02:21 PM Bug #2874: Taxon Search drop down list - keyboard navigation problematic
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2874
- 02:21 PM Bug #2871: stem mapping improvements needed
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2871
- 02:21 PM Bug #2869: Migrate OLD ARCHIVE to the NEW ARCHIVE
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2869
- 02:21 PM Bug #2868: upgrade taxonomy using TaxonOccurence Spreadsheet (aka Cover_ver4_withCBS)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2868
- 02:21 PM Bug #2867: Reverse Migrate New archive data into old archive
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2867
- 02:21 PM Bug #2866: Migrate data from OLD entry db to OLD archive (w/ SAS) (52,59,61)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2866
- 02:21 PM Bug #2865: Datasheets & Protocol: Concrete soil (or similar) is problematic to our database
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2865
- 02:21 PM Bug #2864: Simplify level 3: no modules?, cover only by strata?
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2864
- 02:21 PM Bug #2863: Splitting planted and natural stems while sampling: advice needed
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2863
- 02:21 PM Bug #2862: Add rationale for subsampling/stem cut-offs (affects entry-tool too)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2862
- 02:21 PM Bug #2861: DD-MMM-YYYY needed on level 1-2 plot datasheet
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2861
- 02:21 PM Bug #2860: DS+Protocol: Add "U" = Unknown stem source
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2860
- 02:21 PM Bug #2859: Rebar should be capped if used.
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2859
- 02:21 PM Bug #2858: Need 6 spots for posts on datasheets
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2858
- 02:21 PM Bug #2857: Extra message box displayed "About to update 1 row" on startup
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2857
- 02:21 PM Bug #2856: Make sure the sub-sapling only applies to saplings at level 2-3, not trees
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2856
- 02:21 PM Bug #2854: Data checking is redundant
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2854
- 02:21 PM Bug #2848: (migration) Ensure unique plot names b/t EEP and CVS plots
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2848
- 02:21 PM Bug #2846: Allow easier deletion of rows in main data forms
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2846
- 02:21 PM Bug #2845: Populate stemCount.IsPlanted
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2845
- 02:21 PM Bug #2843: Only final collector listed for specimens
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2843
- 02:21 PM Bug #2842: Incorrect mapping of nominal concepts
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2842
- 02:21 PM Bug #2837: Deep links to maps
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2837
- 02:21 PM Bug #2836: LIfemapper like prediction of ranges
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2836
- 02:21 PM Bug #2827: Pellaea wrightiana maps incorrectly; deeper problem revealed?
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2827
- 02:21 PM Bug #2825: Unfolding data with invalid list of intensive modules doesn't properly exit
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2825
- 02:21 PM Bug #2824: resample plots db should have small compass to help orient user
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2824
- 02:21 PM Bug #2823: Need to write "resample plots" report from archive DB
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2823
- 02:21 PM Bug #2821: presence not correct in R module on new unfolding code
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2821
- 02:21 PM Bug #2820: Auto-truncate values in stem form to nearest integer (big stems only)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2820
- 02:21 PM Bug #2816: Try to migration without old temp tables
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2816
- 02:21 PM Bug #2815: remove user_entry table and use party instead
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2815
- 02:21 PM Bug #2814: Add file name to database title and/or main menu title
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2814
- 02:21 PM Bug #2812: Query crashes mapping program when concept relationships are logically inconsistent
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2812
- 02:21 PM Bug #2811: Opening database fails when user in CVS_Entry_options isn't in user_entry
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2811
- 02:21 PM Bug #2810: Print function for maps does not work
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2810
- 02:21 PM Bug #2808: Revise rule 26 to remove most if not all >= relationships
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2808
- 02:21 PM Bug #2802: Height error not specified in unfolding
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2802
- 02:21 PM Bug #2801: reports get confused with level 2 data
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2801
- 02:21 PM Bug #2800: DBA screens do not check for header notes to be OK'd
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2800
- 02:21 PM Bug #2794: Test WinZip integration with various versions
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2794
- 02:21 PM Bug #2793: Reorder search on homepage
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2793
- 02:21 PM Bug #2791: Out of Stack space (access 2000)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2791
- 02:21 PM Bug #2790: Incorrect stacking of map records
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2790
- 02:21 PM Bug #2789: Optional reporting of ambiguous records
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2789
- 02:21 PM Bug #2788: Kentucky atlas data
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2788
- 02:21 PM Bug #2787: add entry_stems.isPlanted to interface?
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2787
- 02:21 PM Bug #2786: Need to add a "planted" field for Entry and Archive database
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2786
- 02:21 PM Bug #2784: Community tab should be based on Weakley taxa and not nominals
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2784
- 02:21 PM Bug #2783: Tomcat crashes -- ability to support multiple users needs verfication
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2783
- 02:21 PM Bug #2782: Add names of synonyms to the typing helper list
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2782
- 02:21 PM Bug #2781: Provide download of concept relationships for a taxon
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2781
- 02:21 PM Bug #2778: Need better markers for empty plot vs no stems here.
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2778
- 02:21 PM Bug #2777: add to interface: Coordinates need more metadata
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2777
- 02:21 PM Bug #2776: Need some queries to help us summarize issues for contractors
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2776
- 02:21 PM Bug #2774: RETEST: errors in individual stem migration
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2774
- 02:21 PM Bug #2773: function attempt to update nulls badly
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2773
- 02:21 PM Bug #2772: DBA: doesn't read planted stems when calculating plots without data
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2772
- 02:21 PM Bug #2771: implement more sanity Checks : herbs
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2771
- 02:21 PM Bug #2770: Finish the export DB function for level 5 data
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2770
- 02:21 PM Bug #2767: Adjust colors on maps
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2767
- 02:21 PM Bug #2766: Add simple and full reference details and eliminate letter codes
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2766
- 02:21 PM Bug #2763: Misplaced determiniation data for specimens
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2763
- 02:21 PM Bug #2762: Add "Ignore this Error" to logical error checking
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2762
- 02:21 PM Bug #2761: DBA screens not working well with smaller stems
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2761
- 02:21 PM Bug #2760: add Quick fix for common errors
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2760
- 02:21 PM Bug #2759: Importing from self causes big problems
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2759
- 02:21 PM Bug #2757: Concept relationships in county clickover need reordering
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2757
- 02:21 PM Bug #2754: X-IL record does not appear on map; Need category for misc records
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2754
- 02:21 PM Bug #2753: Apostrophe in specimen list appears as '
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2753
- 02:21 PM Bug #2752: commit atlas to cvs
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2752
- 02:21 PM Bug #2751: Error checking caused out-of-sync error that led to instability
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2751
- 02:21 PM Bug #2750: Emails not getting to
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2750
- 02:21 PM Bug #2749: Soil errors in legacy data: Mg truncated
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2749
- 02:21 PM Bug #2745: When I import data from another database, the reset woody fails
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2745
- 02:21 PM Bug #2744: on release, make sure we add error handling to rc
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2744
- 02:21 PM Bug #2743: Message warning about compacting says the wrong thing
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2743
- 02:21 PM Bug #2741: more clearly separate the ambiguous records
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2741
- 02:21 PM Bug #2740: Add ispecies link to other sources tab
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2740
- 02:21 PM Bug #2739: Species name doesn't appear if not woody
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2739
- 02:21 PM Bug #2736: import from other db fails with ordering and when tables aren't there
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2736
- 02:21 PM Bug #2725: Create log of changes generated by the Administration Page
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2725
- 02:21 PM Bug #2723: Add "weird" taxa to new CVS Entry and Archive databases
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2723
- 02:21 PM Bug #2722: Create datasets in viewer
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2722
- 02:21 PM Bug #2721: check sppID and NC_Codes in "old" archive db before updating to new
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2721
- 02:21 PM Bug #2720: Reorganize the Advanced Options Form into tabs?
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2720
- 02:21 PM Bug #2719: add default values for plot fields (and maybe hide fields you don't use?)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2719
- 02:21 PM Bug #2718: PreRelease script should check for new records in SppList and warn
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2718
- 02:21 PM Bug #2717: cvsData user can see stuff when ftping with the wrong url
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2717
- 02:21 PM Bug #2715: Clean up relationship mapping to remove ?s
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2715
- 02:21 PM Bug #2714: Ambiguous records no longer appear as ambiguous
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2714
- 02:21 PM Bug #2713: Figure out the emailing strategy for CVS emails
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2713
- 02:21 PM Bug #2711: Finish End of Year Deliverables
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2711
- 02:21 PM Bug #2710: Reports for EEP based on project/alternate selection of plots
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2710
- 02:21 PM Bug #2709: Create a patch process: +UI
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2709
- 02:21 PM Bug #2708: Clarify Excel error messages, VBA references
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2708
- 02:21 PM Bug #2707: Typo
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2707
- 02:21 PM Bug #2699: Tool for users to submit county records
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2699
- 02:21 PM Bug #2698: Add traits tab
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2698
- 02:21 PM Bug #2697: Map WEWO collections
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2697
- 02:21 PM Bug #2687: Confusing search options - need small changes for usability
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2687
- 02:21 PM Bug #2686: Upgrade Liz's database and add reports
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2686
- 02:20 PM Bug #2684: Miscellaneous literature records for distribution
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2684
- 02:20 PM Bug #2683: User submissions of new occurrence records
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2683
- 02:20 PM Bug #2680: Reformat dates on images
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2680
- 02:20 PM Bug #2679: Port static NCSU records into SPECIFY
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2679
- 02:20 PM Bug #2678: Create tool for editing static database records of taxon occurrence
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2678
- 02:20 PM Bug #2676: Print button on map pages does not work
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2676
- 02:20 PM Bug #2671: Finish Import DB: what to do with Main Menu visible tabs field?
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2671
- 02:20 PM Bug #2668: Geocoordinates
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2668
- 02:20 PM Bug #2667: Test Entry Tool processing of data vs. SAS
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2667
- 02:20 PM Bug #2666: ready for DBA: Project 76 (Elizabeth City, NC): 52 plots
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2666
- 02:20 PM Bug #2665: Ready for DBA process: Project 75 (Singletary Lake, NC): 52 plots
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2665
- 02:20 PM Bug #2664: 5 errs remain: Project 74 (Cape Fear Riparian): 62 plots
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2664
- 02:20 PM Bug #2663: 2 errs left: + duplicates flagged: Project 73 (Mountain Bogs): 64 plots
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2663
- 02:20 PM Bug #2662: Unfolding: Project 64 (Brunswick Co. NC): 88 plots
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2662
- 02:20 PM Bug #2661: comments in XLS resolve: Project 63 (Francis Marion NF): 54 plots
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2661
- 02:20 PM Bug #2660: toArchiveDB: Project 62 (Windsor): 7 plots
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2660
- 02:20 PM Bug #2659: StratumPlot not linked to HerbData
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2659
- 02:20 PM Bug #2658: Split USDA records into concept-based and nominal sets
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2658
- 02:20 PM Bug #2657: Highlight species with too few counties and those with too many
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2657
- 02:20 PM Bug #2656: County lists should include ambiguous records
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2656
- 02:20 PM Bug #2655: Download county list
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2655
- 02:20 PM Bug #2654: Selection box for sources for county records
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2654
- 02:20 PM Bug #2653: Removal of Databased Publications
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2653
- 02:20 PM Bug #2652: Netscape & Firefox do not generate maps properly
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2652
- 02:20 PM Bug #2651: font issues with various browsers
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2651
- 02:20 PM Bug #2645: split USDA in the legend into into two labels
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2645
- 02:20 PM Bug #2643: Search for name synonymized by Weakley
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2643
- 02:20 PM Bug #2642: QA: Keystroking efficiency additions
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2642
- 02:20 PM Bug #2641: Split USDA into concept-based and nominal parts
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2641
- 02:20 PM Bug #2640: Identify USDA species without county distribution where other spp in genus have distribution
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2640
- 02:20 PM Bug #2639: Inferred relationships too broad
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2639
- 02:20 PM Bug #2638: Ambiguous records should have details of ambiguity clickable
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2638
- 02:20 PM Bug #2637: RAB records of nominal variety occurrences have incomplete name
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2637
- 02:20 PM Bug #2636: Better labels for ambiguous occurrences
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2636
- 02:20 PM Bug #2634: Data source description errors
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2634
- 02:20 PM Bug #2633: Remove search button from search page
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2633
- 02:20 PM Bug #2632: How to store one module plots - no subplots?
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2632
- 02:20 PM Bug #2631: Annotate demonstration set of databased speciemens to concept
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2631
- 02:20 PM Bug #2630: Verification that CVS records map correctly to Weakley
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2630
- 02:20 PM Bug #2629: Relationships between Weakley to USDA v 4.0 concepts
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2629
- 02:20 PM Bug #2628: Dynamic versioning
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2628
- 02:20 PM Bug #2627: Nominal concepts should not overlap Weakley concepts
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2627
- 02:20 PM Bug #2626: 45. Negative occurrences
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2626
- 02:20 PM Bug #2625: 44. Bug resolved
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2625
- 02:20 PM Bug #2624: 43. Paging through large families.
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2624
- 02:20 PM Bug #2623: 42. TaxonProgress updates
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2623
- 02:20 PM Bug #2622: Modify Specify to allow determination to concept
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2622
- 02:20 PM Bug #2621: 40. Concepts for CVS data?
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2621
- 02:20 PM Bug #2620: 39. Bug resolved
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2620
- 02:20 PM Bug #2619: Systematic error in determination of nominals
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2619
- 02:20 PM Bug #2618: Server errors; incompatability with Windows 2000 OS
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2618
- 02:20 PM Bug #2617: 36. The Data Source tab
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2617
- 02:20 PM Bug #2616: 35. Click on county
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2616
- 02:20 PM Bug #2615: Failure to map WEWO and other non-NCU series in Specify
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2615
- 02:20 PM Bug #2614: 33. Map source issues
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2614
- 02:20 PM Bug #2613: 32. Trilliaceae (Missing)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2613
- 02:20 PM Bug #2612: 31. Specimen data (fix typo)
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2612
- 02:20 PM Bug #2611: Help function text
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2611
- 02:20 PM Bug #2610: 29. Sources of ambiguous records.
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2610
- 02:20 PM Bug #2609: Erroneous assignment of ambiguous status
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2609
- 02:20 PM Bug #2608: 27. Browser compatibility testing
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2608
- 02:20 PM Bug #2607: 26. Misfunction on back-to-query button
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2607
- 02:20 PM Bug #2606: 25. Complex searches
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2606
- 02:20 PM Bug #2605: 24. Search all counties in a state
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2605
- 02:20 PM Bug #2604: 23. County and state pulldowns
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2604
- 02:20 PM Bug #2603: 22. Display county names
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2603
- 02:20 PM Bug #2602: Document concept references in Weakley flora
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2602
- 02:20 PM Bug #2601: Explanation of relationship symbols “>†and “<†reversed
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2601
- 02:20 PM Bug #2600: ID number on the specimen & images pages needs revision
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2600
- 02:20 PM Bug #2599: 18. The "?" help buttons display pages with no content.
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2599
- 02:20 PM Bug #2598: 17. Apostrophes
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2598
- 02:20 PM Bug #2597: Display of cultivated records should be optional
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2597
- 02:20 PM Bug #2596: 15. Alphabetize synonyms
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2596
- 02:20 PM Bug #2595: 14. The search box pick list seems to work inconsistently for species with infraspecific taxa.
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2595
- 02:20 PM Bug #2594: Home page explanation of atlas, including ambiguous records
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2594
- 02:20 PM Bug #2593: 12. On the Home page, the green color for "Other data sources" is not the same green
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2593
- 02:20 PM Bug #2592: 11. The "Home" button should probably be changed to something like “About†...
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2592
- 02:20 PM Bug #2591: 10. Image thumbnails use large files
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2591
- 02:20 PM Bug #2590: "get missing taxa" search
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2590
- 02:20 PM Bug #2589: Concepts as the basis for returning specimens and images.
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2589
- 02:20 PM Bug #2588: Specimen & Image lists should include infraspecific taxa
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2588
- 02:20 PM Bug #2587: Inability to search on taxa not treated by Weakley
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2587
- 02:20 PM Bug #2586: 5. Document the source of data for USDA PLANTS
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2586
- 02:20 PM Bug #2585: Allow ambiguous records only in states where taxon occurs
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2585
- 02:20 PM Bug #2584: 3. "Ambiguous" CVS and NCNHP records mapped differently from other ambiguous records
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2584
- 02:20 PM Bug #2583: Compile complex and undefined concept relationships
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2583
- 02:20 PM Bug #2582: 2A. Show parents as ambiguous members
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2582
- 02:20 PM Bug #2581: Children should occur in map of parent
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2581
- 02:20 PM Bug #2580: 1. Incorrect links to specimen images
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2580
- 02:20 PM Bug #2574: update species in old archive database from Forbes
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2574
- 02:20 PM Bug #2565: allow multiple values for categorical fields
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2565
- 02:20 PM Bug #2560: Implement revision system for new revisions
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2560
- 02:20 PM Bug #2559: Limit the taxa to non-woody species for EEP databases
- Original Bugzilla ID was 2559
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