



From 01/04/2003 to 02/02/2003


05:14 PM Bug #959: check with C.Fogelsong and P.Huddleston New Ref Model Design
This doesn't look like my bug Gabriel Farrell
05:05 PM Bug #956: provide testing Access DB and expected XML output
The file Mike provided loads into the database and can then be read out and
compared to the the expected output he pr...
Gabriel Farrell
04:58 PM Bug #949: Non asci characters in data input mishandled
No longer blocks bug956 since the single quotes and other postgres special
characters $ and ^ and escaped before goin...
Gabriel Farrell


07:10 PM Bug #978 (Resolved): Concurrent loading and viewing of plots issues
There are two places in the system that may not be safe if used concurrently.
During loading of mdb plots the file...
Gabriel Farrell
08:43 AM Bug #956: provide testing Access DB and expected XML output
Gabe, I've come across this with SQL statements in Access and I solve the
problem by searching for single quotes (') ...
Michael Lee


08:05 PM Bug #560: purchase and set up tape backup for vegbank
DDS4 seems near the sweet spot regarding cost vs. specs.
Example unit is
Gabriel Farrell
10:18 AM Bug #956: provide testing Access DB and expected XML output
This plot fails to load at all because of single quotes in some data fields. Gabriel Farrell


02:39 PM Bug #973: Downloaded plot is from VegBank, not tekka
this is the correct plotID=9 on tekka. This is not the plot that gets
downloaded. See next attachment for that plot.
Michael Lee
02:33 PM Bug #973 (Resolved): Downloaded plot is from VegBank, not tekka
The atomic result for the plot as seen during querying is different from the xml
that is received on download. See ...
Michael Lee
01:08 AM Bug #857: Evaluate: View a plot, quick view
THIS VIEW IS OBSOLETE! Provided for reference. Michael Lee
12:30 AM Bug #857: Evaluate: View a plot, quick view
*** Bug 873 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Michael Lee
12:29 AM Bug #857: Evaluate: View a plot, quick view
*** Bug 872 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Michael Lee
12:28 AM Bug #857: Evaluate: View a plot, quick view
These stylesheets have been completed (comprehensive and summary views). If Bob
or some other PI could evaluate thes...
Michael Lee
12:25 AM Bug #857: Evaluate: View a plot, quick view
This is the updated view of a plot in comprehensive view. Michael Lee
12:30 AM Bug #873: [1293] View a plot, quick view:evaluate
bug 857 will be the design, evaluation, and implementation of the quick view of
*** This bug has been marked a...
Michael Lee
12:29 AM Bug #872: [1296] View a plot, quick view:implement
bug 857 will be the design, evaluation, and implementation of the quick view of
*** This bug has been marked a...
Michael Lee


04:15 PM Bug #972 (Resolved): Logout leads you back to vegbank server
Minor issue exists in that when you log out of tekka, you get redirected to the
vegbank server. Probably falls unde...
Michael Lee


02:02 PM Bug #764: Develop a system to export Vegbranch compatible data
lee is assigned the task of researching options for merging access databases. Michael Lee
12:09 PM Bug #971 (New): Build an observation synonym form
Build a form that allows parties to declare observations as synonyms. Michael Lee


11:16 AM Bug #961: Required Fields for VegBank -- show questionable ones
the attachments of this bug are .csv files that are roughly viewable when
clicking them, otherwise can be saved and ...
Michael Lee
11:09 AM Bug #961 (Resolved): Required Fields for VegBank -- show questionable ones
This bug is for Lee to show the PI's the fields in VegBank that are required
that may not need to be required. Att...
Michael Lee


03:20 PM Bug #676: Check with multiple browsers
Platform -by- BrowserVersion -by- Webpage/function
Mac,Pc,Linux IE5, IE6, Nt6, Nt7 (many)
Michael Lee
02:54 PM Bug #959 (Resolved): check with C.Fogelsong and P.Huddleston New Ref Model Design
carol fogelsong and paula puddleston must comfirm new reference model Michael Lee


07:28 PM Bug #890: Load database:Peet _NCVS-4000: add in Fall 2006
circa 40,000 plots added for 2.0.0 Michael Lee
07:28 PM Bug #903: Data ready: Load database:Walker - LTER-300
circa 40,000 plots added for 2.0.0 Michael Lee
07:28 PM Bug #902: Load db:Stohlgren-800: complex plot design
circa 40,000 plots added for 2.0.0 Michael Lee
07:28 PM Bug #901: Load database:Mojave-1000: Kathy Thomas
circa 40,000 plots added for 2.0.0 Michael Lee
07:28 PM Bug #900: Load database:Cal range monitoring - USFS-700
circa 40,000 plots added for 2.0.0 Michael Lee
07:28 PM Bug #889: XML READY: Load database:Peet - Rockies-700 (cover only for <1m tall)
circa 40,000 plots added for 2.0.0 Michael Lee
07:28 PM Bug #888: Load database:Wisconsin-1500: point-quarter, Curtis (how??)
circa 40,000 plots added for 2.0.0 Michael Lee
07:28 PM Bug #887: Load Jennings XML into new vegbank server
circa 40,000 plots added for 2.0.0 Michael Lee
07:28 PM Bug #886: Load database:Utah-1460: December Dave Roberts
circa 40,000 plots added for 2.0.0 Michael Lee
07:28 PM Bug #885: Load database:Wiser-1000 (lowPri: taxa issues)
circa 40,000 plots added for 2.0.0 Michael Lee
07:28 PM Bug #884: Load database:NY-ESF-1500: DF
circa 40,000 plots added for 2.0.0 Michael Lee
07:28 PM Bug #913: Load database:Enquist-500: Salvias DB
circa 40,000 plots added for 2.0.0 Michael Lee
07:28 PM Bug #912: Load plots:NatureServe-1000: Russo, local SE-USFS
circa 40,000 plots added for 2.0.0 Michael Lee
07:28 PM Bug #899: Load database:Nevada range monitoring USFS-800
circa 40,000 plots added for 2.0.0 Michael Lee
07:28 PM Bug #898: Load database:Oregon range monitoring USFS-400
circa 40,000 plots added for 2.0.0 Michael Lee
07:28 PM Bug #897: Load database:CAL serpentine - USFS-?
circa 40,000 plots added for 2.0.0 Michael Lee
07:28 PM Bug #896: Load database:Cal ecology - USFS-?
circa 40,000 plots added for 2.0.0 Michael Lee
07:28 PM Bug #895: Load database:OR - NRIS-38000- duplicates with MJ possible
circa 40,000 plots added for 2.0.0 Michael Lee
07:28 PM Bug #894: Load database:OR - Heritage-1000
circa 40,000 plots added for 2.0.0 Michael Lee
06:19 PM Bug #740: New XML -- DESIGN
After all revisions of database schema. Michael Lee


12:54 PM Bug #956 (Resolved): provide testing Access DB and expected XML output
provide Gabe with VegBranch export db and the expected XML that should result
from its being loading and downloaded....
Michael Lee
04:34 AM Bug #696: Implement reference and party-related database changes
Notes on the ACCESS version of the reference model
For all fields in my email of 12 Dec where I had an *, grab the ...
Robert Peet


03:49 PM Bug #949: Non asci characters in data input mishandled
The database doesn't have a problem with the characters ... it has a problem
when data contains single or double quot...
Gabriel Farrell
12:11 PM Bug #949: Non asci characters in data input mishandled
Shouldn't there be a simple setup option for character set. I used to use
simple ASCII on my pine email and had all...
Robert Peet
12:03 PM Bug #713: Add intermediate levels to plantStatus, between standard levels.
plant taxa are generally organized in terms of a phylogenetic tree. certain
levels on the braqnches of thata tree a...
Robert Peet
10:56 AM Bug #786: Update the Plots datamodel to allow for individual trees
Various users need individual tree attributes to be contained
within the database. They cite the case of each tree h...
Robert Peet
10:15 AM Bug #786: Update the Plots datamodel to allow for individual trees
This db is scarcely populated. Data that concern us are in TaxonObs,
StemCount, and StemLocation. To download, you'l...
Michael Lee
10:19 AM Bug #696: Implement reference and party-related database changes
To download, save as a .zip (or rename once saved), then extract. This is only
the references model, not the rest of...
Michael Lee
05:39 AM Bug #719: manage plants you own
Most plots have unknown taxa that need to be included yet are not in the USDA
PLANTS list. We need to be able to ma...
Robert Peet


06:32 PM Bug #820: Revisions: edit plots, cite them at a time, view them as they were before revisions
we need a form that will allow users to update data in their plots that have
already been submitted to VegBank. This...
Michael Lee
01:29 PM Bug #820: Revisions: edit plots, cite them at a time, view them as they were before revisions
lower priority meta data that still needs connecting, but less urgently than the
other methods with 1.0.0beta2 or 1.0.0.
Michael Lee
06:26 PM Bug #836: database redesign for Intellectual Property Table for permissions for embargoed data
From the minutes of the Sept 12 Meeting in SBA, where this idea came from:
Michael Lee
01:50 PM Bug #836: database redesign for Intellectual Property Table for permissions for embargoed data
requires change in data model. Michael Lee
05:08 PM Bug #710: Update the forms for querying plant / communities-c
implementation of forms that will be updated in bug 712. Michael Lee
04:52 PM Bug #852: When register, link to party & then update
Fields need to be added to the "edit profile" form to include:
all fields marked with a blue # on the form:
Michael Lee
04:31 PM Bug #852: When register, link to party & then update
from Bob:
> 1. There is the problem that there are party attributes that a user needs
> to be able to update and whic...
Michael Lee
04:51 PM Bug #950: Need to create registry of user's public info -- design then implement
fields include all fields marked with a blue # on the form:
Michael Lee
04:16 PM Bug #950 (Resolved): Need to create registry of user's public info -- design then implement
Need to have a way for users of VegBank to see who each other are - specifically
who it was that submitted a plot an...
Michael Lee
04:47 PM Bug #824: Make website deal with user tables in vegbank, not framework
Need to make sure that certification documents are emailed to the appropriate
parties when someone requests certifica...
Michael Lee
04:14 PM Bug #768: DTD publication - revision of DTD/XML to new format
XML and DTD have been developed once, but need major revision and testing.
copying latest email from Bob to John:
> ...
Michael Lee
04:07 PM Bug #856: users specify view of plots and fields they want
QA on 854, too. Michael Lee
03:28 PM Bug #911: [1710] Business Rules:How many without paying
needs to be decided before release. Also we should consider how people would
pay -- logistical issues. If the limit...
Michael Lee
03:27 PM Bug #910: Business Rules:Confidentiality of T&E
sounds like this bug deals with the new implementation of confidentiality that
was proposed in the Sept 2002 meeting ...
Michael Lee
03:26 PM Bug #909: [1730] Business Rules:Confidentiality of private lands
Isn't this up to the user to specify confidential or not? Michael Lee
03:25 PM Bug #908: Business Rules:Embargo for research projects
This seems like new functionality where a user says "I don't want people looking
at project # 35." This functionalit...
Michael Lee
03:24 PM Bug #907: Business Rules:Geographic scope
Not sure what business rules are necessary here. Does this apply to user's new
geographic names that are to be enter...
Michael Lee
03:23 PM Bug #906: Business Rules:Pick lists
business rules for picklists? Does this mean more than developing a constant
list of picklists (bug 791)?
Michael Lee
03:20 PM Bug #904: Training and outreach: self guided materials, or official course?
just after release, this sort of thing will become really important. Michael Lee
03:08 PM Bug #878: PCord export
ML should get the specs for PC-Ord export from Roberts for bug 877 to be done. Michael Lee
03:06 PM Bug #871: Extend the Project Summary view: add more, allow sort
This is a really nice feature that we'd like to have, but it doesn't seem very
high priority to me. Once we get gobs...
Michael Lee
03:05 PM Bug #870: New XML export and import into the VegBank system
not sure how much work we want to put into the current XML format, given that we
recognize the need to revise the DTD...
Michael Lee
03:02 PM Bug #867: [1350] Export provides ALL data except confidential
Not sure what rules PI's need to provide. It seems that we need to test the
current abilities of the system - locati...
Michael Lee
02:52 PM Bug #879: View a plot with simple URL
This bug depends on the simple plot view (bug 863) -- this form should be
sufficient for the results of the URL. The...
Michael Lee
02:47 PM Bug #879: View a plot with simple URL
According to a Bob Email:
This is the capability to query the database via an
like string fro...
Michael Lee
02:48 PM Bug #949 (Resolved): Non asci characters in data input mishandled
There are a number of problems in the system when data is loaded containing non
asci characters eg. è,ù,ö
1) The ...
Gabriel Farrell
02:45 PM Bug #858: [1276] Nested and advanced query:implement
Some revision to the advanced querying has been requested. Once a new form has
been designed, it will need to be imp...
Michael Lee
02:43 PM Bug #863: Evaluate: Simple Query (rewrite views for query)
what fields do we want on the simply query page? Michael Lee
02:43 PM Bug #861: [1263] Simple Query (rewrite views for query):revise more
what fields do we want on the simply query page? Michael Lee
02:42 PM Bug #862: [1266] Simple Query (rewrite views for query):implement
This bug refers to the yet undeveloped new query form that picks certain fields
of interest to an ecologist and allow...
Michael Lee
02:34 PM Bug #744: [626] :Loader rectification tools:Party-c
This bug deals with implementing a party recitifcation form/scheme that matches
parties that someone is trying to upl...
Michael Lee
02:27 PM Bug #713: Add intermediate levels to plantStatus, between standard levels.
This is down the road a while. Some folks would like to say that the level of a
plant is between the levels that we ...
Michael Lee
02:12 PM Bug #717: [375] Mechanism to add new plants:manage plants you own-b
This bug refers to plants that you've added to VegBank -- plants that you (as a
plantPArty) have a view of (status an...
Michael Lee
02:02 PM Bug #872: [1296] View a plot, quick view:implement
This quick view of only one plot is no longer hooked up to the query page. The
only option is the long view of a plo...
Michael Lee
01:53 PM Bug #840: [1070] Document the user database
not sure that this is a high priority. Michael Lee
01:51 PM Bug #839: [1080] Intellectual Property
row header
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 838 ***
Michael Lee
01:51 PM Bug #838: [1090] Intellectual Property:Specify whether embargo
*** Bug 839 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Michael Lee
01:51 PM Bug #838: [1090] Intellectual Property:Specify whether embargo
requires slight change in data model, probably. Of course, an embargo does
currently exist in plot.confidentialitySt...
Michael Lee
01:50 PM Bug #837: [1100] Intellectual Property:Clock for loss of embargo
requires slight change in data model Michael Lee
01:49 PM Bug #835: IP: form for embargo renewal and dropping
requires slight change in data model -- adding fields to plot and/or observation Michael Lee
01:47 PM Bug #831: [1016] Management accounts??
OK, John I see what you're doing. I agree. The management account functions
can be combined into one form that chan...
Michael Lee
01:44 PM Bug #831: [1016] Management accounts??
*** Bug 826 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Michael Lee
01:46 PM Bug #832: [1013] Management accounts??
*** Bug 830 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Michael Lee
01:46 PM Bug #832: [1013] Management accounts??
*** Bug 829 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Michael Lee
01:46 PM Bug #830: [1036] Management accounts??
OK, John I see what you're doing. I agree. The management account functions
can be combined into one form that chan...
Michael Lee
01:46 PM Bug #829: [1026] Management accounts??
OK, John I see what you're doing. I agree. The management account functions
can be combined into one form that chan...
Michael Lee
01:45 PM Bug #833: Management page needed with full ability to modify accounts
*** Bug 828 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Michael Lee
01:45 PM Bug #833: Management page needed with full ability to modify accounts
*** Bug 827 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Michael Lee
01:33 PM Bug #833: Management page needed with full ability to modify accounts
*** Bug 814 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Michael Lee
01:45 PM Bug #828: [1030] Management accounts??:Update user status
OK, John I see what you're doing. I agree. The management account functions
can be combined into one form that chan...
Michael Lee
01:45 PM Bug #827: [1020] Management accounts??:Delete User
OK, John I see what you're doing. I agree. The management account functions
can be combined into one form that chan...
Michael Lee
01:45 PM Bug #825: [1033] Management accounts??
OK, John I see what you're doing. I agree. The management account functions
can be combined into one form that chan...
Michael Lee
01:44 PM Bug #826: [1023] Management accounts??
OK, John I see what you're doing. I agree. The management account functions
can be combined into one form that chan...
Michael Lee
01:38 PM Bug #826: [1023] Management accounts??
bug 825 deals with a different form. This deals with the form that deletes a user. Michael Lee
01:33 PM Bug #814: [1000] Management accounts??
header row, captured by other bugs
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 833 ***
Michael Lee
01:31 PM Bug #799: Implement new Citation datamodel - VegBank (Farrell) and VegBranch (Lee)
Very close to figuring this out, it sounds like. Implementing on 1.0.0beta2,
must be finalized before that.
Michael Lee
01:29 PM Bug #819: Revision:review forms
lower priority meta data that still needs connecting, but less urgently than the
other methods with 1.0.0beta2 or 1.0.0.
Michael Lee
01:29 PM Bug #818: [966] Revision:connect and implement form
lower priority meta data that still needs connecting, but less urgently than the
other methods with 1.0.0beta2 or 1.0.0.
Michael Lee
01:29 PM Bug #817: Query for User-defined variables
lower priority meta data that still needs connecting, but less urgently than the
other methods with 1.0.0beta2 or 1.0.0.
Michael Lee
01:29 PM Bug #809: [930] Interpret taxon in extant plot
lower priority meta data that still needs connecting, but less urgently than the
other methods with 1.0.0beta2 or 1.0.0.
Michael Lee
01:29 PM Bug #816: View current User-defind variables page
lower priority meta data that still needs connecting, but less urgently than the
other methods with 1.0.0beta2 or 1.0.0.
Michael Lee
01:29 PM Bug #808: [933] Interpret taxon in extant plot:review
lower priority meta data that still needs connecting, but less urgently than the
other methods with 1.0.0beta2 or 1.0.0.
Michael Lee
01:29 PM Bug #823: Annotation: query for notes
lower priority meta data that still needs connecting, but less urgently than the
other methods with 1.0.0beta2 or 1.0.0.
Michael Lee
01:29 PM Bug #815: Add new User-defined variables form
lower priority meta data that still needs connecting, but less urgently than the
other methods with 1.0.0beta2 or 1.0.0.
Michael Lee
01:29 PM Bug #807: Interpret taxon in extant plot
lower priority meta data that still needs connecting, but less urgently than the
other methods with 1.0.0beta2 or 1.0.0.
Michael Lee
01:29 PM Bug #822: Annotation: view current notes on data + create notes
lower priority meta data that still needs connecting, but less urgently than the
other methods with 1.0.0beta2 or 1.0.0.
Michael Lee
01:29 PM Bug #821: Notes: add new note form, link from views of things to note
lower priority meta data that still needs connecting, but less urgently than the
other methods with 1.0.0beta2 or 1.0.0.
Michael Lee
01:29 PM Bug #812: Methods :Collections of methods
lower priority meta data that still needs connecting, but less urgently than the
other methods with 1.0.0beta2 or 1.0.0.
Michael Lee
01:29 PM Bug #811: Methods :Collections of methods:review
lower priority meta data that still needs connecting, but less urgently than the
other methods with 1.0.0beta2 or 1.0.0.
Michael Lee
01:29 PM Bug #810: Methods :Collections of methods:connect and implement form
lower priority meta data that still needs connecting, but less urgently than the
other methods with 1.0.0beta2 or 1.0.0.
Michael Lee
01:27 PM Bug #802: [870] Citation entry
less vital than other methods-type data (cover method, statum), but still
probably necessary by 1.0.0. Plant and Com...
Michael Lee
01:27 PM Bug #801: Reference entry:review
less vital than other methods-type data (cover method, statum), but still
probably necessary by 1.0.0. Plant and Com...
Michael Lee
01:27 PM Bug #800: [876] Citation entry:connect and implement form
less vital than other methods-type data (cover method, statum), but still
probably necessary by 1.0.0. Plant and Com...
Michael Lee
01:22 PM Bug #794: Evaluate viewing forms and input forms for VegBank Metadata
This is a more commonly used bit of data that users will want to add outside of
a plot. Also somewhat simple in impl...
Michael Lee
01:22 PM Bug #785: [860] Party entry and edit -- design
This is a more commonly used bit of data that users will want to add outside of
a plot. Also somewhat simple in impl...
Michael Lee
01:07 PM Bug #785: [860] Party entry and edit -- design
on the later side of 1.0.0 tasks Michael Lee
01:22 PM Bug #784: [863] Party entry and edit -- design:review
This is a more commonly used bit of data that users will want to add outside of
a plot. Also somewhat simple in impl...
Michael Lee
01:07 PM Bug #784: [863] Party entry and edit -- design:review
on the later side of 1.0.0 tasks Michael Lee
01:22 PM Bug #813: [916] Methods :Stratum method:connect and implement form
This is a more commonly used bit of data that users will want to add outside of
a plot. Also somewhat simple in impl...
Michael Lee
01:22 PM Bug #806: [940] Interpret community in extant plot
This is a more commonly used bit of data that users will want to add outside of
a plot. Also somewhat simple in impl...
Michael Lee
01:22 PM Bug #805: [943] Interpret community in extant plot:review
This is a more commonly used bit of data that users will want to add outside of
a plot. Also somewhat simple in impl...
Michael Lee
01:22 PM Bug #804: Interpret community in extant plot
This is a more commonly used bit of data that users will want to add outside of
a plot. Also somewhat simple in impl...
Michael Lee
01:22 PM Bug #803: Party entry and edit -- design / evaluate /connect and implement form
This is a more commonly used bit of data that users will want to add outside of
a plot. Also somewhat simple in impl...
Michael Lee
01:22 PM Bug #798: [900] Methods :Cover method
This is a more commonly used bit of data that users will want to add outside of
a plot. Also somewhat simple in impl...
Michael Lee
01:22 PM Bug #797: [903] Methods :Cover method:review
This is a more commonly used bit of data that users will want to add outside of
a plot. Also somewhat simple in impl...
Michael Lee
01:22 PM Bug #796: [906] Methods :Cover method:connect and implement form
This is a more commonly used bit of data that users will want to add outside of
a plot. Also somewhat simple in impl...
Michael Lee
01:22 PM Bug #795: Methods :Stratum method
This is a more commonly used bit of data that users will want to add outside of
a plot. Also somewhat simple in impl...
Michael Lee
01:11 PM Bug #793: Build validation package:Default values for some fields (if null)
on the later side of 1.0.0 Michael Lee
01:10 PM Bug #792: Build validation package:Four-tier +/- US-NVC filter
no idea what this is. Has to do with querying communties/validating that they
are real on upload???
Michael Lee
01:09 PM Bug #791: [810] :Final picklist values -- decide and agree on them
*** Bug 790 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Michael Lee
01:09 PM Bug #790: [812] :Final picklist values?:Make final decision on picklists
791 is to decide final values for 1.0.0 release
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 791 ***
Michael Lee
01:03 PM Bug #783: [720] Evaluate ACCESS implementation
fixes are implemented in beta 4.0 of VegBranch VegBranch acct
12:58 PM Bug #778: Build validation package - overall plan
on the later side of 1.0.0 Michael Lee
12:58 PM Bug #776: [760] Build validation package:Develop & implement validation rules-a
on the later side of 1.0.0 Michael Lee
12:46 PM Bug #776: [760] Build validation package:Develop & implement validation rules-a
What is the current status of the validation process? Plots will fail and
you'll get a receipt saying what failed, m...
Michael Lee
12:58 PM Bug #775: Build validation package:Develop & implement validation rules
on the later side of 1.0.0 Michael Lee
12:58 PM Bug #774: Build validation package:Check required fields in XML schema
on the later side of 1.0.0 Michael Lee
12:56 PM Bug #676: Check with multiple browsers
*** Bug 591 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Michael Lee
12:56 PM Bug #591: The html freaks out for Netscape
same as other bug (why does it need comments like this)
*** This bug has been marked as a duplic...
Michael Lee
12:42 PM Bug #779: Build validation package:Compare values against picklists
I think this is already underway with the XML closed list validation process. Michael Lee
12:37 PM Bug #769: [676] :Loader rectification tools:Picklists-c
Picklists that represent values may be doable, whereas many of the other "smart"
queries are going to be more difficu...
Michael Lee
12:36 PM Bug #770: [673] :Loader rectification tools:Picklists-b
This bug depends on the interpretation of what bug 771 is. If 771 is simply an
XML doc that maps values from one set...
Michael Lee
12:33 PM Bug #771: Loader rectification tools:Picklists: closed (and open?)
I think that this bug deals with the mapping of one set of values into another
set of values. I'm not sure if we wan...
Michael Lee
09:38 AM Bug #765: [705] :Complete ACCESS tool for input:test and evaluate VegBranch
Needs to be done well before VegBank 1.0.0 release so ML can implement changes
Michael Lee
09:37 AM Bug #766: [700] :Complete ACCESS tool for input
*** Bug 767 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Michael Lee
09:36 AM Bug #766: [700] :Complete ACCESS tool for input
VegBranch beta 4.0 is ready to release! Waiting until I have permission to
write to tekka before distribution is pos...
Michael Lee
09:37 AM Bug #767: [690] Implement VegBranch as access tool
row header in xls file
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 766 ***
Michael Lee
09:30 AM Bug #759: Loader rectification tools: PlantConcept (from TaxonInterp and TaxonAlt)
depend on bug 748 Michael Lee
09:30 AM Bug #758: [643] :Loader rectification tools:TaxonInterpretations-b
depend on bug 748 Michael Lee
09:30 AM Bug #757: [653] :Loader rectification tools:CommunityInterpretations-b
depend on bug 748 Michael Lee
09:30 AM Bug #763: Loader rectification tools:NamedPlace (from place)
depend on bug 748 Michael Lee
09:30 AM Bug #755: [656] :Loader rectification tools:CommunityInterpretations-c
depend on bug 748 Michael Lee
09:30 AM Bug #761: [633] :Loader rectification tools:PlaceNames-b
depend on bug 748 Michael Lee
09:30 AM Bug #760: Loader rectification tools: CommConcepts (from CommInterp)
depend on bug 748 Michael Lee
09:22 AM Bug #748: Systematic approach to rectification
we need a plan for how we will rectify parties, plants, etc. to VegBank records.
VegBranch has a tool for this as a ...
Michael Lee
09:17 AM Bug #743: [520] Data loader plugins:XML plots:Values for required fields missing
QA of Gabe's fix on (old/current) XML plug-in. Michael Lee
09:04 AM Bug #743: [520] Data loader plugins:XML plots:Values for required fields missing
*** Bug 742 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Michael Lee
09:16 AM Bug #739: QA for New XML (1.0.2) loading (Lee), then Fix errors in loading process (Farrell/Anderson)
This bug actually deals with the implementation of the new XML that has yet to
be designed.
This bug should be marke...
Michael Lee
09:13 AM Bug #740: New XML -- DESIGN
we have all mentioned that the XML definition is incomplete and needs updating.
This is only superceded in priority ...
Michael Lee
09:11 AM Bug #738: TurboVeg plot import (TV-XML to VB-XML by our stylesheet)
TurboVeg is of secondary importance to other formats, especially XML, which it
depends on.
Michael Lee
09:11 AM Bug #737: [550] Data loader plugins:TurboVeg plots
TurboVeg is of secondary importance to other formats, especially XML, which it
depends on.
Michael Lee
09:11 AM Bug #736: [553] Data loader plugins:TurboVeg plots:Finalize TurboVeg (TV) XML
TurboVeg is of secondary importance to other formats, especially XML, which it
depends on.
Michael Lee
09:11 AM Bug #735: [556] Data loader plugins:TurboVeg plots:stylesheet (TV XML to VB XML)
TurboVeg is of secondary importance to other formats, especially XML, which it
depends on.
Michael Lee
09:08 AM Bug #733: Mechanism to add new communities:Bulk input of communities & taxa
This is something that will be nice to have for version 2.0.0 -- so long as it
is possible to load communities (and p...
Michael Lee
09:06 AM Bug #732: [450] Data loader plugins:NPS PLOTS
header row, sufficiently captured in other bugs
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 731 ***
Michael Lee
09:06 AM Bug #731: [460] Data loader plugins:NPS PLOTS:Values for required fields missing
*** Bug 732 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Michael Lee
09:04 AM Bug #731: [460] Data loader plugins:NPS PLOTS:Values for required fields missing
*** Bug 730 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Michael Lee
09:06 AM Bug #725: [505] Data loader plugins:VegBranch plots:Fix errors in loading process
*** Bug 728 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Michael Lee
09:06 AM Bug #728: [480] Data loader plugins:VegBranch plots
header row, sufficiently captured in other bugs
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 725 ***
Michael Lee
09:04 AM Bug #742: [530] Data loader plugins:XML plots:Assess accuracy
mostly same as 743
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 743 ***
Michael Lee
09:04 AM Bug #730: [470] Data loader plugins:NPS PLOTS:Assess accuracy
mostly same as 731
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 731 ***
Michael Lee
09:03 AM Bug #726: Data loader plugins:VegBranch plots:Assess accuracy
*** Bug 727 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Michael Lee
09:03 AM Bug #727: [490] Data loader plugins:VegBranch plots:Values for req flds missing
mostly same as 726
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 726 ***
Michael Lee
09:00 AM Bug #741: [535] Data loader plugins:XML plots:Fix errors in loading process
*** Bug 724 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Michael Lee
09:00 AM Bug #724: [510] Data loader plugins:XML plots
This was a "header" row in the xls spreadsheet and is captured by bug 741 and 2
*** This bug has been marked...
Michael Lee


11:44 PM Bug #691: [186] Test all features of website for functionality-c
*** Bug 692 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Michael Lee
11:43 PM Bug #691: [186] Test all features of website for functionality-c
need to develop clear plan of this involving PI's and JH, ML, GF Michael Lee
11:44 PM Bug #692: [183] Test all features of website for functionality-b
these aren't really separate tasks, but we just need one clear plan for how we
are testing and doing QA on different ...
Michael Lee
11:41 PM Bug #684: [255] Enter basic PLANTS:Revise data model w/ loaders and sql changes-b
There are several issues here: we need to make sure that the plan for revising
the data model for all the different p...
Michael Lee
11:37 PM Bug #680: [125] Website cleanup:Spelling and editing checks-b
ongoing process. Michael Lee
11:34 PM Bug #679: Split help into separate pages; not single file with anchors
very soon! Michael Lee
11:34 PM Bug #565: Balance HTML and enforce 800 width table webpage format
*** Bug 678 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Michael Lee
11:33 PM Bug #678: [130] Website cleanup:Table or layer enforcement of format
same as other bug
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 565 ***
Michael Lee
11:29 PM Bug #676: Check with multiple browsers
ongoing... This is part of each bug's QA process. Michael Lee


03:46 PM Bug #842: [1060] Limit uploads based on certification
this is done. John Harris
03:45 PM Bug #928: Impliment constraints on data fields
This works on the test system -- still need a modified constraints list and a
constraints map.
John Harris
09:24 AM Bug #851: Emails may not be duplicated in user
On the test system, this bug has been fixed. John Harris
09:21 AM Bug #938: "Required" fields currently must be > 2 characters -- lastName=Ng fails
This bug is fixed on the test system. John Harris
08:29 AM Bug #938: "Required" fields currently must be > 2 characters -- lastName=Ng fails
We no longer want to delete the 2 fields in question. These can be left as they
are. The only change necessary with ...
Michael Lee


05:28 PM Bug #938 (Resolved): "Required" fields currently must be > 2 characters -- lastName=Ng fails
There are currently 2 fields in this form that Bob wanted deleted at one time.
They are :
What use do you anticipa...
Michael Lee
03:57 PM Bug #937: certification application fails
This works on the test system. John Harris
12:05 PM Bug #937 (Resolved): certification application fails
when I leave out some required input data in the certification application form
i get a white screen back with no me...
John Harris
03:51 PM Bug #849: Submission report to manager
This works for me on the test system
it emails to bob and to ve...
John Harris
10:34 AM Bug #852: When register, link to party & then update
Bug is really divided into 2 Subparts.
Subpart 1:
Essentially, what we have here is that all new users who sign up f...
Michael Lee
10:08 AM Bug #852: When register, link to party & then update
When a person registers, this is supposed to either make certain that
there exists an appropriate party in the party ...
Michael Lee
09:56 AM Bug #881: users define data export
This is a feature request to allow vegbank users to create custom data
downloads. There was some work done on this a...
John Harris
09:54 AM Bug #919: Advanced IP system, user-specific filtering of data
*** Bug 866 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** John Harris
09:54 AM Bug #866: [1353] Export provides ALL data except confidential:implement
This bug is the same as 919.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 919 ***
John Harris
09:53 AM Bug #846: dataset/datacart Manager
This is a feature request to allow a user to view all the datasets that they
have uploaded and downloaded. This will...
John Harris
09:50 AM Bug #845: Query manager - list of past queries
This is a feature request to allow a vegbank user to view and re-issue their
passed queries.
John Harris
09:48 AM Bug #851: Emails may not be duplicated in user
There is a bug that allows multiple users to have the smae email in the vegbank
John Harris
09:47 AM Bug #818: [966] Revision:connect and implement form
Bugs the require new feature to allow vb users to add information to the plots
database directly -- ie, not via addin...
John Harris
09:47 AM Bug #815: Add new User-defined variables form
Bugs the require new feature to allow vb users to add information to the plots
database directly -- ie, not via addin...
John Harris
09:46 AM Bug #821: Notes: add new note form, link from views of things to note
Bugs the require new feature to allow vb users to add information to the plots
database directly -- ie, not via addin...
John Harris
09:46 AM Bug #810: Methods :Collections of methods:connect and implement form
Bugs the require new feature to allow vb users to add information to the plots
database directly -- ie, not via addin...
John Harris
09:44 AM Bug #807: Interpret taxon in extant plot
This is a feature request for any vegbank user to interpret a plant identified
with a plot that exists in vegbank.
John Harris
09:38 AM Bug #869: XML export:implement corrections
This is bug refers to fixing any problems with the xml (corresponding to:
VEGBANK_BETA_1_0 in cvs) that mlee has iden...
John Harris
09:29 AM Bug #842: [1060] Limit uploads based on certification
I think that I did this but will check. John Harris
09:26 AM Bug #813: [916] Methods :Stratum method:connect and implement form
Bugs the require new feature to allow vb users to add information to the plots
database directly -- ie, not via addin...
John Harris
09:26 AM Bug #803: Party entry and edit -- design / evaluate /connect and implement form
Bugs the require new feature to allow vb users to add information to the plots
database directly -- ie, not via addin...
John Harris
09:26 AM Bug #800: [876] Citation entry:connect and implement form
Bugs the require new feature to allow vb users to add information to the plots
database directly -- ie, not via addin...
John Harris
09:26 AM Bug #796: [906] Methods :Cover method:connect and implement form
Bugs the require new feature to allow vb users to add information to the plots
database directly -- ie, not via addin...
John Harris
09:22 AM Bug #788: Load tree-related data
This is a data-loading issue that can be done after bug 786 (to implement the
tree-specific data in the taxonObservat...
John Harris
09:18 AM Bug #858: [1276] Nested and advanced query:implement
This bug refers to the original feature to allow for a query based on a number
of criteria. This has existed for som...
John Harris
09:16 AM Bug #824: Make website deal with user tables in vegbank, not framework
*** Bug 825 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** John Harris
09:16 AM Bug #825: [1033] Management accounts??
This bug refers to the feature allowing a user to manage their personal
information associated with vegbank, and is t...
John Harris


10:41 PM Bug #868: [1340] Port to Access tool
same as bug 764
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 764 ***
John Harris
10:41 PM Bug #764: Develop a system to export Vegbranch compatible data
*** Bug 868 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** John Harris
10:28 PM Bug #764: Develop a system to export Vegbranch compatible data
At some poit we should develop a system to export data in a format that MS
Access can snarf up -- I think either
1] ...
John Harris
10:39 PM Bug #804: Interpret community in extant plot
This refers to a feature that allows a user to interpret the community
associated with a plot stored in vegbank.
John Harris
10:37 PM Bug #769: [676] :Loader rectification tools:Picklists-c
This bug has something to do with making the system smart so that it recognizes
similarities between incomming and ex...
John Harris
10:37 PM Bug #773: [666] :Loader rectification tools:Citations-c
This bug has something to do with making the system smart so that it recognizes
similarities between incomming and ex...
John Harris
10:37 PM Bug #756: [646] :Loader rectification tools:TaxonInterpretations-c
This bug has something to do with making the system smart so that it recognizes
similarities between incomming and ex...
John Harris
10:37 PM Bug #755: [656] :Loader rectification tools:CommunityInterpretations-c
This bug has something to do with making the system smart so that it recognizes
similarities between incomming and ex...
John Harris
10:37 PM Bug #762: [636] :Loader rectification tools:PlaceNames-c
This bug has something to do with making the system smart so that it recognizes
similarities between incomming and ex...
John Harris
10:34 PM Bug #786: Update the Plots datamodel to allow for individual trees
An example dataset would be good. John Harris
10:30 PM Bug #781: Revise VegBank accessionnumber
I have the new accession number being generated during the loading of a plot,
but it is not yet pervasive in the VB s...
John Harris
09:29 PM Bug #781: Revise VegBank accessionnumber
*** Bug 782 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** John Harris
10:23 PM Bug #753: [575] Data loader plugins:TurboVeg plots:Fix errors in loading process
This is a duplicate of a bug that Gabe fixed in Jan 2003. John Harris
10:22 PM Bug #744: [626] :Loader rectification tools:Party-c
I'm not sure what this bug refers to. John Harris
10:21 PM Bug #739: QA for New XML (1.0.2) loading (Lee), then Fix errors in loading process (Farrell/Anderson)
This is a duplicate of a bug that was fixed by Gabe in early Jan. 2002. John Harris
10:18 PM Bug #722: [355] Mechanism to add new plants-b
This was done summer 2002. John Harris
10:16 PM Bug #720: Party Perspective Managment (plant/comm):General interface to allow
Currently a user can, via the website, correlate their communities with an NVC,
this same sort of action should be ca...
John Harris
10:13 PM Bug #717: [375] Mechanism to add new plants:manage plants you own-b
We added the functionality to load new plants back in July 2002. I'm not sure
though if there is some other specific...
John Harris
10:11 PM Bug #710: Update the forms for querying plant / communities-c
I'm not exactly sure what this bug refers to -- we made some changes to the UI
back in August 2002.
John Harris
10:09 PM Bug #709: Enter EcoArt 2.96
*** Bug 706 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** John Harris
10:05 PM Bug #709: Enter EcoArt 2.96
After the modifications of the community database (bug 708) the ecoart database
will have to be reloaded -- all level...
John Harris
10:09 PM Bug #706: [340] Enter basic EcoArt:load ecoart - all levels of the framework-a
This is the same bug as 709
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 709 ***
John Harris
10:07 PM Bug #708: Implement comm. taxonomy database / app changes
yep, this will have to be done. John Harris
10:00 PM Bug #713: Add intermediate levels to plantStatus, between standard levels.
I have no idea about this bug -- the summary and description seem inconsistent John Harris
09:58 PM Bug #703: Enter 1996 & 2002 USDA Plants List
After the taxonomy databases have been modified to include the new references
and name systems and are built and the ...
John Harris
09:42 PM Bug #936 (Resolved): Develop data-maps for Landcare, VPRO, and NRIS
There are 3 bugs refering to the coding of new plugins for the Landcare, VPRO
and NRIS plots data sets -- before thi...
John Harris
09:39 PM Bug #749: Data loader plugins:LandCare
Bug refers to writing plugins for the Vegbank plot loader - before this can be
done maps between these formats and th...
John Harris
09:39 PM Bug #751: Data loader plugins:NRIS :Develop Loader
Bug refers to writing plugins for the Vegbank plot loader - before this can be
done maps between these formats and th...
John Harris
09:39 PM Bug #750: Allow users to write plug-ins for third party data formats, export and import
Bug refers to writing plugins for the Vegbank plot loader - before this can be
done maps between these formats and th...
John Harris
09:32 PM Bug #824: Make website deal with user tables in vegbank, not framework
This was done fall 2002. John Harris
09:31 PM Bug #768: DTD publication - revision of DTD/XML to new format
This was done fall 2002: John Harris
09:29 PM Bug #782: [735] Revise accessionnumber?:Implement any changes
same bug as 781
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 781 ***
John Harris
09:28 PM Bug #848: [1190] Limit submissions to X plots (x in profile DB)
This is the same bug as 842
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 842 ***
John Harris
09:28 PM Bug #842: [1060] Limit uploads based on certification
*** Bug 848 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** John Harris
09:26 PM Bug #825: [1033] Management accounts??
*** Bug 831 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** John Harris
09:25 PM Bug #825: [1033] Management accounts??
*** Bug 826 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** John Harris
09:26 PM Bug #831: [1016] Management accounts??
this is the same bug as 825
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 825 ***
John Harris
09:25 PM Bug #826: [1023] Management accounts??
this is the same bug as 825
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 825 ***
John Harris
09:24 PM Bug #917: Performance: Test Oracle vs. PostgreSQL scalability
Gabe will do this after the 1.0.0 release. John Harris
09:23 PM Bug #914: Buy new hardware for post 1.0.0 release
After performance tuning and monitoring it might be wise to buy some new hardware. John Harris
09:19 PM Bug #915: Performance tuning
This is a post 1.0.0 feature and I'm reassigning it to Gabe. John Harris
09:17 PM Bug #882: [1366] Two flat ASCII tables with default attributes:corrections
Implemented before the ESA -- tested by Dave Roberts. John Harris
09:16 PM Bug #879: View a plot with simple URL
No idea what this is? John Harris
09:15 PM Bug #876: [1396] PCord export:refine
did this in july 2002 -- Dave Roberts tested. John Harris
09:14 PM Bug #872: [1296] View a plot, quick view:implement
Done in fall 2002. John Harris
09:11 PM Bug #862: [1266] Simple Query (rewrite views for query):implement
No idea what this bug refers to. John Harris
09:10 PM Bug #854: [1286] View seleted plots, 1 per line, select fields to view:implement
This was fixed fall 2002 John Harris
09:08 PM Bug #853: [1140] View and edit personal info
A user can view their personal attributes and their is another bug to fix the
system to allow for password modification.
John Harris
09:06 PM Bug #852: When register, link to party & then update
No idea what this bug is? John Harris
09:04 PM Bug #850: [1170] Delete plot
fixed this one earlier John Harris
09:01 PM Bug #844: [1230] Upload manager
This is part of the plot loading feature on the web site. John Harris
08:59 PM Bug #843: password modification via web form
Currently there is the option for a vb user to modify thier personal information
(like name) via a form but the passw...
John Harris
08:53 PM Bug #834: [1130] Access & editing of user database
December 2002 Gabe set up access to the vegbank databases for the PI's and in
Sept 2002 Harris set up a shell script ...
John Harris
07:58 PM Bug #619: Delete plots works, but sends fail messages
removed the ambiguous output John Harris
02:42 PM Bug #618: permission denied to build veg_plot/xml/
Changed the mode on the stylesheets so that mike could edit them -- please be
carful when doing this as this is the p...
John Harris
01:27 PM Bug #725: [505] Data loader plugins:VegBranch plots:Fix errors in loading process
Gabe, has made significant progress on this bug. This bug and the other bugs
related to loading plots data will be f...
John Harris
01:25 PM Bug #696: Implement reference and party-related database changes
Due to:
1] Gabe starting work on the vegbank codebase and the desire to have him work
with 'working' code
2] the ext...
John Harris
01:20 PM Bug #928: Impliment constraints on data fields
It has been decided that this validation layer must be implemented before the
1.0.0 release, so that inconsistent dat...
John Harris


12:03 PM Bug #696: Implement reference and party-related database changes
This is a Visio diagram that shows the relationship of the citation tables that
represent the new reference model. A...
Michael Lee
11:59 AM Bug #696: Implement reference and party-related database changes
added nulls attribute to each field, which was necessary for generating SQL.
These could change - this is just a fir...
Michael Lee
11:56 AM Bug #696: Implement reference and party-related database changes
This is a SQL statement that creates the new reference tables for all 3
modules. It also creates the appropriate rel...
Michael Lee
10:09 AM Bug #696: Implement reference and party-related database changes
This is an XML document that shows the structure of the new references data
format that will be added to the plots, c...
Michael Lee
11:51 AM Bug #697: [293] Revision and review of data model for References-b
XML doc on bug 696 shows ML's XML implementation. SQL is also there. Michael Lee
10:11 AM Bug #698: [290] Revision and review of data model for References-a
see bug 696 XML doc attachment for the structure for this new reference format. Michael Lee

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